Zone1 Why the rosary is a most important prayer/meditation all Christians should say daily

reminds us of when Jesus told people they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood

which admittedly sounds ... uh... cannabalistic

And when they couldn't handle that, they walked away.

And Jesus let them walk away. He didn't change or alter one thing He said just because they didn't get it or even because he lost disciples over it.

Nope. We must eat his Flesh and drink his Blood (Holy Communion, now in the form of bread and wine) to get to Heaven

"Unless you eat my flesh and drink my Blood you have no life in you" John 6:20-something

“This is My body …. “ doesn’t need to be interpreted as literal. We all know that Jesus was perfectly able and willing to speak metaphorically.
As per usual, non Catholics just don't get it

It is WE who need the repetition. Our minds and hearts and bodies are set on the things of this earth. It takes major effort and a serious re-programming (repetition of holy prayers)

to keep us on the Right track, the Narrow Road Jesus spoke of.

Listening right now to Dr. Marshall speaking about the rhythm of being a Catholic, and it's fascinating. What a way to have NO focus in life -- to ignore the rhythms of everyday living because you think it might insult someone who disagrees with you politically.

Then you are saying the same of the Bible. Who was the queen during David's reign?

We do not hear of a queen until Solomon becomes King. The reason for this is that a king (both David and Solomon) had many wives, but only one mother. Bathsheba was Solomon's mother (a king may have many wives, but only one mother) and so Bathsheba was given the place of honor as Queen (by her son Solomon, the King). We see Jesus, of the House of David, as King in his kingdom giving Mary the place of honor (as Queen). Note: A place of honor, not a place of worship.

Not sure how it came about that non-Catholic Christians seemed to have decided Mary is best ignored.
Why do you need a rosary? Why do we care about Mary any more than Joseph or Bob the Bricklayer, walking down the street.
Thanks for the protestant implication (once again) that no Catholic EVER believed in Hebrews 10:10 or any other Christ-centered teaching.

No, you apparently believe in Jesus+. Sure, you say, Jesus made the only necessary sacrifice for sin, but wait, it's not enough to simply kneel in the presence of God, repenting of sin in tears, we can't really be forgiven until we do penitence rituals, reciting various phrases given us by a priest. Oh, and sure Jesus made the only necessary sacrifice, but we can't enter heaven until we go through some mysterious place of purification (because God apparently didn't get the job done while we were alive) that people here on earth can do rituals to cut our time short and get us out of. Apparently, our purification isn't just between God and us, but God can be influenced to speed up the process if enough people ask Mary and some saints (who seriously aren't listening because they're enjoying being in the presence of Christ) to let us out. Isn't it amazing that God doesn't have to take as long to purify us if people just ask dead ancestors to help? It has more to do with them than with our state before God? And didn't Jesus say that we are already made pure and holy when we accept Him? Something about God casting the memory of our sin away as far as east is from the west? Consider that, all your worst, nastiest, most rebellious things, totally gone from God's sight. ALL He sees is the Blood of Christ, not your rebellion, not your lies, not your marital infidelity, nothing.

We also remember that the whole purgatory thing was originally set up so that the people could (were required to, really) PAY indulgences to get their loved ones out of purgatory. The monetary requirement has lapsed, but not the rest of it.
The "city on a hill" in Matthew 5:14 is not a physical church or a denomination. Right before that, Jesus said "you are the light of the world." He was talking about all genuine believers, who are supposed to be a light in this dark world. The words "A city on a hill cannot be hidden" is just an illustration of what He was saying.

And I really don't want to argue.... so we'll have to agree to disagree about the Catholic church.
I protest vehemently against anyone who dares to claim that Jesus' Church is confined behind a name on a door.
Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
John 3:36 - He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life
Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

The common denominator in those verses is belief. < faith. Works, not to further your chances to enter Heaven, but for the sake of Christ, are addressed at the Bema Seat of Christ at your coronation in Heaven. They are for rewards and crowns...
The point where Catholics and Protestants seem to diverge is the order in which those things happen. Biblically, faith and salvation come first, then works are done as the natural result of God's renewal. You can see this in any brand new Christian. They can't contain the love and joy they feel inside and if you knew them before they were saved, you simply could not miss that something profound has happened to them. Catholics, along with some others, seem to believe that works actually contribute to salvation, that they are necessary to "add to" Jesus' sacrifice. They are Martha to Mary. Remember what Jesus said when Martha asked Him to tell Mary that she needed to get up and help her do works in preparation for the meal?
I'm not going to respond because this first thing you say is just assinine

Can you read?

