Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

What is the process used in Purgatory that cleanses you from the sins Christ did not cover, completely?
Some believe that two thousand years ago Christ's life, death, and resurrection covered completely all sins past, present, and future. Believe Christ did this and that is the ticket into heaven and sins of believers are gone even before they are committed.

Since sins don't matter, no belief that the soul is in need of purification. The belief seems to be that Christ purified all souls of believers past, present, and future and that soul remains purified even when committing a sin.

That is not my belief. As I said, different playing fields. One Biblical, one King James English interpreted through the lens of modern Western culture over fifteen hundred years after Christ lived, died, and was resurrected.
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I'm not asking about your belief. I am asking for information on Purgatory. If that is our destiny, do you have any information about it? Is it a physical place? Since you think it is in yours and my future, any insight into it would be greatly appreciated.
How? What is the process?
And why would a just judge punish 2 individuals for the same crime?
What sin did Christ fail to pay for?
Did God punish Jesus for Bob's sin of greed and then expect Bob to pay for it again? Is that just? Even a mortal judge wouldn't punish a man for murder and then drag someone in off the street and punish them for the murder too.
Is Bob's sentence lightened if Bob's sister gives money to the church?
What is the procedure by which our sins are completely removed there? And if I leave enough money to my daughters to give to the Catholic Church, do I get out earlier than poor people?
Your own beliefs prevent any information to be of any value to you. A belief that all who believe in Christ had all sins they would ever commit forgiven in their entirety before they were even born, not to mention before the sin was ever committed prevents this belief.
I'm not asking about your belief. I am asking for information on Purgatory. If that is our destiny, do you have any information about it? Is it a physical place? Since you think it is in yours and my future, any insight into it would be greatly appreciated.
Even prior to Christ people believed that any sin not repented of/not settled for in this life must be repented of/settled in the next. This is why even before Christ Jews prayed for the dead. Do you recall Christ saying there was one sin that was not forgiven in this life or the next? If you do recall this, then it follows there are sins that can be forgiven in the next life
What is the procedure by which our sins are completely removed there? And if I leave enough money to my daughters to give to the Catholic Church, do I get out earlier than poor people?
Again, those who hold the belief that all sins were erased at the time of Christ's crucifixion will see no need to turn away from/repent of any of their sins. Catholics believe Christ promised us repentance results in the forgiveness of sins. If we do not fully repent of/turn away from sin(s) in this life, then we will be given the opportunity for repentance/forgiveness in the next life. Purgatory is not regarded as a place but as a process of purification.

Christ offered his life to give all this opportunity to turn to righteousness so that our souls, our very being, are right with God. This is also known as justification/sanctification of our soul/spirit/being--or any other term of the same meaning.

This is very different from those who believe they do not have to be righteous, only Christ needs be righteous.
Your own beliefs prevent any information to be of any value to you
Instead of attacking me, since you know nothing of my ability to understand, why can't you simply explain the retribution in Purgatory that removes sin? If not beneficial to me it may be beneficial to others here who don't believe Christ's work is complete.

What is the process?
And why would a just judge punish 2 individuals for the same crime?
What sin did Christ fail to pay for?
Did God punish Jesus for Bob's sin of greed and then expect Bob to pay for it again? Is that just? Even a mortal judge wouldn't punish a man for murder and then drag someone in off the street and punish them for the murder too.
Is Bob's sentence lightened if Bob's sister gives money to the church?

They are straight forward questions. Why do you keep avoiding them?
What form of punishment is in all of our futures? What procedure in Purgatory cleanses me of sin once and for all?
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And why would a just judge punish 2 individuals for the same crime?
This doesn't even make sense. If two people were cohorts in the same crime, then it would make sense. You think Christ was being punished. I hold no such belief. I believe he was was bestowing a gift.
The Father did not punish the Son for giving his life and making the New Covenant known.
Isaiah disagrees:
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer
As I said before, these question are way out of left field and just plain silly. It amazes me you think they are in some way meaningful.
They are very meaningful if they prove that Christ's work wasn't complete. If you are right, I need to scratch out a bunch of scripture that says His work was complete and concentrate on what sin Christ's blood didn't cover, so my time in Purgatory is shortened. Can my children lessen my time in purgatory by giving money to the church? If they give enough do I get a get an out of jail free card?
They are very meaningful if they prove that Christ's work wasn't complete. If you are right, I need to scratch out a bunch of scripture that says His work was complete and concentrate on what sin Christ's blood didn't cover, so my time in Purgatory is shortened. Can my children lessen my time in purgatory by giving money to the church? If they give enough do I get a get an out of jail free card?
You don't think redeeming all the world and opening the way of salvation is complete?

Your definition of "complete" is someone being punished for your own sins which you can keep committing yet remain exempt? I know that makes sense to some, but it makes no sense to me. As I said before, if that is where the Holy Spirit is leading some and how he is drawing some closer to God, that is what matters. We have a loving God.
I need to scratch out a bunch of scripture that says His work was complete and concentrate on what sin Christ's blood didn't cover, so my time in Purgatory is shortened.
Why not simply concentrate on doing what is right and offering that to God with your thanksgiving for the blessings he bestows in leading you in the way of salvation and righteousness? You have been redeemed. If your soul is not completely righteous in this life, be trusting and thankful that this purification can be completed in the next life. God does not forsake us.

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