Why Trumpers love Trump

I can't wait until they take your guns away!

The Supreme court has ruled freedom of speech has limits. You can't yell fire (a dangerous lie) in a crowded movie theater, it is dangerous. The President of the US can't tell a grand lie about election fraud that didn't happen. You can not do that, it is very dangerous. Look at all the dumb fuckin retards that believe that lie. Trump incited an insurrection because of that lie, and Mitch McConnell agrees.

You act like Twitter and these other sites just canceled republican voices for no reason?????? They got canceled because they are promoting extremely dangerous lies. Lies that incited an insurrection. Conservatives have lost their 1st amendment right because they have a truth problem. That is the premise of this thread. All politicians lie, but Trump and the GOP have taken lying to another level, and those lies incited an insurrection. Therefore, bye bye social media until you can act like a mature grown up, which you people can't do...
You apparently don't understand the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the COTUS.

On the 1st.... I am not religious, but I believe it is a fundamental right of all people to practice their religion as they wish, and the government shall have no say, including COVID or any other pandemic.

The First Amendment (1A) is not only about that, of course. It's about protecting controversial and offensive speech. There is never a need to use the 1A to allow speech that propels the official government narrative. The 1A allows speech about whatever, as long as it is not immediately harmful, and limits the gov't power with regard to censoring free expression.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is quite a bit different from posting information about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or mask effectiveness, or potential voter fraud (for example). The former creates an emergency. The latter is just an alternative viewpoint, which people can research themselves with no urgency nor immediate threat to life and limb.

It's really sad when I see my fellow Americans, including you apparently, endorsing censorship. I would not endorse the same standards applying to you. The only way people can learn anything is by listening to alternative viewpoints and critically reviewing them. You can't learn anything from someone who believes the exact same thing as you, and the "official truth" seems to be incorrect most of the time lately.

Your stance is intolerant, irrational, and anti-American. I fully endorse your right to say what you want, even if I think it is false. You don't support mine?

Regarding the insurrection that you think Trump incited, you apparently did not watch his defense present on the 4th day. Sorry, it's three hours long but you can watch on 1.75X speed. :)

At 39:00, Trump's defense presents evidence that the house managers doctored evidence.

At 52:00, there is the viral "fight part," showing never-ending videos of Dems doing what they falsely accused Trump of doing. It continues for about 13 minutes with countless examples...

Here is your big problem. Trump used extremely dangerous lies to incite this insurrection and it is a far different situation then anything Dems have done. Or standard lie telling (which is protected) for that matter

Yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is dangerous and telling people your vote was stolen, when that is a total lie, is also very dangerous. The insurrection was incited because trump repeated the lie that their vote was stolen.
Look at this board, look at all the dumb fucks on here that still believe this total lie. Look at how stupid Ray is, he believes this lie despite all the evidence disproving the election fraud lie. That is very dangerous. The Supreme court has ruled and there is a limit to free speech particularly when it is dangerous lies that cause people to riot- which it did... Trump's lies caused the riot.

On top of that Trump knew that the rioters were in the Capitol going crazy and it is documented that Kevin McCarthy told Trump his supporters were in the Capitol and Trump did nothing. This is further proof of Trump's guilt that you chose to ignore, because it is devastating. There is no excuse or explanation for this. Trump never tried to stop his rioting supporters even though he knew they were in the Capitol. The evidence is overwhelming, you just don't like it so you ignore it.

Basically you also prove the point of my thread. You need to live these lies because the truth is too harsh for you to accept. Trump incited an insurrection based on lies, you can not accept that. George Bush was a total failure, with failed results. Trump was a total failure, with failed results. Both Trump and Bush left office in total disgrace with record low approval ratings and the country in ruin and crisis. You can't accept this reality, but this happened. Repeat, this happened.

These facts are too hard for you to accept. You can't accept them. You need Trump's lies in order to ignore the failure of the GOP so you can keep drinking the koolaid, like a sheep.