Jesus said If you love me, you will keep my commandments!

that means DOING things like caring for the needy
Notice what He said. IF YOU LOVE ME. Have you ever watched a person who is in love? They watch the person they're in love with to find out what makes them happy, then do those things joyfully because they know it will result in their loved one's happiness, not because they were given a list of commands to follow. Now, which comes first, keeping the commandments or loving Jesus? Secondly, why do you claim to love Jesus if you refuse His offer of salvation through faith?

This is why works based salvation fails, because it eclipses the role of faith. Instead of us realizing just how lost we really are and how badly we need something we do not and cannot ever deserve, we start thinking that if we just do a little bit more, it will outweigh the sin we're committing. If we just do these things, we can demand that God overlook our fallen state. The reality is, when it comes to salvation, we can't demand ANYTHING from God.

An illustration that destroys works-based salvation. Everyone is lined up on the beach in California and told that they will shortly be pushed into the ocean and will be expected to swim to Hawaii. Well, some of the people will simply sink and drown as soon as they can no longer touch the bottom. Others will be able to swim a few hundred yards, while some will be able to swim some miles into the ocean before tiring and drowning. No one will make it to Hawaii, correct? Now, off to the side is a cruise ship, plenty big enough for everyone, with Jesus leaning over the railing, calling everyone to grab hold of the life preservers He's tossing and let Him pull them onboard, then we're all going to Hawaii on the boat.

Think of it, it doesn't matter if you're the most hated person in history (someone who falls over and drowns immediately), or the most loved person in history (someone who swims 50 miles into the ocean before drowning), you need to grab the life preserver and get on the boat or you're not getting to Hawaii.

Listening right now to Dr. Marshall speaking about the rhythm of being a Catholic, and it's fascinating. What a way to have NO focus in life -- to ignore the rhythms of everyday living because you think it might insult someone who disagrees with you politically.

interesting topic, never really heard of it before

HOWEVER, it jibes with my experiences in life. When I was going to daily Mass some years ago, things went fairly well... When I failed to do that (long story why), it was the opposite.

God watches over His Church
Notice what He said. IF YOU LOVE ME. Have you ever watched a person who is in love? They watch the person they're in love with to find out what makes them happy, then do those things joyfully because they know it will result in their loved one's happiness, not because they were given a list of commands to follow. Now, which comes first, keeping the commandments or loving Jesus? Secondly, why do you claim to love Jesus if you refuse His offer of salvation through faith?

This is why works based salvation fails, because it eclipses the role of faith. Instead of us realizing just how lost we really are and how badly we need something we do not and cannot ever deserve, we start thinking that if we just do a little bit more, it will outweigh the sin we're committing. If we just do these things, we can demand that God overlook our fallen state. The reality is, when it comes to salvation, we can't demand ANYTHING from God.

An illustration that destroys works-based salvation. Everyone is lined up on the beach in California and told that they will shortly be pushed into the ocean and will be expected to swim to Hawaii. Well, some of the people will simply sink and drown as soon as they can no longer touch the bottom. Others will be able to swim a few hundred yards, while some will be able to swim some miles into the ocean before tiring and drowning. No one will make it to Hawaii, correct? Now, off to the side is a cruise ship, plenty big enough for everyone, with Jesus leaning over the railing, calling everyone to grab hold of the life preservers He's tossing and let Him pull them onboard, then we're all going to Hawaii on the boat.

