Why the United States is a Dying Country

Why the United States is a Dying Country


The country is not dying. Modern conservative ideology in America is dying. Not the same thing.

Not at all, LL. Don't ever mistake conservatism with far right reactionary fringe crazees.

They were warned what would happen to them if they caused Romney's loss.

That is the dying you are hearing: the far right reactionaries are wailing like banshees.

If you don't believe in rule of law, don't call yourself a conservative. Waddle your ass back to the Democratic Party and call yourself a moderate. Romney was a weak candidate who stood for nothing, I'm surprised he did as well as he did. The old guard republicans are done.

You were warned that real consevatives would not back Romney, yet you ran him anyway.

Look what happened. Don't cry now. The Republican Party will never win an election until it runs a liberty candidate.

That's the truth of the matter.
My command of the English language is not adequate to the task of describing my contempt for that filthy lowlife cocksucker, neocons in general...

Your command of the English language is not adequate to the task of completing elementary school, you Un-American piece of shit.

Hyper-partisan fools like the one above demand attention but contribute nothing. America is most certainly not "dying." We have always had challenges, and as much as there have always been useless Chicken Littles running around crying doom and gloom, there have always been more Americans who step up and carry the Republic forward. We have before, and we will now. Anyone not as woefully ignorant of history as this Jukes Jackass knows that we have faced darker days than this and come out stronger, as we will again.
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Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.

Conservatives sure are a pessimistic bunch.

You lose a couple of elections and you'd think the world was coming to an end.

If this country is struggling to maintain it's overwhelming advantage over the rest of the world, it's because our people are getting fat, becoming stupid and we're letting our infrastructure crumble.

Pissant, bitter, say-no-to-everything rightwingers need to stfu and step aside so we can get on with repairing what we've got here.

Or repairing what they fucked up.
You know, I used to believe that talk like this was somehow "treasonous". I seriously did. I served this country with distinction because I LOVE this country and everything she stands for- or I used to.

I see this country becoming a nation of malcontent liberals, bent on destruction. I see a generation of kids raised by these worthless, no good malcontents, educated in the public system and the Universities that are hotbeds for radical, communist hate, turning on America and ridding themselves of the "angry white men" that are THEIR fathers. These "White Bread Kids" are worthless, lazy slobs who offer nothing, other than their "hatred" of anything "America".

I fear that a time is coming when the conservative right has heard enough. I actually fear that time and at the same time, I'm a little anxious to see it happen. It's a perverse anticipation, but there you go. At 68 years young, I need the distraction.

I will love seeing College Professors who have sat at the lecturn espousing the virtues of Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, Mao getting their asses kicked by parents who have had enough of their nonsense. Most of these clowns need dental work anyway. I look forward to lazy, worthless politicians afraid to venture outside for fear of rotten tomatoes hitting them in the face. I look forward to "journalists" being forced by their Editors to finally "tell the truth" out of fear of swift retribution. It's coming. As surely as the sun rises in the East, it's coming.

Liberals are nothing more than that little 10 year old who continually "acts up" until Mom or Dad has had enough, snatches Junior up by the hair of the head and whips his ass.

Be aware liberals - it's closer than you think.

Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

Hmmmm. What is it about his "appearance" that does that?

What ever it is, they insist it has nothing to do with race.
Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

Hmmmm. What is it about his "appearance" that does that?

uhhh, lets see. how about his crotch salute, how about his hands in his lap rather than over his heart when the national anthem is played? how about his apology tour? how about kissing the ass of the muslim brotherhood? how about bowing to the saudi king like a fucking peasant?

I would rather he show respect to someone who has you over a "barrel" than kiss them on the lips, hold hands and gaze lovingly into their eyes and then turn over America's energy policy to them.
BS, we just have to stop the greedy idiot lying cheating GOP from wrecking it again- Pandering to the rich-Reaganism and Voodoo suq... We have the world's best workers and natural resources out the wazoo.
Redfish Reactonary knows what the purchasing power of the middle class was in 1980 compared today.

That is directly in proportion to the rise of the neo-econs and corporatists who have done extremely well in transferring the wealth of the middle class to the wealthy.

Katzndogz, and Redfish above, are making and supporting an affirmative burden they can't win.

We all know the economic stats from the last 33 years.

I am tired of the far right acting like the put upon when in fact the reactionary right, the social traditionalists, and the corporatists have victimized America's great mainstream.

Redfish, you are even more doltish than Yurt and Quantum.

your claim is simply not true. the middle class has kept pace with the economy over the last 30 years.

Yes, we have some obscenely wealthy athletes, entertainers, and CEOs. So what?

what you refuse to admit is that the number in poverty has increased under obama, the number on food stamps has increased under obama, and obama's rich buddies are doing quite well.

So, under obama the number of very rich has increased and the number of very poor has increased. Obama should be your worst enemy, but no, your defective liberal gene will not allow that kind of rational thought.

