CDZ Why Trump Can and Will Build the Wall With or Without Congressional Support


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump is well aware of how bad the situation is getting long the Southern border with several caravans of ten thousand or more each that are threatening to enter our country by force, the drug opioiod crisis with most of it coming across that border, not to mention kidnappings and thousands of murders.

Now on top of all that we have the Zetas, the worst violence org in Mexico has been taken ovewr by a known terrorist with a history of targeting Americans for no known reason.

EXCLUSIVE -- Terrorist Who Targeted Americans Takes Over Mexican Cartel on Texas Border

A verified and convicted terrorist who attacked a U.S. Consulate with a grenade and automatic rifle fire has taken over the ruthless Los Zetas cartel, a group headquartered at the Texas border in the Nuevo Laredo-Laredo metropolitan border area. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, sits immediately across the border from Laredo, Texas, and is the only urban location along the entire U.S.-Mexico Border that does not have any fencing or constructed security barrier of any kind. The convicted terrorist, Hector Raul Luna Luna, is known as “El Tory” and was convicted in the 2008 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey, Mexico. He was released from prison due to bribes paid by Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and has now taken over the dominant faction of Los Zetas, Cartel Del Noreste (CDN), to open up the lucrative and unsecured border corridor into Texas.

The Texas border with Mexico is wide open with very little actual fencing at all. This is the definition of an emergency, which Trump can declare, BUT HE DOES NOT NEED TO just to build the wall.

Now we are told by a DoD official state the plain letter of the law, with or without aan emergency decree Trump can order the military to buyild a wall and he does not need Congresses approval to do so.

Defense Official: Nothing Stopping Trump From Building Wall with Military

President Trump can build a border wall using the United States military to stop mass illegal immigration and drug trafficking without funding approval from Congress and without having to declare a national emergency.
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) that Trump does not need Congress or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The exchange went as follows:

BROOKS: I want to direct your attention to 10 United States Code § 284 which authorizes President Trump to deploy the United States military to the southern border to build fences and to do a lot of other things, and for clarity, if you look it up in the dictionary the word fence includes the word barrier and the word barrier includes walls made of a wide variety of different materials.

So that having been said, it seems to me that 10 U.S. Code § 284 can be used by the President of the United States to direct the United States military to build a wall. Now as of today, you’ve mentioned military forces along the southern border, have any of them been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284?

ROOD: Congressman, I don’t believe any of our forces have been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284. You are correct, however, that that use of authority would authorize the secretary of defense to erect barriers, roads, fencing, those types of materials to disrupt drug smuggling.

BROOKS: Does 10 U.S.C. § 284 as you understand it, require the declaration of a national emergency before it is implemented?


BROOKS: It does not?


BROOKS: Has President Trump, to your knowledge, ever used 10 U.S.C § 284 to direct the military to build the wall that is necessary for border security?

ROOD: No, not to my knowledge, Congressman.

BROOKS: If President Trump were to direct the Pentagon and the United States military pursuant to 10 U.S.C § 284 to build such barriers as are necessary to secure our southern border from drug trafficking and international crime cartels would the United States military obey that order?

ROOD: If we judge it to be a lawful order, yes sir. And I assume it would be.

10 U.S. Code § 284 - Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
This sounds good but I will wait to see it implemented.
Well it was discussed publicly in a Congressional setting, so the key players are all aware of the law.

I think Trump is playing the Dems to brand them with their own words as an Open Borders party. This will hugely 'energize the base' of the Republican party to get out and vote.

Once he thinks he has enough branding in this way, I think he will simply order the wall to be constructed using the law referred to above that allows the President to order the construction of fences and barriers with the military in order to stop drugs and terrorists.

So most of this is just theater for the 2020 election, little more.
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?

The military has discretionary spending.Or do you think Congress actually allots every single dollar they give every department of the government?
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.

Yep, and that's obvious if one looks at facts

Fact, most of these Democrats live behind walls
Fact, most of these Democrats have approved building walls with US tax payer money, in other countries
Fact, these idiots KNOW that Trump doesn't want to build a solid wall from coast to coast
Fact, most of the idiots have already voted to yes build a steel fence on our southern border, at least once.
Fact, the DNC itself built a wall around it's entire convention area in 2016, and then put another wall up around the stage inside the arena.
Fact, No Democrat has EVER given a shit about $5B . That's like you or I getting worked up if our wives spent $5 on something we thought was frivolous.
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?

