Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

Jesus doesn't need our help in His perfect plan of salvation. All we have to do is repent and realize we need a Savior and Jesus is the only one. SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT. FREE.GIFT. Nothing we did or do to deserve it. The catholics and all other religions remind me of the pharisees thinking they can earn their way to heaven- the first sin pride still fresh today.
No, the disciples were Christ's emissaries. They are not mediators between us and God. There is only one mediator.
The next question is difficult to answer, because the Bible isn't specific on the matter, and the answer is and always has been a bone of contention. I tend to believe what Paul believed for several reasons. But, It's one of those things that we'll find out when we get there.

As for dear Mary, who was just a child when she said yes to God. I asked the girls my youth group if they would have said yes, and they all said they would. Then I told them if they said yes there were men with machine guns ready to mow them down when they left the building, would they still say yes. Because that is what Mary faced. Death by stoning. Then she went to the house of a Pharisee to announce her condition. That took guts. Joseph didn't believe her.
She was 9 months pregnant and bounced her way to Bethlehem on a donkey. And she watched her baby boy suffer and die a horrible death. I don't know how she did it. God sure did pick the right girl for the job.
Is she a mediator between us and God? No. There is only one. Are we told in the Bible to pray to her? No. It is our Father who hears our prayers.

Luke 11: 27-28
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it
I dont think most catholics understand these terms which are the foundation of the New Covenant. Justification, sanctification, salvation. Justification sets people free from sin's penalty; sanctification means being set from sin's power. Justification is something that God does for us; sanctification is what God does with us. Justification is by grace through faith, while sanctification is by grace applied in life.
Jesus told the Apostles to spread the Good News. Do you consider them mediators? Do you believe that with never hearing the story of Christ, people would be introduced to him by the Holy Spirit? Did Mary have anything to do with Jesus entering the world and setting forth on his mission?

I guess if your friend agrees to pray for you, they become a mediator. So what people here are saying is that when my neighbor asks me to pray for their sick child, I should tell them to shove it and let this kid do its own praying.

Pretty disgusting view of the world.

Jesus doesn't need our help in His perfect plan of salvation. All we have to do is repent and realize we need a Savior and Jesus is the only one. SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT. FREE.GIFT. Nothing we did or do to deserve it. The catholics and all other religions remind me of the pharisees thinking they can earn their way to heaven- the first sin pride still fresh today.

Go tell it to Adolf Hitler and Charlie Manson.

No, the disciples were Christ's emissaries. They are not mediators between us and God. There is only one mediator.
It appears non-Catholic Christians believe Jesus is still mediating between mankind and God. Traditional Catholic teaching is a bit different. Christ's mediation between God and man took place on the cross. By the cross and obedience to God, Jesus redeemed the entire world, opening up ("mediating") the way of salvation for everyone. Recall, the curtain in the Temple was split and the presence of God was open to everyone, not just the holy priesthood. In fact, with Jesus' sacrifice, we all became that holy priesthood.

I am trying to make the point that Mary is no more a mediator than the Apostles. You seem to be insisting Catholics see her as a mediator, when we don't. She, like the Apostles (and all who believe) are members of the Body of Christ, we are family and we help each other even to the point of being emissaries for others. We (and that includes Mary--she is not excluded because of her status as Christ's mother) pray for one another and pray together. (When two or more ask for something in Jesus' name...)
The next question is difficult to answer, because the Bible isn't specific on the matter, and the answer is and always has been a bone of contention. I tend to believe what Paul believed for several reasons. But, It's one of those things that we'll find out when we get there.
Jesus asked us to spread the Good News, to teach the Way of Salvation as he taught. That makes us (including Mary) emissaries, and there is reason to believe that Mary has made appearances as an emissary to the world over the centuries. Once more, not as mediator--the mediation took place on the cross--but as emissary.
As for dear Mary, who was just a child when she said yes to God. I asked the girls my youth group if they would have said yes, and they all said they would. Then I told them if they said yes there were men with machine guns ready to mow them down when they left the building, would they still say yes. Because that is what Mary faced. Death by stoning. Then she went to the house of a Pharisee to announce her condition. That took guts. Joseph didn't believe her.
She was 9 months pregnant and bounced her way to Bethlehem on a donkey. And she watched her baby boy suffer and die a horrible death. I don't know how she did it. God sure did pick the right girl for the job.
Is she a mediator between us and God? No. There is only one. Are we told in the Bible to pray to her? No. It is our Father who hears our prayers.
Mary and her family seemed to have been members of a sect where some (like John the Baptist) made vows of virginity/chastity to God. Yes, it does take a bit of reading between the lines, but what would have been obvious to early Christians is that Mary made a vow of virginity to God (her sacrifice to God) and Joseph, a vow of chastity (his sacrifice to God).