Oh, but Democrats telling the American people repeatedly for 4 years that Russian interference helped Trump steal the election is okay. You jackals are mentally ill.
Care to answer this question???
I have you completely stumped...
You're a total joke, you try and act like you know something, yet you run and hide when i ask you a tough question that is 100% fact. You can't answer it:

Why did the people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

I have answered it, repeatedly. But you brainwashed leftists are trained to filter out things you don't like to hear or read such as reality, so the messages are blocked by your brain. In spite of answering your questions or proving you wrong, you act like you never heard or read a thing, and keep repeating yourself. It's like trying to have a discussion with my 85 year old mother.
Democrats are indoctrinated cultists.
Here is your big problem. Trump used extremely dangerous lies to incite this insurrection
You didn't watch the defense completely shred your argument.

For example, when Trump called for people to fight, you probably fell for the false Democrat narrative.

Here is the real one at 48:30... He calls for members of Congress to fight, not the Proud Boys or whatever you are imagining. Betcha didn't know that...

The Supreme court has ruled and there is a limit to free speech particularly when it is dangerous lies that cause people to riot
And you're a Nazi.
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Care to answer this question???
I have you completely stumped...
You're a total joke, you try and act like you know something, yet you run and hide when i ask you a tough question that is 100% fact. You can't answer it:

Why did the people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

I have answered it, repeatedly. But you brainwashed leftists are trained to filter out things you don't like to hear or read such as reality, so the messages are blocked by your brain. In spite of answering your questions or proving you wrong, you act like you never heard or read a thing, and keep repeating yourself. It's like trying to have a discussion with my 85 year old mother.

So sorry, you are so out of touch with reality, you actually believe your fictional beliefs.
Care to answer this question???
I have you completely stumped...
You're a total joke, you try and act like you know something, yet you run and hide when i ask you a tough question that is 100% fact. You can't answer it:

Why did the people say the following:

AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

I have answered it, repeatedly. But you brainwashed leftists are trained to filter out things you don't like to hear or read such as reality, so the messages are blocked by your brain. In spite of answering your questions or proving you wrong, you act like you never heard or read a thing, and keep repeating yourself. It's like trying to have a discussion with my 85 year old mother.
You are totally delusional
You never answered it. You are just going to lie to my face???
That is your play here. You are scared. You are the biggest clown on this whole message board, a total fuckin joke. You have really backed yourself into a corner now.
You can't answer it because the answer is there is no evidence of voter fraud.
SHOW ME YOUR ANSWER. What is your answer. Tell us your answer. Answer it right now:

AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”
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Here is your big problem. Trump used extremely dangerous lies to incite this insurrection
You didn't watch the defense completely shred your argument.

For example, when Trump called for people to fight, you probably fell for the false Democrat narrative.

Here is the real one at 48:30... He calls for members of Congress to fight, not the Proud Boys or whatever you are imagining. Betcha didn't know that...

I watched the whole thing live. It was pointless, and all their arguments didn't apply to this situation.

There was no voter fraud. That is a lie. You can't tell people their vote didn't count in addition to the months long list of things Trump told his lemming supporters.
Plus he never told his supporters to stop when he was told they are rioting inside the Capitol. Clearly he didn't care at all that they had rioted in his name. The Kevin McCarthy phone call is the nail in the coffin.

In the end the evidence is clear, you can either believe all the evidence or continue to live the partisan lie. You are why this thread was made. You live the lie. You need the lies to survive the failure of Bush and Trump. Mitch McConnell said it best:
“There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the event of that day,” he said.
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Care to answer this question???
I have you completely stumped...
You're a total joke, you try and act like you know something, yet you run and hide when i ask you a tough question that is 100% fact. You can't answer it:

Why did the people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

I have answered it, repeatedly. But you brainwashed leftists are trained to filter out things you don't like to hear or read such as reality, so the messages are blocked by your brain. In spite of answering your questions or proving you wrong, you act like you never heard or read a thing, and keep repeating yourself. It's like trying to have a discussion with my 85 year old mother.

So sorry, you are so out of touch with reality, you actually believe your fictional beliefs.
I have asked him repeatedly to answer this question he has yet to do it. He just told me he already answered it when he never did. He lives in an alternate world void of facts. I put his feet to the fire and he has backed down and can't answer me, and then he tries to claim that he did answer me !! That is how delusional these wackos are.

Why did these people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”
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Trumpers love Trump because he tells them the lies they need to hear to survive in the failed GOP party.

These people need to live a Lie. The truth is too hard to swallow for Trumpers. These dumb fuckin retards believe in Pizza-gate, and some idiot Trumper even showed up and started shooting his AR15... How can you believe in that fabricated nonsense?

