Why the rape case against Trump will end up thrown into the trash

What ever you say, 5W
I merely react. If any party believes they are inferior, they normally display it by tearing others down. So let's hope you are not tearing posters down.
Geesus, at least he’s smarter. He believes in science and the law.
So you believe in the Roe v Wade rejection decision based on science and the law!!!!
Of course he's not guilty. If he was actually guilty of fondling that psycho skank who said or did nothing for FORTY YEARS and can't even agree on the time and place, it would be the worst date Trump ever had considering that he is only attracted to supermodels! If he were actually guilty, the crooked state wouldn't have had to CHANGE the definition of rape so they could include him. If he were actually guilty, the judge wouldn't need to bar Trump from presenting evidence in his behalf! If he were actually guilty, like every other loser the left digs up, she wouldn't be doing this now right before an election!
Guilty in a court of law. GUILTY.
The DOJ was never "under" Trump--- they've been out trying to get him, half the people there are Obumma hires.

Now you’re complaining that the Trump admin was incompetent.

Asshole, I've only brought it up like FIFTY times here. Guess you read about as well as you post.
You brought up shit. It would be in the hands OF a judge if it wasn’t made up shit like the other 60 times. dufus.

Think of it bubba…..your cult leader has you by the gonads
You brought up shit.

Must be why I've talked about it for years. The courts are worthless. Judges are afraid of ruining their careers and having 500 leftist loons rioting in front of their homes, that is all.

Just goes to show how utterly uninformed you are to still not know about this after THREE years! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump can purchase a bond.

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to appeal journalist E. Jean Carroll’s major legal victory over him on Jan. 26, 2024, when a Manhattan jury determined that Trump must pay her US$83.3 million for repeatedly defaming Carroll.

The jury awarded Carroll US$7.3 million for damage to her reputation, $11 million for emotional harm and $65 million for punitive damages.

Does Trump need to pay these damages immediately?​

Punitive damages are almost always appealed. Defendants don’t say, “Cool, here is a check for whatever amount.” It is a long appeal process that happens with these damages.

Trump has said he will appeal the decision, and he will likely first argue that the compensatory damages are too high. He will likely then argue that punitive damages should not be awarded, and second, that the punitive damage amount is excessive and is based on animus against him.

He doesn’t have to pay anything until the process is done.

Assuming that Trump reaches the end of an appeals process and is still ordered to pay this full $83.3 million, how would that be enforced?​

If Trump’s appeal is turned down, he could simply pay the judgment. Or the next thing he could do is say he doesn’t have the assets to pay.

The court would then have to do a deep dive into what his assets are. If the court determines he does have the assets and he still does not pay, he would be held in contempt of court. That has already happened to Trump in other civil cases. It means he could be fined or given actual jail time. Or, if he says he doesn’t have the funds and he clearly does, then the court can seize his assets.


From the first case judgment of $5,000,000 FPOTUS#45 has already had to create an escrow account to be able to appeal Carroll I.

Now with the Carroll II judgement he will have to create another escrow account in the $90M range to be able to appeal that decision or will have to pay the judgement to Ms. Carroll.

Of course we have to see the details once Judge Kaplan enters the final orders which sparks the clock for payment.

"Or the next thing he could do is say he doesn’t have the assets to pay"

You are ridiculous and more than that, you are wrong.

I believe during the deposition he claimed in the range of $350M in cash on hand.

Even if he doesn't have the cash, the court can order leans and asset seizure.

Well, I am not a member of any BAR. I am not legally able to represent people who are involved in trials. Still you would be shocked how many Americans actually have legal backgrounds. In College I had to argue many legal cases during class time.
Legal background in the real world means someone actually pays you for legal advice. Otherwise, you’re just watching Perry Mason reruns. That’s not a legal back ground.
Legal background in the real world means someone actually pays you for legal advice. Otherwise, you’re just watching Perry Mason reruns. That’s not a legal back ground.
Many of my former clients did ask legal questions and I was careful not to overstate my knowledge. But you knew that anyway. A person who is a member of a Bar is the party lawfully able to dispense legal advice. I do not watch Perry Mason now and never have.
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From the first case judgment of $5,000,000 FPOTUS#45 has already had to create an escrow account to be able to appeal Carroll I.

Now with the Carroll II judgement he will have to create another escrow account in the $90M range to be able to appeal that decision or will have to pay the judgement to Ms. Carroll.

Of course we have to see the details once Judge Kaplan enters the final orders which sparks the clock for payment.

Are you seeking a counter? I am not like you are.
I believe during the deposition he claimed in the range of $350M in cash on hand.

Even if he doesn't have the cash, the court can order leans and asset seizure.

I do not plan to try to sound as if i am positive on the issue above. Courts have enormous power.
You talk about it because you’re crazy. No evidence..none, just talk.

Moron, it is the actual people who committed the steal admitting it. In great detail. They name names, people, organizations, methods. They lay the entire thing out proudly calling themselves a secret cabal of shadow organizations including how they justified doing it and what they spent. They did it to keep Trump from being reelected. That was their goal. It took them a year of planning. Takes a special kind of stupid to not only not know about this by now, but to argue against something you obviously never read, have had hidden from you by all the leftwing media, and don't know anything about (other than to keep repeating like a braindead brainwashed minion: 'FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS!').
Many of my former clients did ask legal questions and I was careful not to overstate my knowledge. But you knew that anyway. A person who is a member of a Bar is the party lawfully able to dispense legal advice. I do not watch Perry Mason now and never have.
And you still think Trump is innocent after a trial. Amazing
Moron, it is the actual people who committed the steal admitting it. In great detail. They name names, people, organizations, methods. They lay the entire thing out proudly calling themselves a secret cabal of shadow organizations including how they justified doing it and what they spent. They did it to keep Trump from being reelected. That was their goal. It took them a year of planning. Takes a special kind of stupid to not only not know about this by now, but to argue against something you obviously never read, have had hidden from you by all the leftwing media, and don't know anything about (other than to keep repeating like a braindead brainwashed minion: 'FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS!').
Proof. Show the evidence .

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