Why the Trump love?

The silent majority is becoming vocal. They are saying things like, enough redistributing our money and recourses. We're tired of government taxing everything. Tired of the Obamacare tax, tired of the lying bullshit from Obama. Tired of the back room deals and lack of transparency. Tired of the border hemorrhage, tired of the globe at the expense of America. Tired of Hitlery's lying bullshit. Tired of no jobs. Tired of the love affair with the Muslim Spring. Tired of pandering to Iran. Tired of lying politicians. Time for a leader who is rooting for America to come out on top for a change.

The left and GOP establishment have run amok and pissed off the silent majority, we are tired of being shit on by those assholes.
TRUMP IS LEFT OF ESTABLISHMENT GOP!!! Why would you want that if your against the establishment GOP

Establishment GOP is milquetoast, Democrat Lite. McCain, Romney, Lindsay Graham, need to be liked and adorned by the liberal elite. You Liberals start by siting an "establishment" Republican you can get behind. Everytime, in the end, that same candidate is going to be portrayed as white racists/ anti women/ anti immigrant. It is what you think of the GOP anyways across the board. Trump is not anti-immigrant. He specifically called out those that choose to break US Law by crossing the border. Can he really be anti-woman? Hillary Clinton paid her female staffers $0.88 to the $1.00 she paid males while she was in the Senate.
The silent majority is becoming vocal. They are saying things like, enough redistributing our money and recourses. We're tired of government taxing everything. Tired of the Obamacare tax, tired of the lying bullshit from Obama. Tired of the back room deals and lack of transparency. Tired of the border hemorrhage, tired of the globe at the expense of America. Tired of Hitlery's lying bullshit. Tired of no jobs. Tired of the love affair with the Muslim Spring. Tired of pandering to Iran. Tired of lying politicians. Time for a leader who is rooting for America to come out on top for a change.

The left and GOP establishment have run amok and pissed off the silent majority, we are tired of being shit on by those assholes.
TRUMP IS LEFT OF ESTABLISHMENT GOP!!! Why would you want that if your against the establishment GOP

Establishment GOP is milquetoast, Democrat Lite. McCain, Romney, Lindsay Graham, need to be liked and adorned by the liberal elite. You Liberals start by siting an "establishment" Republican you can get behind. Everytime, in the end, that same candidate is going to be portrayed as white racists/ anti women/ anti immigrant. It is what you think of the GOP anyways across the board. Trump is not anti-immigrant. He specifically called out those that choose to break US Law by crossing the border. Can he really be anti-woman? Hillary Clinton paid her female staffers $0.88 to the $1.00 she paid males while she was in the Senate.
But trump is left of McCain, and the godsend for the democrats and their weak candidates. Look up rand Paula tax plan and see who you like more after. Btw rand is against amnesty, that trump is for... So I don't really call that a hard line by trump against immigration
Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!?
That's hilarious.

Every time anybody actually tries to address what he says, the leftist fanatics pile in and start calling him names, insisting he's mean and not nice, insulting anyone who listens to him, etc. etc. Not a single one of them dares to address what he actually said.

A recent thread about Trump's comments ran through 18 pages (and counting), with leftists frantically trying to change the subject and talk about Trump himself, instead of about what he said, no matter how many times normal people tried to bring them back to the subject.

And now some leftist is whining that "the right" isn't listening to his policies?

I 5hink the part you're missing is the part about Trumps POLICIES. Not how many comments a thread got on Trumps comments (btw comments are not POLICES)
Notice how now Trump said John McCain was a war hero because he got captured. The liberals are immediately screaming that Trump insulted him and that he said he wasn't a war hero. And even some Republicans are jumping on the bandwagon.

But... did Trump say anything about him that wasn't true?

They have to twist and lie about EVERYTHING Trump said... because they can't reply to what he actually DID say.
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? no.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.

Tired of ^ bullshit of twisting to suit the leftist agenda. Trump doesn't insinuate. He says what he means. And he said some Mexicans are bad people. Your problem is what he said was true and you can't twist it. Some are bad. Ask the family of the murdered woman in San Fran. They'll tell us the truth.

And you're just going to hate this truth, but some Muslims are bad too, and Obama is flying them in by the plane load without asking which ones want to kill Americans before they board, because he doesn't give a shit. Trump does.

Lets say you're right and he was making this a racial issu... so let me rephrase what I said.

Trump let the cat out of the bag that some Mexicans are bad and because of this new revelation that some people Mexicans are bad his numbers with the GOP went through the roof. Now, we can conclude that either the GOP wasnt aware that bad Mexican people exist and they are throwing their support behind that wealth of knowledge without hearing ONE policy from him or they already knew that bad Mexican people exist and applaud Trump for saying something that is common knowledge.
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? no.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.

