Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

Except...Isaiah was speaking of Israel/Jews.
Christ grafted us into the Jewish line, sooo. Does that mean the book of Hebrews can also be overlooked by everyone that isn't Jewish?

In our future is righteousness and sanctification/purification. Why do continually insist on calling this punishment? Are you punishing an apple if you cleanse it?
That was Isaiah that said it, not me.

But, back to purgatory. If Bob committed murder, while Betty was at home baking a cake, what just judge would punish Bob, who deserved it and then punish Betty, who was completely innocent? Why would God judge Christ for my sin and then judge me too? Why not just purgatory me and not cause Christ's back to be flayed or his hands to be pierced for my transgressions?
How much money gets me a shorter sentence in Purgatory?
Why not simply concentrate on doing what is right and offering that to God with your thanksgiving for the blessings he bestows in leading you in the way of salvation and righteousness? You have been redeemed. If your soul is not completely righteous in this life, be trusting and thankful that this purification can be completed in the next life. God does not forsake us.
Why not just answer my questions about Purgatory, instead of avoiding them? Is it a physical place? Are there different punishments there for different transgressions? How does giving money to the church lessen my sentence? Does more money means less punishment? Why did Christ just give a bunch of money to the Temple instead of dying on a cross to pay for our sins?
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Do you truly believe these are valid questions or is your intent to be insulting?
They are absolutely valid and pertinent if purgatory is where I am going and where Paul went.
Can you answer my questions? I know the method that Christ endured to cover my sins, I'd like to know the method in Purgatory that completes the process Christ started.
Christ grafted us into the Jewish line, sooo. Does that mean the book of Hebrews can also be overlooked by everyone that isn't Jewish?
Funny. Jews tell me the Book of Hebrews has nothing to do with them and was written by someone who knew little about Jews.
Why not just answer my questions about Purgatory,
Listen. Your questions are not about Purgatory. Your manufactured questions may be about something, but they certainly are not about Purgatory. Move on. I have already answered all that is pertinent.
They are absolutely valid and pertinent if purgatory is where I am going and where Paul went.
Can you answer my questions? I know the method that Christ endured to cover my sins, I'd like to know the method in Purgatory that completes the process Christ started.
No, I can't answer your questions. You think earthly money has something to do with purgatory. It doesn't. I haven't a clue as to what you think you are talking about.

Why not talk about your beliefs instead of making up stuff and then insisting someone who does not believe in the stuff you make up answer your questions anyway.
Funny. Jews tell me the Book of Hebrews has nothing to do with them and was written by someone who knew little about Jews.
Perhaps it was written for all of our enlightenment.
As for money, the Catholic church offered indulgences to lessen time in purgatory if you gave them money, or joined the crusades, for example. It was one of Luther's biggest complaints against the church. Since then the practice has been an on again, off again practice.

This comprehensive doctrine, revised in 1967 and remains one of the church’s teachings to this day. For example, from November 2021 to November 2022, the National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in Chicago offered indulgences.
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Meriweather, I know why you avoid the subject. You have no answers, because there are no answers. And that isn't your fault. It isn't described in the Bible, therefore you have to rely on outside information.
I believe it was you who remarked that all the people in Purgatory are saved but need to have some work done before they enter Heaven. The Birth of Purgatory written in the 11 century believed that all the souls in purgatory were the unsaved, and decided that purgatory was a physical place. The Catholic church changes it mind on the subject. Babies did, but no longer end up there. Paying alms to the church, lessened your time, until it didn't. It's sort of crap shoot.

Your beliefs are your beliefs, and that is fine with me. If a person believe in his heart, that Christ is the Son of God, and confesses with his mouth, then they are Heaven bound when they die, whether they believe they have a stop over or not. Religious dogma won't prevent them from reaching their destination. And I expect to see you in Heaven, when you get there.

