Why the United States is a Dying Country

Nah, the country is not done. But if the far left and the far right try to end it, they will be done.

There's your first mistake. You still thing there is a center.

Of course there is a center: no Howard Dean or Rick Santorum had a chance last time.

Beginning in 2016, no reactionary will have a chance for the GOP or lefty will have a chance on the Dem national tickets.

You folks are fried fritters, Katz. You are done.
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

What’s so troubling is the right is so partisan, so bitter, and so blind with arrogant rage that it actually wishes the destruction of our great Nation and the suffering of its people only to make Obama ‘look bad’ and ‘destroy his legacy.’

The best America is yet to come; more Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time in our Nation’s history. The only threat to America’s future comes from the hate, ignorance, and fear of the reactionary right.

Until Obama there NEVER been a President who openly declared that he hated EVERYTHING America stood for, by saying that he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFER America.

With that statement he said:

I piss on George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, because I know better than any white old fogy, and if you want to see how right I am, just look at thriving Africa. Look at their literature. Look at their music. Look at their influence in the world. Look at how African nations are always the first in the world to help everyone in need. LOOK AT HOW AMERICA NEEDS A FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, BECAUSE IT IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE, AND EVEN MY WIFE WAS NEVER PROUD OF IT UNTIL I was elected President.

With that statement he said:

You are too stupid to work hard, the rich will work hard enough to produce and to provide.
You just sit back, collect your food stamps, use them to get all the booze and drugs and cigarettes you want. Working for a living is for Republican crackers.

With that statement he said:

Screw around all you want. Get knocked up to your heart's content. The more little out-of-wedlock bastards you produce, the more welfare you get. Who needs this bullshit about family?

With that statement he said:

All the achievements of all the years between 1776 and 2008 were nothing but crap, ready to be thrown into the trash. Right along with the born-alive babies that butchers masquerading as doctors aborted from the womb of women who were wooed and misguided by tax-payer funded killers, known as Planned Parenthood. Obama wants killing of babies as part of his fundamental transformation.

If you voted for this reprobate libertine who wants to destroy everything your parents stood for, shame on you. If you voted for him twice, you deserve a trip accompanying him to Hell.
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?

Just look at the history of the White race in America. The country was founded by genocide.

Every powerful nation was founded on genocide.

Ask the Armenians about Turkey.
Ask the Hungarians about Austria and the Soviet Union.
Ask the Visigoths about the Huns.
Ask the Neanderthals about the Cromagnons.
Ask the Irish about the English.

The only complainers are the survivors who survived because the conquerors had better moral compass than the conquered would have in similar circumstances.

BTW, what stopped the blacks in Africa and the so-called Natives in North America from getting on their ships, consulting their maps and sail for Europe and conquer those evil WHITES??
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

What’s so troubling is the right is so partisan, so bitter, and so blind with arrogant rage that it actually wishes the destruction of our great Nation and the suffering of its people only to make Obama ‘look bad’ and ‘destroy his legacy.’

The best America is yet to come; more Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time in our Nation’s history. The only threat to America’s future comes from the hate, ignorance, and fear of the reactionary right.

Until Obama there NEVER been a President who openly declared that he hated EVERYTHING America stood for, by saying that he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFER America.

With that statement he said:

I piss on George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, because I know better than any white old fogy, and if you want to see how right I am, just look at thriving Africa. Look at their literature. Look at their music. Look at their influence in the world. Look at how African nations are always the first in the world to help everyone in need. LOOK AT HOW AMERICA NEEDS A FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, BECAUSE IT IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE, AND EVEN MY WIFE WAS NEVER PROUD OF IT UNTIL I was elected President.

With that statement he said:

You are too stupid to work hard, the rich will work hard enough to produce and to provide.
You just sit back, collect your food stamps, use them to get all the booze and drugs and cigarettes you want. Working for a living is for Republican crackers.

With that statement he said:

Screw around all you want. Get knocked up to your heart's content. The more little out-of-wedlock bastards you produce, the more welfare you get. Who needs this bullshit about family?

With that statement he said:

All the achievements of all the years between 1776 and 2008 were nothing but crap, ready to be thrown into the trash. Right along with the born-alive babies that butchers masquerading as doctors aborted from the womb of women who were wooed and misguided by tax-payer funded killers, known as Planned Parenthood. Obama wants killing of babies as part of his fundamental transformation.

If you voted for this reprobate libertine who wants to destroy everything your parents stood for, shame on you. If you voted for him twice, you deserve a trip accompanying him to Hell.

This type of lying is why the American mainstream from right of center to left of center holds the far right in horror.
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So you get your poltical information from an obese junkie.
What’s so troubling is the right is so partisan, so bitter, and so blind with arrogant rage that it actually wishes the destruction of our great Nation and the suffering of its people only to make Obama ‘look bad’ and ‘destroy his legacy.’

The best America is yet to come; more Americans enjoy greater freedom today than at any time in our Nation’s history. The only threat to America’s future comes from the hate, ignorance, and fear of the reactionary right.

Until Obama there NEVER been a President who openly declared that he hated EVERYTHING America stood for, by saying that he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFER America.

With that statement he said:

I piss on George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, because I know better than any white old fogy, and if you want to see how right I am, just look at thriving Africa. Look at their literature. Look at their music. Look at their influence in the world. Look at how African nations are always the first in the world to help everyone in need. LOOK AT HOW AMERICA NEEDS A FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, BECAUSE IT IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE, AND EVEN MY WIFE WAS NEVER PROUD OF IT UNTIL I was elected President.

