Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

someone managed to piss off the ENTIRE Catholic Church?

Wow... talk about painting with a WIDE brush!

Every single Catholic got pissed off at the heretic Wycliffe! Who knew!?

I'm sure in those days most people didn't even know who the heretic was. After all, there weren't Smartphones. There weren't even land phones!

apparently it is very very easy to lose one's soul. Ask Jesus. He speaks of how the word falls on certain types of ground and many people choose their lives in this world over the life He wants for them because it is more comfortable... Jesus said FEW find the Narrow Way to Heaven. The canonized saints have said VERY few. many of them say that not one in 100,000 makes it. The longer I live, the easier it is to believe that, although Mary said in some recent apparition that more people are getting into Purgatory "these days," which I believe was about 20 - 40 years ago... Today, she probably wouldn't say that. Things are just out of control PERVERSE
Poor Jesus, who wasn't able to remove a person's sin once for all. And poor Timothy. You just called him a liar:

1Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.​

And poor Paul, who thinks that we go straight up, unless you believe Christ is also working things out in Purgatory. Paul thinks he's with the Lord right now, and he thinks the Lord is in Heaven. He had no idea that Christ is still up on that cross!
Makes me wonder why God didn't pick you to write down the truth instead of those misguided disciples...

I never realized how Jesus came up so short on His mission of redemption. Thank God He has you to finish His work on the cross for Him...
there is one mediator between God and men
Jesus brings us to the Father. A mediator is one who is in the middle between two others.

Today, who brings us to Jesus? For example, during Jesus' life, Andrew was the Apostle known for bringing people to Jesus.
When I pray the rosary, it is as though Mary prays for me. And her prayers are far better than any I could come up with. A human being left to his own devices can become very frustrated while praying, not know what to say or how to say it... although I would never say to anyone: Don't talk directly to God! But let's face it... God's ways are, as it says in the word, FAR above those of humans. "My ways are not your ways, nor are your thoughts my thoughts" He says in Isaiah.

So yeh, I'd rather have Mary intervene btwn poor sinner Me and the absolutely Holy and perfect Creator.

And when you have Mary, you automatically have Jesus. They are together forever in Paradise... :)
I have just one thing to say the Irish Ram

I like the rosary. You dont have to

That's quite simple, isn't it?
Jesus brings us to the Father. A mediator is one who is in the middle between two others.

Today, who brings us to Jesus? For example, during Jesus' life, Andrew was the Apostle known for bringing people to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit.

Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Romans 8:15 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged
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When I pray the rosary, it is as though Mary prays for me. And her prayers are far better than any I could come up with. A human being left to his own devices can become very frustrated while praying, not know what to say or how to say it... although I would never say to anyone: Don't talk directly to God! But let's face it... God's ways are, as it says in the word, FAR above those of humans. "My ways are not your ways, nor are your thoughts my thoughts" He says in Isaiah.

So yeh, I'd rather have Mary intervene btwn poor sinner Me and the absolutely Holy and perfect Creator.

And when you have Mary, you automatically have Jesus. They are together forever in Paradise... :)
So you believe Mary is a go between? You, >Mary, >God?
When I pray the rosary, it is as though Mary prays for me. And her prayers are far better than any I could come up with. A human being left to his own devices can become very frustrated while praying, not know what to say or how to say it... although I would never say to anyone: Don't talk directly to God! But let's face it... God's ways are, as it says in the word, FAR above those of humans. "My ways are not your ways, nor are your thoughts my thoughts" He says in Isaiah.

So yeh, I'd rather have Mary intervene btwn poor sinner Me and the absolutely Holy and perfect Creator.

And when you have Mary, you automatically have Jesus. They are together forever in Paradise... :)
There goes another scripture that's a lie according to you.

1Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all​

Timothy is telling you there is only one go between and why is He is the only one...
I have just one thing to say the Irish Ram

I like the rosary. You dont have to

That's quite simple, isn't it?
Honey, you can like the rosary all you want. And God Bless you.
It is your incredibly skewed interpretations of the Bible that we butt heads on. And if you can say in public something that goes against what Christ says then I will publicly produce scripture that disproves your point.
And do not think that your blatant judgment of protestants will not bring the same amount of scrutiny of Catholicism. It will.
The ball is in your court...
The Holy Spirit.

Is Mary another mediator?
Jesus told the Apostles to spread the Good News. Do you consider them mediators? Do you believe that with never hearing the story of Christ, people would be introduced to him by the Holy Spirit? Did Mary have anything to do with Jesus entering the world and setting forth on his mission?
so you speak for God and know all that He wants from us?

That contradicts Isaiah 55 where God says

My ways are not your ways
Your thoughts are not My thoughts

As far as the heavens are from the earth
So far are My thoughts from your thoughts
That is pretty lame, Even your own scholars know 100% --God wants from the heart. Catholicism = 2 Thess 2:3--you better relook.
Jesus told the Apostles to spread the Good News. Do you consider them mediators? Do you believe that with never hearing the story of Christ, people would be introduced to him by the Holy Spirit? Did Mary have anything to do with Jesus entering the world and setting forth on his mission?
No, the disciples were Christ's emissaries. They are not mediators between us and God. There is only one mediator.
The next question is difficult to answer, because the Bible isn't specific on the matter, and the answer is and always has been a bone of contention. I tend to believe what Paul believed for several reasons. But, It's one of those things that we'll find out when we get there.

As for dear Mary, who was just a child when she said yes to God. I asked the girls my youth group if they would have said yes, and they all said they would. Then I told them if they said yes there were men with machine guns ready to mow them down when they left the building, would they still say yes. Because that is what Mary faced. Death by stoning. Then she went to the house of a Pharisee to announce her condition. That took guts. Joseph didn't believe her.
She was 9 months pregnant and bounced her way to Bethlehem on a donkey. And she watched her baby boy suffer and die a horrible death. I don't know how she did it. God sure did pick the right girl for the job.
Is she a mediator between us and God? No. There is only one. Are we told in the Bible to pray to her? No. It is our Father who hears our prayers.

Luke 11: 27-28
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it
apparently it is very very easy to lose one's soul. Ask Jesus. He speaks of how the word falls on certain types of ground and many people choose their lives in this world over the life He wants for them because it is more comfortable... Jesus said FEW find the Narrow Way to Heaven. The canonized saints have said VERY few. many of them say that not one in 100,000 makes it. The longer I live, the easier it is to believe that, although Mary said in some recent apparition that more people are getting into Purgatory "these days," which I believe was about 20 - 40 years ago... Today, she probably wouldn't say that. Things are just out of control PERVERSE
you know how you lose your soul? by not trusting fully in Jesus' finished one time sacrifice... something all false religions do incl. catholicism.
Poor Jesus, who wasn't able to remove a person's sin once for all. And poor Timothy. You just called him a liar:

1Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.​

And poor Paul, who thinks that we go straight up, unless you believe Christ is also working things out in Purgatory. Paul thinks he's with the Lord right now, and he thinks the Lord is in Heaven. He had no idea that Christ is still up on that cross!
Makes me wonder why God didn't pick you to write down the truth instead of those misguided disciples...

I never realized how Jesus came up so short on His mission of redemption. Thank God He has you to finish His work on the cross for Him...
they dont realize satan shows up as an angel of light too. they are so easily deceived because they do not have the HS in them; they are not saved. They are in for a rude awakening.

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