why the left hates glen beck

Lets look at the real reasons why the lefty loons hate Beck.

1) Nancy Killifer (Tax cheat) Beck exposed her, she's history!
2) Tom Daschle (Tax cheat) Beck exposed him, he's history!
3) Bill Richardson (Corrupt Clown) Beck exposed him, he's history!
4) Reverend Wright (Racist, anti-american preacher) Beck exposed him, Obama thew him under the bus!
5) Van Jones (communist scumbag) Beck exposed him, he's history!
6) ACORN (Corrupt liberal organization) Beck exposed them, they're history!
7) Charley Rangel (Tax cheat) Beck exposed him, the DNC threw him under the bus.

And now, lets take a look at the lefty dirtbags Beck is going after, and RIGHTFULLY exposing:
1) Kevin Jennings (piece of garbage)
2) Cass Sunstein (insane piece of garbage)
3) Valerie Jarret (corrupt piece of garbage)
4) Anita Dunne (Mao loving piece of garbage)
5) Harold Koh (Sharia law loving, anti-american piece of garbage)
6) Mark Lloyd (Chavez loving, anti-american piece of garbage, and the most dangerous of the bunch)

The above named are going to get hammered. They will be history.

And lets not forget the most important piece of garbage that Beck absolutely MUST continue to expose:
Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself!

Yeah, you lefty's are watching the pillars of your twisted minds crumble by the day.

Thank you Glenn Beck!
You're a true american!
Just had to bump this to remind you loony liberal Obamabots why you hate Beck and FOX news so much.

The liberal MSM abjectly refuses to hold your beloved Messiah and his sham administration accountable, but Beck and FOX news damn sure will!
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Beck is doing what Fox paid him to do when he came over. Entertain and get viewers. He is not supposed to maintain serious journalism standards. If people take him seriously, its not his fault

How many more times....

Glenn Beck is NOT a JOURNALIST! Why should someone who is not a journalist maintain 'serious journalism standards'?

What makes me really laugh about your post is that actual journalists don't maintain any journalistic standards whatsoever yet I see no complaining about them! Instead you complain about a non journalist not maintaining journalistic standards. Do you know how stupid that is?
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Why should Beck 'help' the conservative movement? He's not a conservative.

Damn, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

He practices personal responsibility and is successful to boot, and here you are bitching and moaning about it. Go pickup your unemployment check.
isn't it pathetic when a poster keeps quoting himself to regurgitate opinions that nobody cared about the FIRST time he posted them .......
isn't it pathetic when a poster keeps quoting himself to regurgitate opinions that nobody cared about the FIRST time he posted them .......
Isn't it pathetic that a lockstep Obamabot just can't admit that Beck and FOX news is holding your beloved "Manchurian Teleprompter", and his sham anti-american administration acccountable?

Fact is, Obama could blow away his wife and kids today, and by this evening lockstep loons like yourself would come up with a myriad of excuses as to why he was justified.

Face it, people like you are lunatics, NOTHING MORE!:cuckoo:
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Why should Beck 'help' the conservative movement? He's not a conservative.

Damn, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Even though he calls himself a conservative, he's not a conservative.

I see.
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Why should Beck 'help' the conservative movement? He's not a conservative.

Damn, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Even though he calls himself a conservative, he's not a conservative.

I see.

Technically, he is a Libertarian. True, they are 'conservative', but let's be factually accurate about shit.
Didnt fox go to court and they won...they can legally lie since they are not real...I think I read something about that once. Will check when I get home.
Lets look at the real reasons why the lefty loons hate Beck.

1) Nancy Killifer (Tax cheat) Beck exposed her, she's history!
2) Tom Daschle (Tax cheat) Beck exposed him, he's history!
3) Bill Richardson (Corrupt Clown) Beck exposed him, he's history!
4) Reverend Wright (Racist, anti-american preacher) Beck exposed him, Obama thew him under the bus!
5) Van Jones (communist scumbag) Beck exposed him, he's history!
6) ACORN (Corrupt liberal organization) Beck exposed them, they're history!
7) Charley Rangel (Tax cheat) Beck exposed him, the DNC threw him under the bus.

