Why Trump will never release his tax returns.

You couldn't read my tax returns much less Trumps.

Irrelevant: Nobody has a reason to give a damn about your tax returns. Ditto mine.

Nor Trump's. You don't trust Obama's IRS?

President Obama released his tax returns as a candidate. So did Mitt Romney- at Trump's urging.

Why won't Trump?

Maybe Trump is neither Obama nor Romney?

True- or even Richard Nixon.

Obama, Romney, Clinton, Nixon- all released their tax returns- Richard Nixon even though he was being audited.

Yes- Trump is not as transparent as any of them.

Actually he's very smart. The only ones with their panties in a knot about it are Liberals who are not about to vote for him and he Liberal media who would twist the truth to make him look bad. The best thing for him to do is simply let you fools stew in your own juices.
I've clearly stated that Trump's tax returns have already been looked at or are being looked at by Obama's own IRS and apparently they have found nothing illegal. Do you actually believe you would discover something the IRS tax professionals haven't been able to find?

Why exactly are you trying to change the subject from the topic of the thread- Trump and his fear of voters seeing his tax returns- to Hillary Clinton?

What are you scared we would see in Trump's tax returns? Since you think that there isn't anything illegal- do you fear it will just be something embarressing- or scandalous?

You wanting to see some nude pictures or something?

So you think that Trump tax returns has nude pictures printed on them?

Well I have to admit- that had not occurred to me.

I was thinking more along the lines of simply not wanting voters to know that he hasn't paid any income taxes- or that he is worth far less than he keeps proclaiming- or perhaps income coming from oligarchs in Russia.

Here's one for you to chew on:

Tom Fitton: Clinton Foundation Will Shut Down by End of Week

Still not seeing what that has to do with Trump's fear of what voters would see in his tax returns- or why you think he has nude pictures in his tax returns.

Your stupidity is of no concern of mine.
I am curious as to why Trump is scared to show his returns- really nothing else.

Will voters care that Clinton released all of her tax returns- and Trump none?
Will voters care that even Tricky Dick released his tax returns but not Tricky Trump?
Will voters conclude that Trump has something he wants to hide from voters?

If Trump is elected- then it will be a safe conclusion that voters didn't care. If Trump is not elected- well good chance that some voters did care.

Remember- Trump is the one who told President Obama he should show his college records- which ironically Trump also doesn't release. And Trump told Romney to release his tax returns. And Trump did say that he- Trump- would release his tax returns if he ran for President.
The reason he hasn't released his tax returns has been talked about ad-nauseam. He's been advised that while under audit he should not release them. BTW that has been echoed by other tax attorneys as well. He's not scared or hiding anything. If he's hiding something he would be under investigation by now.

The ONLY reason the media wants them is to find something..anything to pounce on him about. If he paid $.25 less in taxes than 2014 they'll blow it up into a huge issue :lol: You know this to be true too :) I can only see the headlines.

"Trump dodges paying his fair share"
"Trump's income takes huge hit in 2015, is something amiss?"
"Is Trumps empire crumbling? His tax returns reflect possible trouble"
"Is the Donald hiding money from IRS? Experts say its possible"

It has been established by the IRS Commissioner no less, that there is no regulation, rule, law, or covenant keeping any citizen from releasing their taxes. If Trump underpaid, that is an issue and he needs to offer a good explanation and not kick it under the bus because it would make him look bad. If you people didn't learn anything at all valuable from Mitt Romney, it is that the people do not like dishonesty about taxes. This will be very costly to him when it comes right down to it and Trump needs votes.

Idiot!!! If Trump underpaid, the IRS would no only collect the taxes due but also charge him a penalty. CHEEZE!! If you actually worked and paid taxes you would know this.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

So why do you think that Trump is scared of what voters would see in his tax returns?
Irrelevant: Nobody has a reason to give a damn about your tax returns. Ditto mine.

Nor Trump's. You don't trust Obama's IRS?

President Obama released his tax returns as a candidate. So did Mitt Romney- at Trump's urging.

Why won't Trump?

Maybe Trump is neither Obama nor Romney?

True- or even Richard Nixon.

Obama, Romney, Clinton, Nixon- all released their tax returns- Richard Nixon even though he was being audited.

Yes- Trump is not as transparent as any of them.

Actually he's very smart. The only ones with their panties in a knot about it are Liberals who are not about to vote for him and he Liberal media who would twist the truth to make him look bad. The best thing for him to do is simply let you fools stew in your own juices.

Oh I hope he continues to be just as smart.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

The only candidate in decades too scared to show voters his tax returns.
Why exactly are you trying to change the subject from the topic of the thread- Trump and his fear of voters seeing his tax returns- to Hillary Clinton?

What are you scared we would see in Trump's tax returns? Since you think that there isn't anything illegal- do you fear it will just be something embarressing- or scandalous?

You wanting to see some nude pictures or something?

So you think that Trump tax returns has nude pictures printed on them?

Well I have to admit- that had not occurred to me.

