Why the Trump love?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!? If he is really the front runner for the republicans, than America truly deserves everything that Bush and Obama have given to us. Someone please explain to me why he ought to be president?
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Don't worry
He will stick his foot in his mouth sooner or later like he always does. :)
One can hope, but he already has, but no one pays attention to that. That's what worries me. I guess that's what happens when corporate media gets a gem like trump to drown out all other candidates talking about real issues and policies.
Don't worry
He will stick his foot in his mouth sooner or later like he always does. :)
One can hope, but he already has, but no one pays attention to that. That's what worries me. I guess that's what happens when corporate media gets a gem like trump to drown out all other candidates talking about real issues and policies.

So has Hillary but that doesn't matter to her voters either.
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? Nope.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.
The silent majority is becoming vocal. They are saying things like, enough redistributing our money and recourses. We're tired of government taxing everything. Tired of the Obamacare tax, tired of the lying bullshit from Obama. Tired of the back room deals and lack of transparency. Tired of the border hemorrhage, tired of the globe at the expense of America. Tired of Hitlery's lying bullshit. Tired of no jobs. Tired of the love affair with the Muslim Spring. Tired of pandering to Iran. Tired of lying politicians. Time for a leader who is rooting for America to come out on top for a change.
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? Nope.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.
Pretty black and white there closed caption. We mustn't paint with such broad strokes. Perhaps some of the GOP believe that there are criminals and rapist coming across the border able to create a new identity and be absolved of all previous crimes wherever they took place. And he's only got I think 17% support of the GOP out of 17 other candidates. So saying that GOP is made up of racist and bigots dissing on immigrants, the same sin as Donald alleging that almost all illegal immigrants are rapists and criminals? Let's think through what we say, look at reality, and try not to demonize one whole group with generalizations
Don't worry
He will stick his foot in his mouth sooner or later like he always does. :)

Right now Trump has both feet and his left hand in there and yes, there is still room for more. :D

Yes, he is the GOP Flavor of the Month for the extremist rightwingers at the present moment and he will be on the stage for the first debate where he will either flame out or flame everyone else.

Either way it will be entertaining and harmful to the GOP brand.
Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!? If he is really the front runner for the republicans, than America truly deserves everything that Bush and Obama have given to us. Someone please explain to me why he ought to be president?

Trump is a carnival barker...a clown.

That is why Democrats love him so much.

You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? no.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.

Tired of ^ bullshit of twisting to suit the leftist agenda. Trump doesn't insinuate. He says what he means. And he said some Mexicans are bad people. Your problem is what he said was true and you can't twist it. Some are bad. Ask the family of the murdered woman in San Fran. They'll tell us the truth.

And you're just going to hate this truth, but some Muslims are bad too, and Obama is flying them in by the plane load without asking which ones want to kill Americans before they board, because he doesn't give a shit. Trump does.
The silent majority is becoming vocal. They are saying things like, enough redistributing our money and recourses. We're tired of government taxing everything. Tired of the Obamacare tax, tired of the lying bullshit from Obama. Tired of the back room deals and lack of transparency. Tired of the border hemorrhage, tired of the globe at the expense of America. Tired of Hitlery's lying bullshit. Tired of no jobs. Tired of the love affair with the Muslim Spring. Tired of pandering to Iran. Tired of lying politicians. Time for a leader who is rooting for America to come out on top for a change.
Ok so am I, but Donald trump is in support of amnesty/pathway to citizenship, in support of a wealth tax meaning he comes in and taxes personal bank accounts of money that has already been taxed. Is in support of tariffs, which I hope either side does not support. And has used government eminent domain laws to get land he wants for his business. So I ask what policy of his is going to put America back on top?
The silent majority is becoming vocal. They are saying things like, enough redistributing our money and recourses. We're tired of government taxing everything. Tired of the Obamacare tax, tired of the lying bullshit from Obama. Tired of the back room deals and lack of transparency. Tired of the border hemorrhage, tired of the globe at the expense of America. Tired of Hitlery's lying bullshit. Tired of no jobs. Tired of the love affair with the Muslim Spring. Tired of pandering to Iran. Tired of lying politicians. Time for a leader who is rooting for America to come out on top for a change.

The left and GOP establishment have run amok and pissed off the silent majority, we are tired of being shit on by those assholes.
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Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!? If he is really the front runner for the republicans, than America truly deserves everything that Bush and Obama have given to us. Someone please explain to me why he ought to be president?

Trump is a carnival barker...a clown.

That is why Democrats love him so much.

