Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
If the Democrats pick up ANY seats in the House, the MSM will trumpet it as a repudiation of Trump. Fortunately, nobody gives a damn what the MSM says anymore.
If the Democrats pick up ANY seats in the House, the MSM will trumpet it as a repudiation of Trump. Fortunately, nobody gives a damn what the MSM says anymore.
We all expect the (spin) that they do and it mostly lies, and half truths. They have mastered this trick a long time ago. It does seem that gains will happen on this election the Demo/Progressive have over stepped the lines of truth and showed their real face, and it was not a pretty one. The Senate Hearings were the worst case of Political Suicide I have ever seen. I am sure they lost voters over that attack. The added false claims that followed that did not make anything better. The Medias support of the lies hurt the credibility even more. The Media died a long time ago and the Democrats/Progressive just followed. So the election will be a eye opener.
If the Democrats pick up ANY seats in the House, the MSM will trumpet it as a repudiation of Trump. Fortunately, nobody gives a damn what the MSM says anymore.
We all expect the (spin) that they do and it mostly lies, and half truths. They have mastered this trick a long time ago. It does seem that gains will happen on this election the Demo/Progressive have over stepped the lines of truth and showed their real face, and it was not a pretty one. The Senate Hearings were the worst case of Political Suicide I have ever seen. I am sure they lost voters over that attack. The added false claims that followed that did not make anything better. The Medias support of the lies hurt the credibility even more. The Media died a long time ago and the Democrats/Progressive just followed. So the election will be a eye opener.

One huge problem with that. I am listening to the political speeches of both sides around here. The Dems are talking about issues. They are clear, well prepared and well liked even if you won't vote for them. The Reps are using catch words like Communist, Radical, Socialist, etc.. The Reps are not talking about issues or policies. It's predicted that Governors race will go to Polis and the Western and Southern Colorado House of Representative will narrowly go to Busch. The other races really don't matter that much and it doesn't matter which side wins them since there will be no real change at the local and state level. From what I can see, this is mirrored in many areas outside of Colorado making it tougher on the Reps to keep their offices. They've gone from landslide to "It's anybodies Guess" status. If you will say that you will eat your hat if the Dems take the House, make sure you have plenty of BBQ sauce handy just in case.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.
It is only going to be as close as it is because 45 Republican House incumbents retired.

Democrats should be RUNNING AWAY with this election. The walkaway movement and the Kavanaugh hearings have flipped this election on its head.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.
It is only going to be as close as it is because 45 Republican House incumbents retired.

Democrats should be RUNNING AWAY with this election. The walkaway movement and the Kavanaugh hearings have flipped this election on its head.

I don't even consider anything Ford said as relavent but I do go by the way Kavanaugh handle himself and that scares the hell out of me. I would have considered them going with #2 who is probably just as qualified and more stable and probably would have sailed through the process. With all those other decent choices, he should never have even been considered. That's not a Red of Blue thing, that's a common sense thing.

But you play the Red card and would support it if Lucifer, himself, were chosen.

BTW, I have stopped comparing Trump to Lucifer. Lucifer sued me for Character Assassination and I can no longer make that comparison due to a restraining order.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.
It is only going to be as close as it is because 45 Republican House incumbents retired.

Democrats should be RUNNING AWAY with this election. The walkaway movement and the Kavanaugh hearings have flipped this election on its head.

I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need. It might be higher but that's the low figure. There are still some real solid Red areas in the US that won't change EVER.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.
It is only going to be as close as it is because 45 Republican House incumbents retired.

Democrats should be RUNNING AWAY with this election. The walkaway movement and the Kavanaugh hearings have flipped this election on its head.

I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need. It might be higher but that's the low figure. There are still some real solid Red areas in the US that won't change EVER.
Not even close to that high.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.
It is only going to be as close as it is because 45 Republican House incumbents retired.

Democrats should be RUNNING AWAY with this election. The walkaway movement and the Kavanaugh hearings have flipped this election on its head.

I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need. It might be higher but that's the low figure. There are still some real solid Red areas in the US that won't change EVER.
Not even close to that high.

We both need to keep that BBQ sauce handy when one of us has to eat our hat.
God I hope you're right otherwise the Democrats will start DOZENS of investigations on President Trump, prevent him from getting ANYTHING done, and IMPEACH him so we MUST keep control of the House and Senate!!

So PLEASE spread the word on voting GOP & take 2 or 3 people to the polls with you in November to keep the House and Senate in GOP hands to prevent the TOXIC, pro ILLEGAL alien, socialist, ANARCHIST, GLOBALIST, lawless ANTI-American Democratic agenda out of power!!
When I went to the polls yesterday here in Las Vegas, one of the poll workers told me that the turnout was way above anything she'd seen before.
If the Democrats pick up ANY seats in the House, the MSM will trumpet it as a repudiation of Trump. Fortunately, nobody gives a damn what the MSM says anymore.

Correct, the fake news will try to spin a narrative ignoring Rep control of the senate. When Dem's were obliterated in 2010 in the biggest House loss in nearly 100 years did the fake news tell Obama the people had spoken? Nope! Obama came out waving his pen and phone, remaining House Dem's cheered Obama ignoring the election and the House via EO's.
When I went to the polls yesterday here in Las Vegas, one of the poll workers told me that the turnout was way above anything she'd seen before.
Considering Nevada is closer in early voting than it has been in a long time, that isn’t a good thing for Democrats.
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

Like every other mid term, it's a new ball game. The Ruling Party has a tough time regaining control. There is no one to blame for the problems but themselves. But, as you can see, the ruling party always wants to blame the party in minority. That only works once or twice. We are in the third cycle. And it doesn't matter which party is in the majority. The Red Wave already happened. Now they are just trying to keep their heads above water. It's going to be close, real close.
It is only going to be as close as it is because 45 Republican House incumbents retired.

Democrats should be RUNNING AWAY with this election. The walkaway movement and the Kavanaugh hearings have flipped this election on its head.

I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need. It might be higher but that's the low figure. There are still some real solid Red areas in the US that won't change EVER.
Not even close to that high.

We both need to keep that BBQ sauce handy when one of us has to eat our hat.

That will be you.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Rush is saying that even donors are confident in a red wave now.

This has gone from 2006 or 2008 kind of elections, to 2016, and now we are approaching 2014(when everyone was saying that Republicans were going to win except me).

I know I've donated more for this midterm than any in the past.,
When I went to the polls yesterday here in Las Vegas, one of the poll workers told me that the turnout was way above anything she'd seen before.
Considering Nevada is closer in early voting than it has been in a long time, that isn’t a good thing for Democrats.

And a whole lot of independent and non-aligned have turned out.
Democrats are so screwed that you might see some relatively high profile suicides on the morning of the 7th.

They have been telling Independents and even moderate Democrats that they are the enemy for so long that these people now smell blood in the water and will push Republicans over the finish line in some states that we aren’t even contemplating.

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