I was thinking more along the lines of simply not wanting voters to know that he hasn't paid any income taxes- or that he is worth far less than he keeps proclaiming- or perhaps income coming from oligarchs in Russia.

Here's one for you to chew on:

Tom Fitton: Clinton Foundation Will Shut Down by End of Week

Still not seeing what that has to do with Trump's fear of what voters would see in his tax returns- or why you think he has nude pictures in his tax returns.

Your stupidity is of no concern of mine.

Why is Trump so scared of what voters would see in his tax returns?
In a thread about Drumpf..........classic embarassed Drumpf minion avoidance maneuver.

Then why not console me and offer to discuss Hillary's tax plans with me? Are you afraid to discuss an actual issue that has bearing on the election?

Why exactly are you trying to change the subject from the topic of the thread- Trump and his fear of voters seeing his tax returns- to Hillary Clinton?

What are you scared we would see in Trump's tax returns?

I've clearly stated that Trump's tax returns have already been looked at or are being looked at by Obama's own IRS and apparently they have found nothing illegal. Do you actually believe you would discover something the IRS tax professionals haven't been able to find?
Yea, that he only has half a billion dollars.

So? That's more than you or I have.
I knew you'd say that. So it's OK trumps lied to you about everything. When will he start telling the truth? No wall?
I am curious as to why Trump is scared to show his returns- really nothing else.

Will voters care that Clinton released all of her tax returns- and Trump none?
Will voters care that even Tricky Dick released his tax returns but not Tricky Trump?
Will voters conclude that Trump has something he wants to hide from voters?

If Trump is elected- then it will be a safe conclusion that voters didn't care. If Trump is not elected- well good chance that some voters did care.

Remember- Trump is the one who told President Obama he should show his college records- which ironically Trump also doesn't release. And Trump told Romney to release his tax returns. And Trump did say that he- Trump- would release his tax returns if he ran for President.
The reason he hasn't released his tax returns has been talked about ad-nauseam. He's been advised that while under audit he should not release them. BTW that has been echoed by other tax attorneys as well. He's not scared or hiding anything. If he's hiding something he would be under investigation by now.

The ONLY reason the media wants them is to find something..anything to pounce on him about. If he paid $.25 less in taxes than 2014 they'll blow it up into a huge issue :lol: You know this to be true too :) I can only see the headlines.

"Trump dodges paying his fair share"
"Trump's income takes huge hit in 2015, is something amiss?"
"Is Trumps empire crumbling? His tax returns reflect possible trouble"
"Is the Donald hiding money from IRS? Experts say its possible"

It has been established by the IRS Commissioner no less, that there is no regulation, rule, law, or covenant keeping any citizen from releasing their taxes. If Trump underpaid, that is an issue and he needs to offer a good explanation and not kick it under the bus because it would make him look bad. If you people didn't learn anything at all valuable from Mitt Romney, it is that the people do not like dishonesty about taxes. This will be very costly to him when it comes right down to it and Trump needs votes.

Idiot!!! If Trump underpaid, the IRS would no only collect the taxes due but also charge him a penalty. CHEEZE!! If you actually worked and paid taxes you would know this.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.
I can't believe America will vote into office a man who owes a half billion dollars to China. How much does he owe Russia? And he would be our president? Talk about a candidate being owned.
Then why not console me and offer to discuss Hillary's tax plans with me? Are you afraid to discuss an actual issue that has bearing on the election?

Why exactly are you trying to change the subject from the topic of the thread- Trump and his fear of voters seeing his tax returns- to Hillary Clinton?

What are you scared we would see in Trump's tax returns?

I've clearly stated that Trump's tax returns have already been looked at or are being looked at by Obama's own IRS and apparently they have found nothing illegal. Do you actually believe you would discover something the IRS tax professionals haven't been able to find?
Yea, that he only has half a billion dollars.

So? That's more than you or I have.
I knew you'd say that. So it's OK trumps lied to you about everything. When will he start telling the truth? No wall?

Well, then you should have known also just how stupid your statement is.
I can't believe America will vote into office a man who owes a half billion dollars to China. How much does he owe Russia? And he would be our president? Talk about a candidate being owned.

Yes let's talk about a candidate being owned. Many say Hillary and Bill should return all the money they received from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries. This is without mentioning the millions from Wall Street, corporations, and billionaire donors. If she gets elected, we're going to see political favors like we have never witnessed before. Hillary has already begun paying off some of her political debts while she served as Secretary of State. She has stated that she will pay off Planned Parenthood who donated your tax money to her campaign by repealing the Hyde Act which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions. Yes indeed, we really do need to talk about candidates who are bought and paid for. Care to continue?
The reason he hasn't released his tax returns has been talked about ad-nauseam. He's been advised that while under audit he should not release them. BTW that has been echoed by other tax attorneys as well. He's not scared or hiding anything. If he's hiding something he would be under investigation by now.

The ONLY reason the media wants them is to find something..anything to pounce on him about. If he paid $.25 less in taxes than 2014 they'll blow it up into a huge issue :lol: You know this to be true too :) I can only see the headlines.

