Why the TEA PARTY movement will end up being a GOOD thing for American Politics.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!
Mods - please move this thread to the 'Tea Party Forum'.

The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!

It already has been and is a good thing for American Politics.

It shook things up, and forced Both parties to wake the fuck up. If at least for a second. lol
The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!

It already has been and is a good thing for American Politics.

It shook things up, and forced Both parties to wake the fuck up. If at least for a second. lol

And if it splits the GOP voters at the next election even better. :tongue:
The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!

It already has been and is a good thing for American Politics.

It shook things up, and forced Both parties to wake the fuck up. If at least for a second. lol

And if it splits the GOP voters at the next election even better. :tongue:

Why are you afraid of people voting?

Is it that you just don't want any rep. in office regardless of platform or qualifications?

You've just admitted that you are a partisan who puts their party before their country.

It's damn stupid to blindly vote party over qualifications/experience/good ideas...EITHER party.
"What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system which they are presumably part. Repetition, somewhat overrated in importance because of the common belief in the masses' inferior capacity to grasp and remember, is important because it convinces them of consistency in time." Hannah Arendt

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

Interesting thoughts even though I disagree. Whenever words like 'limited government' and 'personal responsibility' enter the dialogue you are in subjective-ville. Often they hide the real motivation behind either the status quo or the powers that be. If the tea party were truly grassroots they would have started long ago, not after the last election. The election of William Jefferson Clinton brought forth a similar movement and the commonalities are democrats and a threat to corporate power. I don't have time now to comment sufficiently, but I will leave a few links to my thoughts and the thoughts of others.

The Contemporary Condition: Tea Party Redux: Thoughts and Responses


New Page 1

As an example of the rhoritical term 'limited government,' I offer this view as a counter. The Conservative Nanny State

"Not only does there seem to be widespread social fragmentation and disillusionment with democracy in the United States, but the possibility of reversing this sense of alienation appears to many of us to be already lost. Any democratic president who wants to institute the desperately needed reforms in health, welfare and the environment faces one of two options. He can stick by his reform program and suffer a loss of public confidence through orchestrated campaigns to publicly portray him as 'too liberal' and ineffectual (the Carter image) or too indecisive or sexually indiscreet (the Clinton image). Alternatively, a reforming democratic president can move further to the Right, forget his promises and become part of the propaganda campaign. Given the history of democratic propaganda in the United States, some of us doubt that another Roosevelt or New Deal is possible. The political system is now so attuned to business interests that this kind of reformer could no longer institute the substantial health, welfare, education, environmental and employment reforms the country needs." Andrew Lohrey, Introduction, "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy" Alex Carey
"What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system which they are presumably part. Repetition, somewhat overrated in importance because of the common belief in the masses' inferior capacity to grasp and remember, is important because it convinces them of consistency in time." Hannah Arendt

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

Interesting thoughts even though I disagree. Whenever words like 'limited government' and 'personal responsibility' enter the dialogue you are in subjective-ville. Often they hide the real motivation behind either the status quo or the powers that be. If the tea party were truly grassroots they would have started long ago, not after the last election. The election of William Jefferson Clinton brought forth a similar movement and the commonalities are democrats and a threat to corporate power. I don't have time now to comment sufficiently, but I will leave a few links to my thoughts and the thoughts of others.

The Contemporary Condition: Tea Party Redux: Thoughts and Responses


New Page 1

As an example of the rhoritical term 'limited government,' I offer this view as a counter. The Conservative Nanny State

"Not only does there seem to be widespread social fragmentation and disillusionment with democracy in the United States, but the possibility of reversing this sense of alienation appears to many of us to be already lost. Any democratic president who wants to institute the desperately needed reforms in health, welfare and the environment faces one of two options. He can stick by his reform program and suffer a loss of public confidence through orchestrated campaigns to publicly portray him as 'too liberal' and ineffectual (the Carter image) or too indecisive or sexually indiscreet (the Clinton image). Alternatively, a reforming democratic president can move further to the Right, forget his promises and become part of the propaganda campaign. Given the history of democratic propaganda in the United States, some of us doubt that another Roosevelt or New Deal is possible. The political system is now so attuned to business interests that this kind of reformer could no longer institute the substantial health, welfare, education, environmental and employment reforms the country needs." Andrew Lohrey, Introduction, "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy" Alex Carey

ok..we get it..you're willing to use any biased or slanted "source" to prop up your negative assessment of the tea party.
The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!

If the TP really wants to be mainstream, they're going to have to jettison the SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES in their party.

Likewise the birthers will have to go.

Neither of those subsets of the TP truly represent the mainstream of American thought.

The mainstream of thinking here, perhaps, but not that found on Main Street USA
Taxed Enough Already Party is the majority of silent voters in this country, it includes Repubs, Independents and Dems. You are believing the lies that are being spewed out about the movement. TEA Party is the mainstream whether you like it or not editec.
Taxed Enough Already Party is the majority of silent voters in this country, it includes Repubs, Independents and Dems. You are believing the lies that are being spewed out about the movement. TEA Party is the mainstream whether you like it or not editec.