With that statement he said:

You are too stupid to work hard, the rich will work hard enough to produce and to provide.
You just sit back, collect your food stamps, use them to get all the booze and drugs and cigarettes you want. Working for a living is for Republican crackers.

With that statement he said:

Screw around all you want. Get knocked up to your heart's content. The more little out-of-wedlock bastards you produce, the more welfare you get. Who needs this bullshit about family?

With that statement he said:

All the achievements of all the years between 1776 and 2008 were nothing but crap, ready to be thrown into the trash. Right along with the born-alive babies that butchers masquerading as doctors aborted from the womb of women who were wooed and misguided by tax-payer funded killers, known as Planned Parenthood. Obama wants killing of babies as part of his fundamental transformation.

If you voted for this reprobate libertine who wants to destroy everything your parents stood for, shame on you. If you voted for him twice, you deserve a trip accompanying him to Hell.

This type of lying is why the American mainstream from right of center to left of center holds the far right in horror.

Not lying, just expressing an opinion. And you had NOTHING to refute it.
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Read more: Articles: Why the United States is a Dying Country
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

So you get your poltical information from an obese junkie.

Jerks like you denigrate Rush Limbaugh for being "too fat" and Ann Coulter for being "too skinny" or idiotic non-relevant spins of that nature.

No surprise, you have nothing of value to add to refute what I said.
Until Obama there NEVER been a President who openly declared that he hated EVERYTHING America stood for, by saying that he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFER America.

With that statement he said:

I piss on George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, because I know better than any white old fogy, and if you want to see how right I am, just look at thriving Africa. Look at their literature. Look at their music. Look at their influence in the world. Look at how African nations are always the first in the world to help everyone in need. LOOK AT HOW AMERICA NEEDS A FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION, BECAUSE IT IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE, AND EVEN MY WIFE WAS NEVER PROUD OF IT UNTIL I was elected President.

With that statement he said:

You are too stupid to work hard, the rich will work hard enough to produce and to provide.
You just sit back, collect your food stamps, use them to get all the booze and drugs and cigarettes you want. Working for a living is for Republican crackers.

With that statement he said:

Screw around all you want. Get knocked up to your heart's content. The more little out-of-wedlock bastards you produce, the more welfare you get. Who needs this bullshit about family?

With that statement he said:

All the achievements of all the years between 1776 and 2008 were nothing but crap, ready to be thrown into the trash. Right along with the born-alive babies that butchers masquerading as doctors aborted from the womb of women who were wooed and misguided by tax-payer funded killers, known as Planned Parenthood. Obama wants killing of babies as part of his fundamental transformation.

If you voted for this reprobate libertine who wants to destroy everything your parents stood for, shame on you. If you voted for him twice, you deserve a trip accompanying him to Hell.

This type of lying is why the American mainstream from right of center to left of center holds the far right in horror.

Not lying, just expressing an opinion. And you had NOTHING to refute it.

There is nothing of worth in it to refute: it is a piece of nonsense.
Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

Conservatives sure are a pessimistic bunch.

You lose a couple of elections and you'd think the world was coming to an end.

If this country is struggling to maintain it's overwhelming advantage over the rest of the world, it's because our people are getting fat, becoming stupid and we're letting our infrastructure crumble.

Pissant, bitter, say-no-to-everything rightwingers need to stfu and step aside so we can get on with repairing what we've got here.

Now, for the flip side:

You, Democrats are an overly and unjustifiably optimistic bunch.

You win an election and you think the world will be Democrat forever.

If the country is getting more stupid, it is because the teachers who are more concerned about everything but the education of the children.

The country is getting fatter, because food stamps are being used to purchase booze, cheap foods and cigarettes.

The so-called crumbling infrastructure is still light years ahead of and better than most in the world. if you dispute that you probably never set foot outside of your village/county.

Who said that the "shovel-ready" jobs were not so "shovel-ready"? Was it a Republican President?
In other words, I recognize constitutional, electoral process, and that is why I voted for McCain and for Romney.

The great thing is the far right is falling to pieces, and we will never to worry again about a candidate like a Perry or a Cain or a Palin having a chance for Pres or Veep on the GOP ticket again.

Better get right, fringies, just not too far right.
Right wingers constantly confuse "America" with the "Republican Party". Being 90% white, they believe they are the only "real" Americans. That if they don't run everything, the country is dying.

I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man.....



Aww, here he goes yet again, writing in supersize words, compensating for his little dick. Aren't you special.Who would have ever thought that I would have to (a) defend my skin color and (b) defend my age. What a pathetic loser you are.
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The country is not dying. Modern conservative ideology in America is dying. Not the same thing.

It will be so nice to see America look like Paris.....with people like you planting shade trees for our enemies to march in the shade.
The country is not dying. Modern conservative ideology in America is dying. Not the same thing.

Not at all, LL. Don't ever mistake conservatism with far right reactionary fringe crazees.

They were warned what would happen to them if they caused Romney's loss.

That is the dying you are hearing: the far right reactionaries are wailing like banshees.
Is that not modern conservative ideology?

The GOP just re-affirmed support for the platform that they announced at the RNC Convention last year. You know...the crazy one.

Who is carrying your torch?
The nation isn't dying because the right is dying or because the left is dying but because nations do not survive these kinds of divisions. The right controls 30 states it is hardly dying.

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