why the left hates glen beck

There is no fallacy to my statement .You are trying to make moral equivalency arguments were non exists.
I'm making no moral equivalency arguments. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy in your own statement.

Those you admire were slave owners. Are you going to judge all they say and have done by that? Yes or no.
Yes. It is by their choices and policies slavery came to be abolished .
Had they tried to count black as having "full rights" the souths demographics would have secured slavery forever.
It is because of there imperfections as men, and what they did, we can know how extraordinary their philosophy was .
The argument is not what Mao did but the value of some of his philosophy. Ironically - some of which is embraced by our own politicians and millitary becuase it makes damn good sense.
Military leaders may study the tactics, they are not embracing Mao's philosophy.
Politicians can find ample inspiration from the writing of the founding fathers to guide them how to uphold the constitution if that is there goal.

If they are trying to over throw the constitution they would want to embrace the philosophy of a communist revolutionary

there are no communist revolutionaries in Obama's administration.
They exist primarily in the minds of the Glen Becks and Rush Limbaugh's of this world.
They call themselves progressives.That you don't understand the problem is no surprise

The same sort of minds that partnered Bush with Hitler.
Since you bring up Hitler, what would be wrong with cherry picking some of Hitlers philosophy.
Is that appropriate for any politician seeking to uphold the constitution?
Van jumped because he had to. He didn't resign for the greater good, he quit and ran because he knew - and Obama knew - that his position was untenable. He is still a communist - at least I have found no statement from him ever distancing himself from those beliefs. Now, for the record, if he had honestly stated his position when he joined, then that is one thing. He, however, tried to hide his communist ties and that is not acceptable.

As far as I know Van Jones never made a statement claiming to not be a Communist. As he was not running for office, the question was not presented to the public.
Of course it wasn't. Van Jones wasn't vetted by the Senate. He is an admitted Communist, and a Black Nationalist...And the SORT of people Obama has been surrounding himself with to "Remake" this Republic. And this doesn't ALARM you in any way? You'd rather fret over what a Cable Network does, and whom they HIRE...right?


Jones had planned to move to Washington, DC, and had already landed a job and an apartment there. But in jail, he said, “I met all these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of.’” Although he already had a plane ticket, he decided to stay in San Francisco. “I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.” In the months that followed, he let go of any lingering thoughts that he might fit in with the status quo. “I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th,” he said. “By August, I was a communist"
To whom would he have "honestly stating his position" when he joined? Should he have made some sort of general statement in the media pronouncing his political beliefs simply because he was hired as an advisor?



Why does Obama surround himself with people like this? And WHY do you more importantly, DEFEND it? Do you think Van Jones had the Republic's interest at heart? Does Obama? And WHY does it bother you that Beck Exposes these people? Doing the Job that the Leftist Media refuses to do?

It's one of two things with you...you either are unaware, or you applaud it. Which is it?

It is important to recognize the difference between a journalist and a commentator. If a journalist lies, that is not acceptable. Commentators, on the other hand, voice opinion and debate, during which, there are going to be statements and opinions that can be misconstrued or twisted.

Back when we had journalistic standards of integrity, it was easier to call these people out and we had far fewer issues. These days, with 24hr news, the internet etc it is impossible to maintain any standard of integrity, and with anyone able to say anything - whether it is true or not - I think that is to the detriment of society generally. It is now so hard to actually evidence anything to any degree of certainty that we may as well not bother looking for facts.

Amen to this!

2 problems arise here:


1. The lines between "Journalists" and "Commentators" blur when the networks hosting them do not specifically make statements like "The views expressed in this commentary do not express the views of the station",
Technicality, but FOXNEWS is a NETWORK, not a station, and so the hell what? Beck shows his work./sources, and that you cannot stand...again he does the work (and showing it), that ohters fear to do because they are IN the Obama camp, and buy into "REMAKING" This Republic...
and the name of the station is Fox News. The name of the station is not in fact "FoxOpinion Channel" and by not retracting statements made in their shows, they imply a tacit agreement with the information contained therein.