And Obama inherited a strong economy and a surplus during peaceful times and he sure fucked that up.

Oh wait, that wasn't Obama. Nevermind.
Is it really treason to betray the leaders that betrayed us? No. It's patriotic duty. Loyalty is never to the president, no matter what liberals say. Loyalty is to the Constitution and what it means, not what liberals say it means. Our leadership has betrayed the nation and its people. It doesn't deserve loyalty or exhibitions of patriotism. obama insults the flag every time he appears.

I still love this country, but not what it stands for. It doesn't now stand for anything that inspires that kind of love.

Hmmmm. What is it about his "appearance" that does that?

We know how much he hates that flag and everything it stands for. Therefore, his waving it is an insult.

How do you know that when so many others don't?
BS, we just have to stop the greedy idiot lying cheating GOP from wrecking it again- Pandering to the rich-Reaganism and Voodoo suq... We have the world's best workers and natural resources out the wazoo.

You need to learn some English, kid. Illiterate bobble-heads like you are certainly not helping make the country stronger.
Ohhhh It's RACISM. That's why the country is dying. Bullshit. The nation is dying. It is only waiting for some other nation to administer the final cut to put us out of our misery.

The nation is dying because it no longer stands together. It's the fault of republicans. They just won't all become democrats. It's the fault of democrats. They just won't all become republicans. Democrats can scream, thrash around all they like and it isn't going to change a thing. Half the country rejects democrat policies. Half the country rejects republican policies. No matter how democrats thrash around, it's death throes. It's muscle spasms as the living body becomes a corpse.

There is a position of control and you failed to recognized and is not the republicans you fuken inbread moron.

You haven't establish who controls...you're dumb enough to blame the republicrates..when the imbread jackasses are equally as likely . YOU'Re A DUMB ASS VOTER Psychologist .
The country is not dying. Modern conservative ideology in America is dying. Not the same thing.

Not at all, LL. Don't ever mistake conservatism with far right reactionary fringe crazees.

They were warned what would happen to them if they caused Romney's loss.

That is the dying you are hearing: the far right reactionaries are wailing like banshees.

If you don't believe in rule of law, don't call yourself a conservative. Waddle your ass back to the Democratic Party and call yourself a moderate. Romney was a weak candidate who stood for nothing, I'm surprised he did as well as he did. The old guard republicans are done.

You were warned that real consevatives would not back Romney, yet you ran him anyway.

Look what happened. Don't cry now. The Republican Party will never win an election until it runs a liberty candidate.

That's the truth of the matter.

Rule of law? This is politics. You were warned that you would be excluded from decision and policy making if you caused Romney's loss. You are screaming because you are being thrust into political gehenna.

Examples: the coming immigration bill, the debate over 2nd Amendment gun laws, the future primarying out of unacceptable far right candidates, and the obvious end of Bachmann, Palin, Santorum, Cain, Trump, Perry, Santorum, etc, as viable on the national stage.

You were warned. And now you are screaming.

Tuff, that.
Ohhhh It's RACISM. That's why the country is dying. Bullshit. The nation is dying. It is only waiting for some other nation to administer the final cut to put us out of our misery.

The nation is dying because it no longer stands together. It's the fault of republicans. They just won't all become democrats. It's the fault of democrats. They just won't all become republicans. Democrats can scream, thrash around all they like and it isn't going to change a thing. Half the country rejects democrat policies. Half the country rejects republican policies. No matter how democrats thrash around, it's death throes. It's muscle spasms as the living body becomes a corpse.

YOU are incoherent in terms of : It's the fault of republicans Why do the republican have to answer liberal ideals????????
I hope you'll forgive me, but I have to ask a question that has perplexed me for some time. Being a 68 year old Black man, I can not help but wonder with you pathetic liberals, just what it is about your race that you despise so much?

Or is it just white conservatives that you so patently despise?

What was it, for example, that your Father's did to you to turn you into such haters of "all things white"?? And why the constant race-baiting that you liberals engage in? Is your hatred of white people indicative of the self-loathing you have for yourself?

Just look at the history of the White race in America. The country was founded by genocide.

OK, so if this country is so bad, why not pack your bags and leave? I'm absolutely sure that no one is holding you here, right? I'm sure Cuba would LOVE to have you there....I'm fairly certain that you are one of those I was talking about.

I left the United States 16 years ago, and I have never regretted it.
interesting comments. Coming from Rush, i assume everyone just takes his opinions as false, rather then be objective and think about it. The liberals dislike anyone who isn't liberal and that makes them think that anything coming from a republican is false. The two part system we have, turns people against one another and also clouds the mind. The Mind is everything, and people's minds in society are eroding and they just can not see it. Yes, out country is going down hill with this administration wanting our country to be socialistic and communistic. People are letting the communsitic politicians fill their minds with wrong things and the people fall gullible to it. The play right into the Communistic liberals rethoric. Yes, I agree with alot Rush has said because he has good forsight and objective.

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