"Trump dodges paying his fair share"
"Trump's income takes huge hit in 2015, is something amiss?"
"Is Trumps empire crumbling? His tax returns reflect possible trouble"
"Is the Donald hiding money from IRS? Experts say its possible"

It has been established by the IRS Commissioner no less, that there is no regulation, rule, law, or covenant keeping any citizen from releasing their taxes. If Trump underpaid, that is an issue and he needs to offer a good explanation and not kick it under the bus because it would make him look bad. If you people didn't learn anything at all valuable from Mitt Romney, it is that the people do not like dishonesty about taxes. This will be very costly to him when it comes right down to it and Trump needs votes.

Idiot!!! If Trump underpaid, the IRS would no only collect the taxes due but also charge him a penalty. CHEEZE!! If you actually worked and paid taxes you would know this.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
You wanting to see some nude pictures or something?

So you think that Trump tax returns has nude pictures printed on them?

Well I have to admit- that had not occurred to me.

I was thinking more along the lines of simply not wanting voters to know that he hasn't paid any income taxes- or that he is worth far less than he keeps proclaiming- or perhaps income coming from oligarchs in Russia.

Here's one for you to chew on:

Tom Fitton: Clinton Foundation Will Shut Down by End of Week

Still not seeing what that has to do with Trump's fear of what voters would see in his tax returns- or why you think he has nude pictures in his tax returns.

Your stupidity is of no concern of mine.

Why is Trump so scared of what voters would see in his tax returns?

You're not one of his voters now are you? His voters don't care.
It has been established by the IRS Commissioner no less, that there is no regulation, rule, law, or covenant keeping any citizen from releasing their taxes. If Trump underpaid, that is an issue and he needs to offer a good explanation and not kick it under the bus because it would make him look bad. If you people didn't learn anything at all valuable from Mitt Romney, it is that the people do not like dishonesty about taxes. This will be very costly to him when it comes right down to it and Trump needs votes.

Idiot!!! If Trump underpaid, the IRS would no only collect the taxes due but also charge him a penalty. CHEEZE!! If you actually worked and paid taxes you would know this.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?
Idiot!!! If Trump underpaid, the IRS would no only collect the taxes due but also charge him a penalty. CHEEZE!! If you actually worked and paid taxes you would know this.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.
Excuse me, we don't know anything about Trump's taxes do we? Until he clarifies and releases it I can allege any damn thing I want just like you folks do with Hillary Clinton and her made up illnesses.

There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.
No, the millions of undecided voters who will now look for other options.
There's no need to post stupid crap like "He underpaid." That just shows how utterly ignorant you are.

I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.
No, the millions of undecided voters who will now look for other options.

Right. Where are they? At least it shields you from having to think about Hillary's insane proposed policies.
I was talking about the rate he paid. If he paid 10% people would want to know, if he paid nothing he should have a damn good explanation why.

I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.
No, the millions of undecided voters who will now look for other options.

Right. Where are they? At least it shields you from having to think about Hillary's insane proposed policies.

They are everywhere Trump is losing.
Americans have no right to see Trump's tax returns; yet, whiny -ass liberals continue to bitch about and demand them, proving they are more interested in what is on a private citizen's tax returns than they are in seeing the documents demanded by law that both Hillary and Barry have hidden and refused/refuse to turn over.

Trump is breaking no law.
Hillary did.
Barry is.

And the fact that libs are NOT demanding a legally-required accountability of their leaders is a synopsis of how far the DNC - and their supporters - have sunk and why this nation is so f*ed up right now.

No Accountability.
I would say whatever he paid has passed muster with the IRS.
Great, but will it pass muster with the people?

You mean with a few Liberals who are not going to vote for him anyways? I don't really think he cares.
No, the millions of undecided voters who will now look for other options.

Right. Where are they? At least it shields you from having to think about Hillary's insane proposed policies.

They are everywhere Trump is losing.

Then you should be rejoicing instead of worrying over a defeated man's tax returns. You are an idiot.
I can't believe America will vote into office a man who owes a half billion dollars to China. How much does he owe Russia? And he would be our president? Talk about a candidate being owned.

Yes let's talk about a candidate being owned. Many say Hillary and Bill should return all the money they received from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries. This is without mentioning the millions from Wall Street, corporations, and billionaire donors. If she gets elected, we're going to see political favors like we have never witnessed before. Hillary has already begun paying off some of her political debts while she served as Secretary of State. She has stated that she will pay off Planned Parenthood who donated your tax money to her campaign by repealing the Hyde Act which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions. Yes indeed, we really do need to talk about candidates who are bought and paid for. Care to continue?
Funny the GOP and Conservative Supreme Court pushes and gets Citizens United passed, we warn you the dangers and problems with CU and now you understand because the Democrats are playing the same game Republicans are playing. Is Kasich taking money from Saudi Arabia? Is Rubio? Is Cruz? We don't know because Citizens United allows them to take the money and not tell.

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