Why Trump will never release his tax returns.

So you think that Trump tax returns has nude pictures printed on them?

Well I have to admit- that had not occurred to me.

I was thinking more along the lines of simply not wanting voters to know that he hasn't paid any income taxes- or that he is worth far less than he keeps proclaiming- or perhaps income coming from oligarchs in Russia.

Here's one for you to chew on:

Tom Fitton: Clinton Foundation Will Shut Down by End of Week

Still not seeing what that has to do with Trump's fear of what voters would see in his tax returns- or why you think he has nude pictures in his tax returns.

Your stupidity is of no concern of mine.

Why is Trump so scared of what voters would see in his tax returns?

You're not one of his voters now are you? His voters don't care.

As Trump pointed out- he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue- and his voters wouldn't care.

But independents- and real Republicans would care.
90 died at US embassies under Reagan.
60 under Bush.

Number of investigation? 0

Thousands died on 9/11 nearly a year into Bush's first term.

Number of investigations? 1

Benghazi. Number of investigations? 9 or 10. I lost count.

Thank God it's not political.
After receiving warnings about an orchestrated attack on all US embassies and compounds throughout the middle east on 9/11/12, that this attack was coming...
After receiving warnings of a call to assassinate Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12...
After new terrorist trng camps opened in Benghazi....
After Al Qaeida Flags began flying over Benghazi govt buildings....
After every other nation pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the growing violence....
After more than 50 pleas from Stevens for additional security...
After 2 previous terrorist attacks before the final one on 9/11/12 - the last one leaving a 4ft hole in the wall...
After knowing (supposedly) no military rescue/help was available...

EVERY request for additional security was denied.
14 members of Stevens security team were pulled (AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks)
The ONLY Americans pulled out of Benghazi were 14 members of Stevens' security team
Hillary and Obama LIED about a video
Hillary and the WH modified the CIA's report 13 times, stripping any reference to 'terrorism'
Hillary vowed to punish an American for exercising his 1st Amendment right
Obama declared to the world there was no place in it for anyone who exercised their 1st Amndmt right
Hillary called the grieving mother of an American who only died because of HER failure to take action a 'LIAR' (Harry Reid just called her 'Insane' - no media coverage or rebuke)

This has to be the single biggest FAILURE and COVER-UP in order to protect a politician's chances at running for President in this nation's history.
Absolutely false. Not one, but two, congressional investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing.

It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Has absolutely no bearing on the damn issue and no, not all of them agreed on that. The issue fool was that she never even asked.
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Again you are so FULL OF SHIT and have no clue what you are talking about!

You REALLY think military members, KNOWING there is a US Ambassador and fellow (ex)SEALS on the ground defending are just going to say, "F* it - we'll never get there in time so why bother'?!

Again, you GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last, how long American SEALs can hold out, and you sure as hell want to get there to secure the bodies if nothing else and give a little payback if possible once there!
Nope you're the one full of shit. Tell you what, grab one of the two congressional investigation reports where they discuss this point into ad nauseum. Time after time, point after point, all of your allegations were disproved and formally signed by all Republican members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Benghazi Committee.
90 died at US embassies under Reagan.
60 under Bush.

Number of investigation? 0

Thousands died on 9/11 nearly a year into Bush's first term.

Number of investigations? 1

Benghazi. Number of investigations? 9 or 10. I lost count.

Thank God it's not political.
After receiving warnings about an orchestrated attack on all US embassies and compounds throughout the middle east on 9/11/12, that this attack was coming...
After receiving warnings of a call to assassinate Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12...
After new terrorist trng camps opened in Benghazi....
After Al Qaeida Flags began flying over Benghazi govt buildings....
After every other nation pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the growing violence....
After more than 50 pleas from Stevens for additional security...
After 2 previous terrorist attacks before the final one on 9/11/12 - the last one leaving a 4ft hole in the wall...
After knowing (supposedly) no military rescue/help was available...

EVERY request for additional security was denied.
14 members of Stevens security team were pulled (AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks)
The ONLY Americans pulled out of Benghazi were 14 members of Stevens' security team
Hillary and Obama LIED about a video
Hillary and the WH modified the CIA's report 13 times, stripping any reference to 'terrorism'
Hillary vowed to punish an American for exercising his 1st Amendment right
Obama declared to the world there was no place in it for anyone who exercised their 1st Amndmt right
Hillary called the grieving mother of an American who only died because of HER failure to take action a 'LIAR' (Harry Reid just called her 'Insane' - no media coverage or rebuke)

This has to be the single biggest FAILURE and COVER-UP in order to protect a politician's chances at running for President in this nation's history.
Absolutely false. Not one, but two, congressional investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing.