Trump tells these retards the virus is nothing... they believe it
Trump tells these retards I did nothing wrong... they believe it
Trump tells these retards "We're rounding the curve" as cases are soaring and Trump is hold super-spreader events... And they believe that !!! How can you believe something that stupid?
Trump tells them "We won in a landslide" and they believe it.

The lies let them never take responsibility for anything in life, its always somebody else's fault and they have a laundry list of lies to prove it. They don't need to accept that Trump fucked up covid, they just lie and say "he did nothing wrong"

If Trump or Alex Jones told these dumb fucks, HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth, these chromosome deficient retards would believe it. That's how stupid they are, they believe all these lies.

Never before has a president just blatantly lied on the level Trump has, and Trumpers need those lies to remain loyal. Without these lies then reality would set in... that Trump really did lose the election, Trump really did fuck up covid on a Grand scale, we really weren't "Rounding the curve".... And those realities are just too fuckin tough for idiot Trumpers to accept.

Obama was the most dishonest president ever.
There was no voter fraud. That is a lie. You can't tell people their vote didn't count in addition to the months long list of things Trump told his lemming supporters.
Plus he never told his supporters to stop when he was told they are rioting inside the Capitol. Clearly he didn't care at all that they had rioted in his name. The Kevin McCarthy phone call is the nail in the coffin.

I watched the whole thing live. It was pointless, and all their arguments didn't apply to this situation.

There was no voter fraud. That is a lie.
It wasn't about that. Not sure what you are talking about. You didn't watch it. :)
Plus he never told his supporters to stop when he was told they are rioting inside the Capitol. Clearly he didn't care at all that they had rioted in his name. The Kevin McCarthy phone call is the nail in the coffin.

In the end the evidence is clear, you can either believe all the evidence or continue to live the partisan lie. You are why this thread was made. You live the lie. You need the lies to survive the failure of Bush and Trump. Mitch McConnell said it best:
“There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the event of that day,” he said.
I am astonished by your reply.

I thought the defense showed incontrovertibly that the charges were false. Wow.
I have asked him repeatedly to answer this question he has yet to do it. He just told me he already answered it when he never did. He lives in an alternate world void of facts. I put his feet to the fire and he has backed down and can't answer me, and then he tries to claim that he did answer me !! That is how delusional these wackos are.

Why did these people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

Okay, but this is the last time. The reason I'm going through this effort is because on my last job, I worked with the mentally retarded, and I have sympathy as a compassionate conservative. Now, if your mind continues filter out what adversaries write, I'm giving up. But to try and get past that programming they did on you, I'm going to bold text the answers, and even underline them. For reference, this is from post 211:

Our court system is not like this phony impeachment scam. You need to present actual empirical evidence. That evidence could only be gathered IF the areas in question allowed Trump's experts to get in there, examine the machines, examine the software, examine the ballots and make a determination. Not one precinct allowed team Trump to obtain that evidence. Oh yes, they did recounts, but the people that did the recounts were the same people that counted them the first time. It was meaningless.
Okay, but this is the last time. The reason I'm going through this effort is because on my last job, I worked with the mentally retarded, and I have sympathy as a compassionate conservative. Now, if your mind continues filter out what adversaries write, I'm giving up. But to try and get past that programming they did on you, I'm going to bold text the answers, and even underline them. For reference, this is from post 211:
I have helped out a mentally-disabled guy for over two decades. It's my way of giving back. Thanks for what you do.

As a kind stranger once told me....

The Lord's going to bless you.
I can't wait until they take your guns away!

The Supreme court has ruled freedom of speech has limits. You can't yell fire (a dangerous lie) in a crowded movie theater, it is dangerous. The President of the US can't tell a grand lie about election fraud that didn't happen. You can not do that, it is very dangerous. Look at all the dumb fuckin retards that believe that lie. Trump incited an insurrection because of that lie, and Mitch McConnell agrees.

You act like Twitter and these other sites just canceled republican voices for no reason?????? They got canceled because they are promoting extremely dangerous lies. Lies that incited an insurrection. Conservatives have lost their 1st amendment right because they have a truth problem. That is the premise of this thread. All politicians lie, but Trump and the GOP have taken lying to another level, and those lies incited an insurrection. Therefore, bye bye social media until you can act like a mature grown up, which you people can't do...
You apparently don't understand the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the COTUS.

