Why the United States is a Dying Country

Jeebus what dismal shyttes the GOP are. Ruin the world and then spit on the recovery...

What recovery? A fake recovery where:
-the stock market is being propped up by the Federal Reserve
-thousands of Americans are giving up on looking for a job every month
-businesses aren't hiring because Obamacare's taxes are about to really hit them in the wallet
America used to be a global leader in everything. Once the liberals got a foothold, we've been losing ground ever since.
Yes it is dying for bitter angry old white right wingers, and good riddance to the white bread country that used to be.:eusa_whistle: America's best days are ahead of us.:clap2:

Goodbye educated and productive White people
Hello uneducated, violent, welfare-sucking, ghetto-building lazy ass Brown and Black people.

America's best days are behind of us!

Now you know. The liberal model is Africa and mexico.

Didn't obama say the model city for the nation was Chicago? That's what they want. On the way to Zimbabwe.

Come to think of it, Zimbabwe didn't used to be Zimbabwe. When it had white people, it was Rhodesia and fed the continent.
Rush is right, the United States is a dying country.

the United States is the Leading Global Economy and sole Super Power on Earth.

Rush died a long time ago - and the people who listen to him ... when he is finally left without an audience and the men in white come to take him away, Rush will not be missed.

you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.
the United States is the Leading Global Economy and sole Super Power on Earth.

Rush died a long time ago - and the people who listen to him ... when he is finally left without an audience and the men in white come to take him away, Rush will not be missed.

you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.
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you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

No, you are, indeed, correct. Our country is being co-opted by those who hate America, and I understand that. True Americans have sat idly by, in the interest of "fairness" and have allowed these traitors to unleash their hate on our country.

Several years ago, at the start of the Iraqi war (a war that I personally did not agree with) my Wife and I were riding down the street and came upon a young man in a small, foreign car with the following bumper sticker on his car: " I hate America - Fu$& America". As we drove up to him, I began yelling (in my car - to myself) My Wife says, "honey, he is just expressing himself". As I passed him, I rolled down my window and gave him the finger. I told my Wife - "And I am expressing myself"

We have given these little bastards way too much leeway. It's time that WE - The Americans, begin expressing ourselves again. If the Left doesn't like it - kick the hell out of them.
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Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?
Jeebus what dismal shyttes the GOP are. Ruin the world and then spit on the recovery...

We're the greatest country in the world when the GOP isn't ruining it for the greedy idiot rich (see sig pp3), and we'll get the world out of THEIR GD mess when they get out of the way. Fekking change the channel. brainwashed functional a-holes/morons. Hoping for your recovery...

What recovery? Labor participation rate at an all time high as in 90 million that are not counted in the unemployment rate.

More Countries will be leaving the dollar as a global currency and that will be bad news for all of us come 2015/2016.

Did you know that QE infinity of 85 billion a month is borrowed money buying our worthless bonds that all Americans are on the hook for the debt created by politicians that don't give 2 shits about you but keep raising your taxes?
We throw away half our food and water while people are starving all over the world. We are GrbG!
Rush is right, the United States is a dying country.

the United States is the Leading Global Economy and sole Super Power on Earth.

Rush died a long time ago - and the people who listen to him ... when he is finally left without an audience and the men in white come to take him away, Rush will not be missed.

you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

Blaming the left or the right for everything is a lot of the problem. You are blind.
Yes it is dying for bitter angry old white right wingers, and good riddance to the white bread country that used to be.:eusa_whistle: America's best days are ahead of us.:clap2:

Goodbye educated and productive White people
Hello uneducated, violent, welfare-sucking, ghetto-building lazy ass Brown and Black people.

America's best days are behind of us!

Now you know. The liberal model is Africa and mexico.

Didn't obama say the model city for the nation was Chicago? That's what they want. On the way to Zimbabwe.

Come to think of it, Zimbabwe didn't used to be Zimbabwe. When it had white people, it was Rhodesia and fed the continent.

White people who did not belong there and thought that the world was free to be taken by the White race.
you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

This is not what the right says when the left protests and resists. You are hilarious.
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?

Just look at the history of the White race in America. The country was founded by genocide.
Egypt enslaved all races for over a thousand years and they were black. Most races have had slaves at some point in time. Democide is about to begin in the US.
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?

You are confusing conservatives with "all things white". You might want to do a little research on the history of the confederate conservatives and how that impacts today's Republican Party. Ask yourself how Republican delegates could throw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and say "This is how we feed the animals" or how someone could show up at a Republican rally with a tee shirt that says, "Put white back in the White House". Ask why the party is 90% white and where the majority live.

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