The military has discretionary spending.Or do you think Congress actually allots every single dollar they give every department of the government?
Yes they do
But it is not marked.....Discretionary

They have to use construction funds
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.

Yep, and that's obvious if one looks at facts

Fact, most of these Democrats live behind walls
Fact, most of these Democrats have approved building walls with US tax payer money, in other countries
Fact, these idiots KNOW that Trump doesn't want to build a solid wall from coast to coast
Fact, most of the idiots have already voted to yes build a steel fence on our southern border, at least once.
Fact, the DNC itself built a wall around it's entire convention area in 2016, and then put another wall up around the stage inside the arena.
Fact, No Democrat has EVER given a shit about $5B . That's like you or I getting worked up if our wives spent $5 on something we thought was frivolous.
If my town wanted to build a wall around the city limits, I would oppose it

Wouldn’t you?
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?

The military has discretionary spending.Or do you think Congress actually allots every single dollar they give every department of the government?
Yes they do
But it is not marked.....Discretionary

They have to use construction funds

No they do not . Discretionary funds can be used for whatever purposes the military deems necessary.

I bet the defense department could probably find $6B in loose change floating around the Pentagon.
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.
There is more to immigration reform than just walls

Trump could have had it last year and he said nyet
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.

Yep, and that's obvious if one looks at facts

Fact, most of these Democrats live behind walls
Fact, most of these Democrats have approved building walls with US tax payer money, in other countries
Fact, these idiots KNOW that Trump doesn't want to build a solid wall from coast to coast
Fact, most of the idiots have already voted to yes build a steel fence on our southern border, at least once.
Fact, the DNC itself built a wall around it's entire convention area in 2016, and then put another wall up around the stage inside the arena.
Fact, No Democrat has EVER given a shit about $5B . That's like you or I getting worked up if our wives spent $5 on something we thought was frivolous.
If my town wanted to build a wall around the city limits, I would oppose it

Wouldn’t you?

Your town doesn't have an international border does it?
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.
There is more to immigration reform than just walls

Trump could have had it last year and he said nyet

That's nonsense. If Trump could have had the wall last year what has changed that suddenly Democrats are against it?
Still needs to funded
He can’t take money away from building tanks to build walls

Does the military have $5 billion in military construction funds lying around?
What Trump is asking for is .113% of the budget that is around 4.4 trillion.
That could be taken from a number of different allocations and would not be felt at all.
This isn't about how expensive the wall is, it's not about how immoral the wall is.
This is about never ever Trump, period.
There is more to immigration reform than just walls

Trump could have had it last year and he said nyet
Trump had 60 senators to okay the wall? I must have missed that
Well, lets look at some figures......................

An FA-18 fighter jet is 70.5 million dollars.

An Abrams tank is 6.2 million dollars.

Cost of operating a carrier on a deployment? Around 2 million per day.

B-52 bombers cost 14.43 million

Tomahawk missiles are 1.4 million each.

F-117 stealth bombers are 111.2 million each.

Trump is saying that he wants to take 5 and a half BILLION dollars for his wall and use military funds to pay for it. Well, most of you have calculators on your computers, so you can do the math. 5.5 billion dollars is a whole lot of military hardware.
Well, lets look at some figures......................

An FA-18 fighter jet is 70.5 million dollars.

An Abrams tank is 6.2 million dollars.

Cost of operating a carrier on a deployment? Around 2 million per day.

B-52 bombers cost 14.43 million

Tomahawk missiles are 1.4 million each.

F-117 stealth bombers are 111.2 million each.

Trump is saying that he wants to take 5 and a half BILLION dollars for his wall and use military funds to pay for it. Well, most of you have calculators on your computers, so you can do the math. 5.5 billion dollars is a whole lot of military hardware.
It will involve no military hardware.

"On May 23, 2017, the Trump Administration delivered its first full budget proposal to the 115th Congress, a request that included $10.4 billion for military construction activities. Of this amount, the Administration requested $9.8 billion for military construction and family housing in the base budget, and $0.6 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations funds.