On the 1st.... I am not religious, but I believe it is a fundamental right of all people to practice their religion as they wish, and the government shall have no say, including COVID or any other pandemic.

The First Amendment (1A) is not only about that, of course. It's about protecting controversial and offensive speech. There is never a need to use the 1A to allow speech that propels the official government narrative. The 1A allows speech about whatever, as long as it is not immediately harmful, and limits the gov't power with regard to censoring free expression.

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is quite a bit different from posting information about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or mask effectiveness, or potential voter fraud (for example). The former creates an emergency. The latter is just an alternative viewpoint, which people can research themselves with no urgency nor immediate threat to life and limb.

It's really sad when I see my fellow Americans, including you apparently, endorsing censorship. I would not endorse the same standards applying to you. The only way people can learn anything is by listening to alternative viewpoints and critically reviewing them. You can't learn anything from someone who believes the exact same thing as you, and the "official truth" seems to be incorrect most of the time lately.

Your stance is intolerant, irrational, and anti-American. I fully endorse your right to say what you want, even if I think it is false. You don't support mine?

Regarding the insurrection that you think Trump incited, you apparently did not watch his defense present on the 4th day. Sorry, it's three hours long but you can watch on 1.75X speed. :)

At 39:00, Trump's defense presents evidence that the house managers doctored evidence.

At 52:00, there is the viral "fight part," showing never-ending videos of Dems doing what they falsely accused Trump of doing. It continues for about 13 minutes with countless examples...

Here is your big problem. Trump used extremely dangerous lies to incite this insurrection and it is a far different situation then anything Dems have done. Or standard lie telling (which is protected) for that matter

Yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is dangerous and telling people your vote was stolen, when that is a total lie, is also very dangerous. The insurrection was incited because trump repeated the lie that their vote was stolen.
Look at this board, look at all the dumb fucks on here that still believe this total lie. Look at how stupid Ray is, he believes this lie despite all the evidence disproving the election fraud lie. That is very dangerous. The Supreme court has ruled and there is a limit to free speech particularly when it is dangerous lies that cause people to riot- which it did... Trump's lies caused the riot.

On top of that Trump knew that the rioters were in the Capitol going crazy and it is documented that Kevin McCarthy told Trump his supporters were in the Capitol and Trump did nothing. This is further proof of Trump's guilt that you chose to ignore, because it is devastating. There is no excuse or explanation for this. Trump never tried to stop his rioting supporters even though he knew they were in the Capitol. The evidence is overwhelming, you just don't like it so you ignore it.

Basically you also prove the point of my thread. You need to live these lies because the truth is too harsh for you to accept. Trump incited an insurrection based on lies, you can not accept that. George Bush was a total failure, with failed results. Trump was a total failure, with failed results. Both Trump and Bush left office in total disgrace with record low approval ratings and the country in ruin and crisis. You can't accept this reality, but this happened. Repeat, this happened.

These facts are too hard for you to accept. You can't accept them. You need Trump's lies in order to ignore the failure of the GOP so you can keep drinking the koolaid, like a sheep.

Why are you this ignant ????? How can you hypocritically condemn like you do, when you know damn good and well that the Democrat's are more guilty than Trump could ever imagine being ???
The reason you're not posting it is because it's not evidence that would be accepted into any ligetemate court of law....That and you're a total fucking hack.

Nobody needs to be a Trumpster to recognize these things.

He knows there was no legitimate evidence. Anything they said was countered by Trump's attorney when he showed all the times the commies used just as caustic language or worse. Things like "Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, you have released a whirlwind, and you will pay the price." Or "Anytime you see anybody from that cabinet, in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you get out, you form a crowd, and you push back on them!"

This is general political rally language and has been going on for years. Because these are Nazis, all they are doing is using the riot as an excuse to try and stop Trump from coming back. They fear him more than they fear God, not that many of them believe in God anyway.
More of you empty, hollow fabricated lies.

The big difference is Trump's "political rally Language" was a total lie and fabrication. The election was not stolen and there was no election fraud. All credible officials and judges have ruled there was no fraud. These lies incited the insurrection. These are extremely serious lies. THEN when the violence was clearly taking place Trump did absolutely nothing to stop it for many hours. AND Trump was told by McCarthy that his supporters are rioting in the Capitol and he did nothing to stop them, blaming others for the riot. This is the reason Trump is 100% guilty and Mitch McConnell and other republicans agreed with that.

