Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

I'll keep sharing scripture, and you keep sharing emojis. Because your are devoid of Biblical knowledge, you have nothing more to offer. You are ignorant of the Book and you keep proving it...:eusa_dance:


And you are devoid of any knowledge of the subject of the thread.

Like I said, it's America! Welcome.

You missed the point. Some here DO believe Mary
Your words were not, "A poster here believes Mary..." You were assigning it to the Catholic faith. Now you know that Mary as mediator is not Catholic teaching. Further, as I was attempting to point out in other of your posts, changing the word clarifies much. How you or I may define 'mediator' as used by scripture, the word mediator can have secular meanings as well. The poster could well have meant/used emissary, advocate, or a dozen other synonyms, but you chose to jump on the Biblical use of the word Mediator as it applied to Christ and further proclaimed that's how Catholics see Mary--that Catholics worship Mary! Leave what Catholics believe about Mary to Catholics to explain, while reminding yourself you can note what your sect believes about Mary.


And you are devoid of any knowledge of the subject of the thread.

Like I said, it's America! Welcome.

Many here have shot down the op myth that rosaries are necessary to go to Heaven. I'm just one of them. But your contribution of emoji is comic even if it does expose your ignorance of the Bible.
Who else was Joseph married to, and can you point me to the scripture that verifies your "translation"?
You may remember that before the New Testament writings there were Apostolic traditions. It has been a long time since I have gone over them, but the traditions of that time were that Joseph was married to someone else prior to marrying Mary and that he had children. I don't believe a name was given. It was also tradition that Mary remained a virgin.

Fifteen hundred years later, Protestants decided to toss out all traditions. Instead of studying Biblical languages, they went with the King James English and the English meanings.

And those are the differences between Catholic Christians and non-Catholic Christians. Recall that the Orthodox kept with Apostolic traditions and the Biblical language meanings as well.
Many here have shot down the op myth that rosaries are necessary to go to Heaven. I'm just one of them. But your contribution of emoji is comic even if it does expose your ignorance of the Bible.

Have you ever prayed a Rosary?

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Your words were not, "A poster here believes Mary..." You were assigning it to the Catholic faith. Now you know that Mary as mediator is not Catholic teaching. Further, as I was attempting to point out in other of your posts, changing the word clarifies much. How you or I may define 'mediator' as used by scripture, the word mediator can have secular meanings as well. The poster could well have meant/used emissary, advocate, or a dozen other synonyms, but you chose to jump on the Biblical use of the word Mediator as it applied to Christ and further proclaimed that's how Catholics see Mary--that Catholics worship Mary! Leave what Catholics believe about Mary to Catholics to explain, while reminding yourself you can note what your sect believes about Mary.
Wrong again. I addressed the op directly, and never mentioned Catholics in general. It was the attacks on Protestants over and over by the op that the broad strokes came about, but even so, dogma can be refuted regardless of the denomination that espouses it.
Nowhere in the Bible does it call Mary a step mother. Any denomination that says she was has leaned on their own understanding to verify a belief that simply isn't Biblical. In some cases to push a point, a denomination will create their own Bible to push their agenda.
If you can address what non-Catholics believe then I can address what Catholics believe.
I don't pray in rote. I believe what the Bible says.
Repetitive prayer is not a necessary prerequisite for entering Heaven, as the op believes it is. The op is wrong.

You didn't answer my question about the subject of this thread.

This kind of screws your credibility.

You may remember that before the New Testament writings there were Apostolic traditions. It has been a long time since I have gone over them, but the traditions of that time were that Joseph was married to someone else prior to marrying Mary and that he had children. I don't believe a name was given. It was also tradition that Mary remained a virgin.

Fifteen hundred years later, Protestants decided to toss out all traditions. Instead of studying Biblical languages, they went with the King James English and the English meanings.

And those are the differences between Catholic Christians and non-Catholic Christians. Recall that the Orthodox kept with Apostolic traditions and the Biblical language meanings as well.
lol. Maybe you should let the Protestants explain what the Protestants believe...

You didn't answer my question about the subject of this thread.

This kind of screws your credibility.

Oh, but I did. The rosary is praying in rote. Jesus discourages it, so why would I do it?
My cred is fine. You have no cred. You rely on emojis to make your point.
Can you provide the scripture that teaches the rosary prayer? Where did you learn the words?
Hail Mary full of grace chapter and verse please...
Oh, but I did. The rosary is praying in rote. Jesus discourages it, so why would I do it?
My cred is fine. You have no cred. You rely on emojis to make your point.
Can you provide the scripture that teaches the rosary prayer? Where did you learn the words?
Hail Mary full of grace chapter and verse please...