Let them keep diluting themselves about it.
Haven't most politicians who proclaim to be part of the tea party essentially voted on republican party lines for the most part?
Taxed Enough Already Party is the majority of silent voters in this country, it includes Repubs, Independents and Dems. You are believing the lies that are being spewed out about the movement. TEA Party is the mainstream whether you like it or not editec.

Most Americans Believe the GOP Needs to Listen to the Tea Party, Poll Finds

The Tea party is not a majority of AMERICANS

However, the tea party movement as a whole is not regarded as favorably by the public as the Republican Party is. While 47 percent see Republicans favorably compared to 43 percent who do not, 42 percent see the tea party movement unfavorably compared to 39 percent who had a positive view. The remainder in each case expressed no opinion.
It already has been and is a good thing for American Politics.

It shook things up, and forced Both parties to wake the fuck up. If at least for a second. lol

And if it splits the GOP voters at the next election even better. :tongue:

Why are you afraid of people voting?

Is it that you just don't want any rep. in office regardless of platform or qualifications?

You've just admitted that you are a partisan who puts their party before their country.

It's damn stupid to blindly vote party over qualifications/experience/good ideas...EITHER party.

Who says I'm afraid of people voting? Where did that come from? :confused:

And from what I've seen over the past 30-40 years I have no problem saying I'm partisan. And it's because I love my nation (and my fellow Americans) that I will almost always will vote for the party who will do the most goood for the PEOPLE. :clap2:
"Southerners knew that the Founding Fathers had rebelled from Great Britain and established the federal government for the security of life., liberty and property. They perceived Lincoln and his Republican cohorts as politicians who were hostile to their enjoyment of their rights."
(Glatthaar J. T., "General Lee's Army" p. 32)

"..... 'If THEY (the Founding Fathers) could not endure a tax on tea because it violated a sacred principle, how could WE submit to be governed by those whose steady determination is to sacrifice our happiness, and even our lives, in the abolition of an institution guaranteed to us by the constitution of our fathers?'"
(Glatthaar J. T., "General Lee's Army" p. 39)

"But Southern society also promoted certain qualities that did not benefit the Confederate nation in a war ... to adhere to a code of discipline meant that others imposed their will on an individual. Such dominance of the individual smacked of slavery, and Southern whites were extremely sensitive to it ... if society compelled them to obey, then it dominated the individual and deprived him of his manhood, and no self-respecting whire Southerner could endure that."
(Glatthaar J. T., "General Lee's Army" p. 176)
Although the issues may have changed, there is a common "thread" linking today's "Tea Party" and the Confederate supporters during the Civil War.

- like the origibal revolutionairies of 1776, both groups see themselves seeking independence and the preservation of their rightsas the embodiment of those who faught in Revolutionary War

- both see themselves as upholding the US Constitution and its guarantees concerning individual rights and freedoms, including the acquisition of property and government taxation

- both focus on individual, minority and states rights, as opposed to the rights of the majority, society at large and the federal govrtnment

- for practical purposes, both groups are like "herding cats!" A group that is strongly focused on individual rights and freedoms will invariably have difficulty imposing organization and discipline among its members for any extended period of time!
"Southerners knew that the Founding Fathers had rebelled from Great Britain and established the federal government for the security of life., liberty and property. They perceived Lincoln and his Republican cohorts as politicians who were hostile to their enjoyment of their rights."
(Glatthaar J. T., "General Lee's Army" p. 32)

"..... 'If THEY (the Founding Fathers) could not endure a tax on tea because it violated a sacred principle, how could WE submit to be governed by those whose steady determination is to sacrifice our happiness, and even our lives, in the abolition of an institution guaranteed to us by the constitution of our fathers?'"
(Glatthaar J. T., "General Lee's Army" p. 39)

"But Southern society also promoted certain qualities that did not benefit the Confederate nation in a war ... to adhere to a code of discipline meant that others imposed their will on an individual. Such dominance of the individual smacked of slavery, and Southern whites were extremely sensitive to it ... if society compelled them to obey, then it dominated the individual and deprived him of his manhood, and no self-respecting whire Southerner could endure that."
(Glatthaar J. T., "General Lee's Army" p. 176)
Although the issues may have changed, there is a common "thread" linking today's "Tea Party" and the Confederate supporters during the Civil War.

- like those who supported The American War of Independence (1775–1783), both groups see themselves seeking independence and the preservation of their rights and freedoms

- both also see themselves as upholding the US Constitution and its guarantees concerning individual rights and freedoms, including the acquisition of property, taxation and the intrusion of the federal government into their personal lives

- both focus on individual, minority and states rights, as opposed to the rights of the majority, society at large and the federal government

- for practical purposes, both groups are like "herding cats!" A group that is strongly focused on individual rights and freedoms will invariably have difficulty imposing organization and discipline among its members for any extended period of time!
Taxed Enough Already Party is the majority of silent voters in this country, it includes Repubs, Independents and Dems. You are believing the lies that are being spewed out about the movement. TEA Party is the mainstream whether you like it or not editec.

