Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

No, it is not. It pays homage to Mary. The scriptures pay homage to Christ.

It is widely believed that in 1214 St. Dominic had a vision of Mary. She is said to have presented him with the rosary, both the beads and the prayers to be prayed. Dominic had a tremendous devotion to Mary and the rosary, which he promoted wherever he traveled to preach.

You believe what you want to believe.


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OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?
God does not want written prayers said over and over. He wants to be spoke to from ones heart.

You believe what you want to believe.


I believe what the Bible says. And it discourages praying in rote. You hold praying in rote in high esteem.
Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

I'll follow Jesus and you follow the Pope. :up:
I believe what the Bible says. And it discourages praying in rote. You hold praying in rote in high esteem.
Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

I'll follow Jesus and you follow the Pope. :up:

You believe what you want to believe.

God tells us how to pray in the bible. That is the framework for the Our Father. Our Father prayers are said repeatedly.

Jesus certainly did not mean for his example to be repeated by rote, over and over again, as yet another of the vain repetitions against which he warned us.

It was an example of how a prayer should be formed.
What are the ways of salvation? Jesus didn't open the way, He IS the way...

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
He's not one of the ways. He is the only way. singular.
Who is Jesus? He is the Word. The Word of God. John's Gospel opens with this. Later in John we read the verse you cite. Which means...The Word of God is the way and the truth and the life.
I don't think you believe that saying the rosary is necessary for salvation. Other's here do believe that, and that is false doctrine.
It is not even a doctrine, so it is not a "false doctrine". A doctrine is set of belief held by a Church, Political Party, or Group. Doctrine is not the belief of a single poster.
The rosary is repetitious prayer, and something Jesus warned against.
I can say, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my souls to keep" a million times and it means nothing. It comes from someone else's heart.
Want to focus on Christ? Put your rosary down and open your Bible.
Once again, you do not understand the Rosary. Did you know that in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus repeated his prayer to God three times? Are you aware that the type of prayer Jesus was commenting about was a pagan prayer ritual where a group came together to actually babble sounds over and over again, dance vigorously, and carry on until they passed out? Have you ever seen anyone praying the Rosary this way?

The Rosary is a prayer that guides one through meditation/contemplation of the entire Word of God. Do you believe after Catholics have gone through the entire Word of God once, they should find something else to do?

Have you considered the Rosary opens the heart, or perhaps you believe opening the heart once is enough? Do you consider prayer practice worthless, that unlike any other type of practice or habit, it does not strengthen with use? Do you condemn Jews for praying from a siddur three times a day every day? How about condemnation of Muslims for praying five times a day? Or, is your condemnation reserved for Catholic practices you clearly do not understand?
God tells us how to pray in the bible. That is the framework for the Our Father. Our Father prayers are said repeatedly.
Actually, the Lords prayer is an outline. It encompasses, praise right out of the gate. > Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Whatever you want to praise Him for.
Then comes supplication. That is asking God for what you need. Daily bread, forgiveness, wisdom, whatever you need.
Forgiving others, which sometimes is hard to accomplish on our own. Ask God to soften your heart if you need it.
Ask him to deliver you from what ever evil confronts you. Alcohol, drugs, a person that wishes you harm, Satan.
Then praise Him again.

Jesus wasn't telling us what to pray, but how to pray. You know that by what Jesus prefaces the prayer with:
Matt. 6:9 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: and then He went on to categorize what aspects that should be covered when you talk to your Father.

9 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.
God tells us how to pray in the bible. That is the framework for the Our Father. Our Father prayers are said repeatedly.
Our Father prayer is the model prayer, Few even know what it means. Most pray about self, Jesus showed 100% in that prayer his Fathers name is the most important thing for one to pray about and his Fathers kingdom and will. So one must ask--Since to Jesus his Fathers name is #1, why does my religion use altered translations that have removed Jesus' Fathers name by satans will in over 7000 places? To Mislead is why because they are in darkness.
I do my best to pray my rosary while I'm driving to town -- kind of a hazardous thing to do with a long string of beads in one's hands. So, granted, I might not always get the number of Hail Mary's right, but then neither do the leaders of each decade when we pray it in church, and they all have the beads right there in their hands.