Tired of ^ bullshit of twisting to suit the leftist agenda. Trump doesn't insinuate. He says what he means. And he said some Mexicans are bad people. Your problem is what he said was true and you can't twist it. Some are bad. Ask the family of the murdered woman in San Fran. They'll tell us the truth.

And you're just going to hate this truth, but some Muslims are bad too, and Obama is flying them in by the plane load without asking which ones want to kill Americans before they board, because he doesn't give a shit. Trump does.

Lets say you're right and he was making this a racial issu... so let me rephrase what I said.

Trump let the cat out of the bag that some Mexicans are bad and because of this new revelation that some people Mexicans are bad his numbers with the GOP went through the roof. Now, we can conclude that either the GOP wasnt aware that bad Mexican people exist and they are throwing their support behind that wealth of knowledge without hearing ONE policy from him or they already knew that bad Mexican people exist and applaud Trump for saying something that is common knowledge.

I believe what they applaud is candor. Standing up for America. He is going to have a rough time because the GOP proper is running against him. I've lost count of how many. And they are going to rip on everything he says. He needs to stop fighting them back and stay on point with the issues.

I love how on purpose abrasive language is being called "candor". Once again Trump doesn't have one policy, not one. All he does is talk like a professional WWE wrestler and the GOP loves it. Policies? What's that? IDK...BUT OMG HE OWNED SOMEONE!!
Once again Trump doesn't have one policy, not one.
This lie pops up every now and then.

Or perhaps people mean that he hasn't "made policy" because he's never held political office.

Is that a way of saying we should never elect someone President if he hasn't already held public office?

But here's a list of what Trump HAS said, with references and links to his complete quotes:
Donald Trump on the Issues
Once again Trump doesn't have one policy, not one.
This lie pops up every now and then.

Or perhaps people mean that he hasn't "made policy" because he's never held political office.

Is that a way of saying we should never elect someone President if he hasn't already held public office?

But here's a list of what Trump HAS said, with references and links to his complete quotes:
Donald Trump on the Issues
He has proposed policy, like wealth tax tariffs, supports amnesty, so which do you like acorn?

And yea he does talk like a WWE wrestler, that's a good one
Once again Trump doesn't have one policy, not one.
This lie pops up every now and then.

Or perhaps people mean that he hasn't "made policy" because he's never held political office.

Is that a way of saying we should never elect someone President if he hasn't already held public office?

But here's a list of what Trump HAS said, with references and links to his complete quotes:
Donald Trump on the Issues
Godamm the guy flips more than a fry chef
If you aren't voting Republican. why does it bother you so much?

we've been asking that same thing of the Democrat voters when it comes to that THUG Obama. Trump isn't making POLICY on us like Obama, Hillary is. so really just get over it already. he's free to say what he wants the same as that Thug Obama does. like them or hate them. Its yours and the people choice in this country
If you aren't voting Republican. why does it bother you so much?

we've been asking that same thing of the Democrat voters when it comes to that THUG Obama. Trump isn't making POLICY on us like Obama, Hillary is. so really just get over it already. he's free to say what he wants the same as that Thug Obama does. like them or hate them. Its yours and the people choice in this country
What upsets is media drowning out real candidates with this clown, and the republicans eating it up. They want to complain about media bias, but when the media yanks the chain they follow.
Notice how now Trump said John McCain was a war hero because he got captured. The liberals are immediately screaming that Trump insulted him and that he said he wasn't a war hero. And even some Republicans are jumping on the bandwagon.

But... did Trump say anything about him that wasn't true?

They have to twist and lie about EVERYTHING Trump said... because they can't reply to what he actually DID say.

Yeah I keep asking them to quote where Trump made nasty comments about vet's, just a simple quote from the transcripts.

Not one of them has been able to produce a quote.

So they are either too stupid to copy and paste the quote and source or is just doesn't exist.

We both know it doesn't exist, because he did not say that.

Now they read a headline, saw a chance to stab at him and promptly typed some stupid shit to post.
Trump is geting popular because he speaks the truth and doesn't patronize whoever he is talking to. He is saying what most americans are thinking rather than the PC bullshit being spouted by the politicians in both parties.
Is anyone on the right listening to his POLICIES?!? If he is really the front runner for the republicans, than America truly deserves everything that Bush and Obama have given to us. Someone please explain to me why he ought to be president?