And now, lets take a look at the lefty dirtbags Beck is going after, and RIGHTFULLY exposing:
1) Kevin Jennings (piece of garbage)
2) Cass Sunstein (insane piece of garbage)
3) Valerie Jarret (corrupt piece of garbage)
4) Anita Dunne (Mao loving piece of garbage)
5) Harold Koh (Sharia law loving, anti-american piece of garbage)
6) Mark Lloyd (Chavez loving, anti-american piece of garbage, and the most dangerous of the bunch)

The above named are going to get hammered. They will be history.

And lets not forget the most important piece of garbage that Beck absolutely MUST continue to expose:
Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself!

Yeah, you lefty's are watching the pillars of your twisted minds crumble by the day.

Thank you Glenn Beck!
You're a true american!

Please explain how YOUR hatred for Americans is patriotism and al Qaeda's hatred for Americans is evil?

"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."
Barry Goldwater (R) – Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement
Lets look at the real reasons why the lefty loons hate Beck.

1) Nancy Killifer (Tax cheat) Beck exposed her, she's history!
2) Tom Daschle (Tax cheat) Beck exposed him, he's history!
3) Bill Richardson (Corrupt Clown) Beck exposed him, he's history!
4) Reverend Wright (Racist, anti-american preacher) Beck exposed him, Obama thew him under the bus!
5) Van Jones (communist scumbag) Beck exposed him, he's history!
6) ACORN (Corrupt liberal organization) Beck exposed them, they're history!
7) Charley Rangel (Tax cheat) Beck exposed him, the DNC threw him under the bus.

And now, lets take a look at the lefty dirtbags Beck is going after, and RIGHTFULLY exposing:
1) Kevin Jennings (piece of garbage)
2) Cass Sunstein (insane piece of garbage)
3) Valerie Jarret (corrupt piece of garbage)
4) Anita Dunne (Mao loving piece of garbage)
5) Harold Koh (Sharia law loving, anti-american piece of garbage)
6) Mark Lloyd (Chavez loving, anti-american piece of garbage, and the most dangerous of the bunch)

The above named are going to get hammered. They will be history.

And lets not forget the most important piece of garbage that Beck absolutely MUST continue to expose:
Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself!

Yeah, you lefty's are watching the pillars of your twisted minds crumble by the day.

Thank you Glenn Beck!
You're a true american!

Please explain how YOUR hatred for Americans is patriotism and al Qaeda's hatred for Americans is evil?

"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."
Barry Goldwater (R) – Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

While I do not respond on behalf of Wicked, I'd go out on a limb and suggest that disliking the 'values' of certain Americans, is not hatred for Americans. I'm not overly suprised that you don't get that.
Please explain how YOUR hatred for Americans is patriotism and al Qaeda's hatred for Americans is evil?

He hates specific Americans, while al Qauda fanatics hate the American Government and allow that to act as an excuse for atrocities.
Hatred, while human, is a destructive emotion.
Atrocities are evil, whether committed by al Queda, interrogators at Gitmo under Bush's orders, or Navy pilots bombing civilian targets because of Clinton's orders. The stench of evil taints all those actions.
Why should Beck 'help' the conservative movement? He's not a conservative.

Damn, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Even though he calls himself a conservative, he's not a conservative.

I see.

Technically, he is a Libertarian. True, they are 'conservative', but let's be factually accurate about shit.

It's funny watching you contradict yourself in two seconds flat.

The party he may feel most aligned with is libertarian. His ideology is most certainly conservative, and he bluntly and clearly states he is a conservative.

Either your barrel is very very large, or those fish are teeny wienies.

Maybe you need a better gun?
Please explain how YOUR hatred for Americans is patriotism and al Qaeda's hatred for Americans is evil?

"Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism."
Barry Goldwater (R) – Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

While I do not respond on behalf of Wicked, I'd go out on a limb and suggest that disliking the 'values' of certain Americans, is not hatred for Americans. I'm not overly suprised that you don't get that.

Really, what do YOU do with garbage in your house?

Calling an American GARBAGE is not "disliking the 'values' of certain Americans" ...it's HATE

I'm not overly surprised that YOU don't get that.
While I do not respond on behalf of Wicked, I'd go out on a limb and suggest that disliking the 'values' of certain Americans, is not hatred for Americans. I'm not overly suprised that you don't get that.

Really, what do YOU do with garbage in your house?

Calling an American GARBAGE is not "disliking the 'values' of certain Americans" ...it's HATE

I'm not overly surprised that YOU don't get that.

Grow up, Bf. That is such a leap, you might as well change your username to John Glenn.

I would call them garbage too. Does that mean I hate them? No. I dislike them and what they stand for.

I don't agree with liberals on a lot (not all) of their political beliefs. Does that mean I hate liberals? No. I just disagree with them.

Stop trying to label everyone who has not been assimilated into the Obama Borg Nation as 'haters'. We aren't. And we are no less American than you.

So there. :tongue:
Glenn Beck is a self promoter motivated by money. Much like the snake oil salesman of old.

He says things to increase ratings, He needs to be outlandish or the rating will not go up.
His show is closer to the Jerry Springer show than Meet the Press.

His rhetoric is driven by money and ratings not personal convictions.

He is laughing all the way to the bank. He is making fools of those who criticize him and those who follow him.

Those who criticize him help his ratings and those who follow him are just fools. Every snake oil salesman is looking for the suckers who will follow a Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck is helping his bank account but not the conservative movement.

Why should Beck 'help' the conservative movement? He's not a conservative.

Damn, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Even though he calls himself a conservative, he's not a conservative.

I see.

He refers to himself as a Libertarian.
Really, what do YOU do with garbage in your house?

Calling an American GARBAGE is not "disliking the 'values' of certain Americans" ...it's HATE

I'm not overly surprised that YOU don't get that.

Grow up, Bf. That is such a leap, you might as well change your username to John Glenn.

I would call them garbage too. Does that mean I hate them? No. I dislike them and what they stand for.

I don't agree with liberals on a lot (not all) of their political beliefs. Does that mean I hate liberals? No. I just disagree with them.

Stop trying to label everyone who has not been assimilated into the Obama Borg Nation as 'haters'. We aren't. And we are no less American than you.

So there. :tongue:

Are YOU now Wicked Jester???

What's truly ironic about this whole war is that the conservatives in our country do not seem to realize that the Taliban is simply an extreme version of the same primal impulse that drives them.

In every population there is a distribution of conservative to progressive, aggressive to peaceful, etc. The famous classical game theoretic model, the Hawk-Dove contest, shows that the evolutionarily stable population in that model is not all hawks or all doves, but rather a certain degree of each; in that model, 58% "doves" and 42% "hawks". It stands to reason that it is expected that you will have both types of personality in your population. Similarly, I believe a stable distribution of political sensibility is probably one with both progressive and conservative elements.

Of course, it's funny how the same personality type seems to latch on to radically different ideas depending on the society. "Conservatives" here profess a belief in capitalism and extol the virtues of the good old days of the 1950's, a half century ago; "conservatives" in Russia pine for the bygone days of the stability of the old Soviet empire. I believe that the propensity in conservatives is not towards ideologies per se, but rather towards status quo versus change. I'd bet you'd find much more psychologically (and perhaps genetically?) similar between conservatives here and in Russia, despite the fact that they profess supposedly opposite nostalgias.

But of course a typical conservative doesn't look at the conservatism of their enemy and learn to moderate themselves; they see the enemy as an "other", as confirmation of their own rigid views, despite the evident similarity between the two stances.
M. Hadeishi

"While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives."
Robert Altemeyer

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