Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

I suspect most of the gun nut cowards here aren't ranchers, and have never had a real reason to fear being pulled out of their car, yet they still whine about needing to be armed 24/7. Do you live in NYC or Chicago? No. Gun nuts are just cowards. Admit it. What makes gun nuts so afraid to experience every day life without a gun strapped to their pansy ass?
You are a loud mouth, I have been trailed by gang members, and the only thing that saved me was, that I had a gun on me.
Well no. If the cowards had ever actually been a victim, that would at least be a rational for feeling the need to be armed 24/7. Being afraid of something that has never happened, and is likely to never happen is just being a coward.

If you can't disarm Der Juden, how will you EVER get the camps going?

Come on people, Bulldyke has an AGENDA...

No, but I do have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. I don't strap a fire extinguisher to my leg every time I go out, though.

Funny, I have a fire extinguisher next to my dryer every time I turn it on.

But then, I'm not trying to put my dryer into a force labor death camp....
Well no. If the cowards had ever actually been a victim, that would at least be a rational for feeling the need to be armed 24/7. Being afraid of something that has never happened, and is likely to never happen is just being a coward.
I have your IQ running in the mid to upper 70's, your silly suppositions being so ludicrous and absent intellectual support, I would not be least bit surprised to learn you are currently incarcerated within a house of detention, or perhaps are barred by law from access to firearms, but mostly it indicates a childish disconnect from the real, a mentality bordering upon dream state... ;)
why would you strap it to your leg when you leave the house?? thats really stupid,,

but as you said you took measures to avoid a bad situation from getting worse by having those things available,,
Perhaps I wasn't clear when making my point. I agree that carrying a fire extinguisher every time I go out would be really stupid just like carrying a gun every time I go out would be really stupid. .
Perhaps I wasn't clear when making my point. I agree that carrying a fire extinguisher every time I go out would be really stupid just like carrying a gun every time I go out would be really stupid. .

Bulldyke, ARE you currently incarcerated?
Perhaps I wasn't clear when making my point. I agree that carrying a fire extinguisher every time I go out would be really stupid just like carrying a gun every time I go out would be really stupid. .
how are you going to put a fire out of youre not home??

having a gun on you when youre out will/may save you if danger comes your way, just like having an extinguisher in your house will/might save you or your house if a fire comes breaks out,,

statistic prove both to be true,,
I have your IQ running in the mid to upper 70's, your silly suppositions being so ludicrous and absent intellectual support, I would not be least bit surprised to learn you are currently incarcerated within a house of detention, or perhaps are barred by law from access to firearms, but mostly it indicates a childish disconnect from the real, a mentality bordering upon dream state... ;)
Gun nuts always seem to be obsessed with IQs. No matter how much you hope it will, your gun fetish doesn't compensate for your IQ being smaller than you wish, or anything else being smaller, for that matter.
Gun nuts always seem to be obsessed with IQs. No matter how much you hope it will, your gun fetish doesn't compensate for your IQ being smaller than you wish, or anything else being smaller, for that matter.

He's right though Bulldyke - estimating your IQ at 70 is overly generous.

Come on, you know you're not smart.
You caught me. I'm a prisoner of love, but she made me promise not to let her husband find out.
It would devastate a man to find out a - well whatever the fuck gender you think you are - is messing with his woman...
Bulldyke - everyone seems smart to you.

There's a reason for that....
I will admit that there is something I can learn from everybody. From you, I learned that nutbags rarely believe they are as goofy as they really are.
Gun nuts always seem to be obsessed with IQs. No matter how much you hope it will, your gun fetish doesn't compensate for your IQ being smaller than you wish, or anything else being smaller, for that matter.
You keep referring to "gun nuts," and cowards, afraid to walk the paths of life unshod, pure trolling pejorative, and very likely safely ensconced within a basement, or cell somewhere, marinating in some kind of weird tough-guy fantasy of how it is and how it isn't. Are you a convicted felon???

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