Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

Do you? Because 'rote' wasn't used in Biblical times. It shows up over a thousand years later.
Yep. So did Webster:
the use of memory usually with little intelligence.
mechanical or unthinking routine or repetition.

Why do you need that to meditate on the Word?
Yep. So did Webster:
the use of memory usually with little intelligence.
mechanical or unthinking routine or repetition.

Why do you need that to meditate on the Word?
This is funny. Are you telling me non-Catholic Christians do not pray the rosary because they would do so with little intelligence and do it mechanically at best? Again, leave praying the Rosary to those who have the intelligence and the right thinking to know what they are doing.

There are many instances of non-Catholic Christians doing away with Biblical/Traditional Christianity pretty much because they find it inconvenient, uncomfortable, or challenging. And that's fine. God is powerful, and if one only wants a little taste, God works with that and every bit that is given to him. But for those of us who want a real bite of Christianity follow the entirety of the Bible, especially the Gospels. Simply claiming Jesus as Savior and its done and over is not all Jesus said and taught.
I sometimes finish a Rosary as I drive to work. Like you, often I am not sure I have the number correct, either. No, meditation and contemplation cannot be as deep, but often a thought does come along that makes for a good reflection throughout the day.

(Those who don't believe in purgatory, skip the rest.)

Years ago when I was working on the family genealogy, I would pray the rosary for my ancestors as I came across yet another name. I would do this during morning walks through the desert.

One afternoon I was on the computer, working on a family link, when I had this urge (some might liken it to a voice in my head) to type in a name that was not on this particular chain. What the heck, I was curious and decided to go along with this invisible presence. The directions for the computer input were clear, and none of them followed the logic and research I use. But I was having fun so I kept going until suddenly I came across a new name in a totally different link. I was puzzled, and was thinking what a strange help the subconscious must be to help me discover this new information in an out-of-the-way place.

I do believe we may be closer to the spirit world than we know, but why would one of my ancestors suddenly want to help me with my genealogy project? And for the last time that faint, invisible voice spoke. "So that you will add my name and pray the rosary for me, too." (And, no, that family was not Catholic.)

I know, odd story! Was it just my own subconscious? Not sure. The reason it is an odd story is because it was a truly odd experience.

Very interesting story! I am a weenie convert and am still working on everything, so I can't recall any incidences of anything remotely like this happening.

I do know that when I pray in a particular Adoration chapel, I am blown away by the depth of my meditation. I will pay closer attention next time I pray the Rosary there. I normally just float off on a cloud of what I'm there for -- Adoration.

Thanks for sharing that.


Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily​

Remember, this was the original statement. It has not been substantiated. Those refuting it are not attacking anyone who wishes to feel beads between his fingers.
The op talks about all Christians, so any and all are invited to chime in. "Getting it" about the R.C.C. has nothing to do with negating the presumptuous contention of this prayer being of great importance. What papists don't "get" is that their circular reasoning about the authority of the R.C.C. has no hold on others.
I do know that when I pray in a particular Adoration chapel, I am blown away by the depth of my meditation. I will pay closer attention next time I pray the Rosary there. I normally just float off on a cloud of what I'm there for -- Adoration.
Adoration is exactly where one should be! I am often 'stuck' in amazement of God in our midst and what His works throughout the history of mankind.
What papists don't "get" is that their circular reasoning about the authority of the R.C.C. has no hold on others.
What is there to get? The Catholic Church neither wants or needs a hold on others. It is simply a light shining on a hill, and no matter how beautiful the light of a city can be, it has no hold on those who view it. It simply is.
Adoration is exactly where one should be! I am often 'stuck' in amazement of God in our midst and what His works throughout the history of mankind.

That's an interesting idea that I promise I will spend some time with, being "stuck" in amazement of God. I just never imagined being "stuck" in my relationship with God. Maybe I'm just not grasping the semantics of what you're saying. If you'd like to discuss this, away from the mockery, I could PM you. It would be helpful to me, the noob, I'm certain.


That's an interesting idea that I promise I will spend some time with, being "stuck" in amazement of God. I just never imagined being "stuck" in my relationship with God. Maybe I'm just not grasping the semantics of what you're saying. If you'd like to discuss this, away from the mockery, I could PM you. It would be helpful to me, the noob, I'm certain.

There is no problem with a PM, but I am just as happy/comfortable discussing it here. Here we are a great example of Ecclesiastics! Everything continues as it always has, everything is forgotten. The word used in Ecclesiastics is 'vanity', but a better translation/understanding of the word is 'vapor'. Everything that is said here has been here before, has been forgotten before, and will come around again. Vapor. :) So have fun and don't take anything too seriously.
And there is what the danger is with the rosary. God answers prayer. Not Mary.
And the whole "used for meditation" just showed up when Meriweather said that is what he/she uses it for. Originally, this person said it was necessary to get into Heaven. That story has also changed.
Now for the truth:
Hebrews 13: 8 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Trust in the Lord, and you won't be mislead. He is all you need.

Your argument is with the Virgin Mary

Good luck with that one

God does not want written prayers said over and over. He wants to be spoke to from ones heart.
so you speak for God and know all that He wants from us?

That contradicts Isaiah 55 where God says

My ways are not your ways
Your thoughts are not My thoughts

As far as the heavens are from the earth
So far are My thoughts from your thoughts
so you speak for God and know all that He wants from us?

That contradicts Isaiah 55 where God says

My ways are not your ways
Your thoughts are not My thoughts

As far as the heavens are from the earth
So far are My thoughts from your thoughts

It's amazing the extent to which they will make up what they think God said in a effort to make others believe what they believe.

not one we'd expect to win!

If Mary told 3 children to pray the rosary... well, I'd tend to think she wanted everyone to do the same... guess I'm peculiar that way

Our detractors act as if our praying this prayer or that prayer hurts them in some way, but when you try to pinpoint the why, it's


This is funny. Are you telling me non-Catholic Christians do not pray the rosary because they would do so with little intelligence and do it mechanically at best? Again, leave praying the Rosary to those who have the intelligence and the right thinking to know what they are doing.

There are many instances of non-Catholic Christians doing away with Biblical/Traditional Christianity pretty much because they find it inconvenient, uncomfortable, or challenging. And that's fine. God is powerful, and if one only wants a little taste, God works with that and every bit that is given to him. But for those of us who want a real bite of Christianity follow the entirety of the Bible, especially the Gospels. Simply claiming Jesus as Savior and its done and over is not all Jesus said and taught.
What I am telling you is how the dictionary defines rote. According to the dictionary intelligence isn't necessary for repetition.
Jesus gave us an example of how to pray. You can find it in the Bible. Who taught you the rosary prayer? The rest of your post is bs. You get more than a little taste by reading the Bible. You get truth.

My argument here is that nothing trumps genuine, heartfelt prayer. Your heart, God's ear...

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