Why Trump wants us to hate the Media

Trump doesn't want us to hate the Media, he tells you to start separating the wheat from the chaff in Media stories. Because there is obviously more chaff than wheat.

Oh, it sounds like you prefer to stay brainwashed, who cares...
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Trump NEEDS someone or something to attack. He has nothing to offer on his own. All he can do is attack someone else.
It's all part of the same oligarch shtick. Demonize the govt, fawn over the “job creator” class; which never has to answer at all in any manner to “the people”.


Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

I hated Democrat media long before Trump came along.
The GOP has been training you to hate the media, and only listen to their small handful of propaganda outlets for decades.

Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Cable isn't subject to the FCC, Bubba.
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

I hated Democrat media long before Trump came along.
The GOP has been training you to hate the media, and only listen to their small handful of propaganda outlets for decades.

Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Fox is the most popular news channel, possibly even any kind of channel, in the country. MSNBC is last in the news. That's the difference. Liberals haven't been trained to only trust MSNBC like Republicans and Fox.
Actually that is a fight media started with "Hate Trump" rhetoric and transparent attempts to spin Trump's statements along with deliberately misleading polls. What goes around has come around.
Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Cable isn't subject to the FCC, Bubba.

That's a Trump type lie that is easily debunked. Seriously...

Cable Television
Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Cable isn't subject to the FCC, Bubba.

It is all in the hands of 6 major multinational corporations bubba.
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

Your post is exactly the issue, more fake news.
Fact: most people will tell you they've hated CNN for years now.
I used to say CNN was more propaganda and full of bull then Al Jazeera, and it was because how they reported the middle east, the Palestinian issues, the Iraq war, displaced blames on Bush, never a peep about Democrats participation in failures of the gov't or about
Dodd or Frank screwing up the credit markets with crazy ideas of adjustable rates with little to no credit checks to allow anyone and everyone own homes that have bad credit or have always purposely skipped out of the debt responsibilities.
The words "for a while now" or "for Years now" mean people are saying it's been a problem before the election therefore acting as if this is new is total denial and additional lying proving the basis for complaints of these media outlets.
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

I hated Democrat media long before Trump came along.
The GOP has been training you to hate the media, and only listen to their small handful of propaganda outlets for decades.

Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Fox is the most popular news channel, possibly even any kind of channel, in the country. MSNBC is last in the news. That's the difference. Liberals haven't been trained to only trust MSNBC like Republicans and Fox.

They have the same societal function and the entire media machine is in concentrated corporate hands, that's the point my friend, the masses must be divided.
You guys are making this a lot harder than it is, It is simple:

When the Comrade lies.
the media has an obligation to say he lied. If they don't, they are not doing their job.

But when they do, the Comrade bullies them and calls them fake news.

In a similar fashion, when the media reports poll numbers or what it's sources tells them, if that news: is not favorable to the Comrade, it is then called fake news.

This makes it quite easy for the Comrade's cult members. They don't need to reason or think. They just wait for the word from their cult leader, the Comrade.
That's a Trump type lie that is easily debunked. Seriously...

Cable Television

Tell us, oh Oracle, why they can have nudity, profanity, and other TV-MA rated things on cable, which would never pass muster on broadcast.

Please, do tell.

What pray tell does that have to do with the furtherance of a perceptual reality that Wall Street, the "job creator" class, Goldman Sachs, and company - who really are the shot callers in your power structure – push out across our propaganda airways?

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