Why the Media doesn't call it "JUNK MAIL" voting


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
After this election the dems will never support mail in voting again...because they are going to lose some blue states because of it.....
In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

So, as long as the criminal gets caught you’re fine with them being assisted by the Government in the commission of their crime? That’s ridiculous.

I’ve voted by absentee ballot. I had to sign, under penalty of perjury, that I was unable to vote in person. This year I’ve gotten FOUR different postcards attempting to entice me to vote by mail. Despite two neurological incidents this year, I’m more than capable of voting in person, and I will.

What I won’t be doing is voting for anyone involved in these Mail-in-vote enticement campaigns. That includes all the incumbents on our City Council, our Msyor, our current State Senator and our current US Representative.

We’ve devolved from requiring proof that you can’t vote in person to ENTICING people not to vote in person in the last 28 years. That disgusts me just as much as it doesn’t surprise me.
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is....
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.

There is no such thing as "junk mail ballots". Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters to apply for one, without any of the massive fraud that the Trump campaign is falsely claiming will happen. Nothing is any different this election.

What is different this election is that Donald Trump is going to lose, and he's already trying to make excuses for losing. Just as he claimed last election, if he loses, the election is rigged. I wasn't then, and it isn't now.

Trump knows that if he loses, he will go to jail. The Republican Party was criminally negligent in allowing him to run for President. They knew who and what he was and they both failed to stop him from running, and failed to inform the pubic as to the character, competence, and background of tax evasion, criminal behaviour, and shady business practices of their candidate. Maybe they thought the could control him, who knows.

But now that everyone knows that they were conned, Trump is trying to illegal retain power to keep himself out of jail.

Smarten up, and stop spreading his bullshit.
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.

There is no such thing as "junk mail ballots". Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters to apply for one, without any of the massive fraud that the Trump campaign is falsely claiming will happen. Nothing is any different this election.

What is different this election is that Donald Trump is going to lose, and he's already trying to make excuses for losing. Just as he claimed last election, if he loses, the election is rigged. I wasn't then, and it isn't now.

Trump knows that if he loses, he will go to jail. The Republican Party was criminally negligent in allowing him to run for President. They knew who and what he was and they both failed to stop him from running, and failed to inform the pubic as to the character, competence, and background of tax evasion, criminal behaviour, and shady business practices of their candidate. Maybe they thought the could control him, who knows.

But now that everyone knows that they were conned, Trump is trying to illegal retain power to keep himself out of jail.

Smarten up, and stop spreading his bullshit.
and the democrats knew what hillary was and they ran her regardless ...because of that move we have trump.....
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is....

YOU wrote: they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is...

Anytime I receive anything I didn't ask for but was put into my mail box with out my request is JUNK MAIL!
JUNK MAIL Ballots are NOT requested. They are like all advertising, etc. using an address the sender has and mails it regardless of class!
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.

There is no such thing as "junk mail ballots". Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters to apply for one, without any of the massive fraud that the Trump campaign is falsely claiming will happen. Nothing is any different this election.

What is different this election is that Donald Trump is going to lose, and he's already trying to make excuses for losing. Just as he claimed last election, if he loses, the election is rigged. I wasn't then, and it isn't now.

Trump knows that if he loses, he will go to jail. The Republican Party was criminally negligent in allowing him to run for President. They knew who and what he was and they both failed to stop him from running, and failed to inform the pubic as to the character, competence, and background of tax evasion, criminal behaviour, and shady business practices of their candidate. Maybe they thought the could control him, who knows.

But now that everyone knows that they were conned, Trump is trying to illegal retain power to keep himself out of jail.

Smarten up, and stop spreading his bullshit.

Calif/and several other states ARE MAILING ballots UNREQUESTED!

This means JUNK MAIL!

Ballots that can be forged very simply because there is NO signature to verify against the JUNK MAIL ballot!
America is woefully unprepared for mail-in voting. The result will be messy and divisive.
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is....

YOU wrote: they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is...

Anytime I receive anything I didn't ask for but was put into my mail box with out my request is JUNK MAIL!
JUNK MAIL Ballots are NOT requested. They are like all advertising, etc. using an address the sender has and mails it regardless of class!
like i said before,thats your definition.....i answered your question as to why the media doesnt call it that....
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.

There is no such thing as "junk mail ballots". Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters to apply for one, without any of the massive fraud that the Trump campaign is falsely claiming will happen. Nothing is any different this election.

What is different this election is that Donald Trump is going to lose, and he's already trying to make excuses for losing. Just as he claimed last election, if he loses, the election is rigged. I wasn't then, and it isn't now.

