Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

OK, first there is Fatima 1917 when the Virgin appeared to the 3 children who were shepherding sheep.

She told them to pray the rosary for sinners who are on their way to Hell, which according to my information is 99% of the human race.

She told the one boy, can't recall his name, that he would/could also go to Heaven like the others, but that he would "have to pray many rosaries"

Wow... If even a CHILD has to pray many rosaries to get to Heaven--!

How much more imperative is it that we adults do so?

So many people act as if it hurts them when WE pray our Rosary.

Why do you think this is?

I know you know.

The point where Catholics and Protestants seem to diverge is the order in which those things happen. Biblically, faith and salvation come first, then works are done as the natural result of God's renewal. You can see this in any brand new Christian. They can't contain the love and joy they feel inside and if you knew them before they were saved, you simply could not miss that something profound has happened to them. Catholics, along with some others, seem to believe that works actually contribute to salvation, that they are necessary to "add to" Jesus' sacrifice. They are Martha to Mary. Remember what Jesus said when Martha asked Him to tell Mary that she needed to get up and help her do works in preparation for the meal?
Excellent analogy.
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So many people act as if it hurts them when WE pray our Rosary.

Why do you think this is?

I know you know.

Nope. Not hurt one bit. But secure in the knowledge that beads aren't necessary to commune with God. If you put your Rosary in a drawer and prayed, God would still hear you. If you need them as a reminder to pray or praise God, an alarm clock can do the same thing.
Nope. Not hurt one bit. But secure in the knowledge that beads aren't necessary to commune with God. If you put your Rosary in a drawer and prayed, God would still hear you. If you need them as a reminder to pray or praise God, an alarm clock can do the same thing.

You sure argue like you've got some skin in the game.

Or does it hurt you to say "You're right. Period"?

Nope. Not hurt one bit. But secure in the knowledge that beads aren't necessary to commune with God. If you put your Rosary in a drawer and prayed, God would still hear you. If you need them as a reminder to pray or praise God, an alarm clock can do the same thing.
The Rosary has nothing to do with any of the above. First, the Rosary is part of a prayerful life, it not the prayerful life. Catholics attend Mass, contemplate, meditate, speak with God in their closet and some pray the Rosary at times.

Perhaps the better argument might be Catholics should stop praying so much?
The Rosary has nothing to do with any of the above. First, the Rosary is part of a prayerful life, it not the prayerful life. Catholics attend Mass, contemplate, meditate, speak with God in their closet and some pray the Rosary at times.

Perhaps the better argument might be Catholics should stop praying so much?

As if.

No, you apparently believe in Jesus+. Sure, you say, Jesus made the only necessary sacrifice for sin, but wait, it's not enough to simply kneel in the presence of God, repenting of sin in tears, we can't really be forgiven until we do penitence rituals, reciting various phrases given us by a priest.
This is about all I've read since you don't get it

just another "I don't understand Catholicism but will act like I do" post.

What Catholic ever told you such rot?

Who said that we had to work for forgiveness? That is NOT the topic

You sure argue like you've got some skin in the game.

Or does it hurt you to say "You're right. Period"?

Doesn't hurt one bit. In fact I just said it to hadit, because he or she is correct. If misery has a correct thought, I'll say it again, but until then, the truth will prevail. As long as misery believes the rosary is a requirement to enter Heaven, and that Christ needs misery's help in removing sin, then I will continue to argue the point. Do you also believe that you need to work to remove your sin? If so, there are 100 Bible verses that might help remove that false belief...

Eph, 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
Jesus said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can command a mountain to move and it will. He did not say you need to get a shovel and bucket. IOW, works are what you do BECAUSE you have been saved through faith and you love God so much you would do anything to please Him, not what you do because you HOPE they will get God's attention and sway Him to be favorable toward you.
well, that's what you've been taught. Maybe some day you can think for yourself
As long as misery believes the rosary is a requirement to enter Heaven,
Where did I say that?

I said that MARY told the children @ Fatima to pray the rosary and yes, she said it would lead to Heaven.

I myself did not say it; she did

So you are just being dishonest (again)
The Rosary has nothing to do with any of the above. First, the Rosary is part of a prayerful life, it not the prayerful life. Catholics attend Mass, contemplate, meditate, speak with God in their closet and some pray the Rosary at times.

Perhaps the better argument might be Catholics should stop praying so much?
When you pray, are you just mindlessly repeating phrases you've heard that no longer have much real meaning for you? If so, you SHOULD stop your ritual and start really praying, acknowledging God's presence in your heart from the very beginning. Commune with Him, not with a string of beads.
The Rosary has nothing to do with any of the above. First, the Rosary is part of a prayerful life, it not the prayerful life. Catholics attend Mass, contemplate, meditate, speak with God in their closet and some pray the Rosary at times.

Perhaps the better argument might be Catholics should stop praying so much?
I would suggest praying more, not less...
So, can you accomplish the same thing without a Rosary, that you do with the rosary? If the rosary is an integral part of salvation, as misery believes, what about all those poor people that had no rosary prior to the 13th century? Are they sol?
As for works, Did Christ complete His goal of removing your sin or do you need to help Him in your quest for salvation? What portion of your sin did Christ overlook?
When you pray, are you just mindlessly repeating phrases you've heard that no longer have much real meaning for you? If so, you SHOULD stop your ritual and start really praying, acknowledging God's presence in your heart from the very beginning. Commune with Him, not with a string of beads.

another "I don't understand Catholicism but I'll act like I do anyhow" post
I would suggest praying more, not less...
So, can you accomplish the same thing without a Rosary, that you do with the rosary? If the rosary is an integral part of salvation, as misery believes, what about all those poor people that had no rosary prior to the 13th century? Are they sol?
As for works, Did Christ complete His goal of removing your sin or do you need to help Him in your quest for salvation? What portion of your sin did Christ overlook?
This is why I don't understand the very concept of Purgatory. Why do we assume God couldn't get the job done while we're alive here on earth? I agree with your question, we SHOULD have a good idea of what part of our sin God didn't take care of.
Maybe they know there is something good about it? But they can't let go of their protestant ideations/indoctrination

I was thinking more of demonic ideations/indoctrination. After all, it isn't protestants who wail and moan with every Hail Mary.

Well, some do, but not as if they were being physically beaten on.


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