Why the United States is a Dying Country


More Countries will be leaving the dollar as a global currency and that will be bad news for all of us come 2015/2016.​
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
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Oh please, yes, America is a dying country and the republicans have contributed every bit as much to that as the democrats. GW Bush and his "G*dD*M* the constitution, it's just a piece of paper. Wiretapping people's conversations without warrants. GH Bush and his kowtowing to the UN, ending the first Iraq War without taking out Saddam Hussien because the UN said so. Lowering taxes on the wealthy refusing to raise the mw, creating the biggest income gap we've seen since the gilded age. Yes, the republicans are every bit as responsible for this mess as the democrats. If we want to survive as a country one of two things has to happen, either we trash both parties and put in one that actually is good for the country, or we take them out by force in the 2nd Revolution of the country and start our government over.
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
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IF America is a dying country, it's because conservative Republicans don't work well with others. If and when they can't get their own way, they will intentionally gum up the works in order to try to use inaction to paint a picture of failure of the opposition to successfully address problems which have only grown more acute in the meantime.
your claim is simply not true. the middle class has kept pace with the economy over the last 30 years.

Yes, we have some obscenely wealthy athletes, entertainers, and CEOs. So what?

what you refuse to admit is that the number in poverty has increased under obama, the number on food stamps has increased under obama, and obama's rich buddies are doing quite well.

So, under obama the number of very rich has increased and the number of very poor has increased. Obama should be your worst enemy, but no, your defective liberal gene will not allow that kind of rational thought.

In purchasing power and political power, the middle class has not kept power in comparison with the wealthy classes, whose riches and power have increased exponentially. We both know this to be true.

The reason for the poverty today is rooted in the ruthlessness of the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006, aided and abetted by Clinton and Bush. Compounded by the dynamics of a global economy, the refusal of both parties to work together hurts the entire country.

I did not think it possible but snake jockey has outdone himself. the above post trumps his previous winner for dumb post of the day.

good job snake :clap2::clap2::clap2:

And Reactonary Redfish continues his craziness, simply YELLING but nothing else. Redfish is one of the equivalents to Mr. Shaman on the far left.
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your claim is simply not true. the middle class has kept pace with the economy over the last 30 years.

Yes, we have some obscenely wealthy athletes, entertainers, and CEOs. So what?

what you refuse to admit is that the number in poverty has increased under obama, the number on food stamps has increased under obama, and obama's rich buddies are doing quite well.

So, under obama the number of very rich has increased and the number of very poor has increased. Obama should be your worst enemy, but no, your defective liberal gene will not allow that kind of rational thought.

In purchasing power and political power, the middle class has not kept power in comparison with the wealthy classes, whose riches and power have increased exponentially. We both know this to be true.

The reason for the poverty today is rooted in the ruthlessness of the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006, aided and abetted by Clinton and Bush. Compounded by the dynamics of a global economy, the refusal of both parties to work together hurts the entire country.

I did not think it possible but snake jockey has outdone himself. the above post trumps his previous winner for dumb post of the day.

good job snake :clap2::clap2::clap2:

There is nothing controversial in what Jake posted...unless you think it's controversial to spread the blame around instead of just trying to blame the opposition while simultaneously attempting to absolve your own political party of any responsibility.

The simple fact is that the income of the wealthy class in this country has increased year after year, decade after decade. Yet, even as productivity has risen markedly over the years, wages have stagnated.
In purchasing power and political power, the middle class has not kept power in comparison with the wealthy classes, whose riches and power have increased exponentially. We both know this to be true.

The reason for the poverty today is rooted in the ruthlessness of the GOP Congress from 1994 to 2006, aided and abetted by Clinton and Bush. Compounded by the dynamics of a global economy, the refusal of both parties to work together hurts the entire country.

I did not think it possible but snake jockey has outdone himself. the above post trumps his previous winner for dumb post of the day.

good job snake :clap2::clap2::clap2:

There is nothing controversial in what Jake posted...unless you think it's controversial to spread the blame around instead of just trying to blame the opposition while simultaneously attempting to absolve your own political party of any responsibility.

The simple fact is that the income of the wealthy class in this country has increased year after year, decade after decade. Yet, even as productivity has risen markedly over the years, wages have stagnated.

That is acceptable in Redfish's reactionary world.
In 2010 gross income of the entire labor force was 5 trillion, Federal took 2.1 trillion and all the states combined took another trillion in taxes. That leaves 2 trillion for the 108 million tax payers to support their families. There are 89 million tax payers that earn less then $50,000 a year.

We are broke as a nation and we are dying as a country. I hate Rush but I do agree with his statement. Our government isn't trying to rebuild our nation. Perhaps on a global scale we are now dealing with reduced natural resources with no hope of finding new ones.

There is no doubt that Bush and Obama have created a national debt that is beyond reducing it. The history of the U.S. budget strongly indicates that no President had any intention of reducing the deficit. It seems that the more they received in revenue, they always seem to spend over that, even in years of tremendous growth in this country.

Our government is out of control and at this time in history we all would be better off without them.
I did not think it possible but snake jockey has outdone himself. the above post trumps his previous winner for dumb post of the day.

good job snake :clap2::clap2::clap2:

There is nothing controversial in what Jake posted...unless you think it's controversial to spread the blame around instead of just trying to blame the opposition while simultaneously attempting to absolve your own political party of any responsibility.