Thank you, the left considers him a godsend, so why support him
The silent majority is becoming vocal. They are saying things like, enough redistributing our money and recourses. We're tired of government taxing everything. Tired of the Obamacare tax, tired of the lying bullshit from Obama. Tired of the back room deals and lack of transparency. Tired of the border hemorrhage, tired of the globe at the expense of America. Tired of Hitlery's lying bullshit. Tired of no jobs. Tired of the love affair with the Muslim Spring. Tired of pandering to Iran. Tired of lying politicians. Time for a leader who is rooting for America to come out on top for a change.

The left and GOP establishment have run amok and pissed off the silent majority, we are tired of being shit on by those assholes.
TRUMP IS LEFT OF ESTABLISHMENT GOP!!! Why would you want that if your against the establishment GOP
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? Nope.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.
Pretty black and white there closed caption. We mustn't paint with such broad strokes. Perhaps some of the GOP believe that there are criminals and rapist coming across the border able to create a new identity and be absolved of all previous crimes wherever they took place. And he's only got I think 17% support of the GOP out of 17 other candidates. So saying that GOP is made up of racist and bigots dissing on immigrants, the same sin as Donald alleging that almost all illegal immigrants are rapists and criminals? Let's think through what we say, look at reality, and try not to demonize one whole group with generalizations

They cross our boarders and commit crimes here just as much as they did in Mexico or South America.

According to crime data released by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE, out of more than 30-thousand criminal convictions associated with illegal immigrants in 2014, nearly 14,000 were convicted of driving under the influence. Homicides totaled more than 150. Nearly 85-hundred were convicted on serious drug charges and more than 1000-sexual offenses and assaults.
How many crimes are committed in the U.S. by people living here illegally News UpperMichigansSource.com
Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!? If he is really the front runner for the republicans, than America truly deserves everything that Bush and Obama have given to us. Someone please explain to me why he ought to be president?

Trump is a carnival barker...a clown.

That is why Democrats love him so much.

Thank you, the left considers him a godsend, so why support him

I am waiting for the debates, when one of the other nine candidates points out to the Donald that he is the only candidate on stage who endorsed Obama for President.

Fun times...

Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!? If he is really the front runner for the republicans, than America truly deserves everything that Bush and Obama have given to us. Someone please explain to me why he ought to be president?

I don't know yet if he would make a good president and I look forward to hearing him in the first debate on August 6th by FOX NEWS. We will know on August 4th the names of those candidates who will make the top ten list which will be determined by polls on that day.

Trump is commanding positive attention these days because there is a mass feeling he is speaking his non-PC truth to the biggest problems America is facing and he inspires people because many are convinced he can do what he says he will do and the rest are hopeful he can. His many years dealing with world leaders at their own tables lends credibility in his approach to foreign affairs. He employs many thousands of people at his various enterprises and most see this as a great record in job creation, too.

Trump brings hope for real change for many Americans who are desperately watching their country sink into a hellhole of progressive policies brought to you in the past six and one-half years.

If Trump doesn't win I would like to see a Walker/Fiorina ticket. I don't see any of the other candidates accepting a veep position, although I could be wrong. Carly also has experience with foreign leaders and she may have the right temperament for someone like Trump's style.

Each of them has their own baggage but have risen to the top in spite of it. Most successful people have had many setbacks before reaching the summit. These are "fall 7 times get up 8" personality types. We will all take the bad with the good in any nominee.

Below, is what a man I respect deeply has to say about Trump. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. is someone who has soared to the top with hard work, education and dedication to his job and principles.


Clarke said immigration must be cleaned up and specifically Muslim immigration.

“We have got to force this issue. That’s why I’m glad Donald Trump is in the race. He’s probably not going to win, but he’s going to make this Republican field talk about some issues they would rather not discuss,” Clarke said. “Our immigration policy is a disaster. Multiculturalism is a disaster, and it failed miserably when European countries all opened their borders and now they’re all tightening up. France demands assimilation now. So now, yes, we do have to look at immigration as a national-security threat.”

More attacks predicted

Clarke said he fully expects that Obama will continue to do everything in his power to muddy the waters and disassociate the Chattanooga killings from Islamism.

“You see where this is going to go with this administration for the next 72 hours,” he said. “We’ll hear from him that it has nothing to do with Islam when it has everything to do with Islam.”

Clarke, who recently earned his master’s degree in security studies from the Center of Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School, said the Obama administration has no strategy for protecting the homeland against Islamic terror.

Read more at Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/05/DavidClarke.png


Read more at Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI

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