Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

Apparently, a great number of people have a concept of the Creator of All and Everything as a mentally feeble being who must be constantly beset with repetitive prayer in order to get through. Fortunately, such a One would have to be immune to such insults.
So she's a personal friend of yours which qualifies you to confirm this?
There were people in Jesus own day who did not believe he was resurrected. So it comes as no surprise that neither can some people today believe that Mary appeared at Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, etc. An image on a cape, healings, and foreknowledge of the sun will no more convince them, than the disciples testifying they had seen Jesus after the resurrection had convinced those who did not believe a man could be resurrected and was.
There were people in Jesus own day who did not believe he was resurrected. So it comes as no surprise that neither can some people today believe that Mary appeared at Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, etc. An image on a cape, healings, and foreknowledge of the sun will no more convince them, than the disciples testifying they had seen Jesus after the resurrection had convinced those who did not believe a man could be resurrected and was.

Maybe true, but still just opinions.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and they should not state their opinions as fact.

Catholic bullshit.
Then you are saying the same of the Bible. Who was the queen during David's reign?

We do not hear of a queen until Solomon becomes King. The reason for this is that a king (both David and Solomon) had many wives, but only one mother. Bathsheba was Solomon's mother (a king may have many wives, but only one mother) and so Bathsheba was given the place of honor as Queen (by her son Solomon, the King). We see Jesus, of the House of David, as King in his kingdom giving Mary the place of honor (as Queen). Note: A place of honor, not a place of worship.

Not sure how it came about that non-Catholic Christians seemed to have decided Mary is best ignored.
Apparently, a great number of people have a concept of the Creator of All and Everything as a mentally feeble being who must be constantly beset with repetitive prayer in order to get through. Fortunately, such a One would have to be immune to such insults.
As per usual, non Catholics just don't get it

It is WE who need the repetition. Our minds and hearts and bodies are set on the things of this earth. It takes major effort and a serious re-programming (repetition of holy prayers)

to keep us on the Right track, the Narrow Road Jesus spoke of.
There were people in Jesus own day who did not believe he was resurrected. So it comes as no surprise that neither can some people today believe that Mary appeared at Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, etc. An image on a cape, healings, and foreknowledge of the sun will no more convince them, than the disciples testifying they had seen Jesus after the resurrection had convinced those who did not believe a man could be resurrected and was.
reminds us of when Jesus told people they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood

which admittedly sounds ... uh... cannabalistic

And when they couldn't handle that, they walked away.

And Jesus let them walk away. He didn't change or alter one thing He said just because they didn't get it or even because he lost disciples over it.

Nope. We must eat his Flesh and drink his Blood (Holy Communion, now in the form of bread and wine) to get to Heaven

"Unless you eat my flesh and drink my Blood you have no life in you" John 6:20-something

Then you are saying the same of the Bible. Who was the queen during David's reign?

We do not hear of a queen until Solomon becomes King. The reason for this is that a king (both David and Solomon) had many wives, but only one mother. Bathsheba was Solomon's mother (a king may have many wives, but only one mother) and so Bathsheba was given the place of honor as Queen (by her son Solomon, the King). We see Jesus, of the House of David, as King in his kingdom giving Mary the place of honor (as Queen). Note: A place of honor, not a place of worship.

Not sure how it came about that non-Catholic Christians seemed to have decided Mary is best ignored.
It began with the infamous heretic Luther

And then other heretics came along who disagreed with Luther on this and that...


Luther was just a man, Folks
reminds us of when Jesus told people they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood

which admittedly sounds ... uh... cannabalistic

And when they couldn't handle that, they walked away.

And Jesus let them walk away. He didn't change or alter one thing He said just because they didn't get it or even because he lost disciples over it.

Nope. We must eat his Flesh and drink his Blood (Holy Communion, now in the form of bread and wine) to get to Heaven

"Unless you eat my flesh and drink my Blood you have no life in you" John 6:20-something

This was, in fact, one of the most brilliant things we have recorded of Jesus' words.
It is astounding that people refuse to enlarge their understanding of the metaphors Jesus used.
Words have such a strong hold on how we think that only words used in enigmatic form can "crack our nutshell".

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