It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Has absolutely no bearing on the damn issue and no, not all of them agreed on that. The issue fool was that she never even asked.
LOL, it has everything to do with the issue and you're in denial.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.

There is already a list of Republicans who say that they do care about Trump's taxes

Donald Trump should release his tax returns and full medical records, Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz (Utah) said Wednesday.

(CNN) —Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy, a Republican, said Monday he thinks Donald Trump should release his tax returns.

Mark Sanford: I Support You, Donald Trump. Now Release Your Tax Returns.

I think Trump doesn't worry about Trumpsters caring what is in his tax returns.

Trump is scared of what Republicans and Independents would see.

Americans have no right to see Trump's tax returns; .

Of course- just as Americans have no right to see his college records- like Trump demanded that Americans had the right to see for President Obama.

Of course Tricky Trump has not shown voters his tax returns or his college records.

Nobody releases their college records- and they really aren't relevant-
But everyone releases their tax records- everyone but Trump.

What is Trump scared that voters will see in his tax returns.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.


As you pointed out, there is a code. There is also known protocol that goes hand-in-hand with that code. In a situation in Benghazi, you GO! You will be briefed on the situation as you head there, and all new info known will be given in-flight.

You GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last - you just know Americans under attack and fighting for their lives. EVERY second you waste is a less chance those under attack will make it.

You GO because even if you get there too late you secure the US compound and the bodies of the fallen Americans.

These concepts are completely lost on people who have no clue about the military, about war, and/or about TRULY protecting American lives.

Another excuse I heard for not going was that the military might spoil the 'crime scene' for the FBI? SPOIL A F*ING CRIME SCENE?! Are you KIDDING ME?!


Americans are under heavy terrorist attack, fighting for their lives, and you are worried - since you 'KNOW' the military won't get there in time - they might spoil the crime scene?!

Good Lord!

Indeed you do. My own commanding officer called down friendly fire on our position on July 6, 1966 at Dak To when we were outnumbered and over-run by the 24th NVA. That's the kind of decisions a real commander will make. All Hillary has done is try to make it off stolen valor by claiming she came under sniper fire in Bosnia and by leaving these men to die without even asking for aid to be dispatched. She's a damn disgrace to America,
Didn't you want to see John Kerry's tax returns? You want to change the rules now because Trumps taxes are more embarrassing than Hillary's emails.

I don't / didn't give a damn about Kerry's tax returns. Kerry's tax returns were the LEAST of the long list of Kerry 'issues'.

Was it more important that the Liberal douche returned from his stint in Viet Nam and lied his ass off (proven)

Ah yes- John Kerry- decorated Vietnam veteran.

Donald Trump- dedicated Vietnam avoider.
Americans have no right to see Trump's tax returns; .

Of course- just as Americans have no right to see his college records- like Trump demanded that Americans had the right to see for President Obama.

Of course Tricky Trump has not shown voters his tax returns or his college records.

Nobody releases their college records- and they really aren't relevant-
But everyone releases their tax records- everyone but Trump.

What is Trump scared that voters will see in his tax returns.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Probably because he doesn't give a damn what you want.
It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.


As you pointed out, there is a code. There is also known protocol that goes hand-in-hand with that code. In a situation in Benghazi, you GO! You will be briefed on the situation as you head there, and all new info known will be given in-flight.

You GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last - you just know Americans under attack and fighting for their lives. EVERY second you waste is a less chance those under attack will make it.

You GO because even if you get there too late you secure the US compound and the bodies of the fallen Americans.

These concepts are completely lost on people who have no clue about the military, about war, and/or about TRULY protecting American lives.

Another excuse I heard for not going was that the military might spoil the 'crime scene' for the FBI? SPOIL A F*ING CRIME SCENE?! Are you KIDDING ME?!


Americans are under heavy terrorist attack, fighting for their lives, and you are worried - since you 'KNOW' the military won't get there in time - they might spoil the crime scene?!

Good Lord!

Indeed you do. My own commanding officer called down friendly fire on our position on July 6, 1966 at Dak To when we were outnumbered and over-run by the 24th NVA. That's the kind of decisions a real commander will make. All Hillary has done is try to make it off stolen valor by claiming she came under sniper fire in Bosnia and by leaving these men to die without even asking for aid to be dispatched. She's a damn disgrace to America,

Donald Trump fought his own personal Vietnam avoiding STD's.....

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”

Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Again you are so FULL OF SHIT and have no clue what you are talking about!

You REALLY think military members, KNOWING there is a US Ambassador and fellow (ex)SEALS on the ground defending are just going to say, "F* it - we'll never get there in time so why bother'?!

Again, you GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last, how long American SEALs can hold out, and you sure as hell want to get there to secure the bodies if nothing else and give a little payback if possible once there!
Nope you're the one full of shit. Tell you what, grab one of the two congressional investigation reports where they discuss this point into ad nauseum. Time after time, point after point, all of your allegations were disproved and formally signed by all Republican members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Benghazi Committee.

