Why Trump cannot win....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

Of course he did anyway. But this is a new year and a different circumstance.

Biden is far more of a threat than Clinton ever was IMO....not just to win but also to be the equivalent of an NPC in the white house.

After reading an article by Jonah Goldberg today I did have a few moments of somber thought about 2020. Hell even Trump didn't think he would win in 16.....

Then I remembered that Jonah Goldberg has always been the perfect all-purpose journalistic chameleon for all occasions. When it comes to waiting for the results and then slyly sidling up to them the next day posing as an epochal sage who saw this coming all along nobody surpasses Goldberg in the Olympics of self-congratulatory repose.

Having said that I am content to know that America has just experienced the best four years of the past fifty as far as making a comeback on the world scene as a leader of Nations. This is more or less 100% due to the administration of Donald Trump regardless of who wants to admit it.

However Americans are a fickled lot and it seems that too much success turns them off. So be it. If the next POTUS is to be an adult undergarment wearing marionette.... It will be because we put him there. Sooner or later we all learn to live with our choices even as our choices must learn to live with us.

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Of course he did anyway. But this is a new year and a different circumstance.

Biden is far more of a threat than Clinton ever was IMO....not just to win but also to be the equivalent of an NPC in the white house.

After reading an article by Jonah Goldberg today I did have a few moments of somber thought about 2020. Hell even Trump didn't think he would win in 16.....

Then I remembered that Jonah Goldberg has always been the perfect all-purpose journalistic chameleon for all occasions. When it comes to waiting for the results and then slyly sidling up to them the next day posing as an epochal sage who saw this coming all along nobody surpasses Goldberg in the Olympics of self-congratulatory repose.

Having said that I am content to know that America has just experienced the best four years of the past fifty as far as making a comeback on the world scene as a leader of Nations. This is more or less 100% dur to the administration of Donald Trump regardless of who wants to admit it.

However Americans are a fickled lot and it seems that too much success turns them off. So be it. If the next POTUS is to be an adult undergarment wearing marionette.... It will be because we put him there. Sooner or later we all learn to live with our choices even as our choices must learn to live with us.


Jonah Goldberg has ALWAYS been a Far Left POS, only Leftists think he is ANY use because he ONLY ever comes from a Leftist point of view and he HATES Conservatism.
Trump is stronger then he was in 2016

Biden is weaker then Hillary was in 2016

Republicans watch this video and are disgusted with Biden

Democrats watch this video and are jealous of Biden

Don't be Democrats people...

Hillary was a better candidate than Biden, I would say that Creepy Joe is the most pathetic candidate the Democrats have had since Walter Mondale in the 1980s.
Trump is stronger then he was in 2016

Biden is weaker then Hillary was in 2016

Republicans watch this video and are disgusted with Biden

Democrats watch this video and are jealous of Biden

Don't be Democrats people...

Read the link in the top post....
20/20 is playing out like a video replay of 2016 it's actually amazing.
I would like to agree that it's almost impossible for Trump to lose to that senile meat puppet pervert, but we did have a meat puppet faggot for 2 terms...

As much of a shit bag as Romney is, he should have beaten queen antifa easily.

Jonah Goldberg has ALWAYS been a Far Left POS, only Leftists think he is ANY use because he ONLY ever comes from a Leftist point of view and he HATES Conservatism.

Goldberg wrote Liberal Fascism years ago. I bought it, read it, and took notes on it.
Liberal Fascism DECIMATES liberals. Funny coming from a Leftist, as you call him.

P 21 The introduction of a novel term like "liberal fascism" obviously requires an
explanation. Many critics will undoubtedly regard it as a crass oxymoron. Actually, however, I am not the first to use the term. That honor falls to H.G. Wells, one of the greatest influences on the progressive mind in the twentieth century (and it turns out the inspiration for Huxley's Brave New World).

Nor did Wells coin the phrase as an indictment, but as a badge of honor. Progressives must become "liberal fascists" and "enlightened Nazis" he told the Young Liberals at Oxford in a speech in July 1932.

Wells, simply put, was enthralled by the totalitarian temptation. "I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic," he declared.

Fascism, like Progressivism and communism, is expansionist because it sees no natural boundary to its ambitions. Progressivism envisions a New World Order.

P 23 Finally, since we must have a working definition of fascism, here is mine: Fascism is a religion of the state. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good.
Jonah Goldberg has ALWAYS been a Far Left POS, only Leftists think he is ANY use because he ONLY ever comes from a Leftist point of view and he HATES Conservatism.

