Why The World Will End If

Mr. Right

Jul 12, 2008
South Jersey
Obama wins.

He will tax us into oblivion and the country will crash into depression. The Chinese will cash in the debt and we wont be able to pay. The country will be reposessed. The big RENT-A-CENTER van wil pull up to the Whitehouse and that'll be it.

We need to stand up for freedom and kick this commie Chicago crook back to the south side.

He's sitting in Hillary Clinton's real Senate seat. Her big ass is from Chicago. If she weren't a carpet bagger we'd be looking at her ugly ass for the next 3 months.

We all know she'd lose in a landslide but this scenerio is scary.

There's too many self hating white people out there being duped by this lightweight.

Something's gotts give. McCain's gotta be holding back on something.

We need to point out the Carter era. Carter was bad and Obama will be worse than him. He's much harder left than any president in history.

The first communist president is what scares me. The black thing I could care less about.

I want a black president.

Alan Keyes.

anyway, he'll be lost in indecision and we'll need to really have it out with Russia and he'll want to talk.

Russia will smell blood in the water and nukes will fly.

OBAMA WILL SURRENDER FROM AF1 and there will be nothing left of America. Every city will be levelled. I could live with losing Philadelphia but not N.Y.

Obama will promise peace and garauntee a later war. Just like all modern Democrat presidents. He will hesitate and we will come off weak. Russia and Obama have the same goals. Topple America.
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The world will end regardless. maybe not in the next four years but it will.
anyway, he'll be lost in indecision and we'll need to really have it out with Russia and he'll want to talk.

Russia will smell blood in the water and nukes will fly.

OBAMA WILL SURRENDER FROM AF1 and there will be nothing left of America. Every city will be levelled. I could live with losing Philadelphia but not N.Y.

Obama will promise peace and garauntee a later war. Just like all modern Democrat presidents. He will hesitate and we will come off weak. Russia and Obama have the same goals. Topple America.

Not gonna happen ... did you learn nothing from the ferry scene in Dark Knight?
- And Chicken Little yells -


"Run for the hills! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeo0_3gN190]YouTube - It's the end of the world as we know it[/ame]

Our Constitution is strong enough to weather a POTUS named Obama. We survived Carter and would survive BHO. (it's only 4 years)
Erica: You American?
Col. Andy Tanner: Red-blooded.
Erica: What's the capital of Texas?
Col. Andy Tanner: Austin.
Erica: Wrong, commie! It's Houston.
No worries---science will take us all to Mars by then ! Get your helmets on, kiddies ! :lol:

Fucking right!

Well, it won't be science, or at least not just science. It will be rich and powerful paradigm managers who are for some reason willing to resort to the lunacy of interplanetary expansion, and the accompanying mad scientists with the insights necessary for that, in order to give whatever hegemony they support a sporting chance at success.

This is why I personally am against any kind of one-world government. No beauracracy with power over the whole Earth will ever be really interested in the risks and expenses of serious interplanetary expansion, even if the results of staying Earth-bound include untold human misery and the risk of extinction should something unfortunate happen to the mother planet (by the time they'd take any such foreseeable risk seriously it would be too late).

And interplanetary expansion is, as far as I can see, the singular contribution our species has the opportunity to make to the broad phenomenon of DNA-based life that currently flourishes on this planet. For whereever we go, we will inevitably bring with us most other species, whether we intend to or not. As we expand, so too will biological life as we know it, and the long-term benefit of that is that even if Earth meets with some devastating cataclysm, at least the fungus of organic life will have footholds elsewhere from which to continue.

Obama wins.

He will tax us into oblivion and the country will crash into depression. The Chinese will cash in the debt and we wont be able to pay. The country will be reposessed. The big RENT-A-CENTER van wil pull up to the Whitehouse and that'll be it.

We need to stand up for freedom and kick this commie Chicago crook back to the south side.

He's sitting in Hillary Clinton's real Senate seat. Her big ass is from Chicago. If she weren't a carpet bagger we'd be looking at her ugly ass for the next 3 months.

We all know she'd lose in a landslide but this scenerio is scary.