You can't scream Fire in a crowded movie theater and claim innocence when the is an ensuing riot. You can't claim lies about election fraud that never happened, and claim innocence when those lies incite an insurrection.

Everyone is still waiting for you to answer the question that you can't answer:

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? If there was any real proof of election fraud these people would not make these statements/rulings.

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? If there was any real proof of election fraud these people would not make these statements/rulings.

Because they're lifer swamp reptiles, who want to stay in the good graces of their fellow travelers, and/or they don't want screaming violent mobs at their doorsteps....Hell, assholes like you would probably join the savages.
I have asked him repeatedly to answer this question he has yet to do it. He just told me he already answered it when he never did. He lives in an alternate world void of facts. I put his feet to the fire and he has backed down and can't answer me, and then he tries to claim that he did answer me !! That is how delusional these wackos are.

Why did these people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

Okay, but this is the last time. The reason I'm going through this effort is because on my last job, I worked with the mentally retarded, and I have sympathy as a compassionate conservative. Now, if your mind continues filter out what adversaries write, I'm giving up. But to try and get past that programming they did on you, I'm going to bold text the answers, and even underline them. For reference, this is from post 211:

Our court system is not like this phony impeachment scam. You need to present actual empirical evidence. That evidence could only be gathered IF the areas in question allowed Trump's experts to get in there, examine the machines, examine the software, examine the ballots and make a determination. Not one precinct allowed team Trump to obtain that evidence. Oh yes, they did recounts, but the people that did the recounts were the same people that counted them the first time. It was meaningless.
What are you kidding me?? Trump presented all of his evidence to the courts. The Judges all rejected it. There is no more evidence. Look at the extent of your web of lies all because you just can't admit Trump lost the election.

You still haven't answered this:
Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
How does that address all election officials saying no election fraud? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE ELECTION OFFICIALS THAT HAVE SAID NO FRAUD???
How does that address judges saying no evidence of fraud at all????
"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You will keep spinning more lies on top of your web of lies, just because you are too much of a faggot bitch to admit Trump lost the election. You are a pathetic loser. All this because you can't admit Trump lost.
I have asked him repeatedly to answer this question he has yet to do it. He just told me he already answered it when he never did. He lives in an alternate world void of facts. I put his feet to the fire and he has backed down and can't answer me, and then he tries to claim that he did answer me !! That is how delusional these wackos are.

Why did these people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

Okay, but this is the last time. The reason I'm going through this effort is because on my last job, I worked with the mentally retarded, and I have sympathy as a compassionate conservative. Now, if your mind continues filter out what adversaries write, I'm giving up. But to try and get past that programming they did on you, I'm going to bold text the answers, and even underline them. For reference, this is from post 211:

Our court system is not like this phony impeachment scam. You need to present actual empirical evidence. That evidence could only be gathered IF the areas in question allowed Trump's experts to get in there, examine the machines, examine the software, examine the ballots and make a determination. Not one precinct allowed team Trump to obtain that evidence. Oh yes, they did recounts, but the people that did the recounts were the same people that counted them the first time. It was meaningless.
What are you kidding me?? Trump presented all of his evidence to the courts. The Judges all rejected it. There is no more evidence. Look at the extent of your web of lies all because you just can't admit Trump lost the election.

You still haven't answered this:
Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
How does that address all election officials saying no election fraud? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE ELECTION OFFICIALS THAT HAVE SAID NO FRAUD???
How does that address judges saying no evidence of fraud at all????
"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You will keep spinning more lies on top of your web of lies, just because you are too much of a faggot bitch to admit Trump lost the election. You are a pathetic loser. All this because you can't admit Trump lost.
Almost no judge rejected any evidence, fuckwit....Nearly all the cases were tossed on technicalities before any evidence could be presented.

And you're one of the farthest cries from a "logical, sane person" that there is.
The reason you're not posting it is because it's not evidence that would be accepted into any ligetemate court of law....That and you're a total fucking hack.

Nobody needs to be a Trumpster to recognize these things.

He knows there was no legitimate evidence. Anything they said was countered by Trump's attorney when he showed all the times the commies used just as caustic language or worse. Things like "Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, you have released a whirlwind, and you will pay the price." Or "Anytime you see anybody from that cabinet, in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you get out, you form a crowd, and you push back on them!"

