Why the left wing embraces radical muslim terrorists....

Take a look at what happened here, for the thousandth time: I made a point, triggered a few Regressives, and off we go.

Again -- WHO??

These "Regressives" don't have names?

How long does this cat-and-mouse game go on? Because there's always a chance that a more interesting thread will come up, like "World Toilet Day".
Take a look at what happened here, for the thousandth time: I made a point, triggered a few Regressives, and off we go.

Again -- WHO??

These "Regressives" don't have names?

How long does this cat-and-mouse game go on? Because there's always a chance that a more interesting thread will come up, like "World Toilet Day".
Holy crap, I never have to name names. It's WAY too much fun watching Regressives self-identify for me.

If you're that curious, all you have to do is read the thread.

True story!
I've just read the last dozen or so exchanges between posters requesting Mac flesh out his broad brush with actual case histories and it basically goes:

  • Mac: "I found Regressives! May I burn them?"
  • Board: "'Ow do you know that's a 'Regressive'"?
  • Mac: She looks like one!! (froth froth)
  • Accused Regressive: "I'm not a Regressive -- Mac dressed me up like this!"
  • Board: "Well"?
  • Mac: "Well... I did do the nose. And the hat. But she's a Regressive!!!" (froth froth)
I've just read the last dozen or so exchanges between posters requesting Mac flesh out his broad brush with actual case histories and it basically goes:

  • Mac: "I found Regressives! May I burn them?"
  • Board: "'Ow do you know that's a 'Regressive'"?
  • Mac: She looks like one!! (froth froth)
  • Accused Regressive: "I'm not a Regressive -- Mac dressed me up like this!"
  • Board: "Well"?
  • Mac: "Well... I did do the nose. And the hat. But she's a Regressive!!!" (froth froth)
I'm all frothy!

We live in a country where religious and personal freedom is foundational.

We may not agree with your faith but we will fight for your right to follow it.

We live under a Constitution that sets out those rights and laws which create boundaries for those rights so they do not impinge on the rights of others.

We should not be judging the many by the actions of the few.

As a leftist that is what I believe and it is from that perspective that I see most of the left here speaking from.
But why?
Millions upon millions of muslims support their bullshit. If they didnt, they wouldnt vote in terrorists, terrorist supporters and people that will continue their 7th century savagery.
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.
Look at how happy all the towns people are when a rape victim gets stoned. There are videos all over the internet.
Please, spare us your rhetoric.
IMO, it seems like most americans only base it off what they see. IE american muslims. They arent really the problem.. Its the ones you want to import.
You'll have to try again.

....but he didn't try in the first place, man.

All he did was react like a little boy playing Cowboys and Indians. That's the whole problem with these numb nuts -- they are incapable of understanding principles and can only march in lock step with labels. They are soldiers for team leftist, they know what is expected of them and they react accordingly.

Is this really any different than the most simple-minded fundies of the right calling somebody a liberal if they fall anything short of complete bible-thumping backwardness?
I've just read the last dozen or so exchanges between posters requesting Mac flesh out his broad brush with actual case histories and it basically goes:

  • Mac: "I found Regressives! May I burn them?"
  • Board: "'Ow do you know that's a 'Regressive'"?
  • Mac: She looks like one!! (froth froth)
  • Accused Regressive: "I'm not a Regressive -- Mac dressed me up like this!"
  • Board: "Well"?
  • Mac: "Well... I did do the nose. And the hat. But she's a Regressive!!!" (froth froth)
I'm all frothy!


.And enjoy your cappuccino--- you certainly worked hard enough for the froth. In fact we're gonna call you Frothty the Thnowman. :coffee:

At base it's really the OP's responsibility -- he wrote right in his title "the left wing embraces radical muslim [sic] terrorists", and then ran away rather than back it up. So really you should be frothing about that cowardice too.
You'll have to try again.

....but he didn't try in the first place, man.

All he did was react like a little boy playing Cowboys and Indians. That's the whole problem with these numb nuts -- they are incapable of understanding principles and can only march in lock step with labels. They are soldiers for team leftist, they know what is expected of them and they react accordingly.

Is this really any different than the most simple-minded fundies of the right calling somebody a liberal if they fall anything short of complete bible-thumping backwardness?
Well, as I always say, the two ends can be incredibly similar in their behaviors.

And who knows what they really think. This stuff is like Pro Wrestling. For all I know, they're just goofing around.

It SEEMS like they're serious, but...
I've just read the last dozen or so exchanges between posters requesting Mac flesh out his broad brush with actual case histories and it basically goes:

  • Mac: "I found Regressives! May I burn them?"
  • Board: "'Ow do you know that's a 'Regressive'"?
  • Mac: She looks like one!! (froth froth)
  • Accused Regressive: "I'm not a Regressive -- Mac dressed me up like this!"
  • Board: "Well"?
  • Mac: "Well... I did do the nose. And the hat. But she's a Regressive!!!" (froth froth)
I'm all frothy!