There's too many self hating white people out there being duped by this lightweight.

Something's gotts give. McCain's gotta be holding back on something.

We need to point out the Carter era. Carter was bad and Obama will be worse than him. He's much harder left than any president in history.

The first communist president is what scares me. The black thing I could care less about.

I want a black president.

Alan Keyes.

anyway, he'll be lost in indecision and we'll need to really have it out with Russia and he'll want to talk.

Russia will smell blood in the water and nukes will fly.

OBAMA WILL SURRENDER FROM AF1 and there will be nothing left of America. Every city will be levelled. I could live with losing Philadelphia but not N.Y.

Obama will promise peace and garauntee a later war. Just like all modern Democrat presidents. He will hesitate and we will come off weak. Russia and Obama have the same goals. Topple America.

I'm being serious, here, not sarcastic. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, you need to get some counseling...as soon as possible.
I'm just having fun with hysteria.

Look what happens when a conservative acts liberal.

We are going to survive Obama. He wont be around much afte November.

After he loses, he'll be on Meet The Press now and then but that'll be the most of it.

With the situation in Russia boiling over into former satelites, we all can see that McCain is the better suited for a new cold war with Russia. Who knows maybe he'll fry the bastards...:lol:
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are you from Philly?

anyone who says they would be ok with the destruction of an american city has no business living in this country. repubs want to complain about being anti-american? this is an example.

you need to grow up and get past this pathetic partisan nonsense. youre not scaring anyone with this message
I simply have no idea who could be worst than Bush, could McCain be worse? Here's one scenario, Mic wins and appoints two supreme court judges as wacky as Scalia, a terrorist act occurs in Washington, the new scotus vote everyone should be armed to protect us from another terrorist act, they next reverse roe v wade, millions of children are born, many live on the street, republican dont really care about the children only their birth, the children form bands of armed vigilantes, they decide to take over the country, the children align with illegal immigrants whose numbers have grow even larger as republican use them for lawn care and sweat shops, the children and immigrants are joined by the working poor, the working poor have grown to 30% of the population, they all start to invade the rich neighbors, soon American Indians and Blacks joint the fight, all tired of whitey, they finally take over the monied neighborhoods, the super rich escape to Europe and soon only the white elitist republicans are left, they force the rich republican elitists into the military and menial work, they freeze their bank accounts, the rich attempt an Alamo but this time the poor, the immigrants, the Indians, the blacks combine their forces and win, they get together in Philadelphia and write a new Constitution, this time it is one person one vote, they call it a socialistic democracy, it works for all people, healthcare for everyone, social security starts at 60, one month off every summer, they bankroll this with the money they have frozen in banks as the rich ran, this will last easily fifty years funding local development, they will live happily and do what they want, they celebrate by burning down walmarts and looting Bloomingdale's ...to be continued
Obama is a prop, he can't tactfully answer a young girl why he wants to be president,..he stuttered and mumbled. I will admit, he has nice suits, and most of all, he reads well. He is not a great speaker, he is just a good reader. He should read to elementary school students, not run for president.
Obama is a prop, he can't tactfully answer a young girl why he wants to be president,..he stuttered and mumbled. I will admit, he has nice suits, and most of all, he reads well. He is not a great speaker, he is just a good reader. He should read to elementary school students, not run for president.

psst! reading aloud to an audience is, in fact, speaking. just thought you'd like to know

public speaking: delivering an address to a public audience; the utterance of intelligible speech
define:speaking - Google Search
Obama is a prop, he can't tactfully answer a young girl why he wants to be president,..he stuttered and mumbled. I will admit, he has nice suits, and most of all, he reads well. He is not a great speaker, he is just a good reader. He should read to elementary school students, not run for president.

Heaven forbid!

A POTUS who is not quick on his feet verbally.

Yeah, that really could be a problem the likes of we'll never survive.
anyone who says they would be ok with the destruction of an american city has no business living in this country. repubs want to complain about being anti-american? this is an example.

you need to grow up and get past this pathetic partisan nonsense. youre not scaring anyone with this message

Oh stop I'm kidding.

How bout Detroit?:D

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