Fine. SUE them. Where is your outrage when CNN, and other Outlets (PMSNBC and OverBite/Matthews et.,al )do the same thing? Are YOU personally calling for the same you ask of FOX NEWS? If so? I haven't seen it.

2. Obviously there are many, many people, "Pale Rider" being a prime example, who take the word of commentators like Beck as fact, not opinion. And FoxNews does nothing to discourage this.

For the record? Member "Pale Rider" is correct. Hate to break it to you.

This is where you fail again. Beck is showing his sources, and commenting on it. Therefore he is a "Political Commentator" versus "Reporting NEWS".
Beck is UPFRONT about himself if YOU would care to listen.

You think FOX NEWS doesn't know this? They're ADULTS, and have I'm sure a HUGE staff of LAWYERS that keep it on the Up-and-UP.

So *IF* you have a problem with them? With BECK? Grab a LAWYER and SUE them if you think they aren't what you think they sould be, and more importantly? Add the rest of the NETWORKS that don't meet your scrutiny with some stupid-ass disclaimer you seem to be wanting.

If it's good for BECK and FOX and what you're demanding of FOX, then it should be across the proverbial board, NO?
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Beck doesn't lie.

He is dishonest though.

Just like Moore, Limbaugh, Hannity, Olbermann, Maddow....

Why is this so hard to grasp?

An example of Maddow being dishonest please. The word dishonest and Maddow and Hannity dont belong in the same sentance.

We will talk about olbermann after you prove Maddow was dishonest.
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Your "first sentence" was where you contradicted yourself, which I pointed out.

You're just pissed because I was able to accurately explain how Beck lies through misdirection and leading questions.

ROFL. Anyone with half a brain can easily see through your BS, of course Glenn Beck viewers are not famous for having even that much of a brain.

Got yourself caught saying Glenn Beck lies, and then saying he didn't. Now you're wiggling and squirming your little whiny hind end off trying to save face, but in all actuality you're just making yourself out to look like an even bigger buffoon with all this psychobabble.

Well it ain't over skippy. You keep up with the dishonest rhetoric on here and as long as I read it, you're going to get called on it.

Clean up your act and you won't have to worry about it. Your liberal shit don't fly here jerk off.
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Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Beck is doing what Fox paid him to do when he came over. Entertain and get viewers. He is not supposed to maintain serious journalism standards. If people take him seriously, its not his fault
yep, as I suspected - an excuse maker.
Mistakes happen. She wasn't telling you that you said something about fear-mongering. Sometimes we all read things a certain way that they are not meant to be. It's completely normal, especially when we have only one communication tool available to us (just the written word). You wouldn't want us to think that you are not normal, I hope. ;)

No she was trying to tell me that I had not addressed Old and Tired's question - which I had. About two hours BEFORE she made the claim that I hadn't. She explained HOW she made her mistake - but never admitting making the mistake.

I guess society is to blame .....
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Please *SHOW* the rest of the assembled class where ANY of these people, *PICK the NETWORK* aren't in it under similiar circumstance.

*WE* will be waiting.
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Please *SHOW* the rest of the assembled class where ANY of these people, *PICK the NETWORK* aren't in it under similiar circumstance.

*WE* will be waiting.

If you feel Glen Beck is a mainstream journalist, I can't help you.

You probably think Jerry Springer show is just like "60 minutes"

You probably go to a mega church whith a charismatic pastor who is having affairs with paishoners and stealing money from the church and you stand up for the pastor.

You are what every snake oil salesman is looking for.
Beck doesn't lie.

He is dishonest though.

Just like Moore, Limbaugh, Hannity, Olbermann, Maddow....

Why is this so hard to grasp?

An example of Maddow being dishonest please. The word dishonest and Maddow and Hannity dont belong in the same sentance.

We will talk about olbermann after you prove Maddow was dishonest.

Flashback: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Touted False Limbaugh Quote in June

Really Zona. STFU about something you know nothing about. Took me all of 5 seconds to find an example.