.And enjoy your cappuccino--- you certainly worked hard enough for the froth. In fact we're gonna call you Frothty the Thnowman. :coffee:

At base it's really the OP's responsibility -- he wrote right in his title "the left wing embraces radical muslim [sic] terrorists", and then ran away rather than back it up. So really you should be frothing about that cowardice too.
Well, I made the point on this that I wanted to make.

Then that triggered the Regressives, as usual, and the rest is history.
We live in a country where religious and personal freedom is foundational.


Yet you prevent the free expressions of ideas critical of the supremacist doctrine known as Islam.

If you actually believed these words instead of just grandstanding, you would apply this principle to the right of people to criticize anti-humanist doctrines as well as follow them.
We live in a country where religious and personal freedom is foundational.

We may not agree with your faith but we will fight for your right to follow it.

We live under a Constitution that sets out those rights and laws which create boundaries for those rights so they do not impinge on the rights of others.

We should not be judging the many by the actions of the few.

As a leftist that is what I believe and it is from that perspective that I see most of the left here speaking from.
But why?
Millions upon millions of muslims support their bullshit. If they didnt, they wouldnt vote in terrorists, terrorist supporters and people that will continue their 7th century savagery.
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.
Look at how happy all the towns people are when a rape victim gets stoned. There are videos all over the internet.
Please, spare us your rhetoric.
IMO, it seems like most americans only base it off what they see. IE american muslims. They arent really the problem.. Its the ones you want to import.

Yet another Monty Python reference?

You don't "vote" for terrorists. :lmao:

And btw if you're gonna plant your flag on a statement like "there are videos all over the internet" ---- I submit you need coffee before you post.

I understand Mac's got extra froth.
I've just read the last dozen or so exchanges between posters requesting Mac flesh out his broad brush with actual case histories and it basically goes:

  • Mac: "I found Regressives! May I burn them?"
  • Board: "'Ow do you know that's a 'Regressive'"?
  • Mac: She looks like one!! (froth froth)
  • Accused Regressive: "I'm not a Regressive -- Mac dressed me up like this!"
  • Board: "Well"?
  • Mac: "Well... I did do the nose. And the hat. But she's a Regressive!!!" (froth froth)
I'm all frothy!


.And enjoy your cappuccino--- you certainly worked hard enough for the froth. In fact we're gonna call you Frothty the Thnowman. :coffee:

At base it's really the OP's responsibility -- he wrote right in his title "the left wing embraces radical muslim [sic] terrorists", and then ran away rather than back it up. So really you should be frothing about that cowardice too.
Well, I made the point on this that I wanted to make.

Then that triggered the Regressives, as usual, and the rest is history.

Riiiiight, the triggered "Regressives" that have no names. We did this. Pass the Dramamine.
We live in a country where religious and personal freedom is foundational.

We may not agree with your faith but we will fight for your right to follow it.

We live under a Constitution that sets out those rights and laws which create boundaries for those rights so they do not impinge on the rights of others.

We should not be judging the many by the actions of the few.

As a leftist that is what I believe and it is from that perspective that I see most of the left here speaking from.
But why?
Millions upon millions of muslims support their bullshit. If they didnt, they wouldnt vote in terrorists, terrorist supporters and people that will continue their 7th century savagery.
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.
Look at how happy all the towns people are when a rape victim gets stoned. There are videos all over the internet.
Please, spare us your rhetoric.
IMO, it seems like most americans only base it off what they see. IE american muslims. They arent really the problem.. Its the ones you want to import.

Yet another Monty Python reference?

You don't "vote" for terrorists. :lmao:

And btw if you're gonna plant your flag on a statement like "there are videos all over the internet" ---- I submit you need coffee before you post.

I understand Mac's got extra froth.
Good gawd you are dumb.
What the hek do you mean you dont vote for terrorists? Are you saying the palis voted in HAMAS with a gun pointed to their head?
There are videos of ME muslims cheering that bullshit on. Thousands of them.
That isnt my only reason for thinking the way i do. If you didnt have tunnel vision like most of the retarded goobers on here, you would see it too. Its everywhere. The only place it ISNT, is in you ignorant retards rhetoric.
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.

Apologists pull this stunt quite intentionally, IMO. I don't think they minimize so much out of ignorance, but of dishonesty. Were they to acknowledge the truth, their entire house of cards would crumble.

A small percentage of Muslims may engage in terrorism, true. A significant percentage SUPPORTS the terrorism as a tactic towards the goal, however, and a MAJORITY supports the goal, if not the specific tactics employed by the terrorists. .

The goal is to spread the supremacist doctrine until nothing else remains. That is the real issue when it comes to understanding Islam, and one the leftist supporters ignore quite willfully. If these idiots were actual liberals, they would be railing against Islam, not defending it since it stands in diametrical opposition to liberalism in every possible way.
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.