Trump knows that if he loses, he will go to jail. The Republican Party was criminally negligent in allowing him to run for President. They knew who and what he was and they both failed to stop him from running, and failed to inform the pubic as to the character, competence, and background of tax evasion, criminal behaviour, and shady business practices of their candidate. Maybe they thought the could control him, who knows.

But now that everyone knows that they were conned, Trump is trying to illegal retain power to keep himself out of jail.

Smarten up, and stop spreading his bullshit.
You wrote: "Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters"

What is a generation? basically 20 years.
FACTS not generalized subjective and definitely INACCURATE dumb statements!
  • Hawaii will move to an all-mail election system this year for the first time,
  • California Gov. announced in May that the state would be sending mail-in ballots to every registered voter in the state,

NOW DUMMIES like you are just ignorant because there have never been MASS MAILING of BALLOTS ...BALLOTS!!! as the above states are planning to do. READ the above article thoroughly...wait that's the problem dummies like you have a very very short attention span... 30 seconds and like a puppy your attention diverted!

BUT your "for generations" comment? TOTAL LIE!! GET YOUR FACTS FIRST!
All states have some sort of "ABSENTEE Balloting" meaning almost all except now for Hawaii/Calif/ you have to REQUEST to register for an absentee ballot! But again evidently such a simple concept as JUNK MAIL voting means like CALIF... they are MAILING real valid ballots to registered voters!
Regardless if the voter still lives at the address on the rolls, regardless if the voter is AlIVE!
I don't know how one can make it more clear the distinction!
I vote absentee as I'm over 65. But I've asked for my ABSENTEE BALLOT... SIGNED the request form and when I get my ABSENTEE ballot I sign it again!
THAT is the control that will be missing from states that do "JUNK MAIL" ballots!
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is....

YOU wrote: they dont call it junk mail because its not junk mail......junk mail is 3rd class advertising mail.....sorry but that is what it is...

Anytime I receive anything I didn't ask for but was put into my mail box with out my request is JUNK MAIL!
JUNK MAIL Ballots are NOT requested. They are like all advertising, etc. using an address the sender has and mails it regardless of class!
like i said before,thats your definition.....i answered your question as to why the media doesnt call it that....

AND OF course the MSM won't call it that! BECAUSE IT IS A NEGATIVE ACTION that encourages fraud and the MSM as this attached shows
is locked in to present news BIASED positive for Democrats and negatively for TRump especially.
If you are a logical, rational person that I assume you are... don't you comprehend that the MSM supports this process because of two reasons:
A) Trump recognizes as he in the past as a business person has USED JUNK MAIL...knows that it has great potential for fraud and the MSM knows this!
B) The MSM supports this because IT favors fraud which most Democrats use in voting!

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.

There is no such thing as "junk mail ballots". Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters to apply for one, without any of the massive fraud that the Trump campaign is falsely claiming will happen. Nothing is any different this election.

What is different this election is that Donald Trump is going to lose, and he's already trying to make excuses for losing. Just as he claimed last election, if he loses, the election is rigged. I wasn't then, and it isn't now.

Trump knows that if he loses, he will go to jail. The Republican Party was criminally negligent in allowing him to run for President. They knew who and what he was and they both failed to stop him from running, and failed to inform the pubic as to the character, competence, and background of tax evasion, criminal behaviour, and shady business practices of their candidate. Maybe they thought the could control him, who knows.

But now that everyone knows that they were conned, Trump is trying to illegal retain power to keep himself out of jail.

Smarten up, and stop spreading his bullshit.
You wrote: "Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters"

What is a generation? basically 20 years.
FACTS not generalized subjective and definitely INACCURATE dumb statements!
  • Hawaii will move to an all-mail election system this year for the first time,
  • California Gov. announced in May that the state would be sending mail-in ballots to every registered voter in the state,

NOW DUMMIES like you are just ignorant because there have never been MASS MAILING of BALLOTS ...BALLOTS!!! as the above states are planning to do. READ the above article thoroughly...wait that's the problem dummies like you have a very very short attention span... 30 seconds and like a puppy your attention diverted!

