Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

I’d like to thank the conservatives subscribing to this thread for proving correct the thread’s premise.

You are such a poser, I tore your dumb OP apart on the first page of this thread and have continued to knock out every single leg of support you have tried since the OP.

You have demonstrated no independent knowledge of the particular laws or constitutional principles at work here, all you can do is parrot the goofy premises of the article you linked to in the OP.

You are not smart enough to know that the theory of the article is completely backwards, it's the pro-regulation, anti-gun side that is the"aspirational 2ndA"-- the gun rights side is the one with SCOTUS supporting it. I have asked you again and again to cite the judicial decisions that support your theory, you refuse.

Tell me, which examples of the "judicial 2ndA" support your pro-regulation, anti-gun side:
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1876)​
Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252 (1886)​
United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939)​
Lewis v. United States, 445 U.S. 55 (1980)​
District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008)​
McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010)​
Caetano v. Massachusetts, 577 U.S. ___ (2016)​

The very narrow illegitimately constructed "judicial" support the regulation side has enjoyed for 14 years, was destroyed less than a week after your article was published, at SCOTUS in the oral arguments in NYSRPA v Bruen.

It is clear that the "two-step" scheme the gun control endorsing Circuits have employed since Heller, is going to be gutted. The Circuits all know it; the 9th and 3rd Circuits have held-up enforcement of their decisions sustaining high-cap mag bans and assault weapon bans until NYSRPA is settled.

The gun rights "judicial 2ndA" is kicking the ass of the political, wishful thinking, anti-gun side.

You talk about state lawmakers operating past the orbit of the 2ndA but right now the political anti-2ndA machine in New York is in panic-mode, desperately trying to implement a myriad of new gun laws and citizen restrictions to have in effect when the enforcement of the real 2ndA is finally begun in New York.

Your entire premise is backwards, it is the pro-regulation, anti-gun side that is operating under an "aspirational" fantasy of what they want the 2nd Amendment to be. The gun rights side is operating under the true meaning which aligns with the "judicial 2nA" that has been enforced by SCOTUS without deviation since 1876, and will continue to be enforced,

Your best bet is to just be quiet, stop with these completely wrong posts that we all will point to an say, "well, that didn't age well" and just let this dog of a thread roll off the front page.

You really should hunker-down and prepare for the brutal reckoning that you anti-gun / anti-Constitution traitors will be suffering in June.
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Yep. Gun nuts are cowards. Only a coward is afraid to face everyday life without carrying a weapon designed to kill. What are you so afraid of. Was someone mean to you when you were little?
There are lots of bad bad people in the world----
Having a gun is prudent planning.
Yep. Gun nuts are cowards. Only a coward is afraid to face everyday life without carrying a weapon designed to kill. What are you so afraid of. Was someone mean to you when you were little?
I’m 75 years old with a bad hip that should be replaced, a bad back and COPD.. I am not going to able to take on an attacker half a century younger than I am and win and I am not so stupid as to assume I can.

My noticeable limp and age makes me a weak member of the herd for a potential predator to victimize.

If I am attacked by someone who I honestly feel wishes to put me in the hospital or six feet under I will attempt to stop the attack with my legally concealed .38 snub nosed revolver.

I don’t live in fear but I do practice situational awareness which basically means I am alert to what is happen around me and I don’t walk down dark streets with a cell phone glued to my ear.
Well no. If the cowards had ever actually been a victim, that would at least be a rational for feeling the need to be armed 24/7. Being afraid of something that has never happened, and is likely to never happen is just being a coward.
So you finally admit that there are actually people who have been victims of violent crimes.

I never used to worry about it until I was jumped, beaten and robbed by 3 pieces of shit so I understood a long time ago that there is real violence in the world, What the fuck took you so long>
I’m 75 years old with a bad hip that should be replaced, a bad back and COPD.. I am not going to able to take on an attacker half a century younger than I am and win and I am not so stupid as to assume I can.

My noticeable limp and age makes me a weak member of the herd for a potential predator to victimize.

If I am attacked by someone who I honestly feel wishes to put me in the hospital or six feet under I will attempt to stop the attack with my legally concealed .38 snub nosed revolver.