Apologists pull this stunt quite intentionally, IMO. I don't think they minimize so much out of ignorance, but of dishonesty. Were they to acknowledge the truth, their entire house of cards would crumble.

A small percentage of Muslims may engage in terrorism, true. A significant percentage SUPPORTS the terrorism as a tactic towards the goal, however, and a MAJORITY supports the goal, if not the specific tactics employed by the terrorists. .

The goal is to spread the supremacist doctrine until nothing else remains. That is the real issue when it comes to understanding Islam, and one the leftist supporters ignore quite willfully. If these idiots were actual liberals, they would be railing against Islam, not defending it since it stands in diametrical opposition to liberalism in every possible way.

And here we go AGAIN --- and I don't mind trotting out the same show horse since it won so handily last time ---

Are you or are you not saying that any Irish people who agree that the UK should GTFO of their island are, by IRA intellectual proxy, "terrorists"?

Or is that a whole different thing that "doesn't count" because they're also Christians, which destroys your little Association Fallacy?
Riiiiight, the triggered "Regressives" that have no names. We did this. Pass the Dramamine.

Why do you keep demanding he tell you your name.

Did you forget it or something?

He (she) didn't point to me individually. He (she) didn't point to ANYBODY individually.
Apparently he (she) can't point to anybody individually. That's the point.

Nor can the OP ------------------ who ran away to hide from his own thread.

As I noted right from the start, all this thread is is yet another butthurt with some bigot whining that there are those who will not join him in his bigotry. That's all there is to it. That's why this imaginary Regressive-monster-under-the-bed has no name, no form and no examples. It's like "Satan" -- it doesn't exist.

In fact I'd say it's a safe bet that the wags who come up with these fictional Emmanuel Goldstein bogeymen --- whether it's Mac's "Regressive Left" or the OP's "left wing embracing radical muslim [sic] terrorism" ---- are the same crowd who believe in "Satan", the primitive concept of anthropomorphizing things one doesn't understand into a eeeeebil monster-type who has no underlying purpose, rhyme or reason, just that it's made of eeeeebil. That's a convenient way of running away from complexities of individual situations the anthropomorphizer can not or will not deal with. So you wrap it up into a "him" that nobody can prove actually exists, and then denounce your own creation.

Childish, really.
Last edited:
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.

Apologists pull this stunt quite intentionally, IMO. I don't think they minimize so much out of ignorance, but of dishonesty. Were they to acknowledge the truth, their entire house of cards would crumble.

A small percentage of Muslims may engage in terrorism, true. A significant percentage SUPPORTS the terrorism as a tactic towards the goal, however, and a MAJORITY supports the goal, if not the specific tactics employed by the terrorists. .

The goal is to spread the supremacist doctrine until nothing else remains. That is the real issue when it comes to understanding Islam, and one the leftist supporters ignore quite willfully. If these idiots were actual liberals, they would be railing against Islam, not defending it since it stands in diametrical opposition to liberalism in every possible way.

And here we go AGAIN --- and I don't mind trotting out the same show horse since it won so handily last time ---

Are you or are you not saying that any Irish people who agree that the UK should GTFO of their island are, by IRA intellectual proxy, "terrorists"?

Or is that a whole different thing that "doesn't count" because they're also Christians, which destroys your little Association Fallacy?

I am not indulging in an association fallacy, you regressive little git.

Your blather about the Irish is nothing but a red herring offered to distract because you lack the intelligence and honesty to acknowledge what Islam actually represents.
Saying it is just a "few" is ignorant american PC bullshit.

Apologists pull this stunt quite intentionally, IMO. I don't think they minimize so much out of ignorance, but of dishonesty. Were they to acknowledge the truth, their entire house of cards would crumble.

A small percentage of Muslims may engage in terrorism, true. A significant percentage SUPPORTS the terrorism as a tactic towards the goal, however, and a MAJORITY supports the goal, if not the specific tactics employed by the terrorists. .

The goal is to spread the supremacist doctrine until nothing else remains. That is the real issue when it comes to understanding Islam, and one the leftist supporters ignore quite willfully. If these idiots were actual liberals, they would be railing against Islam, not defending it since it stands in diametrical opposition to liberalism in every possible way.

And here we go AGAIN --- and I don't mind trotting out the same show horse since it won so handily last time ---

Are you or are you not saying that any Irish people who agree that the UK should GTFO of their island are, by IRA intellectual proxy, "terrorists"?

Or is that a whole different thing that "doesn't count" because they're also Christians, which destroys your little Association Fallacy?

I am not indulging in an association fallacy, you regressive little git.

Your blather about the Irish is nothing but a red herring offered to distract because you lack the intelligence and honesty to acknowledge what Islam actually represents.

So we're going with the latter part of the Double Standard. Allllll righty then.

We covered this before too --- when "we" do it they're outliers who have nothing to do with "us", while when "they" do they're reflecting who their religion is. Lather, rinse, repeat, ho hum, snore.

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