Why Trump is after NATO...only 5 countries out of 27 members are meeting their pledge!

, it's ALWAYS been about the other Nation's NOT living up to the agreed requirements to get IN TO NATO.

Fuckhead....first you can only butch slap your own ass......BUT, more importantly, it was AGREED upon by all NATO nations....including the U.S. that the full amount would be met in 2024........

Your orange clown's fake "anger" has two purposes.....ONE....please his puppet master,Putin.......and TWO, please U.S. armaments' manufacturers who've been lobbying him to push Europe to buy MORE......
Ahhh... here comes the name calling and insults. :laugh:

Gotta love the tactics of the left. :)

He does it every time he gets slapped around.
Trump has a full grasp of the situation. Other nations agreed to spend more under Obama...but didn’t follow through on it. Most powerful man in the world is doing right thing with regard to our NATO alliance...which remains strong.
I will admit that everything in life is a little bit better knowing Trump is in the White House, and Clinton is out there flying commercial somewhere.
Everything is better for who Bubba

Better for:

Women who need reproductive health care ?

People who need health insurance?

Business who will be hurt by the idiotic trade war?

World peace and security while he undermines NATO?

The environment while he rolls back protections on water, air and ignores climate change?

This countries sovereignty while he kisses up to Russia?


Better for who? Myself of course.
Tell us how it is better for you? I can imaging how it will be for some in the short term, but that is very short sighted. Think about what your life will be like when the sea continues to rise and there are is a wide spread famine. Think about how you will be effected by living in a country that is increasingly isolated in terms of national defense, trade and world health issues. Think about the coming civil unrest due to rising income and wealth disparity and a shrinking social safety net. They will be coming for YOU! Fucking moron!
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, it's ALWAYS been about the other Nation's NOT living up to the agreed requirements to get IN TO NATO.

Fuckhead....first you can only butch slap your own ass......BUT, more importantly, it was AGREED upon by all NATO nations....including the U.S. that the full amount would be met in 2024........

Your orange clown's fake "anger" has two purposes.....ONE....please his puppet master,Putin.......and TWO, please U.S. armaments' manufacturers who've been lobbying him to push Europe to buy MORE......
Ahhh... here comes the name calling and insults. :laugh:

Gotta love the tactics of the left. :)

He does it every time he gets slapped around.
Him and deanrd are always good for a few laughs.

While I do feel bad for many of the psych patients I talk with, I can’t help smiling at the threads those two start.

I can only think they’ll eventually learn to take an honest look at the world around them.
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She/he does have a point. It is a bit scary knowing how dumb some people can be and still function.

When Fascism was first gaining power in Italy and Spain, one of the methods to more "humanly" shut up those who dissented from the cult leader, was to accuse the dissenters of being lunatics......
After all, WHO could tolerate dissent when there was a CULT to solidify????.....

So that explains where liberals learned it.

bet you can relate to this illustrious Trump cult member....like you are.

View attachment 204243

I will admit that everything in life is a little bit better knowing Trump is in the White House, and Clinton is out there flying commercial somewhere.
Everything is better for who Bubba

Better for:

Women who need reproductive health care ?

People who need health insurance?

Business who will be hurt by the idiotic trade war?

World peace and security while he undermines NATO?

The environment while he rolls back protections on water, air and ignores climate change?

This countries sovereignty while he kisses up to Russia?


Better for who? Myself of course.
Tell us how it is better for you? I can imaging how it will be for some in the short term, but that is very short sighted. Think about what your life will be like when the sea continues to rise and there are is a wide spread famine. Think about how you will be effected by living in a country that is increasingly isolated in terms of national defense, trade and world health issues. Think about the coming civil unrest due to rising income and wealth disparity and a shrinking social safety net. They will be coming for YOU! Fucking moron!
So Gator, your saying Europe is paying its full Nato requirements,

Please show me where I said this?

and that the US isn't basically defending all of Europe from Putin?

I do not think Putin has any designs on taking over Europe.

Nobody is saying that Europe deosn't provide some defense to its own people, but it seems hard to defend that they are not depending on the US taxpayer to keep them safe. Before everyone continues to argue, why don't we come up with some agreed on standard of what Europe pays and what it is required to pay to meet its obligations. The whole my chart and stats are the real stats is annoying.

I am the guy that wants us to pull most, if not all troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border vice building a wall, you know have our military defend our country for a change.