I don’t live in fear but I do practice situational awareness which basically means I am alert to what is happen around me and I don’t walk down dark streets with a cell phone glued to my ear.

Bulldyke believes that it has the right to prey on you. Bulldyke looks for the weak and elderly. The idea that one of it's victims could fight back effectively is a chilling thought indeed to those like Bullydyke

It still remembers...

Yep. Gun nuts are cowards. Only a coward is afraid to face everyday life without carrying a weapon designed to kill. What are you so afraid of. Was someone mean to you when you were little?

Why can't we be more Progressive in our gun ownership where only the good government guys have all the guys? You know, like Xi's China, Putin's Russia, Un's North Korea?
You keep referring to "gun nuts," and cowards, afraid to walk the paths of life unshod, pure trolling pejorative, and very likely safely ensconced within a basement, or cell somewhere, marinating in some kind of weird tough-guy fantasy of how it is and how it isn't. Are you a convicted felon???
I almost wish I could say yes, just for your sake, but no. A few speeding tickets are the total of my criminal history. I have spent some time helping ex-cons find work, and get their shit together though.
I’m 75 years old with a bad hip that should be replaced, a bad back and COPD.. I am not going to able to take on an attacker half a century younger than I am and win and I am not so stupid as to assume I can.

My noticeable limp and age makes me a weak member of the herd for a potential predator to victimize.

If I am attacked by someone who I honestly feel wishes to put me in the hospital or six feet under I will attempt to stop the attack with my legally concealed .38 snub nosed revolver.

I don’t live in fear but I do practice situational awareness which basically means I am alert to what is happen around me and I don’t walk down dark streets with a cell phone glued to my ear.
We are more alike than you know, and situational awareness is quite often called for, but that is not the same as a rational belief that you need to be armed 24/7.
We are more alike than you know, and situational awareness is quite often called for, but that is not the same as a rational belief that you need to be armed 24/7.

Who said 24/7? We are armed when we leave the house.

If you didn't have hyperbole you would have nothing.
So you finally admit that there are actually people who have been victims of violent crimes.

I never used to worry about it until I was jumped, beaten and robbed by 3 pieces of shit so I understood a long time ago that there is real violence in the world, What the fuck took you so long>
Of course there are victims of violent crime, and there are times when being armed is the best logical choice. I have always said that. Not everywhere you might be, and not 2/47. My neighbor keeps bees, but he doesn't wear his bee suit 24/7.
Of course there are victims of violent crime, and there are times when being armed is the best logical choice. I have always said that. Not everywhere you might be, and not 2/47. My neighbor keeps bees, but he doesn't wear his bee suit 24/7.
then tell us what hrs of the day do we not need to be armed,,
Why can't we be more Progressive in our gun ownership where only the good government guys have all the guys? You know, like Xi's China, Putin's Russia, Un's North Korea?
Thank you. That's a perfect example of twisted right wing logic. Either every nutjob in America is fully armed at all times, or we become China, Russia, or N Korea. You realize there is a vast range in between those two possibilities, don't you?
Thank you. That's a perfect example of twisted right wing logic. Either every nutjob in America is fully armed at all times, or we become China, Russia, or N Korea. You realize there is a vast range in between those two possibilities, don't you?
come on man,, just tell us what hrs of the day we dont need to be armed and we wont need to be armed 24/7 and you dont have to be so offended by it,,
Who said 24/7? We are armed when we leave the house.

If you didn't have hyperbole you would have nothing.
I'm not going to look up every time some gun nut claims he is always armed. I'm not dumb enough to believe you haven't read the posts. On a side note, I know people who are armed every time they even step into their yard, and the few times, inside their homes that they don't have a gun strapped to their body, there is one easily accessible in each room.
I'm not going to look up every time some gun nut claims he is always armed. I'm not dumb enough to believe you haven't read the posts. On a side note, I know people who are armed every time they even step into their yard, and the few times, inside their homes that they don't have a gun strapped to their body, there is one easily accessible in each room.
you ever going to tell us what hrs we should be armed??
Are you really dumb enough to think an appropriate time to be armed can be determined strictly by what time it is?
so based on the house fire analogy that says its best to have an extinguisher available at all times its best to be armed at all times,,

as the old saying goes
"best to have it and not need it than need it and not have it"

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