Goldberg wrote Liberal Fascism years ago. I bought it, read it, and took notes on it.
Liberal Fascism DECIMATES liberals. Funny coming from a Leftist, as you call him.

P 21 The introduction of a novel term like "liberal fascism" obviously requires an
explanation. Many critics will undoubtedly regard it as a crass oxymoron. Actually, however, I am not the first to use the term. That honor falls to H.G. Wells, one of the greatest influences on the progressive mind in the twentieth century (and it turns out the inspiration for Huxley's Brave New World).

Nor did Wells coin the phrase as an indictment, but as a badge of honor. Progressives must become "liberal fascists" and "enlightened Nazis" he told the Young Liberals at Oxford in a speech in July 1932.

Wells, simply put, was enthralled by the totalitarian temptation. "I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic," he declared.

Fascism, like Progressivism and communism, is expansionist because it sees no natural boundary to its ambitions. Progressivism envisions a New World Order.

P 23 Finally, since we must have a working definition of fascism, here is mine: Fascism is a religion of the state. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good.

He's as much of a conservative as someone like Bill Krystal. I put Goldberg and his ilk on the Left REGARDLESS of what they might comment about Liberals as essentially because of their DNA they cannot be trusted if the SHTF to stand in support of for eg. CHRISTIANS and those who think it is of PARAMOUNT importance that National Borders are protected.

Goldberg and his ilk in the secret of the voting situation my INSTINCT tells me will be voting for Joe Biden, privately I would by my INSTINCT even think they are totally on board with thinking The Donald is a White Supremacist and the thing that ilk fear MOST a Nationalist, they hate Nationalists because they are Globalists, another one of them is of course Matt Drudge, there is essentially NOT a great deal of SOLID Conservative about Matt Drudge. When you get a crowd who say "oh I'm Conservative BUT I'm NOT Right-Wing" then put them in the will vote Leftist group, ANYONE who runs away from the term Right-Wing cannot be trusted. You DON'T see Democrats running away from the term Left-Wing do you?
Having said that I am content to know that America has just experienced the best four years of the past fifty as far as making a comeback on the world scene as a leader of Nations.

You owe me a keyboard. Just spit milk all over it laughing.

Of course he did anyway. But this is a new year and a different circumstance.

Biden is far more of a threat than Clinton ever was IMO....not just to win but also to be the equivalent of an NPC in the white house.

After reading an article by Jonah Goldberg today I did have a few moments of somber thought about 2020. Hell even Trump didn't think he would win in 16.....

Then I remembered that Jonah Goldberg has always been the perfect all-purpose journalistic chameleon for all occasions. When it comes to waiting for the results and then slyly sidling up to them the next day posing as an epochal sage who saw this coming all along nobody surpasses Goldberg in the Olympics of self-congratulatory repose.

Having said that I am content to know that America has just experienced the best four years of the past fifty as far as making a comeback on the world scene as a leader of Nations. This is more or less 100% due to the administration of Donald Trump regardless of who wants to admit it.

However Americans are a fickled lot and it seems that too much success turns them off. So be it. If the next POTUS is to be an adult undergarment wearing marionette.... It will be because we put him there. Sooner or later we all learn to live with our choices even as our choices must learn to live with us.

President Trump will win reelection and Senile Joe will be at home in Delaware being taken care of by a Nurse.

Jonah Goldberg has ALWAYS been a Far Left POS, only Leftists think he is ANY use because he ONLY ever comes from a Leftist point of view and he HATES Conservatism.

Goldberg wrote Liberal Fascism years ago. I bought it, read it, and took notes on it.
Liberal Fascism DECIMATES liberals. Funny coming from a Leftist, as you call him.

P 21 The introduction of a novel term like "liberal fascism" obviously requires an
explanation. Many critics will undoubtedly regard it as a crass oxymoron. Actually, however, I am not the first to use the term. That honor falls to H.G. Wells, one of the greatest influences on the progressive mind in the twentieth century (and it turns out the inspiration for Huxley's Brave New World).

Nor did Wells coin the phrase as an indictment, but as a badge of honor. Progressives must become "liberal fascists" and "enlightened Nazis" he told the Young Liberals at Oxford in a speech in July 1932.

Wells, simply put, was enthralled by the totalitarian temptation. "I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic," he declared.

Fascism, like Progressivism and communism, is expansionist because it sees no natural boundary to its ambitions. Progressivism envisions a New World Order.

