Why Trump Was Charged On Secret Documents And Clinton, Pence Were Not

So if a bank robber gives the money back — eventually— there’s no crime? See how ridiculous and imaginary your legal standard becomes?
Were we talking about robbery? Nope, that would be YOUR IMAGINARY legal standard. Were we talking about giving money back? No, that would be your imaginary legal standard. That is why reading the indictments would help, they would tell you directly the standards that are in play and the legal sections that apply. But you can't do that, can you? Instead you talk about law that is not even relevant.

You make shit up to lie about the standards and then claim it is others using an imaginary standard.

Do you think you could address the actual standards in play here or are you going to just lie some more. We all know the answer to that already.
Not Just Trump And Biden: Every Administration Since Reagan Mishandled Classified Records, National Archives Finds

Every President has taken home classified docs. Most to put into a Presidential Library later.

The only difference here is the deep states desire to GET Trump. Secondly, as Presudent they can Decpassify info and tell NARA to pound sand.

Trump let NARA check the docs and Security at his hotel.

This is still another Political attack against Trump.

This is the tactic of Tyrants and has no place in America. The left are a Cancer on this country
Every President has taken home classified docs. Most to put into a Presidential Library later.

You know that the facilities are administered by a special non-profit organization, however...

The documents contained within a Presidential library are not owned by either the President or the non-profit organization. The documents in a Presidential library are owned by the United States Government and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration.

You knew that right?

Trump let NARA check the docs and Security at his hotel.

Court documents show that this is false, as a matter of record when the NARA/FBI officials showed up to accept some classified documents from FPTOUS#45 they barred the Government Officers from looking in any boxes in the store room. Meaning they were not allowed to "check" for additional documents.

After failing to comply with the court ordered subpoena, it took a search warrant and the FBI taking the documents for them to be returned to the rightful owner. That being the United States.

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Were we talking about robbery? Nope, that would be YOUR IMAGINARY legal standard. Were we talking about giving money back? No, that would be your imaginary legal standard. That is why reading the indictments would help, they would tell you directly the standards that are in play and the legal sections that apply. But you can't do that, can you? Instead you talk about law that is not even relevant.

You make shit up to lie about the standards and then claim it is others using an imaginary standard.

Do you think you could address the actual standards in play here or are you going to just lie some more. We all know the answer to that already.

We're talking about the "crime" of a President holding his documents.

You allege that it's NOT A CRIME when a non-President has classified documents because: a) they are democrats, or they are not Orange and b) they "gave the documents back" (did they keep copies? Sell them to the CCP?)
You know that the facilities are administered by a special non-profit organization, however...

The documents contained within a Presidential library are not owned by either the President or the non-profit organization. The documents in a Presidential library are owned by the United States Government and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration.

You knew that right?

Regardless, the president still has the power over his presidential classified documents, otherwise the ones that were created during his presidency. He can do with them what he wishes (classify or declassify them), except for the ones that have secrets pertaining to our national security apparatus or to our classified military secrets. Right ??
We're talking about the "crime" of a President holding his documents.

No we're not. We're talking about an Ex-President, after his term refusing to return classified documents that belong to the United States, they are not "his documents".

Regardless, the president still has the power over his presidential classified documents, otherwise the ones that were created during his presidency. He can do with them what he wishes (classify or declassify them), except for the ones that have secrets pertaining to our national security apparatus or to our classified military secrets. Right ??

This incorrect, by law Presidential Records are the property of the United States government and are to be turned over the the National Archives at the end of the term.

And no, Ex-Presidents:
  • do not have to power to declassify documents,
  • not do they have the power to "do with them what he wishes" as the documents remain the property of the United States government.
Now he could have declassified them while still President. Hhowever, while he will make the claim in speeches and on social media that he declassified everything he has yet to make that claim in court. As a matter of fact when a Judge in the Special Master review of the documents shortly after the search warrant the Judge asked that specific question and the President (through his lawyers) refused to answer.

Why? Because once the claim is made in court, then the prosecution can do what is called "impeaching the witness" (or claim).
  • Since secret and magical declassification isn't a thing, requiring a proffer on where is the declassification order? What was the date, time, location, and circumstances? If a verbal order, who was it given to?
  • Evidentiary documentation and witness testimony that Trump still considered and treated the documents as classified after leaving office showing a pattern that even he didn't consider them declassified.
  • Failure to challenge the Federal Subpoena for the return of classified documents. If in fact Trump had declassified all the documents, there would have been no classified documents at MAL to return. He didn't do that he agreed that he still had classified documents instead of notifying the court that none were in his possession.
You know that the facilities are administered by a special non-profit organization, however...