Most Americans Believe the GOP Needs to Listen to the Tea Party, Poll Finds

The Tea party is not a majority of AMERICANS

However, the tea party movement as a whole is not regarded as favorably by the public as the Republican Party is. While 47 percent see Republicans favorably compared to 43 percent who do not, 42 percent see the tea party movement unfavorably compared to 39 percent who had a positive view. The remainder in each case expressed no opinion.

You are not accepting that the silent majority of voters are not part of the tea party but have the same belief,'s smaller more efficient government and getting back the power of the people and not the special interests in Washington. Being able to recall our representatives more easily. Those type of things
The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!

It already has been and is a good thing for American Politics.

It shook things up, and forced Both parties to wake the fuck up. If at least for a second. lol

And if it splits the GOP voters at the next election even better. :tongue:

Screw the split - here's hoping that the Tea Party can pull enough Liberals and Libertarians out of the democratic ranks that it can drop the socialist red-neck stand on mandating lifestyle choices and tell the status quo republicans to go pound sand so it can stand as a true third party with a platform of limited government involvement in BOTH social and fiscal issues.
The Republican Party has traditionally been a conservative bastion of the status quo - conservative by nature because of it's dedication to preserving the flow of cash in its current direction, which is toward them that have. While the Democratic Party has also been a tool of the status quo in preserving the directional flow of the rivers of money, the Republicans have been their understandable favorite, especially in the wake of the outstanding job the Republicans have done of selling the 'trickle down' theory to the middle classes and successfully using fear to shift the political wind, in spite of economic reality.

To understand the value that the Tea-Party movement brings to the middle classes via their influence on the Republicans, you must first have a basic understanding of history and an understanding of the definition of "Liberal Thinking". It also helps to understand why liberalism became so popular in the 17th century. Liberal Thinking, in its true connotation, looks for personal responsibility among individuals and limited government involvement in the lives of citizens. Liberal Thinking looks for fair taxation and adequate representation of those taxed in the decisions on how tax money is spent. "Liberal", in short, comes from the word "Liberty".

What 'Liberal' does NOT mean is 'government control over everything'. This is an unfortunately effective bastardization of the term in the mid 20th century by Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy during his paranoid witch-hunt for communists in America, which was the conservative push for control of American politics using fear of his time, similar to the current use of American fear of Islam and alternative life-styles for political control. The really unfortunate effect that Senator McCarthy's successful witch-hunt had was to give the Democratic Party over to the Socialists, who, like the Conservatives, really do want government control over everything, but for very different reasons.

The value that the Tea Party brings to middle class politics in America is their stalwart ideology of limited government and personal responsibility for individuals, at least with regards to fiscal issues. In short, the Tea Party has brought true liberal thinking back into mainstream politics in America, at least as far as fiscal policy goes, and they brought it in straight through the front door of Senator McCarthy's Republican Party.

I call on all my brothers and sisters who understand the value of liberal thinking in politics and making their own decisions in daily life to join their local Tea Party and force this most recent bloom of liberal thinking to push through the liberal policies of limited government, fair taxes and personal responsibility that got so many republicans elected last November, and to also apply the concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and true freedom of personal choices in the many social issues that continue to make the Republican Party in general suck like a conservative dick-tater.

It's time to take the Tea Party mainstream!

If the TP really wants to be mainstream, they're going to have to jettison the SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES in their party.

Likewise the birthers will have to go.

Neither of those subsets of the TP truly represent the mainstream of American thought.

The mainstream of thinking here, perhaps, but not that found on Main Street USA

The social conservatives are the enigma of the Tea Party movement - How the hell a person can praise limited government involvement in commerce while insisting that the government stop their neighbors from smoking pot or engaging in homosexuality is beyond my comprehension.

Either you want big brother to run everyone's life or you don't.
The social conservatives are the enigma of the Tea Party movement - How the hell a person can praise limited government involvement in commerce while insisting that the government stop their neighbors from smoking pot or engaging in homosexuality is beyond my comprehension.

Either you want big brother to run everyone's life or you don't.


Exactly why I stopped calling myself a conservative and started calling myself a libertarian. I want government out of my wallet...AND...my bedroom. In my view, that is conservatism, but it's not the way the term is used today.
Screw the split - here's hoping that the Tea Party can pull enough Liberals and Libertarians out of the democratic ranks that it can drop the socialist red-neck stand on mandating lifestyle choices and tell the status quo republicans to go pound sand so it can stand as a true third party with a platform of limited government involvement in BOTH social and fiscal issues.

I'm a fiscal conservative like the Republicans and a social liberal like the Democrats. I've got four problems with our current system.

#1) Unlike the Republicans I actually am a fiscal conservative

#2) Unlike the Democrats I actually am a social liberal

#3) The Republicans are more interested in social conservatism then fiscal conservatism

#4) The Democrats are more interested in fiscal liberalism then social liberalism

Other then that...I'm good....

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