BUT your "for generations" comment? TOTAL LIE!! GET YOUR FACTS FIRST!
All states have some sort of "ABSENTEE Balloting" meaning almost all except now for Hawaii/Calif/ you have to REQUEST to register for an absentee ballot! But again evidently such a simple concept as JUNK MAIL voting means like CALIF... they are MAILING real valid ballots to registered voters!
Regardless if the voter still lives at the address on the rolls, regardless if the voter is AlIVE!
I don't know how one can make it more clear the distinction!
I vote absentee as I'm over 65. But I've asked for my ABSENTEE BALLOT... SIGNED the request form and when I get my ABSENTEE ballot I sign it again!
THAT is the control that will be missing from states that do "JUNK MAIL" ballots!


Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

Did your last bullshit thread lying about voting by mail fall off the Board?
Watching all the various evening news and discussing the totally potentially fiasco known as "JUNK MAIL" voting which they call "mail in" voting!
Totally out of context. Totally ignoring reality.

But one news show called it Montana's Mail-In Ballots to All Eligible Voters.
Think about it. I have voted for several years using an absentee ballot. Each time I've followed the laws which require me to FIRST ask that I be allowed to do "Absentee" voting. Then the election people send me a ballot that when I complete and return I sign personally the ballot and they election people match MY first requested signature with the signature on the returned ballot. If they match, my vote counts.

BUT what I call "JUNK MAIL" voting is exactly what Montana, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, as well as the District of Columbia, are doing, actually sending out actual ballots. These are REAL ballots. So these states KNOWING that a minimum of 10% of these ballots will be sent to people that are NO longer living at that address... have gone ahead.
National moving average is 10.1% 32 million people in the US moved in 2018. To put that in perspective, that’s 10.1% of the population of 319 million US residents.

So with the projected number of Absentee and JUNK MAIL voting of about 80 million mail ballots would be sent to election offices this fall, a figure that is more than double the number of ballots that were returned four years ago. 75% of Americans can vote by mail in 2020, report says

I am 100% confident that with 80 million mail ballots AND 10% of population moving each year, AND two years passed (2020-2018=2) that's 20% or nearly 16 million ballots that will be mailed to people no longer living there. So with the below kind of behavior easily a percentage of them will be fraud!
15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America

In all of these cases, the fraudulent ballots were found, the correct result happened, and the fraud was prevented. The system worked in all cases.

So what you're saying is that attempts at fraud have systemically been caught, been found and been thwarted.

You've just shot yourself in your own foot.
So with projected 80 million mail ballots and 20% of Americans changed addresses in the last 2 years, you are 100% confident there will be and I'll give you some room... NO INCREASE in the number of fraud votes being cast? Because that's my point. I have NO problem with absentee voting...I do it!
What I do object is JUNK MAIL ballots, i.e. just sending ballots out to people THAT some may never requested! That is wrong.

There is no such thing as "junk mail ballots". Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters to apply for one, without any of the massive fraud that the Trump campaign is falsely claiming will happen. Nothing is any different this election.

What is different this election is that Donald Trump is going to lose, and he's already trying to make excuses for losing. Just as he claimed last election, if he loses, the election is rigged. I wasn't then, and it isn't now.

Trump knows that if he loses, he will go to jail. The Republican Party was criminally negligent in allowing him to run for President. They knew who and what he was and they both failed to stop him from running, and failed to inform the pubic as to the character, competence, and background of tax evasion, criminal behaviour, and shady business practices of their candidate. Maybe they thought the could control him, who knows.

But now that everyone knows that they were conned, Trump is trying to illegal retain power to keep himself out of jail.

Smarten up, and stop spreading his bullshit.
You wrote: "Multiple states have been mailing out ballots to ALL voters for generations, with or without requiring voters"

What is a generation? basically 20 years.
FACTS not generalized subjective and definitely INACCURATE dumb statements!
  • Hawaii will move to an all-mail election system this year for the first time,
  • California Gov. announced in May that the state would be sending mail-in ballots to every registered voter in the state,

NOW DUMMIES like you are just ignorant because there have never been MASS MAILING of BALLOTS ...BALLOTS!!! as the above states are planning to do. READ the above article thoroughly...wait that's the problem dummies like you have a very very short attention span... 30 seconds and like a puppy your attention diverted!

BUT your "for generations" comment? TOTAL LIE!! GET YOUR FACTS FIRST!
All states have some sort of "ABSENTEE Balloting" meaning almost all except now for Hawaii/Calif/ you have to REQUEST to register for an absentee ballot! But again evidently such a simple concept as JUNK MAIL voting means like CALIF... they are MAILING real valid ballots to registered voters!
Regardless if the voter still lives at the address on the rolls, regardless if the voter is AlIVE!
I don't know how one can make it more clear the distinction!
I vote absentee as I'm over 65. But I've asked for my ABSENTEE BALLOT... SIGNED the request form and when I get my ABSENTEE ballot I sign it again!
THAT is the control that will be missing from states that do "JUNK MAIL" ballots!