Let's see the reality of stationing troops on the southern border.
The Mexico–United States border is an international border separating Mexico and the United States, extending from the Pacific Ocean to the west and Gulf of Mexico to the east. The border traverses a variety of terrains, ranging from major urban areas to uninhabitable deserts. Approximately 350 million legal crossings occur annually,[1][2] and is the most frequently crossed border in the world.[3][1][4]

The total length of the continental border is 1,954 miles (3,145 km). From the Gulf of Mexico, it follows the course of the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte) to the border crossing at Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, and El Paso, Texas. Westward from El Paso–Juárez, it crosses vast tracts of the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts to the Colorado River Delta and San Diego–Tijuana, before reaching the Pacific Ocean.[5]
Mexico–United States border - Wikipedia
So having All the troops that were stationed in Europe brought back and stationed at the border is your suggestion.

65,631.... American troops in Europe. United States military deployments - Wikipedia

So according to TraitorGator we tear down every wall we have and fence between because he doesn't think walls and fences are affective detergents (contrary to many centuries of experiences!!!) he would station 33 soldiers ever 1 mile or one solder to protect 157 feet... instead of a fence. Now mind you the soldiers must stand guard every 8 hours.
So instead of one soldier ever 1 mile it works out to 11 soldiers per mile per day 7 days a week. Or then one soldier for ever 471 feet. Night and day 24 hours 7 days a week.
Now what is the cost? three square meals a day, $19.25; standard pay, $50.59 a day; combat pay, $5 a day or a total per diem of $75.
.An army of one carries a high price

So in lieu of a wall you will place at a cost of $4,911,824 per day to house, feed and pay 65,632 soldiers...per day or :$1.8 billion a year 100 years---( Chinese wall built over 2,000 years)
or nearly $180 billion... Right
Instead Trump's wall will cost over 5 years to build about $25 billion. And that's it.

Yea leave it to TraitorGator to ignore the details. Just a minor thing. Oh and the above figure was working 7 days a week. No time off, vacations, leave. I'm sure a large portion of
our European based soldiers would love that.
And think about it... they'd be covering about 500 feet between them. When's the last time TraitorGator you ran with a full pack 250 feet after someone who has snuck through
your line of sight!
Yea TraitorGator... your attention to minor details seems a bit shrift!

The military members are already part of the military and already being paid so there is no additional cost, in fact there is money saved by not having them in Europe where we pay more per member. So you cost argument is out the window.

Also, since you never served you may not know this, but our military has these things called "vehicles", some have wheels and some have tracks and they are motorized and can carry multiple people at high rates of speed.

Also, since you never served you may not know this, but our military has these things called "aircraft", both fixed wing and rotary wing (google those terms if you do not know what they mean). These "aircraft" can actually leave the ground and fly through the air (thus the name) covering great distances in a short amount of time and "impassible" terrain is not really an issue for them.

Here is an idea for you, go see your local recruiter, join up and learn something about the capabilities of our military, then come back when you are not so fucking stupid.


And YOU are forgetting ONE VERY LARGE restriction on this exercise.
Posse Comitatus Act
is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

Specifically prohibits uses such as you so stupidly offer!
Change that LAW idiot and maybe it would work. But knowing your stupid attitude about Trump and being the TraitorGator you are you'd then complain...Trump's a dictator"!
Trump is another Hitler! Yes you would because you can't see beyond what Trump is to what he is doing!
I personally don't like Trump! I think he is arrogant. Loud. Obnoxious and definitely a braggart.
But like the people I knew in Queens NY for several years HE like them LOVE America evidently more than you do!
He like them are LOYAL to America! Unlike YOU traitorGator! He like THEM and evidently unlike you love his children and grandchildren more than the luxury of retirement
on his billions! He like them and me and millions like me find people like you very funny! You talk big talk but when it comes to the walk... you tippy toe around it... I'm sure you were one of those idiots that loved Obama's administrations "We will lead from behind" sentiment! Yea look where that got us!
I will admit that everything in life is a little bit better knowing Trump is in the White House, and Clinton is out there flying commercial somewhere.
Everything is better for who Bubba

Better for:

Women who need reproductive health care ?

People who need health insurance?

Business who will be hurt by the idiotic trade war?

World peace and security while he undermines NATO?

The environment while he rolls back protections on water, air and ignores climate change?

This countries sovereignty while he kisses up to Russia?


Better for who? Myself of course.
Tell us about how a collapse of the EU and NATO which T-Rump is trying to engineer, and world domination by Russia will be good for you, or your country. I get the distinct impression that I am not dealing with an intellectual powerhouse here.
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NATO should pull its weight, and, yes, Putin does not want a strong anti-Russian alliance in eastern Europe.
You are talking about someone who thinks DNA tests can prove place of birth:

More idiot wind....He said....now read this slowly.....that the DNA test would prove whether she had any redskins in her lineage ie relatives....there's a word you might know....relatives. So I assume it might be you or the moron in your video who thinks DNA proves other things like where she was born...
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I will admit that everything in life is a little bit better knowing Trump is in the White House, and Clinton is out there flying commercial somewhere.
Everything is better for who Bubba

Better for:

Women who need reproductive health care ?