This is general political rally language and has been going on for years. Because these are Nazis, all they are doing is using the riot as an excuse to try and stop Trump from coming back. They fear him more than they fear God, not that many of them believe in God anyway.
More of you empty, hollow fabricated lies.

The big difference is Trump's "political rally Language" was a total lie and fabrication. The election was not stolen and there was no election fraud. All credible officials and judges have ruled there was no fraud. These lies incited the insurrection. These are extremely serious lies. THEN when the violence was clearly taking place Trump did absolutely nothing to stop it for many hours. AND Trump was told by McCarthy that his supporters are rioting in the Capitol and he did nothing to stop them, blaming others for the riot. This is the reason Trump is 100% guilty and Mitch McConnell and other republicans agreed with that.

You can't scream Fire in a crowded movie theater and claim innocence when the is an ensuing riot. You can't claim lies about election fraud that never happened, and claim innocence when those lies incite an insurrection.

Everyone is still waiting for you to answer the question that you can't answer:

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? If there was any real proof of election fraud these people would not make these statements/rulings.

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? If there was any real proof of election fraud these people would not make these statements/rulings.

Because they're lifer swamp reptiles, who want to stay in the good graces of their fellow travelers, and/or they don't want screaming violent mobs at their doorsteps....Hell, assholes like you would probably join the savages.
Too bad nobody out side of the brainwashed lemming world of Trump believes any of that. Your entire argument is that AG Barr is a "swamp creature" and let people commit mass election fraud, while not saying anything?!?!?!?!
You are saying Trump appointed judges are biased against Trump???????

ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED. DO you even realize how fuckin stupid you fuckin retards sound????

Trumpers are the biggest fuckin bitches in the history of politics. You people are a total embarassment and Bush and Trump were failed presidents. You have concocted a web of pathetic lies that have no factual basis.

Look at the extent of your lies all because you can't admit Trump lost the election.

At least lose with dignity you fuckin bitches
The reason you're not posting it is because it's not evidence that would be accepted into any ligetemate court of law....That and you're a total fucking hack.

Nobody needs to be a Trumpster to recognize these things.

He knows there was no legitimate evidence. Anything they said was countered by Trump's attorney when he showed all the times the commies used just as caustic language or worse. Things like "Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, you have released a whirlwind, and you will pay the price." Or "Anytime you see anybody from that cabinet, in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you get out, you form a crowd, and you push back on them!"

This is general political rally language and has been going on for years. Because these are Nazis, all they are doing is using the riot as an excuse to try and stop Trump from coming back. They fear him more than they fear God, not that many of them believe in God anyway.
More of you empty, hollow fabricated lies.

The big difference is Trump's "political rally Language" was a total lie and fabrication. The election was not stolen and there was no election fraud. All credible officials and judges have ruled there was no fraud. These lies incited the insurrection. These are extremely serious lies. THEN when the violence was clearly taking place Trump did absolutely nothing to stop it for many hours. AND Trump was told by McCarthy that his supporters are rioting in the Capitol and he did nothing to stop them, blaming others for the riot. This is the reason Trump is 100% guilty and Mitch McConnell and other republicans agreed with that.

You can't scream Fire in a crowded movie theater and claim innocence when the is an ensuing riot. You can't claim lies about election fraud that never happened, and claim innocence when those lies incite an insurrection.

Everyone is still waiting for you to answer the question that you can't answer:

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? If there was any real proof of election fraud these people would not make these statements/rulings.

Why did AG Barr, all election officials including GOP officials, and all the courts, some with Trump appointed judges, totally reject all the fake and fabricated claims of election fraud?? ?? ?? If there was any real proof of election fraud these people would not make these statements/rulings.

Because they're lifer swamp reptiles, who want to stay in the good graces of their fellow travelers, and/or they don't want screaming violent mobs at their doorsteps....Hell, assholes like you would probably join the savages.
Too bad nobody out side of the brainwashed lemming world of Trump believes any of that. Your entire argument is that AG Barr is a "swamp creature" and let people commit mass election fraud, while not saying anything?!?!?!?!
You are saying Trump appointed judges are biased against Trump???????

ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED. DO you even realize how fuckin stupid you fuckin retards sound????