We see that God accepted this sacrifice, but not in the way Mary expected. She was going to devote her life to God, not to motherhood--and God decided on motherhood for her just the same.

Try asking your girls if they would, as a sacrifice to God, make a vow of lifetime virginity. This is such a great example of how a most heartfelt gift to God will never be greater than his heartfelt gift(s) to us. Do you understand that Mary gave first and that she gave her most precious gift?
Luke 11: 27-28
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it
Mary heard the word of God. She obeyed it. Jesus was not downplaying his mother, but raising her up. It wasn't giving birth or nursing him that made her blessed. She was blessed due to her hearing the word of God and obeying it.

Don't you find it in the least bit sad that there seems to be a fierce need for you to disregard Mary and her life (both then and now) with what closely approaches disdain?
Jesus doesn't need our help in His perfect plan of salvation. All we have to do is repent and realize we need a Savior and Jesus is the only one. SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT. FREE.GIFT. Nothing we did or do to deserve it. The catholics and all other religions remind me of the pharisees thinking they can earn their way to heaven- the first sin pride still fresh today.
You're saying people don't have to put forth any effort or works to achieve Heaven, and that is contrary to the Bible.
I guess if your friend agrees to pray for you, they become a mediator. So what people here are saying is that when my neighbor asks me to pray for their sick child, I should tell them to shove it and let this kid do its own praying.
It appears The Irish Ram may see the act of praying for someone as in a role of emissary, not a role of mediator. Instead of mistakenly believing Catholics see Mary as a mediator, non-Catholics Christians should realize Catholics see Mary as anyone else who spreads the Gospel message or prays for others as an emissary.
It appears The Irish Ram may see the act of praying for someone as in a role of emissary, not a role of mediator. Instead of mistakenly believing Catholics see Mary as a mediator, non-Catholics Christians should realize Catholics see Mary as anyone else who spreads the Gospel message or prays for others as an emissary.

Thanks for your perspective.

This religious stuff is full of leftist double-speak, even from those I would not have recognized as leftists. It surprises me.

You're saying people don't have to put forth any effort or works to achieve Heaven, and that is contrary to the Bible.
Some non-Catholic Christian sects have the view of the "Once and done" version of salvation. Biblically, the word for "Justification" is the same word also translated as "Righteousness". Doing what is right cleanses the soul; wrong-doing is a blight upon the soul. Repenting (turning away from wrong-doing and instead doing what is right) results in forgiveness of that sin.

The once and done view is that any future wrong-doing is already cleansed from the soul and doing what is right is therefore meaningless or to no avail. A puzzling concept to say the least when Paul notes we are to walk in righteousness, and in Galatians and Romans Paul says in several ways that it is not those who hear that are doing right/are justified, but rather those who observe and do what is right are righteous/justified.

I think of it as some sects simply needing an easier version of Christianity in order to follow Christ. So many more blessings along the way when scripture is followed in its entirety. Instead of following a few, select verses, these blessings may be the reason why the majority of this world's Christians remain Catholic or Orthodox.
It appears non-Catholic Christians believe Jesus is still mediating between mankind and God. Traditional Catholic teaching is a bit different. Christ's mediation between God and man took place on the cross.
1John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One

Romans 8: 34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

Makes> present tense not, made>past tense.