Think of it, it doesn't matter if you're the most hated person in history (someone who falls over and drowns immediately), or the most loved person in history (someone who swims 50 miles into the ocean before drowning), you need to grab the life preserver and get on the boat or you're not getting to Hawaii.
you use a lot of words to (likely) say not much of anything

Get to the point sometimes

If you are saying (this is your point?) that we don't have to do a thing, just believe

You are WRONG as can be. It is nothing but WORK to go against the world., the flesh and the hideous, more-powerful-than-you DEVIL

Saying otherwise is a LIE from the pit of Hell

and believing that will get you to that hideous place
Why do you need a rosary?
Why do I need a flower garden, a bicycle, or a chinchilla? Millions of people get along just fine without one or all of them. For me, each adds to my life--and so does the rosary. What helps me doesn't hurt anyone else so why complain that the rosary is a part of someone's prayer life?
Why do we care about Mary any more than Joseph or Bob the Bricklayer, walking down the street.
Who says we care more about her? Acknowledging her place of honor does not mean we care for her more than the bricklayers and pedestrians in our lives. In fact, most of us give more care to the people in our lives than we do to Mary. What I don't understand is the non-Catholic penchant for kicking Mary to the curb. She is Christ's the King's mother...and that makes her position Queen. No more, no less.
Why do I need a flower garden, a bicycle, or a chinchilla? Millions of people get along just fine without one or all of them. For me, each adds to my life--and so does the rosary. What helps me doesn't hurt anyone else so why complain that the rosary is a part of someone's prayer life?

Who says we care more about her? Acknowledging her place of honor does not mean we care for her more than the bricklayers and pedestrians in our lives. In fact, most of us give more care to the people in our lives than we do to Mary. What I don't understand is the non-Catholic penchant for kicking Mary to the curb. She is Christ's the King's mother...and that makes her position Queen. No more, no less.
I read something somewhere (and I d on't read trash) about how Mary carries with her (at all times?) the Blood of Jesus Maybe this means when she visits Earth? I don't know...

so if you have Mary, you automatically have the Blood of Jesus

which cleanses from sin


No wonder Satan cowers before her
It began with the infamous heretic Luther

And then other heretics came along who disagreed with Luther on this and that...


Luther was just a man, Folks
What specifically did Martin say that is not Biblical?
you use a lot of words to (likely) say not much of anything

Get to the point sometimes

If you are saying (this is your point?) that we don't have to do a thing, just believe

You are WRONG as can be. It is nothing but WORK to go against the world., the flesh and the hideous, more-powerful-than-you DEVIL

Saying otherwise is a LIE from the pit of Hell

and believing that will get you to that hideous place
Jesus said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can command a mountain to move and it will. He did not say you need to get a shovel and bucket. IOW, works are what you do BECAUSE you have been saved through faith and you love God so much you would do anything to please Him, not what you do because you HOPE they will get God's attention and sway Him to be favorable toward you.
I read something somewhere (and I d on't read trash) about how Mary carries with her (at all times?) the Blood of Jesus Maybe this means when she visits Earth? I don't know...

so if you have Mary, you automatically have the Blood of Jesus

which cleanses from sin


No wonder Satan cowers before her
No, if you have faith in Yeshua, you are covered with His blood. Mary doesn't have anything to do with it. Again, post the verses that make you think so.
Why do I need a flower garden, a bicycle, or a chinchilla? Millions of people get along just fine without one or all of them. For me, each adds to my life--and so does the rosary. What helps me doesn't hurt anyone else so why complain that the rosary is a part of someone's prayer life?

Who says we care more about her? Acknowledging her place of honor does not mean we care for her more than the bricklayers and pedestrians in our lives. In fact, most of us give more care to the people in our lives than we do to Mary. What I don't understand is the non-Catholic penchant for kicking Mary to the curb. She is Christ's the King's mother...and that makes her position Queen. No more, no less.
Having a physical reminder to keep your mind focused is not a problem. Praying to someone other than God Himself is. Pretending that the thing has more spiritual authority and significance than the Spirit within you also is.
Why do I need a flower garden, a bicycle, or a chinchilla? Millions of people get along just fine without one or all of them. For me, each adds to my life--and so does the rosary. What helps me doesn't hurt anyone else so why complain that the rosary is a part of someone's prayer life?
Because the OP says all Christians. Nope, you be you and I'll be me.

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