Why the United States is a Dying Country

Ohhhh It's RACISM. That's why the country is dying. Bullshit. The nation is dying. It is only waiting for some other nation to administer the final cut to put us out of our misery.

The nation is dying because it no longer stands together. It's the fault of republicans. They just won't all become democrats. It's the fault of democrats. They just won't all become republicans. Democrats can scream, thrash around all they like and it isn't going to change a thing. Half the country rejects democrat policies. Half the country rejects republican policies. No matter how democrats thrash around, it's death throes. It's muscle spasms as the living body becomes a corpse.
Yes it is dying for bitter angry old white right wingers, and good riddance to the white bread country that used to be.:eusa_whistle: America's best days are ahead of us.:clap2:

Goodbye educated and productive White people
Hello uneducated, violent, welfare-sucking, ghetto-building lazy ass Brown and Black people.

America's best days are behind of us!


you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

elections mean things you two con retards. :eusa_boohoo: vote or stfu or both :)
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?
see below :eusa_whistle: Matthew aint no libral :lol:
It has no vision
It's people want to take more then they make out of it.
It doesn't wish to push the bounties of science anymore
It folds its moral ideals to kiss the ass of thugs in our cities.
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?

Just look at the history of the White race in America. The country was founded by genocide.

OK, so if this country is so bad, why not pack your bags and leave? I'm absolutely sure that no one is holding you here, right? I'm sure Cuba would LOVE to have you there....I'm fairly certain that you are one of those I was talking about.
You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

elections mean things you two con retards. :eusa_boohoo: vote or stfu or both :)

Oh, I have voted in every election since John F Kennedy. Have YOU?
How many elections that didn't go their way have democrats refused to accept?

Which is why the nation is dying. Democrats have no intention of accepting an election that they don't win. Now republicans are becoming equally as unwilling.

The nation is divided and dying. It might have a chance to survive if it just peacefully got a divorce before it comes down to killing each other.
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

Conservatives sure are a pessimistic bunch.

You lose a couple of elections and you'd think the world was coming to an end.

If this country is struggling to maintain it's overwhelming advantage over the rest of the world, it's because our people are getting fat, becoming stupid and we're letting our infrastructure crumble.

Pissant, bitter, say-no-to-everything rightwingers need to stfu and step aside so we can get on with repairing what we've got here.
I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?

Just look at the history of the White race in America. The country was founded by genocide.

OK, so if this country is so bad, why not pack your bags and leave? I'm absolutely sure that no one is holding you here, right? I'm sure Cuba would LOVE to have you there....I'm fairly certain that you are one of those I was talking about.

LOL You'd like that wouldn't you?

Believe me, we're not going anywhere.

We're going to keep winning because the right wing in this country is completely out of touch with reality.
The country is not dying, but certain loonies' minds here are atrophying.

Your statement, when the economy is more than 70% consumer based, demonstrated exactly how ignorant you are. An economy based primarily on consumption will not sustain itself, you have to ship too much of the wealth to the producers.

Since consumers ARE the producers, there shouldn't be any problem with poverty. Somehow, though, our economic "system" seems to support poverty. I wonder why? Can it be that the producers (labor force) aren't seeing the profits of their productivity?

Ya think?
How many elections that didn't go their way have democrats refused to accept?

Which is why the nation is dying. Democrats have no intention of accepting an election that they don't win. Now republicans are becoming equally as unwilling.

The nation is divided and dying. It might have a chance to survive if it just peacefully got a divorce before it comes down to killing each other.

What a loony post. Normal Dems and Pubs accept electoral results and plan for the next time. Only the far left and the far right pretend they don't have to accept elections. And the great majority of Americans will never give a "divorce" to the nuts.
How many elections that didn't go their way have democrats refused to accept?

Which is why the nation is dying. Democrats have no intention of accepting an election that they don't win. Now republicans are becoming equally as unwilling.

The nation is divided and dying. It might have a chance to survive if it just peacefully got a divorce before it comes down to killing each other.

The EMPIRE is dying because the citizens are no longer willing to pay the price of sustaining it. Ironically, the right wing--those that have historically support stong militaries, superpower status, and international wars--have criticized the government to the point that American citizens don't want to support it any longer.

And, ironically, the right wing has led the way to the collapse of Empire.
Rush is right, the United States is a dying country.

the United States is the Leading Global Economy and sole Super Power on Earth.

Rush died a long time ago - and the people who listen to him ... when he is finally left without an audience and the men in white come to take him away, Rush will not be missed.

The US economy is fading. It will soon be overtaken by China. Nor is the US the sole superpower in the world.

Rush is pretty much right in what he says. I know it pains liberals, but, in this instance, he is right on the money.

Obama is leading us into poverty.
Reagan's movement to obliterate the power and wealth of the middle class, continued by our far right, is what is leading up into poverty.
How many elections that didn't go their way have democrats refused to accept?

Which is why the nation is dying. Democrats have no intention of accepting an election that they don't win. Now republicans are becoming equally as unwilling.

The nation is divided and dying. It might have a chance to survive if it just peacefully got a divorce before it comes down to killing each other.

The EMPIRE is dying because the citizens are no longer willing to pay the price of sustaining it. Ironically, the right wing--those that have historically support stong militaries, superpower status, and international wars--have criticized the government to the point that American citizens don't want to support it any longer.

And, ironically, the right wing has led the way to the collapse of Empire.

The right wing will piss and moan about a dying country and then they piss and moan when something is suggested to fix it.

I think they just like to piss and moan.
Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president...

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love


Many of us served the United States, with varied levels of distinction that led us to have some performance expectations of other American leaders.

For me the wakeup call was when Ronald Reagan began the spending spree that ultimately tripled the national debt IN PEACETIME, creating a fake economy that HAS YET TO PAY OFF FOR THE BLUE COLLAR AMERICA THAT MOSTLY FILLS THE MILITARY. That spending spree was the most significant breach of national security in US history.

My command of the English language is not adequate to the task of describing my contempt for that filthy lowlife cocksucker, neocons in general, and halfwit America, the legions of human cattle who didn't see past his flag draped drama or listen for facts in his diversionary speeches or read past his apologists to find the facts about the results the man produced.

The last American president worth more than a bucket of whorehouse slop was IKE. Every president since IKE has been a step down. Every. One.
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Reagan's movement to obliterate the power and wealth of the middle class, continued by our far right, is what is leading up into poverty.

Yes, folks we have a winner in the dumb post of the day contest. snake jockey is the winner and the day is not even half over. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

Hmmmm. What is it about his "appearance" that does that?

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