What does he say that's so bad; that we should enforce immigration laws?
OP, I can't help but laugh, you keep saying "you don't get it", I firmly believe that.

You keep asking what the allure is and why he is leading.

The answers are elusive at best and unimaginable at worse.

Those of us who live in a reasonable and prudent society don't have to ask.

You do realize that a certain IQ level capable of understanding societal norms and interactions is required.
OP, I can't help but laugh, you keep saying "you don't get it", I firmly believe that.

You keep asking what the allure is and why he is leading.

The answers are elusive at best and unimaginable at worse.

Those of us who live in a reasonable and prudent society don't have to ask.

You do realize that a certain IQ level capable of understanding societal norms and interactions is required.

Clearly, anyone that doesn't want dole out money to illegals and give refuge to murderers is just so stupid. I mean, come on. Why can't we all be as enlightened as you, right?
Clearly, anyone that doesn't want dole out money to illegals and give refuge to murderers is just so stupid. I mean, come on. Why can't we all be as enlightened as you, right?

No stupid, criminals, go to jail, not get paid .......................
Refuge is a devise of the left, flag shipped under religion and fanatically pushed on society as the compassionate and caring thing to do.

Look our society that was here before that niga got in office had immigration laws, crafted by our society and sanctioned by our society through popular vote.

Both illegal immigrants and sanctuaries violate the tenets of that society, the society that had been here and had already spoken.

This new lawless society as governed by your HNIC, picks and chooses laws to enforce at their discrimination even against popular consensus.
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? no.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.

Tired of ^ bullshit of twisting to suit the leftist agenda. Trump doesn't insinuate. He says what he means. And he said some Mexicans are bad people. Your problem is what he said was true and you can't twist it. Some are bad. Ask the family of the murdered woman in San Fran. They'll tell us the truth.

And you're just going to hate this truth, but some Muslims are bad too, and Obama is flying them in by the plane load without asking which ones want to kill Americans before they board, because he doesn't give a shit. Trump does.






You have good and bad every segment of society but it is those like you that ignore your bad while demanding the rest of the world not to act like a bigoted fool that Tea party nutters love to act like!!!





You have good and bad every segment of society but it is those like you that ignore your bad while demanding the rest of the world not to act like a bigoted fool that Tea party nutters love to act like!!!

That's a lot of hate there Brucie, looks more like you doin some wholesale character assassination.

We have evil in all facets of life ..................

Hate the white Christians, who live in the south ......................

I noticed you mentioned "white" twice there Brucie, got some kind of obsession going on because you weren't born white??

Is that just common run of the mill ni$$er or sand ni$$er??

You wholesale character assassinate a couple of stereotypical groups and act like the "Tea Party" has mental issues.

Talk about needing a check up from the neck up .........................
You have to look to see when his numbers went up.

Did they go up when he announced? no.

Did they go up after he insinuated that minorities were rapist and murderers? Yes

So what conclusion can we make. The GOP hasn't heard one policy from him so that would mean they value dissing minorities or words without action or a plan of action.

Tired of ^ bullshit of twisting to suit the leftist agenda. Trump doesn't insinuate. He says what he means. And he said some Mexicans are bad people. Your problem is what he said was true and you can't twist it. Some are bad. Ask the family of the murdered woman in San Fran. They'll tell us the truth.

And you're just going to hate this truth, but some Muslims are bad too, and Obama is flying them in by the plane load without asking which ones want to kill Americans before they board, because he doesn't give a shit. Trump does.






You have good and bad every segment of society but it is those like you that ignore your bad while demanding the rest of the world not to act like a bigoted fool that Tea party nutters love to act like!!!

I have too much common sense to let facts determine my emotions. Some whites are bad. Some blacks are bad. Some whites are good, some blacks are good. Only the nutter left uses that fact to race bait, and demonize. To those with their claws sharpened:
some Mexicans are good. Some Mexicans are bad.
Some politicians are liars. Some have the guts to tell it like it is.
Vote for the guy with the guts.

And relax Bruce. All that shouting is going to give you a stroke. :)
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman appeared on Bloomberg Television Monday to discuss the appeal of Donald Trump to Republicans, and the Princeton economist pulled no punches.

“He’s a belligerent, loudmouthed racist with not an ounce of compassion for less fortunate people,” Krugman argued. “In other words, he’s exactly the kind of person the Republican base consists of and identifies with.”

“It’s clear that the very things that Upper West Side New Yorkers find detestable about him are exactly what endear him to the Republican base,” he continued. “Which is basically people who see in him everything — even the big red face and the yelling — that makes him their kind of guy.”

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