I CAN make up any term I want and JUNK MAIL Ballots mets the definition of JUNK MAIL!

FACT:Junk mail refers to things we receive in the post but did not request, i.e., unsolicited mail. We use the term when referring to physical and electronic mail. Direct mail and direct marketing firms send junk mail to hundreds of millions of people across the world every week.

So when a BALLOT is received that was not requested...JUNK MAIL!

NOW you read the history of ABSENTEE ballots!
I KNOW do you? I've done absentee voting for many years and it is WHEN I REQUEST a ballot! NOT when I didn't request a ballot and I get one!
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
NO the article SAID JUNK MAIL is anything that is NOT requested! NOW you are believing the post office definition which is how the mail is treated!
BUT I and rational logical people ask a simple question... If I get a ballot I DIDN"T REQUEST what do I do with mail I don't request? Generally JUNK it!
My whole point and I respect your post office experience is that the perception of when YOU get a piece of JUNK MAIL you don't care if it was first class or 3rd class or bulk mail! I and we don't care! But what will happen to a percentage of these JUNK MAIL ballots? Maybe a large will be returned.
Not as large will be trashed because at least 20% will be (10% per year x 2) for 2 years...addressee no longer lives there! Then a smaller % will be
forged! YUP... and those will be forged by Democrats because THEY have NO respect for the privilege of voting! TRASH will vote those ballots!
That's frankly why they are so anxious to mail "JUNK MAIL" ballots!

I hope you finally comprehend the distinction is not what rate is paid by the sender but bulk mailing to registered voters is wrong!
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
NO the article SAID JUNK MAIL is anything that is NOT requested! NOW you are believing the post office definition which is how the mail is treated!
BUT I and rational logical people ask a simple question... If I get a ballot I DIDN"T REQUEST what do I do with mail I don't request? Generally JUNK it!
My whole point and I respect your post office experience is that the perception of when YOU get a piece of JUNK MAIL you don't care if it was first class or 3rd class or bulk mail! I and we don't care! But what will happen to a percentage of these JUNK MAIL ballots? Maybe a large will be returned.
Not as large will be trashed because at least 20% will be (10% per year x 2) for 2 years...addressee no longer lives there! Then a smaller % will be
forged! YUP... and those will be forged by Democrats because THEY have NO respect for the privilege of voting! TRASH will vote those ballots!
That's frankly why they are so anxious to mail "JUNK MAIL" ballots!

I hope you finally comprehend the distinction is not what rate is paid by the sender but bulk mailing to registered voters is wrong!
whatever fella.....
that article was about advertising mail which is the true junk mail.....anything treated as first class is not considered junk mail......true junk mail that is undeliverable is wasted at the PO....ballots whether requested or not, are not shit canned,they are returned with an explanation as to why they were undeliverable......... :cool:
NO the article SAID JUNK MAIL is anything that is NOT requested! NOW you are believing the post office definition which is how the mail is treated!
BUT I and rational logical people ask a simple question... If I get a ballot I DIDN"T REQUEST what do I do with mail I don't request? Generally JUNK it!
My whole point and I respect your post office experience is that the perception of when YOU get a piece of JUNK MAIL you don't care if it was first class or 3rd class or bulk mail! I and we don't care! But what will happen to a percentage of these JUNK MAIL ballots? Maybe a large will be returned.
Not as large will be trashed because at least 20% will be (10% per year x 2) for 2 years...addressee no longer lives there! Then a smaller % will be
forged! YUP... and those will be forged by Democrats because THEY have NO respect for the privilege of voting! TRASH will vote those ballots!
That's frankly why they are so anxious to mail "JUNK MAIL" ballots!

I hope you finally comprehend the distinction is not what rate is paid by the sender but bulk mailing to registered voters is wrong!
whatever fella.....
So you are tired of trying to defend your position that it is NOT JUNK MAIL ballots? See I don't disagree with you that JUNK MAIL is generally (and I know because 20 years ago I did mass mailings of an advertising piece and we got "bulk mail" rate) but my calling it "JUNK MAIL ballots" is the FACT
that the recipient as in ALL junk mail hasn't ASKED for the mail. And that is going to be the problem. I have no problem with election offices mailing
reminders to do an ABSENTEE vote request form and then the voter is responsible for both signatures. But with JUNK MAIL ballots there will be
a massive delay due simply to signature verification issues.

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