Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

Take a look at what happened here, for the thousandth time: I made a point, triggered a few Regressives, and off we go.

Again -- WHO??

These "Regressives" don't have names?

How long does this cat-and-mouse game go on? Because there's always a chance that a more interesting thread will come up, like "World Toilet Day".
Holy crap, I never have to name names. It's WAY too much fun watching Regressives self-identify for me.

If you're that curious, all you have to do is read the thread.

True story!
The thread states we of the left embrace terrorists. Unless you can provide actual examples then I am calling it out for the lie it is.
Because you made the claim.
If someone is going to deny the behaviors of the Regressive Left, I already know there is absolutely nothing I can say or provide that will get them to admit otherwise.

Nothing. Period. An abject waste of time.

Faced with that situation, would you put forth the effort? Really?

I just want to see some real examples as opposed generalizations you trot out every time there is a discussion on Islam.

I have not seen anyone defend or even express tolerance for terrorism, or the more extreme ways Islam is practiced in some parts of the world.
Take a look at what happened here, for the thousandth time: I made a point, triggered a few Regressives, and off we go. And I know that no matter how much "proof" I provide, it will never, ever be "good enough". I've played that game with them a thousand times here, and I no longer do so.

Look at how important it is to them that they "beat" me, "prove" me "wrong", "discredit" me, whatever. Clearly their self-esteem is tied pretty closely to USMB.

I simply have no such need. This is an internet message board. An interesting place to observe. That's it.

If you really don't see the behaviors I describe regarding the Regressive Left, there is nothing I can say to help. That's fine with me.

Let me graphically illustrate it for you:

Let’s go back to the beginning here.

Look at the OP title.

Read the Op.

Then look at your first response to the thread.

Putting them all together, my take on it is: the OP claims the left supports the stoning of people, the murder of gays and Islamic terrorism because the left refuses to jump on the “ all Islam is evil” bandwagon. Your reply implies agreement.

People have asked for real life examples of leftists of consequence who support that. I might have missed the reply but I didn’t see it.

If some one supports any of what I said above I would condemn it.
If a person says that the Regressives support jihadism, I will disagree with them. It only seems that way.

What I have said about a thousand times now, and will be happy to say again, is that the Left uses an "Oppressed/Oppressor" template that they apply to virtually every relationship. When they have identified the "Oppressed" party, they will spin for it, deflect for it, attack for it and defend it no matter what - up to and including a point at which they are literally enabling further poor behaviors by that group.

Islam (not jihadism) is one of the Left's pet constituent oppressed groups. A longer list:

Islamic Countries/America
The World/America

On and on.

If you disagree, and I suspect you do, then we disagree. And that's that.
Except that is not accuate or at least not unique to the left. The right has its own set of oppressed/oppressor pairs that they spin for.

Christians vs...almost everyone
Big Gov vs people

And frankly many of the pairings you list apply as well...just the sides are reversed.

Why is it so difficult to look at people as individuals? To not define by their extremists?
What they refuse to see is that this spinning and deflecting and defending and coddling ultimately enables the worst behaviors of whatever oppressed victim constituent group they are protecting. And there are several of those.

Guy, I promise you, if we were all Islamist haters like you are, their behavior would not change one iota.

Want to change their behavior. Change our policies.

Stop Supporting Israel.
Stop Supporting Wars
Stop funding "Freedom Fighters" who turn into terrorists when they don't agree with us anymore.

Problem. Fucking. Solved.

What isn't going to solve the problem. Holding up some self-hating Muslim who should probably just quit her religion because she doesn't have the spiritual authority to change it.
So you think if we had a different position with hitler he’d have stopped his advances? Dude seriously you can’t be that stupid.
Take a look at what happened here, for the thousandth time: I made a point, triggered a few Regressives, and off we go.

Again -- WHO??

These "Regressives" don't have names?

