Why the story about Stormy Daniels is more of a scandal than just an affair

The evangelical cult will continue to give trump's immoral actions a pass so long as he continues to do their bidding.

People didn’t vote for Billy Graham....30 states and 2,623 counties elected a badass President to turn this shithole around by bitch-slapping LefTards and illegals on a daily basis.
As the Trump ass-kissers rally around Trump actually praising him for paying $130,000 to a hooker to get laid.....and the hypocritical so-called evangelicals scramble to find the Bible passage to justify the orange buffoon's cheating on his wife......the REAL story is not about an illicit affair BUT about the breaches in campaign finance laws........
This entire mess was probably started by Mueller's investigators subpoena of the bank's records on Cohen's check to Daniels....

Read and learn.

Stormy Daniels' lawsuit raises election law questions for Donald Trump
2 days ago - Stormy Daniels' suit claiming a 'hush' agreement from Donald Trump may help case about election violations, but she still could lose her court fight. ... claims that the $130,000 payment for her silence about an alleged affair likely violated federal election laws, campaign-finance watchdogs said Wednesday.

Stormy Daniels Lawsuit Opens Door to Further Trouble for Trump ...
Stormy Daniels Lawsuit Opens Door to Further Trouble for Trump
14 hours ago - But the lawsuit she filed this week, seeking to break a 2016 agreement to keep silent in return for a $130,000 payout, opens what could be a ... also provide evidence of campaign spendingviolations, which would bolster a pending Federal Election Commission complaint against Mr. Trump'scampaign.

What We Learned From Stormy Daniels's Lawsuit Against Trump
2 days ago - If Cohen intended to silence Clifford to aid Trump politically (rather than, say, keeping the affair from Melania Trump), that could violate campaign finance laws. Even if the payment came fromTrump, he might have failed to properly disclose it. Democratic Reps. Ted Lieu and Kathleen Rice, both former ...

Trump payoff to Stormy Daniels warrants federal investigation - NY ...
2 days ago - By failing to report the payment as a campaign expense, the Trump campaign violated multiple federal disclosure laws. And depending on the source of the $130,000 paid to Daniels, thepayment may also have been an illegal contribution. If the funds came from a corporation like theTrump Organization, ...

Trump lawyer complained he wasn't reimbursed for Stormy Daniels ...
4 days ago - President Trump's lawyer complained to friends following the 2016 election that he had not been reimbursed for his payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, ... Michael Cohen paid Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, $130,000 as part of a nondisclosure agreement that ensuredshe would not ...
Trump Lawyer's Porn Star Payoff Could Have Broken the Law. But It ...
time.com › Politics › White House
Feb 14, 2018 - Campaign finance experts say that a payment to porn star Stormy Daniels arranged by Donald Trump's personal lawyer could have broken the law, but it's unlikely that it will lead to any legal consequences. Trump's longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, conceded Tuesday night that he arranged for ....

even if it were just an affair, I seem to remember them impeaching bill Clinton for a blow job

No, they impeached him for lying about it under oath.

for lying about an affair, idiota. let's put Donald on the witness stand, get him deposed and watch *him* lie.

dishonest twit.

What's the old saying? "It's not the crime, it's the coverup.

Lying under oath is lying under oath.

The difference is Trump isn't dumb enough to get on the stand over this, Slick Willie was, either due to arrogance or ignorance.
even if it were just an affair, I seem to remember them impeaching bill Clinton for a blow job

Well, watch Trump ass-kissers begin claiming that Clinton paid off Monica to keep quiet.......lol

monica never complained about her relationship with bill.... linda tripp did.

but then again, trumptards are compulsive liars... like their orange jesus
That's funny 'cause the right sure did give a fuck when Clinton was caught having an affair, which they also said, was not about the affair but that he broke the law. Well it looks like Trump may have as well.

Clinton was dumb enough to lie about it, and also poor form on him getting blown by a Long Island "4".

He's the President. Kennedy had Monroe, Clinton settled for a dumpy proto-housewife.
And I'm sure that will be Trump's defense if it can be proven he violated campaign finance laws.

All the theories listed by the OP are just that, theories.

notice the repeated use of the words "may, could, might"
Yeah, so? That’s why I said, ”if.”
People didn’t vote for Billy Graham....30 states and 2,623 counties elected a badass President

You may need help from a grown up to explain to you the map below.....Find someone, quick..lol

U.S. Map by population

I don't think this much about anything, unless some people who voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary think about a third option.
What's the old saying? "It's not the crime, it's the coverup.

Lying under oath is lying under oath.

The difference is Trump isn't dumb enough to get on the stand over this, Slick Willie was, either due to arrogance or ignorance.

true, true........Donald is much more of a con man than Bill could ever be.......Congrats......LOL
What's the old saying? "It's not the crime, it's the coverup.

Lying under oath is lying under oath.

The difference is Trump isn't dumb enough to get on the stand over this, Slick Willie was, either due to arrogance or ignorance.

true, true........Donald is much more of a con man than Bill could ever be.......Congrats......LOL

Nah, it's just you lined up to suck off what slick willie was serving.
Not a hooker, a porn star, and if the story is true, a gold digger, but not a hooker.

Ahhhhhh, a new definition of a "hooker" by a neo-evangelical?

So, to allow a fat fuck on top of you for money is NO longer considered "hooking"???

got a link stating he paid her for sex,

or just one stating he paid her to keep quiet?
Why would he pay her to keep her quiet if he didn’t feel guilty about it?
Plus..... don’t know how to use google?
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has he made any statements under oath about it?

I guess we'll have to wait for Mueller's subpoena ......and watch Donny defy it in front of the SCOTUS.

haven't we been waiting for that since last year?

Here's a hint, you will still be waiting when he's up for re-election in 2020.
Unlikely because before that will be

I know, any day now, any day.

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