Why the Trump love?

Great Gatsby, took me a minute to find this: from newsmax...remember trump said this. and note the last paragraph what does that sound like to you?

Quoting newsmax:

"The Republican Party will continue to lose presidential elections if it comes across as mean-spirited and unwelcoming toward people of color, Donald Trump tells Newsmax.

Whether intended or not, comments and policies of Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates during this election were seen by Hispanics and Asians as hostile to them, Trump says.

“Republicans didn’t have anything going for them with respect to Latinos and with respect to Asians,” the billionaire developer says.

“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” Trump says. “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.”

Romney’s solution of “self deportation” for illegal aliens made no sense and suggested that Republicans do not care about Hispanics in general, Trump says.

“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which wasmaniacal,” Trump says. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump notes. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

The GOP has to develop a comprehensive policy “to take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country,” Trump says

End quote newsmax.

So it is possible that he flip flopped on his view on amnesty (and that wouldn't Suprise me) and even if he truly has changed his views (which I have my doubts because he's a mighty tower of jello) good for him...but wouldn't you trust a candidate that has been steadfast on enforcing immigration laws and anti-amnesty since day one (which there are a few). Not to mention a candidate who is not for tariffs (I saw that someone was all about that on this thread) which is a socialist, big gov, let's have the gov fix out problems, policy. And if you still are for tariffs, ask yourself, what do we manufacture in this country? When's the last time you saw a steel mill in operation? Where is all the stuff you buy from wal-mart from?
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It really bothers me that two of the biggest names on the Republican side are Bush (Yuck) and Trump (ewwwww) Meanwhile, there are very good candidates who can't get any traction
Walker's getting traction.
This makes me very happy.
Walker has a lot on his plate that I like.
Trump raises laughter, even from republicans. And he has several democrat positions. His views on immigration are more pro illegal immigrant than Hillary or Bernie, giving citizeship to illeagals that keep their noses clean for 6 years. He is a loudmouth with lots of things sotto voice that worry me.
Bush worries me more with each passing day.
Great Gatsby, took me a minute to find this: from newsmax...remember trump said this. and note the last paragraph what does that sound like to you?

Quoting newsmax:

"The Republican Party will continue to lose presidential elections if it comes across as mean-spirited and unwelcoming toward people of color, Donald Trump tells Newsmax.

Whether intended or not, comments and policies of Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates during this election were seen by Hispanics and Asians as hostile to them, Trump says.

“Republicans didn’t have anything going for them with respect to Latinos and with respect to Asians,” the billionaire developer says.

“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants, but what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it,” Trump says. “They didn’t know what the policy was, but what they were is they were kind.”

Romney’s solution of “self deportation” for illegal aliens made no sense and suggested that Republicans do not care about Hispanics in general, Trump says.

“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which wasmaniacal,” Trump says. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump notes. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

The GOP has to develop a comprehensive policy “to take care of this incredible problem that we have with respect to immigration, with respect to people wanting to be wonderful productive citizens of this country,” Trump says

End quote newsmax.

So it is possible that he flip flopped on his view on amnesty (and that wouldn't Suprise me) and even if he truly has changed his views (which I have my doubts because he's a mighty tower of jello) good for him...but wouldn't you trust a candidate that has been steadfast on enforcing immigration laws and anti-amnesty since day one (which there are a few). Not to mention a candidate who is not for tariffs (I saw that someone was all about that on this thread) which is a socialist, big gov, let's have the gov fix out problems, policy. And if you still are for tariffs, ask yourself, what do we manufacture in this country? When's the last time you saw a steel mill in operation? Where is all the stuff you buy from wal-mart from?
this makes me very angry. The man is still a democrat
Where are all the trump supporters now?
Seriously what do y'all think?
Because the Jakeass's can't touch this...

Where are all the trump supporters now?
Seriously what do y'all think?
Trump for president.
Alright hope all the strong conservatives are ready for tariffs, and wealth tax. Forgot about people putting out tax plans of 14.5% corporate and personal.... Oh and you're not taxed on the first 50,000. Not to mention no FICA tax...homeowners
Where are all the trump supporters now?
Seriously what do y'all think?
Trump for president.
Alright hope all the strong conservatives are ready for tariffs, and wealth tax. Forgot about people putting out tax plans of 14.5% corporate and personal.... Oh and you're not taxed on the first 50,000. Not to mention no FICA tax...homeowners
There won't be a wealth tax. Presidents don't set tax rates Congress does. Now a tax holiday for repatriation money by Apple and others like Apple, I would hope so.
Where are all the trump supporters now?
Seriously what do y'all think?
Trump for president.
Alright hope all the strong conservatives are ready for tariffs, and wealth tax. Forgot about people putting out tax plans of 14.5% corporate and personal.... Oh and you're not taxed on the first 50,000. Not to mention no FICA tax...homeowners
There won't be a wealth tax. Presidents don't set tax rates Congress does. Now a tax holiday for repatriation money by Apple and others like Apple, I would hope so.
Well thank you, and I suppose trump, and every president before, have been getting their campaigning policies pushed through by executive order?? Because I thought it presidents only power to appoint, veto, and enforce. And don't worry that wealth tax will just be a one time thing. And a tax holiday for select companies... Sounds like a big govt, progressive policy, and what makes apple so worthy?
Look I get that the guy sounds like he's taking a hard line on immigration, and other things. But so have plenty of candidates. And he's also left of jeb bush, or john McCain! And some of those other candidates have taken other hard lines against things really bad for this country like abolish...the IRS, the department of education, the graduated income tax, ACA, NSA spying, corporate welfare
I like some of Trump's positions, and hope they get more traction.

My favorite is him pointing out that the Saudis make a billion per day while we spend our money protecting them.

Notice how no one in the media focuses on that point?
Re the Saudi protection.... This has bugged me forever... However, the alternative does not seem to be a pluralistic democracy, but a den of monsters worse than Iran or Syria. We have horrors frightening enough, or we have something far far worse.
Re the Saudi protection.... This has bugged me forever... However, the alternative does not seem to be a pluralistic democracy, but a den of monsters worse than Iran or Syria. We have horrors frightening enough, or we have something far far worse.
No, the alternative is them paying for their own defense.
I like some of Trump's positions, and hope they get more traction.

My favorite is him pointing out that the Saudis make a billion per day while we spend our money protecting them.

Notice how no one in the media focuses on that point?
That and the Saudis are some of the most harsh dictators ever, I believe they hold the record for be-headings, not to mention how they treat their women. And they kill so much innovative, and clean technology. But they got their money filling so many American politicians pockets therefore they are our greatest ally. I know of one other candidate who has been pushing this since the beginning, but you won't hear from him
The Saudis and the Iranians are the reason I so much want to see electric cars get out of the lab and onto the highway. Go Tesla! Go Chevy Volt! Go Nissan Leaf!
The media hates Trump because Trump doesn't have to kiss the media's ass and the media will go out of it's way to punish Trump if they get the chance. It's refreshing to see Trump speak his mind in comparison to mumble mouth John McCain's double talk (ironically named the straight talk) express instructions to his staff to refrain from even mentioning Barry Hussein's middle name for fear of offending some exotic leftie anti-American club that would never vote for him anyway. Candidates don't need a platform at this stage of the game. It's clear that Hillary is afraid to make a statement on an issue and she is hoping that the useful idiots on the left vote for her regardless of her platform or lack of it.

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