Hebrews 7:25: 'therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them'.

It appears The Irish Ram may see the act of praying for someone as in a role of emissary, not a role of mediator. Instead of mistakenly believing Catholics see Mary as a mediator, non-Catholics Christians should realize Catholics see Mary as anyone else who spreads the Gospel message or prays for others as an emissary
It appears that Irish understands the difference between emissary and intercession:

Emissary ~ a person who is sent somewhere in order to act as a representative. The key in that sentence is sent; emissary derives from Latin emissus, the past participle of the verb emittere, meaning "to send out".

Intercession~the action of intervening on behalf of another.
It appears that Irish understands
You missed the point. You have been insisting Catholics see Mary as the mediator. I simply noted that she can be emissary--and really, advocate, as well. There is not need to denigrate Mary. And that is what you have been doing. Catholics understand Mary's role, and her place in God's plan. That role, that place was never as mediator or to be worship as some accuse. So now you know.
The brothers
I get that non-Catholic Christians are convinced that Mary had other children. "Brethren" is better translated as others in the household, for example Joseph's children from another wife. It can also mean nieces, nephews. In addition, if Mary had had other sons/children, upon Jesus' death she would have been cared for by these children, not by John the Apostle...who may well have been a nephew or cousin of Mary. (I remember reading at some point that someone raising the possibility, which is all it is--a possibility.)
You're saying people don't have to put forth any effort or works to achieve Heaven, and that is contrary to the Bible.
Here is what the Bible says that you have to do to be saved:

Romans 10: 9-10 if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. <period! For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Here is what the Bible says works are for:
2 Timothy 4:8
I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is a crown waiting for me. It is given to those who are right with God
There are several crowns distributed at your coronation. Ninja started a thread on the Bema Seat of Christ that explains what the Bema seat is.
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You missed the point. You have been insisting Catholics see Mary as the mediator. I simply noted that she can be emissary--and really, advocate, as well. There is not need to denigrate Mary. And that is what you have been doing. Catholics understand Mary's role, and her place in God's plan. That role, that place was never as mediator or to be worship as some accuse. So now you know.
You missed the point. Some here DO believe Mary is a mediator. She is not. There is only one. I have provided the scripture that proves that. No one is denigrating Mary. So get over it. Correcting false dogma does not denigrate Mary. It corrects false dogma. And I am about to do it again:

Not only is it false that Mary took a vow of celibacy, or virginity, it is not Biblical. I have already provided you with the names of Jesus' brothers. Do you know their names now or do I have to re-post them? You can find them mentioned here:
(Matt. 12:46; 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; 7:3, 5, 10; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5; Gal. 1:19
I get that non-Catholic Christians are convinced that Mary had other children. "Brethren" is better translated as others in the household, for example Joseph's children from another wife. It can also mean nieces, nephews. In addition, if Mary had had other sons/children, upon Jesus' death she would have been cared for by these children, not by John the Apostle...who may well have been a nephew or cousin of Mary. (I remember reading at some point that someone raising the possibility, which is all it is--a possibility.)
Who else was Joseph married to, and can you point me to the scripture that verifies your "translation"?
You missed the point. Some here DO believe Mary is a mediator. She is not. There is only one. I have provided the scripture that proves that. No one is denigrating Mary. So get over it. Correcting false dogma does not denigrate Mary. It corrects false dogma. And I am about to do it again:

Not only is it false that Mary took a vow of celibacy, or virginity, it is not Biblical. I have already provided you with the names of Jesus' brothers. Do you know their names now or do I have to re-post them? You can find them mentioned here:
(Matt. 12:46; 13:55; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; 7:3, 5, 10; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5; Gal. 1:19

Yes, keep sharing that opinion.

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