People who need health insurance?

Business who will be hurt by the idiotic trade war?

World peace and security while he undermines NATO?

The environment while he rolls back protections on water, air and ignores climate change?

This countries sovereignty while he kisses up to Russia?


Better for who? Myself of course.
Tell us about how a collapse of the EU and NATO which T-Rump is trying to engineer, and world domination by Russia will be good for you, or your country. I get the distinct impression that I am not dealing with an intellectual powerhouse here.

Then quit looking in the mirror. Your straw men show how stupid you are.
Lol, trump derangement syndrome is alive and well.
I marvel at his ability to manipulate you guys. I'm sort of sorry I never watched his tv show.

You marvel at someone who manipulates others with his ignorance?

“Germany, as far as I’m concerned, is captive to Russia because it’s getting so much of its energy from Russia,” Trump said. “So we’re supposed to protect Germany but they’re getting their energy from Russia.” That statement makes no sense. Trump is just being a jerk.

No doubt he is looking forward to his secret meeting with Putin on Monday. He gets to meet with his controller. That meeting will be easier.

But, then, you marvel at all this.

Exactly. Germany started decreasing it's production ie coal, nat gas, oil, nuclear and then starts depending on russia for the majority of its energy. Then germany starts crying about russia and wants protection.
Exactly. Germany started decreasing it's production ie coal, nat gas, oil, nuclear and then starts depending on russia for the majority of its energy. Then germany starts crying about russia and wants protection.

And Germany has some of the finest coal on earth but coal is "dirty" so can't use it....not PC....better to make your nation energy dependent on another country who might like to invade you....for your coal.
What a GLORIOUS beginning the NATO meetings are off to! In what was supposed to be a most "civilized" setting, Trump has gone GONZO laying into these sissies like a whirling dervish. Their mouths fell open when he told them he's seen enough foot-dragging, playing Uncle Sam for a sucker, and doing business with the Ivans while we protect them from the Ivans. This isn't a euro-loving fool like Barry and he's not obliged to beg them for help in the ME anymore. Now it's time to balance the books, which they can more than afford to do. Merkel got all miffed trying to head-fake the German people that her crazy immigration problems aren't as important as Trump trashing her pittance military spending. These limp-wrists will either pay up and quick or face the Russians alone and it starts with yanking our troops out of Germany...Trump is PISSED and not taking anything but YES for an answer this time.

#MAAA! Make America Alone Again

BTW...love your fake wrestling attachment.

#MLWA Make Liberals Whine Again
So.....you don't see the whining aspect of the OP? Why of course you don't....you are sufficiently groomed.

The OP is celebrating what a great job our President is doing. But haters like you are gonna hate.
So Gator, your saying Europe is paying its full Nato requirements,

Please show me where I said this?

and that the US isn't basically defending all of Europe from Putin?

I do not think Putin has any designs on taking over Europe.

Nobody is saying that Europe deosn't provide some defense to its own people, but it seems hard to defend that they are not depending on the US taxpayer to keep them safe. Before everyone continues to argue, why don't we come up with some agreed on standard of what Europe pays and what it is required to pay to meet its obligations. The whole my chart and stats are the real stats is annoying.

I am the guy that wants us to pull most, if not all troops out of Europe and station them on the southern border vice building a wall, you know have our military defend our country for a change.

Let's see the reality of stationing troops on the southern border.
The Mexico–United States border is an international border separating Mexico and the United States, extending from the Pacific Ocean to the west and Gulf of Mexico to the east. The border traverses a variety of terrains, ranging from major urban areas to uninhabitable deserts. Approximately 350 million legal crossings occur annually,[1][2] and is the most frequently crossed border in the world.[3][1][4]

The total length of the continental border is 1,954 miles (3,145 km). From the Gulf of Mexico, it follows the course of the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte) to the border crossing at Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, and El Paso, Texas. Westward from El Paso–Juárez, it crosses vast tracts of the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts to the Colorado River Delta and San Diego–Tijuana, before reaching the Pacific Ocean.[5]
Mexico–United States border - Wikipedia
So having All the troops that were stationed in Europe brought back and stationed at the border is your suggestion.