The documents contained within a Presidential library are not owned by either the President or the non-profit organization. The documents in a Presidential library are owned by the United States Government and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration.

You knew that right?

Court documents show that this is false, as a matter of record when the NARA/FBI officials showed up to accept some classified documents from FPTOUS#45 they barred the Government Officers from looking in any boxes in the store room. Meaning they were not allowed to "check" for additional documents.

After failing to comply with the court ordered subpoena, it took a search warrant and the FBI taking the documents for them to be returned to the rightful owner. That being the United States.

Had you read the article its been going on a long time. Only during TDS do they GAF.

NARA came to his Resort took what they wanted

Everyone sees this is just more attacks trying to keep him out of office.
Had you read the article its been going on a long time. Only during TDS do they GAF.

Yes I did, including this...


NARA came to his Resort took what they wanted

And this...


It wasn't the NARA that reclaimed the documents, it was the FBI executing a search warrant issued by a Federal Court based on probable cause that a crime had been (or was being) committed.

Everyone sees this is just more attacks trying to keep him out of office.

Both show you read a headline and didn't read your own article.

Try the actual court documents next time.

No we're not. We're talking about an Ex-President, after his term refusing to return classified documents that belong to the United States, they are not "his documents".


Oh, but it was not a crime for a non-President to hold the documents??????
Oh, but it was not a crime for a non-President to hold the documents??????

Neither Trump, Pence, or Biden is being charged with having the documents because that would require intent and knowingly taking the documemnts. Since the packing would have been done by aids and staff, that wouldn't be able to be proved.

Pence and Biden voluntarily returned the documents and voluntarily submitted to FBI searches to ensure there were no others.

FPOTUS#45 on the other hand is being charged with willful retention (once he knew about them), failure to return when ordered, and obstruction for attempting to hide the documents.

But you knew that and just choose to ignore it.

No we're not. We're talking about an Ex-President, after his term refusing to return classified documents that belong to the United States, they are not "his documents".

Oh yes they are his documents, at least until it is proven that some or if any of the documents were of a sensitive nature in which he would have never been allowed to take in the first place.

So what did Trump do in order to obtain these so called highly sensitive documents that put America on a cataclysmic course with the aliens who were to steal them from the jaws of Mar-a-logo in order to invade earth ? ROTFLMBO 🤣
Oh yes they are his documents, at least until it is proven that some or if any of the documents were of a sensitive nature in which he would have never been allowed to take in the first place.

According to the law, they are not his. Classified Documents remain the property of the United States, not the property of Donald Trump. In addition the law is clear (Presidential Records Act of 1978) that Presidential Records are the property of the United States, not Donald Trump.

According to the law, they are not his. Classified Documents remain the property of the United States, not the property of Donald Trump. In addition the law is clear (Presidential Records Act of 1978) that Presidential Records are the property of the United States, not Donald Trump.

Or SENATOR Biden, RIGHT?????
Go FUCK yourself, WW!!!!
The Trumpsters are still trying to equate the Trump documents with the Biden documents, the Insurrection with some street riots, Trump's temperament with Biden's temperament, and the adoration-soaked Orange Cult with the Dems' tenuous tolerance of Biden.

Look at all the shit they have to spin and lie about, all the fantasies they have to create out of thin air.

This is what happens when you sell your soul for, and when you attach your self worth to, an orange con man.
According to the law, they are not his. Classified Documents remain the property of the United States, not the property of Donald Trump. In addition the law is clear (Presidential Records Act of 1978) that Presidential Records are the property of the United States, not Donald Trump.

Doesn't state where those records are to be held though does it ? That is why the documents were allowed to leave the confines of their so called secure place, and then to be stored in other places by those who are allowed to do so by way of the documents status or classifications.
The Trumpsters are still trying to equate the Trump documents with the Biden documents, the Insurrection with some street riots, Trump's temperament with Biden's temperament, and the adoration-soaked Orange Cult with the Dems' tenuous tolerance of Biden.

Look at all the shit they have to spin and lie about, all the fantasies they have to create out of thin air.

This is what happens when you sell your soul for, and when you attach your self worth to, an orange con man.
Funny that you used Biden of all people in your pathetic rant, because wow what a bright and shining role model he is right ? Go drink some more Kool aid, your eggs are scrambled this morning.

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