How long does this cat-and-mouse game go on? Because there's always a chance that a more interesting thread will come up, like "World Toilet Day".
Holy crap, I never have to name names. It's WAY too much fun watching Regressives self-identify for me.

If you're that curious, all you have to do is read the thread.

True story!
The thread states we of the left embrace terrorists. Unless you can provide actual examples then I am calling it out for the lie it is.
I agree. That isn't true.
If someone is going to deny the behaviors of the Regressive Left, I already know there is absolutely nothing I can say or provide that will get them to admit otherwise.

Nothing. Period. An abject waste of time.

Faced with that situation, would you put forth the effort? Really?

I just want to see some real examples as opposed generalizations you trot out every time there is a discussion on Islam.

I have not seen anyone defend or even express tolerance for terrorism, or the more extreme ways Islam is practiced in some parts of the world.
Take a look at what happened here, for the thousandth time: I made a point, triggered a few Regressives, and off we go. And I know that no matter how much "proof" I provide, it will never, ever be "good enough". I've played that game with them a thousand times here, and I no longer do so.

Look at how important it is to them that they "beat" me, "prove" me "wrong", "discredit" me, whatever. Clearly their self-esteem is tied pretty closely to USMB.

I simply have no such need. This is an internet message board. An interesting place to observe. That's it.

If you really don't see the behaviors I describe regarding the Regressive Left, there is nothing I can say to help. That's fine with me.

Let me graphically illustrate it for you:

Let’s go back to the beginning here.

Look at the OP title.

Read the Op.

Then look at your first response to the thread.

Putting them all together, my take on it is: the OP claims the left supports the stoning of people, the murder of gays and Islamic terrorism because the left refuses to jump on the “ all Islam is evil” bandwagon. Your reply implies agreement.

People have asked for real life examples of leftists of consequence who support that. I might have missed the reply but I didn’t see it.

If some one supports any of what I said above I would condemn it.
If a person says that the Regressives support jihadism, I will disagree with them. It only seems that way.

What I have said about a thousand times now, and will be happy to say again, is that the Left uses an "Oppressed/Oppressor" template that they apply to virtually every relationship. When they have identified the "Oppressed" party, they will spin for it, deflect for it, attack for it and defend it no matter what - up to and including a point at which they are literally enabling further poor behaviors by that group.

Islam (not jihadism) is one of the Left's pet constituent oppressed groups. A longer list:

Islamic Countries/America
The World/America

On and on.

If you disagree, and I suspect you do, then we disagree. And that's that.
Except that is not accuate or at least not unique to the left. The right has its own set of oppressed/oppressor pairs that they spin for.

Christians vs...almost everyone
Big Gov vs people

And frankly many of the pairings you list apply as well...just the sides are reversed.

Why is it so difficult to look at people as individuals? To not define by their extremists?
That question could also be asked of both ends of the spectrum.
What they refuse to see is that this spinning and deflecting and defending and coddling ultimately enables the worst behaviors of whatever oppressed victim constituent group they are protecting. And there are several of those.

Guy, I promise you, if we were all Islamist haters like you are, their behavior would not change one iota.

Want to change their behavior. Change our policies.

Stop Supporting Israel.
Stop Supporting Wars
Stop funding "Freedom Fighters" who turn into terrorists when they don't agree with us anymore.

Problem. Fucking. Solved.

What isn't going to solve the problem. Holding up some self-hating Muslim who should probably just quit her religion because she doesn't have the spiritual authority to change it.
So you think if we had a different position with hitler he’d have stopped his advances? Dude seriously you can’t be that stupid.

I have to disagree.

Joe IS that stupid.
Reading that thread and it looks like you were struggling for answers 2 years ago.
There was no struggle there at all. There were lots of answers that explained you moronic useful idiots quite well.
Not to mention the way they provided me with example after example after example of my point, right after I had made the point.