65,631.... American troops in Europe. United States military deployments - Wikipedia

So according to TraitorGator we tear down every wall we have and fence between because he doesn't think walls and fences are affective detergents (contrary to many centuries of experiences!!!) he would station 33 soldiers ever 1 mile or one solder to protect 157 feet... instead of a fence. Now mind you the soldiers must stand guard every 8 hours.
So instead of one soldier ever 1 mile it works out to 11 soldiers per mile per day 7 days a week. Or then one soldier for ever 471 feet. Night and day 24 hours 7 days a week.
Now what is the cost? three square meals a day, $19.25; standard pay, $50.59 a day; combat pay, $5 a day or a total per diem of $75.
.An army of one carries a high price

So in lieu of a wall you will place at a cost of $4,911,824 per day to house, feed and pay 65,632 soldiers...per day or :$1.8 billion a year 100 years---( Chinese wall built over 2,000 years)
or nearly $180 billion... Right
Instead Trump's wall will cost over 5 years to build about $25 billion. And that's it.

Yea leave it to TraitorGator to ignore the details. Just a minor thing. Oh and the above figure was working 7 days a week. No time off, vacations, leave. I'm sure a large portion of
our European based soldiers would love that.
And think about it... they'd be covering about 500 feet between them. When's the last time TraitorGator you ran with a full pack 250 feet after someone who has snuck through
your line of sight!
Yea TraitorGator... your attention to minor details seems a bit shrift!

The military members are already part of the military and already being paid so there is no additional cost, in fact there is money saved by not having them in Europe where we pay more per member. So you cost argument is out the window.

Also, since you never served you may not know this, but our military has these things called "vehicles", some have wheels and some have tracks and they are motorized and can carry multiple people at high rates of speed.

Also, since you never served you may not know this, but our military has these things called "aircraft", both fixed wing and rotary wing (google those terms if you do not know what they mean). These "aircraft" can actually leave the ground and fly through the air (thus the name) covering great distances in a short amount of time and "impassible" terrain is not really an issue for them.

Here is an idea for you, go see your local recruiter, join up and learn something about the capabilities of our military, then come back when you are not so fucking stupid.


And YOU are forgetting ONE VERY LARGE restriction on this exercise.
Posse Comitatus Act
is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

Specifically prohibits uses such as you so stupidly offer!
Change that LAW idiot and maybe it would work. But knowing your stupid attitude about Trump and being the TraitorGator you are you'd then complain...Trump's a dictator"!
Trump is another Hitler! Yes you would because you can't see beyond what Trump is to what he is doing!
I personally don't like Trump! I think he is arrogant. Loud. Obnoxious and definitely a braggart.
But like the people I knew in Queens NY for several years HE like them LOVE America evidently more than you do!
He like them are LOYAL to America! Unlike YOU traitorGator! He like THEM and evidently unlike you love his children and grandchildren more than the luxury of retirement
on his billions! He like them and me and millions like me find people like you very funny! You talk big talk but when it comes to the walk... you tippy toe around it... I'm sure you were one of those idiots that loved Obama's administrations "We will lead from behind" sentiment! Yea look where that got us!

The problem here is that morons like you think that border control is a law enforcement job, when it is not. It is the job of the military to defend the country, why will people like you not allow them to do so?

You talk about how much more love you so much more than me yet you gave any service to you country, you just take and take and people like me that love this country enough to offer up 20 years of our lives in service to it carry your weight since you lack the balls to do so.

You want to build a fucking wall and hide behind it and yet you accuse someone else of leading from behind.

After a drill instructor hands you one of these for the first time, them come back and talk to me about loving this country, you fucking free loader.

I will admit that everything in life is a little bit better knowing Trump is in the White House, and Clinton is out there flying commercial somewhere.
Everything is better for who Bubba

Better for:

Women who need reproductive health care ?

People who need health insurance?

Business who will be hurt by the idiotic trade war?

World peace and security while he undermines NATO?

The environment while he rolls back protections on water, air and ignores climate change?

This countries sovereignty while he kisses up to Russia?


Better for who? Myself of course.
Tell us about how a collapse of the EU and NATO which T-Rump is trying to engineer, and world domination by Russia will be good for you, or your country. I get the distinct impression that I am not dealing with an intellectual powerhouse here.

Then quit looking in the mirror. Your straw men show how stupid you are.
Actually, on the shallow level on which you dwell, that is a straw man,. He was not making that argument,. But the fact is , he was not making any actual argument at all. My purpose was to draw him out and try to get him to explain himself by suggesting what he might be talking about,. but alas , he is too dim whited to respond and you are to dim whited to understand what I am trying to do.
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"its like the world gone crazy...Trump's performance was beyond belief!" - senior European diplomat

this is what Trump campaigned on. deal with it, snowflake!

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