The simple fact is that the income of the wealthy class in this country has increased year after year, decade after decade. Yet, even as productivity has risen markedly over the years, wages have stagnated.

That is acceptable in Redfish's reactionary world.

Well, unless Redfish is someone who's a member of the 1% or independently wealthy, his attitude is puzzling. Perhaps he's just a textbook case of false consciousness.
There is nothing controversial in what Jake posted...unless you think it's controversial to spread the blame around instead of just trying to blame the opposition while simultaneously attempting to absolve your own political party of any responsibility.

The simple fact is that the income of the wealthy class in this country has increased year after year, decade after decade. Yet, even as productivity has risen markedly over the years, wages have stagnated.

That is acceptable in Redfish's reactionary world.

Well, unless Redfish is someone who's a member of the 1% or independently wealthy, his attitude is puzzling. Perhaps he's just a textbook case of false consciousness.

Redfish has a reactionary consciousness, meaning a perverse one.
In 2010 gross income of the entire labor force was 5 trillion, Federal took 2.1 trillion and all the states combined took another trillion in taxes. That leaves 2 trillion for the 108 million tax payers to support their families. There are 89 million tax payers that earn less then $50,000 a year.

We are broke as a nation and we are dying as a country. I hate Rush but I do agree with his statement. Our government isn't trying to rebuild our nation. Perhaps on a global scale we are now dealing with reduced natural resources with no hope of finding new ones.

There is no doubt that Bush and Obama have created a national debt that is beyond reducing it. The history of the U.S. budget strongly indicates that no President had any intention of reducing the deficit. It seems that the more they received in revenue, they always seem to spend over that, even in years of tremendous growth in this country.

Our government is out of control and at this time in history we all would be better off without them.

The government isn't out control. It is reflecting a people that are out of control. There is really only one reason why the country is dying. The people despise one another. The government thinks it can hold it together with more and more laws and regulations. Nothing will help. This nation is done.
Nah, the country is not done. But if the far left and the far right try to end it, they will be done.
In 2010 gross income of the entire labor force was 5 trillion, Federal took 2.1 trillion and all the states combined took another trillion in taxes. That leaves 2 trillion for the 108 million tax payers to support their families. There are 89 million tax payers that earn less then $50,000 a year.

We are broke as a nation and we are dying as a country. I hate Rush but I do agree with his statement. Our government isn't trying to rebuild our nation. Perhaps on a global scale we are now dealing with reduced natural resources with no hope of finding new ones.

There is no doubt that Bush and Obama have created a national debt that is beyond reducing it. The history of the U.S. budget strongly indicates that no President had any intention of reducing the deficit. It seems that the more they received in revenue, they always seem to spend over that, even in years of tremendous growth in this country.

Our government is out of control and at this time in history we all would be better off without them.

The people despise one another.​


We Libs don't despise you Teabaggers. We understand your "problem" is more-than-likely a result o' fetal alcohol-syndrome. It isn't your fault you folks were born handicapped.
How many elections that didn't go their way have democrats refused to accept?

Which is why the nation is dying. Democrats have no intention of accepting an election that they don't win. Now republicans are becoming equally as unwilling.

The nation is divided and dying. It might have a chance to survive if it just peacefully got a divorce before it comes down to killing each other.

The EMPIRE is dying because the citizens are no longer willing to pay the price of sustaining it. Ironically, the right wing--those that have historically support stong militaries, superpower status, and international wars--have criticized the government to the point that American citizens don't want to support it any longer.

And, ironically, the right wing has led the way to the collapse of Empire.

The citizens can't afford to pay the price of sustaining it. The Emperor keeps adding more taxes onto the pile while spending more and more money on useless crap.
How many elections that didn't go their way have democrats refused to accept?

Which is why the nation is dying. Democrats have no intention of accepting an election that they don't win. Now republicans are becoming equally as unwilling.

The nation is divided and dying. It might have a chance to survive if it just peacefully got a divorce before it comes down to killing each other.

The EMPIRE is dying because the citizens are no longer willing to pay the price of sustaining it. Ironically, the right wing--those that have historically support stong militaries, superpower status, and international wars--have criticized the government to the point that American citizens don't want to support it any longer.

And, ironically, the right wing has led the way to the collapse of Empire.

The citizens can't afford to pay the price of sustaining it. The Emperor keeps adding more taxes onto the pile while spending more and more money on useless crap.

Taxes are lower now that ever. What are you talking about?
Rush is right, the United States is a dying country.

the United States is the Leading Global Economy and sole Super Power on Earth.

Rush died a long time ago - and the people who listen to him ... when he is finally left without an audience and the men in white come to take him away, Rush will not be missed.

you guys hate Rush like you hate religion....

Obama and the Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced and destroyed....before it kills us......

I think he missed his calling. He should have taken all his vast experience with "family values" and became a marriage counselor. After all, he's had four of them.............
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Yes it is dying for bitter angry old white right wingers, and good riddance to the white bread country that used to be.:eusa_whistle: America's best days are ahead of us.:clap2:

After this post, if you have any decency and honesty, you should not EVER accuse Republicans of being racist.

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