I might not meditate as deeply when I'm driving. Not sure it matters. It's the best way I know of to fill the empty time.
I sometimes finish a Rosary as I drive to work. Like you, often I am not sure I have the number correct, either. No, meditation and contemplation cannot be as deep, but often a thought does come along that makes for a good reflection throughout the day.

(Those who don't believe in purgatory, skip the rest.)

Years ago when I was working on the family genealogy, I would pray the rosary for my ancestors as I came across yet another name. I would do this during morning walks through the desert.

One afternoon I was on the computer, working on a family link, when I had this urge (some might liken it to a voice in my head) to type in a name that was not on this particular chain. What the heck, I was curious and decided to go along with this invisible presence. The directions for the computer input were clear, and none of them followed the logic and research I use. But I was having fun so I kept going until suddenly I came across a new name in a totally different link. I was puzzled, and was thinking what a strange help the subconscious must be to help me discover this new information in an out-of-the-way place.

I do believe we may be closer to the spirit world than we know, but why would one of my ancestors suddenly want to help me with my genealogy project? And for the last time that faint, invisible voice spoke. "So that you will add my name and pray the rosary for me, too." (And, no, that family was not Catholic.)

I know, odd story! Was it just my own subconscious? Not sure. The reason it is an odd story is because it was a truly odd experience.
Once again, you do not understand the Rosary. Did you know that in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus repeated his prayer to God three times? Are you aware that the type of prayer Jesus was commenting about was a pagan prayer ritual where a group came together to actually babble sounds over and over again, dance vigorously, and carry on until they passed out? Have you ever seen anyone praying the Rosary this way?

The Rosary is a prayer that guides one through meditation/contemplation of the entire Word of God. Do you believe after Catholics have gone through the entire Word of God once, they should find something else to do?

Have you considered the Rosary opens the heart, or perhaps you believe opening the heart once is enough? Do you consider prayer practice worthless, that unlike any other type of practice or habit, it does not strengthen with use? Do you condemn Jews for praying from a siddur three times a day every day? How about condemnation of Muslims for praying five times a day? Or, is your condemnation reserved for Catholic practices you clearly do not understand?
I do understand the rosary. I also understand the definition of rote. And asking God for something more than once is fine. How many times did David ask, no beg God to spare his child? Did Jesus talk to His Father 3 times in the Garden, or did he recite a Jewish refrain over and over and over to His mother?
Reading the Bible for the rest of one's life still won't get then through all the layers there are in the Bible. We aren't talking about reading the Bible. That I approve of wholeheartedly.

You believe the rosary is for guiding one through meditation/contemplation. That's you. And to that I say you can do the very same thing without the beads and recitation. But your walk is your walk and that's fine with me.
But, that isn't what some other Catholics here think that the rosary is for.

When someone tells me that the rosary is a requirement to enter Heaven, that they ask Mary to answer their requests, that the Jews lost favor with God, so He switched His blessings over to Catholics, that Jesus needs man's help in securing our redemption, you can bet I will be producing scripture that proves every bit of that as pure bs, whether they be Catholic, or Methodist, or Baptist. Because they DON'T know what they are doing...
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Who is Jesus? He is the Word. The Word of God. John's Gospel opens with this. Later in John we read the verse you cite. Which means...The Word of God is the way and the truth and the life.
Correct. If it is capitalized is refers to His Son.
Tell me, could you meditate on the Word without a rosary? Say, read one of Jesus' parables and dwell on it without paying homage to His mother first? If you can, then why not do that? Why rely on someone else's prayer in order to meditate on the Word?
Tell me, could you meditate on the Word without a rosary? Say, read one of Jesus' parables and dwell on it without paying homage to His mother first? If you can, then why not do that? Why rely on someone else's prayer in order to meditate on the Word?
I've done this for decades. So, I'll say it again: You have no understanding of Catholic prayer life.

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