Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections

I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need.

I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.
When I went to the polls yesterday here in Las Vegas, one of the poll workers told me that the turnout was way above anything she'd seen before.
Considering Nevada is closer in early voting than it has been in a long time, that isn’t a good thing for Democrats.

And a whole lot of independent and non-aligned have turned out.
Democrats are so screwed that you might see some relatively high profile suicides on the morning of the 7th.

They have been telling Independents and even moderate Democrats that they are the enemy for so long that these people now smell blood in the water and will push Republicans over the finish line in some states that we aren’t even contemplating.

Republicans have been telling Independents and even moderate Democrats that they are the enemy for so long

There, I corrected it for you. From what I can see, the Republicans are still trying to use the old scare and fright tactics to win. At some point (maybe now, maybe later) this isn't going to be bought into anymore and they will have to actually have to discuss their policies. That's not being done.
I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need.

I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.
Hilariously stupid prediction for both houses of Congress.

I find it is within 2 of what I predicted on both counts. And what dirty tactic are you going to use against him? You going to complain to the Moderators?
When I went to the polls yesterday here in Las Vegas, one of the poll workers told me that the turnout was way above anything she'd seen before.
Considering Nevada is closer in early voting than it has been in a long time, that isn’t a good thing for Democrats.

And a whole lot of independent and non-aligned have turned out.
Democrats are so screwed that you might see some relatively high profile suicides on the morning of the 7th.

They have been telling Independents and even moderate Democrats that they are the enemy for so long that these people now smell blood in the water and will push Republicans over the finish line in some states that we aren’t even contemplating.

Republicans have been telling Independents and even moderate Democrats that they are the enemy for so long

There, I corrected it for you. From what I can see, the Republicans are still trying to use the old scare and fright tactics to win. At some point (maybe now, maybe later) this isn't going to be bought into anymore and they will have to actually have to discuss their policies. That's not being done.

I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need.

I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.
Hilariously stupid prediction for both houses of Congress.
I agree. The libtard who predicted a 12 seat gain for Democrats in the House is just wishful thinking. I say they only get a 5 seat majority.
I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need.

I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.
Hilariously stupid prediction for both houses of Congress.
I agree. The libtard who predicted a 12 seat gain for Democrats in the House is just wishful thinking. I say they only get a 5 seat majority.
You are not fooling anyone troll.
I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need.

I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.
Hilariously stupid prediction for both houses of Congress.
I agree. The libtard who predicted a 12 seat gain for Democrats in the House is just wishful thinking. I say they only get a 5 seat majority.

5 seats, 12 seats. Winning by an inch is just as good as a mile only more interesting but it's still a win.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Kick for laughs.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
Kick for laughs.

Notice how quiet the Trumpsters are right now. The Orangeman is entering into what a Government should be and that is a shared power. The worst decisions have always came from when all 3 major parts of the Government were controlled by one party. And it didn't matter if it was either the Dems or the Reps. Now Trump is going to have to build some bridges fast or get ready for a really rocky 2 years. And he may wish for Polosi to remain as speaker since she is extremely weak and here replacement would probably not be nearly as weak. If I were him, I would be calling Nancy right now and making nice. But he won't. He's not for America, he's for Trump.

Trump should be ready to see his Tax Returns made public. And the serious reopening of the Russian Scandal as well. Plus, his ousted cabinet members going in front of grand juries for criminal activity. Let's face it, if they were too corrupt for Trump......... And say Bye Bye to his Son-in-law as well as a few of the Trump Businesses.

I don't believe the House will go after Trump directly since they couldn't get a conviction out of the Senate anyway but they can wait until after he's out of office and let the civilian courts do it then. But that may be deemed as not at the best interest of the United States so it may not happen. Let's hope so.

The rules have all changed. I predicted the Dems would pick up a total of 229. So far, they are up to 221 and counting. Let's see just how close I get in the end. I also predicted the Reps would retain the Senate. Got that one right as well. Glad I got my Crystal Ball back from the repair shop soon enough.
I think the predicted Democratic seats is predicted at 229 which is 10 more than they need.

I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.

We both pretty well hit it on the head. I predicted 229 and 3 and you predicted 12 and 2. And the results are still coming in. The count, last time I looked was 221 and 3 and climbing. The Senate is still held by the Reps and the House is clearly controlled by the Dems. I don't see the Reps gaining anymore than 3 seats in the house but I predict the Dems will hit my 229 number when all the dust clears.

I don’t care what the polls say. The real indicator is the early voting turnout. The finisher will be the vote on November 6 when the undecided will vote.

Most important, President Trump is not a traditional politician. That means many will be seeking other nontraditional candidates to put in office. And certainly not ultra-leftists as the Dims are fielding.

IMHO it will be a rout of the DimocRAT party.

The Democrats, led by Senators Schumer and Feinstein badly over-reached on that confirmation fight.

What they did, was force the GOP establishment, the GOP base, the GOP never and anti-Trumpers all to unite behind their President Trump. Because they came to the conclusion that the only way to beat these down and dirty Democrats was to unite behind a leader who was not afraid to get, down, dirty and tough and mean to vanquish such a political foe that will stop at nothing to win.

Trump has campaigned tirelessly and successfully in swing Congressional districts. He has energized the GOP base and the independents who voted for him over Hillary.

The November midterms will be close. But the GOP will retain the House and make history.

More @ Why Trump’s GOP Will Retain House of Reps in Midterm Elections
How did that work out?
I think the Democrats will have a 12 seat majority in the House and the Republicans will have a net gain of two Senate seats.
Hilariously stupid prediction for both houses of Congress.

Do you still think it’s a stupid prediction?

It was a stupid prediction considering it's even worse that than. More than 12 seats in the house going to the Dems and 3 seats going to the Reps in the Senate. I think you and I are the only two that made that call.. All the others were too busy pulling the R and the L lever and playing stupid games. So, I congratulate your wisdom but you really need to get that crystal ball calibrated.

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