Trumpers are the biggest fuckin bitches in the history of politics. You people are a total embarassment and Bush and Trump were failed presidents. You have concocted a web of pathetic lies that have no factual basis.

Look at the extent of your lies all because you can't admit Trump lost the election.

At least lose with dignity you fuckin bitches
You're either a liar of fucking insane.....I was right, you probably had joined in the rapacious violent mobs last summer.
I have asked him repeatedly to answer this question he has yet to do it. He just told me he already answered it when he never did. He lives in an alternate world void of facts. I put his feet to the fire and he has backed down and can't answer me, and then he tries to claim that he did answer me !! That is how delusional these wackos are.

Why did these people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

Okay, but this is the last time. The reason I'm going through this effort is because on my last job, I worked with the mentally retarded, and I have sympathy as a compassionate conservative. Now, if your mind continues filter out what adversaries write, I'm giving up. But to try and get past that programming they did on you, I'm going to bold text the answers, and even underline them. For reference, this is from post 211:

Our court system is not like this phony impeachment scam. You need to present actual empirical evidence. That evidence could only be gathered IF the areas in question allowed Trump's experts to get in there, examine the machines, examine the software, examine the ballots and make a determination. Not one precinct allowed team Trump to obtain that evidence. Oh yes, they did recounts, but the people that did the recounts were the same people that counted them the first time. It was meaningless.
What are you kidding me?? Trump presented all of his evidence to the courts. The Judges all rejected it. There is no more evidence. Look at the extent of your web of lies all because you just can't admit Trump lost the election.

You still haven't answered this:
Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
How does that address all election officials saying no election fraud? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE ELECTION OFFICIALS THAT HAVE SAID NO FRAUD???
How does that address judges saying no evidence of fraud at all????
"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You will keep spinning more lies on top of your web of lies, just because you are too much of a faggot bitch to admit Trump lost the election. You are a pathetic loser. All this because you can't admit Trump lost.
Almost no judge rejected any evidence, fuckwit....Nearly all the cases were tossed on technicalities before any evidence could be presented.

And you're one of the farthest cries from a "logical, sane person" that there is.
That is a total lie. Trump lawyers presented their evidence and it got rejected.
Right here:
"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”
I have asked him repeatedly to answer this question he has yet to do it. He just told me he already answered it when he never did. He lives in an alternate world void of facts. I put his feet to the fire and he has backed down and can't answer me, and then he tries to claim that he did answer me !! That is how delusional these wackos are.

Why did these people say the following:
AG Barr said no evidence of fraud YOU IGNORE THIS FACT
All Election officials (including republicans) have all said they found absolutely no evidence of fraud you ignore this fact
The Justice Department said no evidence of fraud.
The courts have all rejected Trump's claims to fraud:

Okay, but this is the last time. The reason I'm going through this effort is because on my last job, I worked with the mentally retarded, and I have sympathy as a compassionate conservative. Now, if your mind continues filter out what adversaries write, I'm giving up. But to try and get past that programming they did on you, I'm going to bold text the answers, and even underline them. For reference, this is from post 211:

Our court system is not like this phony impeachment scam. You need to present actual empirical evidence. That evidence could only be gathered IF the areas in question allowed Trump's experts to get in there, examine the machines, examine the software, examine the ballots and make a determination. Not one precinct allowed team Trump to obtain that evidence. Oh yes, they did recounts, but the people that did the recounts were the same people that counted them the first time. It was meaningless.
What are you kidding me?? Trump presented all of his evidence to the courts. The Judges all rejected it. There is no more evidence. Look at the extent of your web of lies all because you just can't admit Trump lost the election.

You still haven't answered this:
Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
How does that address all election officials saying no election fraud? WHAT ABOUT ALL THE ELECTION OFFICIALS THAT HAVE SAID NO FRAUD???
How does that address judges saying no evidence of fraud at all????
"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You will keep spinning more lies on top of your web of lies, just because you are too much of a faggot bitch to admit Trump lost the election. You are a pathetic loser. All this because you can't admit Trump lost.
Almost no judge rejected any evidence, fuckwit....Nearly all the cases were tossed on technicalities before any evidence could be presented.

And you're one of the farthest cries from a "logical, sane person" that there is.
That is a total lie. Trump lawyers presented their evidence and it got rejected.
Right here:
"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”
Tell the class about the case that was won in Wisconsin, jackass.

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