Spoken like a Liberal weenie who has never been in combat in his miserable little life but wishes to sound off on how the military and the veterans look at things.
Americans have no right to see Trump's tax returns; .

Of course- just as Americans have no right to see his college records- like Trump demanded that Americans had the right to see for President Obama.

Of course Tricky Trump has not shown voters his tax returns or his college records.

Nobody releases their college records- and they really aren't relevant-
But everyone releases their tax records- everyone but Trump.

What is Trump scared that voters will see in his tax returns.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

Probably because he doesn't give a damn what you want.

I am sure he doesn't.

What is Trump scared that voters will see in his tax returns.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick
It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.


As you pointed out, there is a code. There is also known protocol that goes hand-in-hand with that code. In a situation in Benghazi, you GO! You will be briefed on the situation as you head there, and all new info known will be given in-flight.

You GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last - you just know Americans under attack and fighting for their lives. EVERY second you waste is a less chance those under attack will make it.

You GO because even if you get there too late you secure the US compound and the bodies of the fallen Americans.

These concepts are completely lost on people who have no clue about the military, about war, and/or about TRULY protecting American lives.

Another excuse I heard for not going was that the military might spoil the 'crime scene' for the FBI? SPOIL A F*ING CRIME SCENE?! Are you KIDDING ME?!


Americans are under heavy terrorist attack, fighting for their lives, and you are worried - since you 'KNOW' the military won't get there in time - they might spoil the crime scene?!

Good Lord!

Indeed you do. My own commanding officer called down friendly fire on our position on July 6, 1966 at Dak To when we were outnumbered and over-run by the 24th NVA. That's the kind of decisions a real commander will make. All Hillary has done is try to make it off stolen valor by claiming she came under sniper fire in Bosnia and by leaving these men to die without even asking for aid to be dispatched. She's a damn disgrace to America,

Donald Trump fought his own personal Vietnam avoiding STD's.....

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”


Now tell us about your own military adventures.
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Again you are so FULL OF SHIT and have no clue what you are talking about!

You REALLY think military members, KNOWING there is a US Ambassador and fellow (ex)SEALS on the ground defending are just going to say, "F* it - we'll never get there in time so why bother'?!

Again, you GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last, how long American SEALs can hold out, and you sure as hell want to get there to secure the bodies if nothing else and give a little payback if possible once there!
Nope you're the one full of shit. Tell you what, grab one of the two congressional investigation reports where they discuss this point into ad nauseum. Time after time, point after point, all of your allegations were disproved and formally signed by all Republican members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Benghazi Committee.

Spoken like a Liberal weenie who has never been in combat in his miserable little life but wishes to sound off on how the military and the veterans look at things.

You mean like this 'Liberal weenie'?

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
After receiving warnings about an orchestrated attack on all US embassies and compounds throughout the middle east on 9/11/12, that this attack was coming...
After receiving warnings of a call to assassinate Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12...
After new terrorist trng camps opened in Benghazi....
After Al Qaeida Flags began flying over Benghazi govt buildings....
After every other nation pulled their people out of Benghazi due to the growing violence....
After more than 50 pleas from Stevens for additional security...
After 2 previous terrorist attacks before the final one on 9/11/12 - the last one leaving a 4ft hole in the wall...
After knowing (supposedly) no military rescue/help was available...

EVERY request for additional security was denied.
14 members of Stevens security team were pulled (AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks)
The ONLY Americans pulled out of Benghazi were 14 members of Stevens' security team
Hillary and Obama LIED about a video
Hillary and the WH modified the CIA's report 13 times, stripping any reference to 'terrorism'
Hillary vowed to punish an American for exercising his 1st Amendment right
Obama declared to the world there was no place in it for anyone who exercised their 1st Amndmt right
Hillary called the grieving mother of an American who only died because of HER failure to take action a 'LIAR' (Harry Reid just called her 'Insane' - no media coverage or rebuke)

This has to be the single biggest FAILURE and COVER-UP in order to protect a politician's chances at running for President in this nation's history.
Absolutely false. Not one, but two, congressional investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing.

It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Has absolutely no bearing on the damn issue and no, not all of them agreed on that. The issue fool was that she never even asked.
LOL, it has everything to do with the issue and you're in denial.

I.m waiting for you to tell us about your own combat experience Mr. Know Nothing.
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Again you are so FULL OF SHIT and have no clue what you are talking about!

You REALLY think military members, KNOWING there is a US Ambassador and fellow (ex)SEALS on the ground defending are just going to say, "F* it - we'll never get there in time so why bother'?!

