Why the Right needs Donald Trump


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
San Francisco Bay Area
I am not writing this to be vicious, pick on a party, or be nasty ~ but to perhaps give my view of what I have witnessed over the years,and perhaps why the Republican's are having so much divisiveness in their party these past elections .
Enough so that a woman with some possible history has a good chance of becoming president if they don't unite.

As a counselor “You can not fix what you do not acknowledge”

In the 1980's Pat Robertson ran for president and failed. Pat Robertson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

1992 Pat Robertson started the revolution ( disease ) of the christian way to vote and basically brain washed many christian's across the land even in the the highly educated cities of our Country.

Pat Roberson used his TV broadcasts to build his view. All denominations held rallies, and sermons with thousands of tables sign ups for the republican party, feeling it was the christian way to vote ( I know I was there)

He basically used the pro-life movement for the parties argument. I agree with many of the pro-life argument's but I also lived in the 50's- 60's and saw what women did to them self's after a rape, many died.
Including my mother.

Moving ahead:

After Bush Jrs terms were over many knew we were screwed by the war and the Bush Economics and lost their ground.

Some felt the Republican party was not far right enough.

So the Tea Party was now strong,Pat Robertson's broadcasting for years on his christian show was all coming together.

" Robertson: The Tea Party Is God's Answer"

Robertson The Tea Party Is God s Answer Right Wing Watch

Feeling it was the way to go and it all sounded so good many didn't know that it was funded by the corrupt Koch Brothers Wolf's in Sheep's Clothing~

The Reagan Republicans were smart enough to see what was going on and started to leave the party.

Many now Grieve the Reagan years, I see it on the forums~

The Tea Party new candidates emerge and well Obama was re-elected November 6, 2012

We are pretty much caught up now to the present and pretty much know who the Tea Party supports now Aka Koch brothers. In case you do not know who these brothers are and who they are supporting >>>

Myths And Facts About The Koch Brothers Research Media Matters for America

Koch Brothers Reveal List of 5 Potential GOP Candidates to Support Mediaite

Pretty much the Republican party is divided and can not gain any ground due to it's divisiveness .

Donald Trump comes in and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about him, no one is in the back round giving him big money to own him and tell what to say.

American people are not stupid, we all know in all parties just how corrupt our government is.

I feel many from all parties find his exposing and behavior Right On ~ Not the practiced Bullshit we have been seeing for decades.

The longer he stays in the public eye, the more he will say what is really going on. I feel this is why he is gaining in the polls.

I feel that the Republican party will see how pissed the American people are, and what kind of Republican they want in the white house again. Perhaps this will bring the party together~

By Trump stirring the pot and putting people running for election on edge, perhaps all parties may find a way to unite again and bring in a candidate that is not run by big money and special interest groups. We know what is going on.

Anyway Trump has my attention, and I don't think he is going away anytime soon.
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well sorry, Most Republicans don't especially care to MARCH in lockstep with a bunch of corrupted Politicians in some freaking Political party.

that's what the Democrat base does. and you see what we got was some NOBODY community agitator thug like Obama in the last time.

so ready go march. who cares
Three days ago I would have agreed with you, Stephanie. But now we have seen where Trump was targeted by Fox News, the dominant conservative media, and now the exclusion of Trump for the second debate. Noth of these decisions did com from the people but party bosses.

So, in essence, they are picking our candidates and putting money where it counts. The people merely rubber stamp their winner with an election. I don't like it and I think I am not alone.

Trump is looking like a more feasible candidate the past few days. People who follow politics are angry and Trump answers that anger.
Three days ago I would have agreed with you, Stephanie. But now we have seen where Trump was targeted by Fox News, the dominant conservative media, and now the exclusion of Trump for the second debate. Noth of these decisions did com from the people but party bosses.

So, in essence, they are picking our candidates and putting money where it counts. The people merely rubber stamp their winner with an election. I don't like it and I think I am not alone.

Trump is looking like a more feasible candidate the past few days. People who follow politics are angry and Trump answers that anger.

If steph is representative, then they are not just angry, they are positively delusional.
Three days ago I would have agreed with you, Stephanie. But now we have seen where Trump was targeted by Fox News, the dominant conservative media, and now the exclusion of Trump for the second debate. Noth of these decisions did com from the people but party bosses.

So, in essence, they are picking our candidates and putting money where it counts. The people merely rubber stamp their winner with an election. I don't like it and I think I am not alone.

Trump is looking like a more feasible candidate the past few days. People who follow politics are angry and Trump answers that anger.

I didn't read the whole post and I've been really angry after waking up this morning reading about women being on the rag.
if they really go that route. then if anyone is on the rag it's that uppity corrupted Shrillary Clinton. that's just low in my book. but I can go low if that's how they want to play.
and now that I re-read what they posted You could be right. My apologies to the op.
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.

I see what you're saying and I can agree. but they did this same thing to Sarah Palin. and it was VILE
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.
He needs to stand up to it, and at the same time choose vocabulary that is not so incendiary. If he could learn some manners, he would be a great threat to the status quo. And I would vote for him!
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.

I see what you're saying and I can agree. but they did this same thing to Sarah Palin. and it was VILE
Sarah Palin doused herself in her stupid and lit a cigarette...
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.

I see what you're saying and I can agree. but they did this same thing to Sarah Palin. and it was VILE
Yes it was. I am going to make a point of ignoring issues that are decades old and do not add to the climate of the present debate for our present and future candidates.
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.

I see what you're saying and I can agree. but they did this same thing to Sarah Palin. and it was VILE
Sarah Palin doused herself in her stupid and lit a cigarette...

They thought she ( SarahPalin ) had something, they built her up and then chewed her up because she wasn't any good to them anymore..... Same thing with Bush, or anyone else not working out for them.
He is a Bulldog getting attacked by the Big money Pitbulls from all angles. Next thing we will see is drama to try and discredit him from his past.
Thing is he is standing up to the rhetoric, we had no idea this was coming.

I see what you're saying and I can agree. but they did this same thing to Sarah Palin. and it was VILE
Sarah Palin doused herself in her stupid and lit a cigarette...

They thought she ( SarahPalin ) had something, they built her up and then chewed her up because she wasn't any good to them anymore..... Same thing with Bush, or anyone else not working out for them.

Actually I think McCain picked her just for that reason. and I haven't forgave them ever since. she was my Governor When I lived in Alaska.
I have been a Registered Republican for many years. but THIS YEAR. I'm going Independent. and I despise both parties.

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