Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

And now I have spent time reading dozens of posts of people trying to rebut the rantings of an imbecile crying about how they FEEL about people who own guns.

Why are people so enthralled with the emotions and insecurities of a piss-their-pants leftist who is utterly incapable of reason, who can't even converse in facts and logic?

Does anyone really think they are conversing with an honest person who can ever be convinced that they shouldn't keep saying gun owners "live in fear", when they get a bunch of Pavlov's dogs to bark and scratch every time they say it?

You do realize hearing "no we aren't" is the entire goal of a troll's existence and purpose for posting right????

The shear fact that they can drag this most pathetic red herring across the thread and make them and their infantile feelings the focus of discussion, for page after page, is sad . . . Thinking people replying to the parrot-like "you're afraid" stupidity believing they are actually rebutting an honest, interested poster, is sadder.

There is an old saying . . . DON'T FEED THE TROLL.

All this turd lives for is people they hate and are afraid of and have no real concern about their opinions, being prodded into replying to them.

The only way to show you are smarter than a dumb, mouth-breathing, fart factory & shit in the house and then eat it bulldog, is by not replying AT ALL to their disingenuous, lazy-brained crap.

My response isnt for him. My response is for casual readers who may not know about the gun issues except for everything they see on television, the news and every other left wing controlled source…..

My response is meant to show the truth and reality……in the small hope normal, uninformed people will see it and nod in agreement….and realize the anti-gun bedwetters just insane
While I agree with your post one thousand percent......

if we didn't occasionally feed the trolls this board would shut the hell down. That appears to be about 80 to 90 percent of what gets posted here. Trollish behavior by idiots. I think my ignore list is up over 70 now. And counting.

Trolls are afraid and repulsed by actual debate. People like Bulldog do not even contemplate this topic in the language of facts and history and law; they only feel their opinion. I think in principles, words, philosophy and law, Bulldog thinks in colors . . . It is an entirely different language.

Trying to debate a person's "feelings" is a useless endeavor; that's why I try to remind myself that people can not be reasoned out of an opinion they didn't first reason themselves into . . . Accept that and just save the energy.

Trying to debate a person's "feelings" is a useless endeavor; that's why I try to remind myself that people can not be reasoned out of an opinion they didn't first reason themselves into . . . Accept that and just save the energy.
Well said. I need to try harder to remember that myself.
Trolls are afraid and repulsed by actual debate. People like Bulldog do not even contemplate this topic in the language of facts and history and law; they only feel their opinion. I think in principles, words, philosophy and law, Bulldog thinks in colors . . . It is an entirely different language.

Trying to debate a person's "feelings" is a useless endeavor; that's why I try to remind myself that people can not be reasoned out of an opinion they didn't first reason themselves into . . . Accept that and just save the energy.


I think I see the problem...

One doesn't "debate" Bulldyke. Mock it, humiliate it, refute it's idiocy. You're correct, you can't debate an invertebrate leftist.
We have gun control laws and we should have no gun violence in our blue states.
Well that's just dumb. We have laws concerning all kinds of crime. Using your logic, we should have no crime at all of any kind. It doesn't work like that dumb ass.
did I say silly? or was that just your take on it? In any case my post only dealt with your description of the brave hearted vaccinated geniuses who are afraid of the unvaccinated even though they claim the vacine works
Nobody ever said the vaccine is 100%. At best, it greatly reduces the chances of contracting the virus, or of having severe symptoms if contracted.
What do you mean by "grab gun lovers and regulate them well"?
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

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