Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

That's what you';ve been told

and you actually believe everything the non-Catholic, anti-Catholic people say

Wow... how deep
No that is what YOU were told. By your church:

Ruling of the Council of Tarragona of 1234 C.E.: "No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after promulgation of this decree, so that they may be burned..."

Do you never tire of being wrong? How shallow...
Funny how protesters never say a word about the past sins of protesters (in history)

persecuting and killing priests for saying Mass .. 17th century and beyond

burning people at the stake for "heresy" (though protestantism itself is a heresy)

and I could go on and on

Jim Bakker?
Then there's Joseph Smith whom many say was a con artist who invented mormonism to make big bucks. I mean, starting a new fangled religion appears to be quite lucrative
I was referring to your little laughing emo that you use when you have no debate.
So tell us, now that I have proven to you that what I said is fact, tell us what you find funny about the Catholic church burning the Old and New Testament?

If you don't like my emojis, please feel free to call the politeness police.

I'll wait.

Funny how protesters never say a word about the past sins of protesters (in history)

persecuting and killing priests for saying Mass .. 17th century and beyond

burning people at the stake for "heresy" (though protestantism itself is a heresy)

and I could go on and on

Jim Bakker?
Then there's Joseph Smith whom many say was a con artist who invented mormonism to make big bucks. I mean, starting a new fangled religion appears to be quite lucrative

I will PM you a link to an amazing video about the history of the Catholic persecution, by an incredible speaker who leads a yearly pilgrimage to Chartres. Very inspiring! The man has the heart of a lion!

Ruling of the Council of Tarragona of 1234 C.E.: "No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after promulgation of this decree, so that they may be burned..."
Sigh. Tell the whole story. This was never a general ruling, it was targeting a particular area (Oxford). Besides, why not start with Paul (and the other Apostles' approval) of books being burned in Ephesus?

Historically, writings were perused by authorities, and those disapproved were burned. And, all of this before the printing press. The Church was in charge of approving translations of the Bible into the vernacular. There were approved translation of the Bible into the vernacular at the time of Tyndale, whose translation contained errors and was not approved by Henry VIII. A later English translation was.

Are you arguing that very early authorities (including the Church) should have allowed any printed matter on any subject--no matter how inaccurate--to be distributed? Are you arguing that Paul and the other Apostles are to be utterly condemned because they approved of this practice?
Sigh. Tell the whole story. This was never a general ruling, it was targeting a particular area (Oxford). Besides, why not start with Paul (and the other Apostles' approval) of books being burned in Ephesus?
Some heretical beliefs cause HUGE damage in society

The one that first pops into my mind is the teaching these days of how abortion is not always wrong. It is not murder if the child is under 10 weeks or what have you. It is not wrong if the mother was raped. It is not murder if the mother doesn't want him/her, and etc....

That is heresy. If murder is wrong and everyone agrees it is, then it should not be legal, and if it IS legal-- but "only for certain age groups" like unborn children--

That is a total lack of conformity in the law. If laws don't apply to everyone, it won't be long before they apply to no one. And we see that has happened in society.

Then there's the belief that once you accept Christ, you are saved no matter how much you sin.. Luther

But that causes people to commit all manner of filthy sin: abortion, fornication, adultery, polygamy... and society deteriorates until it is un-livable
I have zilch criteria for entering heaven. Jesus spoke of the Kingdom, the one within our reach in this world, and I am more focused on that.
That's bad. Jesus said the world and all that is in it is passing away. He also said

What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?

And apparently it is very very easy to lose one's soul. Ask Jesus. He speaks of how the word falls on certain types of ground and many people choose their lives in this world over the life He wants for them because it is more comfortable... Jesus said FEW find the Narrow Way to Heaven. The canonized saints have said VERY few. many of them say that not one in 100,000 makes it. And the longer I live, the easier it is to believe that. I see people violating Christ's commandments right and left and (apparently) thinking nothing of it
Sigh. Tell the whole story. This was never a general ruling, it was targeting a particular area (Oxford). Besides, why not start with Paul (and the other Apostles' approval) of books being burned in Ephesus?

Historically, writings were perused by authorities, and those disapproved were burned. And, all of this before the printing press. The Church was in charge of approving translations of the Bible into the vernacular. There were approved translation of the Bible into the vernacular at the time of Tyndale, whose translation contained errors and was not approved by Henry VIII. A later English translation was.

Are you arguing that very early authorities (including the Church) should have allowed any printed matter on any subject--no matter how inaccurate--to be distributed? Are you arguing that Paul and the other Apostles are to be utterly condemned because they approved of this practice?
The Catholic church was so intent on keeping the Bible out of the hands of their parishioners that they went to great lengths to show their disapproval of anyone that translated the Bible so anyone other than the Catholic hierarchy could read it.

Proclamations at the Ecumenical Council of Constance in 1415 C.E.: Oxford professor, and theologian John Wycliffe, was the first (1380 C.E.) to translate the New Testament into English to "...helpeth Christian men to study the Gospel in that tongue in which they know best Christ's sentence." For this "heresy" Wycliffe was posthumously condemned by Arundel, the archbishop of Canterbury. By the Council's decree "Wycliffe's bones were exhumed and publicly burned and the ashes were thrown into the Swift River."
In other words, she got to you

Not as long as I have scripture on my side... Neither of you two have a leg to stand on. You are an instrument being used as an opportunity to reveal real accuracy and gospel truth.
The Catholic church was so intent on keeping the Bible out of the hands of their parishioners that they went to great lengths to show their disapproval of anyone that translated the Bible so anyone other than the Catholic hierarchy could read it.

Proclamations at the Ecumenical Council of Constance in 1415 C.E.: Oxford professor, and theologian John Wycliffe, was the first (1380 C.E.) to translate the New Testament into English to "...helpeth Christian men to study the Gospel in that tongue in which they know best Christ's sentence." For this "heresy" Wycliffe was posthumously condemned by Arundel, the archbishop of Canterbury. By the Council's decree "Wycliffe's bones were exhumed and publicly burned and the ashes were thrown into the Swift River."

Not as long as I have scripture on my side... Neither of you two have a leg to stand on. You are an instrument being used as an opportunity to reveal real accuracy and gospel truth.
thanks for your opinion

We all know what those are akin to... LOL
apparently it is very very easy to lose one's soul. Ask Jesus. He speaks of how the word falls on certain types of ground and many people choose their lives in this world over the life He wants for them because it is more comfortable... Jesus said FEW find the Narrow Way to Heaven. The canonized saints have said VERY few. many of them say that not one in 100,000 makes it. The longer I live, the easier it is to believe that, although Mary said in some recent apparition that more people are getting into Purgatory "these days," which I believe was about 20 - 40 years ago... Today, she probably wouldn't say that. Things are just out of control PERVERSE
but she makes me LOL

no person on the planet needs a laugh more than yours truly!
Maybe some reading about the peace of Christ might get you out of your doldrums. You don't appear to be LOL. You appear to have a quite a chip on your shoulder. You run away when confronted with the truth.
Now that I have put you in a better frame of mind, can you tell me where Christ will rule and reign for a millennium? Do you still honestly still believe that it is the Vatican? Or that Christ needs your help in His ability to remove your sin?

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