Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily


Yet you feel qualified to jump into a thread which is clearly about praying the Rosary, and start lecturing.

Zero credibility.

Give it a try, or go and spend a few hours in Eucharistic Adoration, and then come back and tell us about how Catholics pray.



Wrong again emoj, this thread is about praying the rosary as a necessity to enter Heaven. Which it is not.
Like believing that saying the rosary is necessary to get to heaven? Or did you miss the opening post, that myself and others corrected? That is the point of contention. One which you don't believe yourself...
I don't get you. Why don't you take your arguments up with the VIRGIN Mother of Christ?

SHE is the one who told the 3 children to pray the rosary.

Go talk to her.

I hear the rosary is a good way to do that

Like believing that saying the rosary is necessary to get to heaven?
The OP noted Mary asked three children to pray to help souls into heaven. She told Francisco he, too, could be in heaven, but it would take many rosaries. This is far from the OP claiming the Catholic Church teaches teaches all must pray the rosary to enter heaven. The OP merely notes that the rosary does help some into heaven. Heaven, is not the same as salvation. People who have not yet met union with God in Heaven do have salvation and are in anticipation of that union with God.

The OP simply asked that if the rosary helped other souls and a little boy to enter heaven (not enter salvation), then might others also be helped through prayer (the Rosary being a meditation on the life, work, and sacrifice of Christ).

I have no argument with the OP. I believe prayer--any prayer--that worships God can help people enter into heaven.

I also understand that at least one small denomination holds a strong belief people do not have to do anything, Jesus took care of it all.

I don't remember all the other posts the OP poster made, but you seem to think it was said that the Rosary is necessary for salvation. I recall you insisting many times that it was in the OP, but I'm still not seeing it, so I'm guessing you mean it was said elsewhere. In any case, it certainly wasn't in the Opening Post.
Or did you miss the opening post, that myself and others corrected? That is the point of contention. One which you don't believe yourself...
Yes, you had to change some words around (salvation/heaven). I merely agreed the Catholic Church does not teach the Rosary is necessary for salvation. And it doesn't. If 1miseryindex said elsewhere that it was Catholic teaching, then I would disagree with that without disagreeing with what was actually stated in the OP. It is clear that the OP (not the Catholic Church) goes as far as to use the word "imperative" for entering heaven. Remember, "salvation" and "heaven" are not synonymous. Souls in purgatory have been redeemed. They aren't yet fully united with God yet, but prayers can help them on this part of their journey of salvation.

We are a family. We are the Body of Christ. We are able to help one another.
The OP noted Mary asked three children to pray to help souls into heaven. She told Francisco he, too, could be in heaven, but it would take many rosaries. This is far from the OP claiming the Catholic Church teaches teaches all must pray the rosary to enter heaven. The OP merely notes that the rosary does help some into heaven. Heaven, is not the same as salvation. People who have not yet met union with God in Heaven do have salvation and are in anticipation of that union with God.

The OP simply asked that if the rosary helped other souls and a little boy to enter heaven (not enter salvation), then might others also be helped through

I am totally discombumberated! What are you talking about? No one gets to Heaven if he or she is not saved, so why are you making a distinction btwn Heaven and salvation?????
I am totally discombumberated! What are you talking about? No one gets to Heaven if he or she is not saved, so why are you making a distinction btwn Heaven and salvation?????
It seems you believe in purgatory, or am I wrong about that?

The souls in purgatory have been saved, they are undergoing a final purification before they can be fully united with God.
It seems you believe in purgatory, or am I wrong about that?

The souls in purgatory have been saved, they are undergoing a final purification before they can be fully united with God.
well, you should have clarified that. Protestants get us wrong enough as it is.
I don't get you. Why don't you take your arguments up with the VIRGIN Mother of Christ?

SHE is the one who told the 3 children to pray the rosary.

Go talk to her.

I hear the rosary is a good way to do that

The Bibles discourages communication with the dead.

5. Deuteronomy 18:9-14 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 “the dead know nothing. … They no longer play a part in anything here on earth.”
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well, you should have clarified that. Protestants get us wrong enough as it is.
Are you catching it yet Meriweather? Maybe misery should leave what Protestants believe up to Protestants. Have you admonished her for not doing so yet?
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The souls in purgatory have been saved, they are undergoing a final purification before they can be fully united with God
Paul disagrees with you... Can you find the scripture that says there is a process for entering Heaven. That Christ's work on the cross was insufficient in removing your sin, or are you content to just follow some guy named Jack?

In his La naissance du Purgatoire (The Birth of Purgatory), Jacques Le Goff attributes the origin of the idea of a third other-world domain, similar to heaven and hell, called Purgatory, to Paris intellectuals and Cistercian monks at some point in the last three decades of the twelfth century, possibly as early as 1170 ...
The Bibles discourages communication with the dead.

5. Deuteronomy 18:9-14 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 tells us: “the dead know nothing. … They no longer play a part in anything here on earth.”

just FYI

I don't talk to people who aren't listening
just FYI

I don't talk to people who aren't listening
Sure you do. You even ask them for favor, or to be a go between. Not a good practice:

Deut. 18:10-12, “Let no one be found among you who…practices divination, a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.”

Is Mary still alive or are you talking to a dead person?
they are undergoing a final purification
And what does that entail? What exactly does that involve? If the cross is Part One, explain what transpires in Part Two.

Romans 5:1“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”

2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

Galatians 3:10-11 tells us people who try to add to grace Jesus gifted to us by His work on the cross are under a curse

What gets added in part 2 to make us finally worthy to enter Heaven?
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I guess Irish Ram is obsessed with getting Catholics to put down their rosaries!

Why should he/she care?

I mean, I thought this was America where everyone was free to believe as one chooses?

Oh, maybe Ram is worried that Catholics are going to Hell for meditating on the Life of Christ?

can't help but LOL

Well, if that's the concern... that's nice, but I seriously doubt, after reading many of Ram's posts that Ram cares about anyone except maybe Ram
It makes me feel better. I feel closer to God.

That can't be a reason you pray a repetitious prayer like the rosary! Surely you're not going to go to Hell for that kind of reason?!

... just being sarcastic, is all.... Ram thinks all rosary people are doomed to Hell.

I tend to think he or she should tend to his or her own issues, but that's just me

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