Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

How about smoke detectors? Will you Nazis outlaw those too?
Really? You're still trying to use Nazi to describe everything you don't like, as in "brussels sprouts are Nazi"? I have no problem if you want to open carry a smoke detector. Feel free to strap one on any time you want to.
Problem is you're both stupid and a pathological liar.

Blunt objects are involved in vastly more murders every year than guns are. Blunt objects are involved in more murders each year than AR-15's have been in the last thousand years.

A disarmed people are an obedient people.
You gun nuts sound more like Irwin Mainway every day.
We already have background checks
That was an absurd remark the last hundred times you made it. You know individual sellers, or as you like to call them "straw buyers", are not obligated to even care if an unknown buyer can pass a background check.
That was an absurd remark the last hundred times you made it. You know individual sellers, or as you like to call them "straw buyers", are not obligated to even care if an unknown buyer can pass a background check.

And you know you are lying.......individual sellers are not the issue...straw buyers....people who intentionally buy guns to sell them illegally....are the problem...and the democrat party lets them go too.......

The baby mommas, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers of criminals are the straw buyers for guns...then you have others who use their ability to pass background checks...any background check, to buy guns for criminals....once they are caught, we can lock them up...then the democrat party lets them go again...
And you know you are lying.......individual sellers are not the issue...straw buyers....people who intentionally buy guns to sell them illegally....are the problem...and the democrat party lets them go too.......

The baby mommas, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers of criminals are the straw buyers for guns...then you have others who use their ability to pass background checks...any background check, to buy guns for criminals....once they are caught, we can lock them up...then the democrat party lets them go again...
The baby mommas, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers of criminals, or anyone else who chooses to claim they are individual sellers can legally sell or give a gun to anyone they choose. The only way to charge them is to prove they knew the recipient of the weapon was not allowed to have a gun. This one and only way of prosecuting the individual seller/straw buyer comes with the added advantage of not even being required to check on the recipient's status. You know this stuff. Why do you keep pretending you don't? Are you retarded?
The baby mommas, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers of criminals, or anyone else who chooses to claim they are individual sellers can legally sell or give a gun to anyone they choose. The only way to charge them is to prove they knew the recipient of the weapon was not allowed to have a gun. This one and only way of prosecuting the individual seller/straw buyer comes with the added advantage of not even being required to check on the recipient's status. You know this stuff. Why do you keep pretending you don't? Are you retarded?

No, they can't. You know this, of course.

Keep posting.....trusting our gun Rights to people like you is a non-starter ....
Yeah in your little fantasy world where no one is ever the victim of a violent crime.

Like I said you'd fold like a cheap suit if you ever had to stand up to anyone hell bent on doing you harm
I have no need to convince you otherwise. You are free to believe what you will. My ego requires nothing from you, so your childish taunts are nothing more than childish taunts.
I have no need to convince you otherwise. You are free to believe what you will. My ego requires nothing from you, so your childish taunts are nothing more than childish taunts.
Your ego required you call other people cowards when you have no clue as to what those people have experienced.

You're just another wannabe internet bad ass.
Your ego required you call other people cowards when you have no clue as to what those people have experienced.

You're just another wannabe internet bad ass.
My ego has nothing to do with your fear of not being armed 24/7
Really? You're still trying to use Nazi to describe everything you don't like, as in "brussels sprouts are Nazi"? I have no problem if you want to open carry a smoke detector. Feel free to strap one on any time you want to.

I use "Nazi" to describe members of the National Socialist Democrat Workers Party, or just "democrats" who promote the democrat Reich with the use of the scapegoat "Der Juden" (the whites) to focus hatred against a particular race. You who advocate collectivist totalitarianism where the means of production are controlled by the state, where opposition to your Reich is forcibly suppressed by locking those who protest your Reich in Gulags for nearly a year for offenses like trespassing. Where children are forced into the Biden Youth and taught to hate themselves, their culture, and their families based on their skin color.
That was an absurd remark the last hundred times you made it. You know individual sellers, or as you like to call them "straw buyers", are not obligated to even care if an unknown buyer can pass a background check.

Straw buyers are illegal, a federal felony. So you want to pass more laws to make it illegal to break existing laws that already make this illegal?

You are one DUMB assed Nazi, Bulldyke.
Armed gun nuts on the street who have not, and can not pass a background check are a danger to everybody near them.

Lying fucking retard....

Armed gun nuts on the street who have not, and can not pass a background check are called "felons," fuckwad.
The baby mommas, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers of criminals, or anyone else who chooses to claim they are individual sellers can legally sell or give a gun to anyone they choose. The only way to charge them is to prove they knew the recipient of the weapon was not allowed to have a gun. This one and only way of prosecuting the individual seller/straw buyer comes with the added advantage of not even being required to check on the recipient's status. You know this stuff. Why do you keep pretending you don't? Are you retarded?

That's a fucking lie.

What a piece of shit you are.

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