Here's some intellectual dishonesty on her show as well:

Comical Hypocrisy on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show at MISSOURAH.com

This whole "my side is holier than thou" thing that you 'tards propagate is just ridiculous.
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Please *SHOW* the rest of the assembled class where ANY of these people, *PICK the NETWORK* aren't in it under similiar circumstance.

*WE* will be waiting.
If you feel Glen Beck is a mainstream journalist, I can't help you.

I Don't, and that's the POINT. He is a Commentator. Plain, Simple.

You probably think Jerry Springer show is just like "60 minutes"

This is horseshit. Springer is an asshole .

You probably go to a mega church whith a charismatic pastor who is having affairs with paishoners and stealing money from the church and you stand up for the pastor.

Over the top, and now you're getting NUTS. You are NOW talking out of your sphincter bub.

You are what every snake oil salesman is looking for.
Nope. I look look at things with a wide view, and frankly can research things on my own. I look at the things Beck talks of, Limbaugh, Boortz or any of them for myself. So you are again talking out of your backside.

If BECK does anything? He gets people to LOOK at these things for themselves. I never said he was a Journalist. Look around at my posts Elmer Pudd. Unlike *YOU* I can think for myself, asswipe.
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Please *SHOW* the rest of the assembled class where ANY of these people, *PICK the NETWORK* aren't in it under similiar circumstance.

*WE* will be waiting.

If you feel Glen Beck is a mainstream journalist, I can't help you.

You probably think Jerry Springer show is just like "60 minutes"

You probably go to a mega church whith a charismatic pastor who is having affairs with paishoners and stealing money from the church and you stand up for the pastor.

You are what every snake oil salesman is looking for.

You sure do make a lot of assumptions Fudd....therefore.....you must be a

Beck doesn't lie.

He is dishonest though.

Just like Moore, Limbaugh, Hannity, Olbermann, Maddow....

Why is this so hard to grasp?

An example of Maddow being dishonest please. The word dishonest and Maddow and Hannity dont belong in the same sentance.

We will talk about olbermann after you prove Maddow was dishonest.

Flashback: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Touted False Limbaugh Quote in June

Really Zona. STFU about something you know nothing about. Took me all of 5 seconds to find an example.

Here's some intellectual dishonesty on her show as well:

Comical Hypocrisy on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show at MISSOURAH.com

This whole "my side is holier than thou" thing that you 'tards propagate is just ridiculous.

What did you expect from someone who has a Nazi picture as their avatar.
Beck doesn't lie.

He is dishonest though.

Just like Moore, Limbaugh, Hannity, Olbermann, Maddow....

Why is this so hard to grasp?

An example of Maddow being dishonest please. The word dishonest and Maddow and Hannity dont belong in the same sentance.

We will talk about olbermann after you prove Maddow was dishonest.

Flashback: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Touted False Limbaugh Quote in June

Really Zona. STFU about something you know nothing about. Took me all of 5 seconds to find an example.

Here's some intellectual dishonesty on her show as well:

Comical Hypocrisy on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show at MISSOURAH.com

This whole "my side is holier than thou" thing that you 'tards propagate is just ridiculous.

Still waiting for a lie from Maddow...Hello...
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There is no fallacy to my statement .You are trying to make moral equivalency arguments were non exists.

Those you admire were slave owners. Are you going to judge all they say and have done by that? Yes or no.
Yes. It is by their choices and policies slavery came to be abolished .
Had they tried to count black as having "full rights" the souths demographics would have secured slavery forever.
It is because of there imperfections as men, and what they did, we can know how extraordinary their philosophy was .
Military leaders may study the tactics, they are not embracing Mao's philosophy.
Politicians can find ample inspiration from the writing of the founding fathers to guide them how to uphold the constitution if that is there goal.

If they are trying to over throw the constitution they would want to embrace the philosophy of a communist revolutionary

They exist primarily in the minds of the Glen Becks and Rush Limbaugh's of this world.
They call themselves progressives.That you don't understand the problem is no surprise

The same sort of minds that partnered Bush with Hitler.
Since you bring up Hitler, what would be wrong with cherry picking some of Hitlers philosophy.
Is that appropriate for any politician seeking to uphold the constitution?

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