P 23 Finally, since we must have a working definition of fascism, here is mine: Fascism is a religion of the state. It is totalitarian in that it views everything as political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good.

He's as much of a conservative as someone like Bill Krystal. I put Goldberg and his ilk on the Left REGARDLESS of what they might comment about Liberals as essentially because of their DNA they cannot be trusted if the SHTF to stand in support of for eg. CHRISTIANS and those who think it is of PARAMOUNT importance that National Borders are protected.

Goldberg and his ilk in the secret of the voting situation my INSTINCT tells me will be voting for Joe Biden, privately I would by my INSTINCT even think they are totally on board with thinking The Donald is a White Supremacist and the thing that ilk fear MOST a Nationalist, they hate Nationalists because they are Globalists, another one of them is of course Matt Drudge, there is essentially NOT a great deal of SOLID Conservative about Matt Drudge. When you get a crowd who say "oh I'm Conservative BUT I'm NOT Right-Wing" then put them in the will vote Leftist group, ANYONE who runs away from the term Right-Wing cannot be trusted. You DON'T see Democrats running away from the term Left-Wing do you?

^^^^ To elaborate on the above.

Conservatism is on the RIGHT of the Political Spectrum, therefore ANYTHING on the RIGHT Conservatives SHOULD be supporting and NOT running away from OR be frightened to embrace.

We are in the Western world thanks to the Leftists now in a time of Extreme Partisanship. Therefore for this reason I no longer TRUST those who refer to themselves as Moderate Conservatives, being Moderate means in ANYTHING you are not 100% on board and committed, that you CAN go off in the opposite direction and we see this in politics with those Conservatives who have NO problem siding with Leftists, we NEVER see ANY Leftists EVER siding WITH Conservatism though do we? No.

There should be no tolerance of Moderate Conservatives anymore, they are as much the Enemy as Leftists are and they should either be told to get SOLIDLY on the Conservative Train OR GTFO and just permanently JOIN the Leftists and we can easily REPLACE them with SOLID Conservatives ie. putting up SOLID Conservatives to CHALLENGE them during elections and get them OUT of office etc

I now have ONLY several actual TESTS of what I consider a SOLID Conservative who we can count on at ALL TIMES, this is:

Do they support Open Borders or do they support Closed Borders and PROTECTING the Borders?

Do they support Immigration from Third World Shit Holes?

If the response is that they are AGAINST Closed Borders, I do NOT consider them a SOLID Conservative and we should ACTIVELY take steps to REMOVE them from ANY political seat they currently hold and replace them with someone who supports Closed Borders.

If they support Immigration from Third World Shit Holes, I do NOT consider them a SOLID Conservative and we should ACTIVELY take steps to REMOVE them from ANY political seat they currently hold and replace them with someone who supports not ONLY ZERO Immigration from Third World Shit Holes BUT a TOTAL ban on ALL Immigration into Western nations for the next 20 YEARS.
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Of course he did anyway. But this is a new year and a different circumstance.

Biden is far more of a threat than Clinton ever was IMO....not just to win but also to be the equivalent of an NPC in the white house.

After reading an article by Jonah Goldberg today I did have a few moments of somber thought about 2020. Hell even Trump didn't think he would win in 16.....

Then I remembered that Jonah Goldberg has always been the perfect all-purpose journalistic chameleon for all occasions. When it comes to waiting for the results and then slyly sidling up to them the next day posing as an epochal sage who saw this coming all along nobody surpasses Goldberg in the Olympics of self-congratulatory repose.

Having said that I am content to know that America has just experienced the best four years of the past fifty as far as making a comeback on the world scene as a leader of Nations. This is more or less 100% due to the administration of Donald Trump regardless of who wants to admit it.

However Americans are a fickled lot and it seems that too much success turns them off. So be it. If the next POTUS is to be an adult undergarment wearing marionette.... It will be because we put him there. Sooner or later we all learn to live with our choices even as our choices must learn to live with us.


Go to 0:30

This moron is saying trump is incompetent while he can't make a cogent argument.

Love watching this thread.
The microcosm you live in is not indicative of the country as a whole

Oh I am hurt......

I've toured Europe fifteen times, Hawaii about the same, the Rocky Mountaineer Train tour in Canada, cruises in the Caribbean and through the Panama Canal, during which I sent a special note to the Captain and with my family, got a tour of the Bridge and Engine Room. I'm a licensed pilot, certified diver, accomplished tennis player, marathoner, and have more money than you ever will.

You're indicative of Antifa as a whole, I'm quite sure.

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