Hardcore partisan ideologues see only their side, and warp their personal reality to fit it. A fascinating bunch.
Reading that thread and it looks like you were struggling for answers 2 years ago.
There was no struggle there at all. There were lots of answers that explained you moronic useful idiots quite well.
Not to mention the way they provided me with example after example after example of my point, right after I had made the point.

Hardcore partisan ideologues see only their side, and warp their personal reality to fit it. A fascinating bunch.

It's almost cute watching them fall all over themselves to perform in exactly the ways as described and then immediately deny they have just done so.

If not for the fact there are so many of them and they are rank and file members of a major political party, they WOULD be cute. As is, they are merely dangerous subversives undermining western liberalism.
Islam (not jihadism) is one of the Left's pet constituent oppressed groups. A longer list:


As opposed to you, who sees the world divided between "Losers/Winners"

And you so desperately want to be one of the "Winners".

That's not how principles work, buddy. You don't take a position because you might win. You take it because it is right.

So let's look at your "List"


Meh, not really. Both religions are equally silly.

Islamic Countries/America

Here's the thing, buddy, and since I know you never wore this country's uniform like I did. Some of us just ask the very basic question, after 28 years of being at war with the Islamic world, what are we doing this for, again?

Again, when you stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you shouldn't whine about getting stung.


So are you pretending racism isn't a thing?


Um... no. Our complaint there is that Christians want to base the laws on their superstitions. We want them to be based on reason and good policy.


I wasn't aware anyone was "pro-Criminal". We just have some silly idea that the police should treat all people fairly and not abuse their power. It's not the criminals we have a problem with them "oppressing"... it's kids playing with toys or just having the bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I live in a state where we had to shut down Death Row because we were exonerating more criminals than we were executing, the cops were so fucking corrupt in this state.

The World/America

Again, soooo cute when Non-Veterans beat their chests about their patriotism.


Ah, yes, the "Greed is Good" thinking.
But why?
Millions upon millions of muslims support their bullshit. If they didnt, they wouldnt vote in terrorists, terrorist supporters and people that will continue their 7th century savagery.

Okay despite the fact that few countries even allow votes in the Islamic world that aren't pre-approved candidates, what Muslims support is the westgetting out of their part of the world. Any fool who says "Terrorist" is just trying to shine the turd that is our policy of the last 30 years.

When was the last time "Islamic Terrorists" attacked Japan? They don't Japan minds it's own fucking business.

Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.
Look at how happy all the towns people are when a rape victim gets stoned. There are videos all over the internet.

Yes, there are aspects of their culture that are fucked up. That has nothing to do with terrorism. And it's not like this country has a wonderful history of treating rape victims with dignity.

IMO, it seems like most americans only base it off what they see. IE american muslims. They arent really the problem.. Its the ones you want to import.

Except most of the ones who've gone off the deep end are people who were born here... but never mind.
Reading that thread and it looks like you were struggling for answers 2 years ago.

Naw, it was just no one gave him the answer he wanted to hear

I think the answer he wants to hear is, "Yes, Mac, those big mean old Muslims are scary... Here's a clean pair of shorts...."

What he doesnt' want to hear is the answer I've gave him many times.

It's not our job or our place to change their culture or their religion. If they present a valid and legitimate threat to the US, I'd be the first one on the front line to fight them.

But, "They are standing on top of a bunch of oil and the Jews want a homeland" isn't a threat to the US
Reading that thread and it looks like you were struggling for answers 2 years ago.

Naw, it was just no one gave him the answer he wanted to hear

I think the answer he wants to hear is, "Yes, Mac, those big mean old Muslims are scary... Here's a clean pair of shorts...."

What he doesnt' want to hear is the answer I've gave him many times.

It's not our job or our place to change their culture or their religion. If they present a valid and legitimate threat to the US, I'd be the first one on the front line to fight them.

But, "They are standing on top of a bunch of oil and the Jews want a homeland" isn't a threat to the US

They seem to have a struggle differentiating between migrants and terrorists. A lot of it is just dumb ignorance but some of it is just hate.

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