I can see it's going to take a bit of effort to get you to be honest.

Have you or have you not ever prayed a Rosary?

Simple "yes" or "no" answer.

If you can address what non-Catholics believe then I can address what Catholics believe.
There is a difference between knowing what a non-Catholic sect teaches and proclaiming they teach something they do not. It is certainly within the spirit of discussion to address what people actually believe. It is entirely different to assert another faith believes something they do not.

An example:

In the 1500s Protestants decided to throw out all Apostolic traditions that they did not see in scripture. They believed (and still believe) this is for the best.

Catholics/Orthodox have always followed Apostolic traditions and the Bible. We believe this is for the best.

At this point, Catholics/Orthodox can only point to traditions observed down from the times of early Christianity. There is no problem saying there is nothing about them in scripture that was gathered together about three hundred years after the traditions.

Protestants cannot prove a negative because they are not in the Bible, they never were.

Difference of beliefs. Both sides should be respected. No one has to pray the rosary to respect the rosary is a prayer. No one has to believe the perpetual virginity of Mary to respect that by following traditional and the original Biblical terms, many do. It doesn't matter that Protestants have to point to the English to make their points about this, they are still sincere in their belief. And...does it really matter what someone else believes about Mary's life? Personally, she did so much I hate to see her dismissed as of no or little importance, but I can shrug it off. It is what it is.
Maybe you should let the Protestants explain what the Protestants believe...
I do. Then I discuss what they have explained with them. I never tell them what they "really" believe or what they are "really" doing. That is an anathema and you have posted here long enough to know my position on that.

I can see it's going to take a bit of effort to get you to be honest.

Have you or have you not ever prayed a Rosary?

Simple "yes" or "no" answer.

Are you hard of reading? No, I don't pray the rosary. It is rote prayer and discouraged by Jesus. I pray from the heart. No beads necessary.
Back to the op's point. Can you produce the scripture that
1. teaches the prayer
2. that says it is a prerequisite to enter heaven?
You'll have to open a Bible to find it, and I know that's scary for you. There are no emojis there.

While it's open can you point out where Mary is also a go between? It might help misery out with her belief to quote the Bible regarding mediators. She also believes that Christ is Catholic. Can you find that scripture for her too?
Are you hard of reading? No, I don't pray the rosary. It is rote prayer and discouraged by Jesus.
Here is an example of you telling Catholics what we are "really" doing. The rosary is far from being a "rote" prayer. You change what Catholics are doing into something else. Even after the Rosary has been explained to you several times by different people in this very thread.

I did not know you believe that Jesus discouraged meditating on his life. Where did you come up with that?
Are you hard of reading? No, I don't pray the rosary. It is rote prayer and discouraged by Jesus. I pray from the heart. No beads necessary.
Back to the op's point. Can you produce the scripture that
1. teaches the prayer
2. that says it is a prerequisite to enter heaven?
You'll have to open a Bible to find it, and I know that's scary for you. There are no emojis there.

While it's open can you point out where Mary is also a go between? It might help misery out with her belief to quote the Bible regarding mediators. She also believes that Christ is Catholic. Can you find that scripture for her too?

Yet you feel qualified to jump into a thread which is clearly about praying the Rosary, and start lecturing, with a pissy attitude, nonetheless.

Zero credibility.

Give it a try, or go and spend a few hours in Eucharistic Adoration, and then come back and tell us about how Catholics pray.



There is a difference between knowing what a non-Catholic sect teaches and proclaiming they teach something they do not. It is certainly within the spirit of discussion to address what people actually believe. It is entirely different to assert another faith believes something they do not
Like believing that saying the rosary is necessary to get to heaven? Or did you miss the opening post, that myself and others corrected? That is the point of contention. One which you don't believe yourself...
Here is an example of you telling Catholics what we are "really" doing. The rosary is far from being a "rote" prayer. You change what Catholics are doing into something else. Even after the Rosary has been explained to you several times by different people in this very thread.

I did not know you believe that Jesus discouraged meditating on his life. Where did you come up with that?
From the depths of her protestant soul.

I notice how she and other protestants dodge the issue of whether Protestantism is-- as the Catholic Church has always taught (until around 1958?) -- a heresy.

If the Catholic Church was right about that (Francis probably thinks past popes were smoking somthing to teach that, though? :rolleyes:)

then ALL Protestant ideas and beliefs are NULL

I doubt that will bother the cult-like anti-Catholic folks like The Ram, though

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