House and Senate negotiations on the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes funding for military construction projects for the Department of Defense, concluded early in November 2017. The final bill, H.R. 2810, passed the House on November 14, 2017, and the Senate on November 16, 2017. The final legislation was sent to the President for his signature on November 30, 2017, and was signed two weeks later, on December 12, 2017.

The FY2018 NDAA (P.L. 115-91) authorizes for appropriations $10.7 billion for military construction, family housing, and base realignment and closure (BRAC) activities, or roughly $309 million more than the President’s Budget Request (PBR)."

FY2018 Military Construction Authorizations and Appropriations

It will prioritize building the fence over some other military construction projects.
Trump is well aware of how bad the situation is getting long the Southern border with several caravans of ten thousand or more each that are threatening to enter our country by force, the drug opioiod crisis with most of it coming across that border, not to mention kidnappings and thousands of murders.

Now on top of all that we have the Zetas, the worst violence org in Mexico has been taken ovewr by a known terrorist with a history of targeting Americans for no known reason.

EXCLUSIVE -- Terrorist Who Targeted Americans Takes Over Mexican Cartel on Texas Border

A verified and convicted terrorist who attacked a U.S. Consulate with a grenade and automatic rifle fire has taken over the ruthless Los Zetas cartel, a group headquartered at the Texas border in the Nuevo Laredo-Laredo metropolitan border area. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, sits immediately across the border from Laredo, Texas, and is the only urban location along the entire U.S.-Mexico Border that does not have any fencing or constructed security barrier of any kind. The convicted terrorist, Hector Raul Luna Luna, is known as “El Tory” and was convicted in the 2008 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey, Mexico. He was released from prison due to bribes paid by Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and has now taken over the dominant faction of Los Zetas, Cartel Del Noreste (CDN), to open up the lucrative and unsecured border corridor into Texas.

The Texas border with Mexico is wide open with very little actual fencing at all. This is the definition of an emergency, which Trump can declare, BUT HE DOES NOT NEED TO just to build the wall.

Now we are told by a DoD official state the plain letter of the law, with or without aan emergency decree Trump can order the military to buyild a wall and he does not need Congresses approval to do so.

Defense Official: Nothing Stopping Trump From Building Wall with Military

President Trump can build a border wall using the United States military to stop mass illegal immigration and drug trafficking without funding approval from Congress and without having to declare a national emergency.
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) that Trump does not need Congress or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The exchange went as follows:

BROOKS: I want to direct your attention to 10 United States Code § 284 which authorizes President Trump to deploy the United States military to the southern border to build fences and to do a lot of other things, and for clarity, if you look it up in the dictionary the word fence includes the word barrier and the word barrier includes walls made of a wide variety of different materials.

So that having been said, it seems to me that 10 U.S. Code § 284 can be used by the President of the United States to direct the United States military to build a wall. Now as of today, you’ve mentioned military forces along the southern border, have any of them been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284?

ROOD: Congressman, I don’t believe any of our forces have been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284. You are correct, however, that that use of authority would authorize the secretary of defense to erect barriers, roads, fencing, those types of materials to disrupt drug smuggling.

BROOKS: Does 10 U.S.C. § 284 as you understand it, require the declaration of a national emergency before it is implemented?


BROOKS: It does not?


BROOKS: Has President Trump, to your knowledge, ever used 10 U.S.C § 284 to direct the military to build the wall that is necessary for border security?

ROOD: No, not to my knowledge, Congressman.

BROOKS: If President Trump were to direct the Pentagon and the United States military pursuant to 10 U.S.C § 284 to build such barriers as are necessary to secure our southern border from drug trafficking and international crime cartels would the United States military obey that order?

ROOD: If we judge it to be a lawful order, yes sir. And I assume it would be.

10 U.S. Code § 284 - Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime
Good for America. :)
How can an average American actually support Trump in "his" efforts to get a wall built?

THAT should be every Patriots thoughts. not endlessly wasting time arguing with those hell bent on America's downfall no matter what such as Rightwinger and company.

Time spent on them is their keeps you away from meaningful resistance.

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