Romans 10:9-10 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
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It's interesting how Protestants (most?) would have you believe that THEY... (not those clueless Catholics, ONLY THEY)

know the Bible

and they will further have you believe that they have read the entire thing! They don't claim that, they just ACT like they know the whole thing. They rattle off scripture verses right and left but if you notice, they quote the same ones over and over... forgetting something like 80% of the other scriptures they don't like to mention or don't even kno about.

They act like they've read the whole thing but they haven't.

I have not met a protestant yet who even claims to have read the entire thing.

I have, and on top of that, I hear it at Mass daily and if you attend daily Mass for 3 years, you will hear the entire Bible. I've been going to daily Mass for years and years
It's interesting how Protestants (most?) would have you believe that THEY... (not those clueless Catholics, ONLY THEY)

know the Bible

and they will further have you believe that they have read the entire thing! They don't claim that, they just ACT like they know the whole thing. They rattle off scripture verses right and left but if you notice, they quote the same ones over and over... forgetting something like 80% of the other scriptures they don't like to mention or don't even kno about.

They act like they've read the whole thing but they haven't.

I have not met a protestant yet who even claims to have read the entire thing.
Then you haven't met a protestant... Ask Frank Graham how much of the Bible he has read. How much of the Bible has John Hagee read? How much of the Bible did I read this morning and how do you know? Tell me what scriptures I read and whether I have read those passages before.

Apparently, you don't read it at all. You rely on what someone else read to tell you what it says for 3 years.
Your disdain and condemnation of Protestants, did you learn that in mass? Which year?
Perhaps it was written for all of our enlightenment.
As for money, the Catholic church offered indulgences to lessen time in purgatory if you gave them money, or joined the crusades, for example. It was one of Luther's biggest complaints against the church. Since then the practice has been and on again, off again practice.
Wrong. Indulgences are for this world, temporal punishment, not purgatory! For example, say at some point in one's life, one cheated someone out of money and that person could no longer be found to pay back. At that time, an indulgence for contribution to a charity (not necessarily to the church) could be granted as part of the repentance that sin which was already forgiven.
Meriweather, I know why you avoid the subject. You have no answers
I gave you the answer that matters in the first post. Why purgatory? Purification. That's it.

You then making up questions that have nothing to do with purgatory and then claiming I have no answers...well, duh. Who can answer manufactured questions that make no sense? I did what I could knowing all the while, your set of beliefs won't allow understanding in the first place. If your beliefs did, the "purification" would have been the only word needed.
Then you haven't met a protestant... Ask Frank Graham how much of the Bible he has read. How much of the Bible has John Hagee read? How much of the Bible did I read this morning and how do you know? Tell me what scriptures I read and whether I have read those passages before.

Apparently, you don't read it at all. You rely on what someone else read to tell you what it says for 3 years.
Your disdain and condemnation of Protestants, did you learn that in mass? Which year?
apparently you have a serious reading comprehension problem, @ least while reading MY posts..

Either that or you are just trying to LIE and ACCUSE despite understanding what I really said?


so Christian of you
Wrong. Indulgences are for this world, temporal punishment, not purgatory! For example, say at some point in one's life, one cheated someone out of money and that person could no longer be found to pay back. At that time, an indulgence for contribution to a charity (not necessarily to the church) could be granted as part of the repentance that sin which was already forgiven.
Then wouldn't it be more fair to pay back the one who was cheated? Apparently they are sol no matter what. Part of the repentance??? Repenting to a church? Is that scriptural? To ask God and a church for forgiveness? Do you know the meaning of the word repent?
I know what method was used by God to completely remove our sin. It is well documented. What method does He use to purify us in Purgatory. Fire perhaps?

Through Christ, I can go boldly to my Father.
Ephesians 3:12
In Him and through faith in Him we may enter God's presence with boldness and confidence.
What more is there for you to do to be confident that Christ paid your debt in full?

1John1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
What is your definition of "ALL"?
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apparently you have a serious reading comprehension problem, @ least while reading MY posts..

Either that or you are just trying to LIE and ACCUSE despite understanding what I really said?


so Christian of you
lol. I have seen your nastiness toward members in other threads here. Perhaps you should add this to your reading repertoire:


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