Again, you GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last, how long American SEALs can hold out, and you sure as hell want to get there to secure the bodies if nothing else and give a little payback if possible once there!
Nope you're the one full of shit. Tell you what, grab one of the two congressional investigation reports where they discuss this point into ad nauseum. Time after time, point after point, all of your allegations were disproved and formally signed by all Republican members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Benghazi Committee.

Spoken like a Liberal weenie who has never been in combat in his miserable little life but wishes to sound off on how the military and the veterans look at things.

You mean like this 'Liberal weenie'?

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”

Actually, more like you.
It's what she didn't do.

There is a code among those of us who are combat veterans. You never leave anyone behind. You try your best to save them. Hillary failed to even ask the military to send aid. That makes her incompetent to become Commander-in-Chief. You ask for aid even if that aid fails to result in success. Even a damn flyover by one of our aircraft would have been something. She sat on her ass or was asleep while these men died without lifting a finger to help them. The military would have gone had she requested. Then she blamed the whole thing on a video for the next two weeks. Hillary is an incompetent disgrace and should never be in command of our military forces.


As you pointed out, there is a code. There is also known protocol that goes hand-in-hand with that code. In a situation in Benghazi, you GO! You will be briefed on the situation as you head there, and all new info known will be given in-flight.

You GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last - you just know Americans under attack and fighting for their lives. EVERY second you waste is a less chance those under attack will make it.

You GO because even if you get there too late you secure the US compound and the bodies of the fallen Americans.

These concepts are completely lost on people who have no clue about the military, about war, and/or about TRULY protecting American lives.

Another excuse I heard for not going was that the military might spoil the 'crime scene' for the FBI? SPOIL A F*ING CRIME SCENE?! Are you KIDDING ME?!


Americans are under heavy terrorist attack, fighting for their lives, and you are worried - since you 'KNOW' the military won't get there in time - they might spoil the crime scene?!

Good Lord!

Indeed you do. My own commanding officer called down friendly fire on our position on July 6, 1966 at Dak To when we were outnumbered and over-run by the 24th NVA. That's the kind of decisions a real commander will make. All Hillary has done is try to make it off stolen valor by claiming she came under sniper fire in Bosnia and by leaving these men to die without even asking for aid to be dispatched. She's a damn disgrace to America,

Donald Trump fought his own personal Vietnam avoiding STD's.....

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”


Now tell us about your own military adventures.

I have spent as much time in the military as Trump or Clinton- though unlike Trump I did not have to get deferments to avoid the draft. Nor did I avoid the military while we were involved in a war- I came of age between wars. Frankly I do not hold anyone's avoidance of the draft against them- not Trump's- or Bill Clinton's

But I also never compared by sleeping around with what you went through in Vietnam.

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
Bullshit. Even the military commanders agreed there was not enough time to react and it was too far away to be able to make a difference.

Again you are so FULL OF SHIT and have no clue what you are talking about!

You REALLY think military members, KNOWING there is a US Ambassador and fellow (ex)SEALS on the ground defending are just going to say, "F* it - we'll never get there in time so why bother'?!

Again, you GO because you have no idea how long the fight will last, how long American SEALs can hold out, and you sure as hell want to get there to secure the bodies if nothing else and give a little payback if possible once there!
Nope you're the one full of shit. Tell you what, grab one of the two congressional investigation reports where they discuss this point into ad nauseum. Time after time, point after point, all of your allegations were disproved and formally signed by all Republican members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Benghazi Committee.

Spoken like a Liberal weenie who has never been in combat in his miserable little life but wishes to sound off on how the military and the veterans look at things.

You mean like this 'Liberal weenie'?

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”

Actually, more like you.

I don't think Trump is much like me at all- I mean other than neither of us served in Vietnam

Why do you think that Trump is a liberal weenie?

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world,” Trump told Stern of avoiding STDs. “It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.

There is already a list of Republicans who say that they do care about Trump's taxes

Donald Trump should release his tax returns and full medical records, Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz (Utah) said Wednesday.

(CNN) —Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy, a Republican, said Monday he thinks Donald Trump should release his tax returns.

Mark Sanford: I Support You, Donald Trump. Now Release Your Tax Returns.

I think Trump doesn't worry about Trumpsters caring what is in his tax returns.

Trump is scared of what Republicans and Independents would see.
Nope you're the one full of shit. Tell you what, grab one of the two congressional investigation reports where they discuss this point into ad nauseum. Time after time, point after point, all of your allegations were disproved and formally signed by all Republican members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and the Benghazi Committee.[/QUOTE]

Spoken like a Liberal weenie who has never been in combat in his miserable little life but wishes to sound off on how the military and the veterans look at things.[/QUOTE]

That's right deflect and comment about something you don't have a clue about.

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