Why was Biden paid $900,000 a year by U of P when he didn’t teach a single class?

The OP and several commenters wrote that Biden was paid $900,000 PER YEAR. The $900,000 was NOT per year but for the full 5 year period he was listed as a professor there. Just saying …

Ex-Presidents generally get paid much more for this sort of thing than ex- VPs. But at his age … he may be running out of time to ever be really rich. 🥸
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Nice work if you can get it. Don’t have to teach a class, barely have to make an appearance at the office, and yet get paid $900,000 a year for…..what? Any connection to the fact the the Communists donated $50 million to the university, and that some of Biden’s hidden top-secret documents were found in his office there?

My friend wants to know.

He gave lectures and talks to students?


Read more at:
US President Joe Biden was paid one million dollars a year to teach but never taught a single class - Times of India
The OP and various commenters said Biden was paid $900,000 PER YEAR. The $900,000 was NOT per year but for the full 5 year period he was listed as a professor there. Just saying …

"The OP and various commenters said Biden was paid $900,000 PER YEAR. The $900,000 was NOT per year but for the full 5 year period he was listed as a professor there."
The hell he did nothing, super duper. Have you seen the size of the Penn Biden school of diplomacy? The place is huge and he led the founding of it and you have no idea what he did so you people are such a disgrace... meanwhile your scumbag heroes rob you blind and are wrecking the country...
Having an academic school named after yourself is not the same as leading the founding of it. Further, teaching young minds diplomatic policy based in appeasement and capitulation is a surefire way to wreck the country. Try again.
If only YOU had a brain. "The Bidens are sick demented liars" is merely your projection of all of the sick lies you're posting.

You cover all the sick demented lies about the Bidens - corruption, pedophilia, and then say WE"RE ignoring facts and truth. It's truly disgusting all of exteme hate and vitriol you project in your post.

I suggest some serious mental health counselling. You're completely divorced from reality.
nobody can help a sick, demented retard like you...you are very stupid to deny TRUTH....and then you deflect, because you can't handle said TRUTH
continue to support the pedophiles of the xiden family, and the corruption they supply to your demented head..... if it helps you to sleep at night....
anyhow, when you get a grip on reality, get back to us

He was not "paid for doing nothing". Just having him on the faculty would attract money and donors to the University. You're just pissed because nobody was willing to do jack shit for the useless orange blob of a conman who preceded Biden in the White House.

Who would pay fuck up Trump for advice on ANYTHING? Worst businessman in American history, but definitely the greatest conman who ever lived.
Who would pay fuck up Xiden for advice on ANYTHING? the pedophile can't even put a clear sentence together..... the pedophile IS corrupted, compromised, and a foreign agent working for china......
but definitely the worst representation AMERICA has ever had .....
but hey, if your fucked up head wants to deny TRUTH, i guess you should go live in china, where your kind belongs....
you are nothing more than a commie that hates AMERICA

The OP and several commenters wrote that Biden was paid $900,000 PER YEAR. The $900,000 was NOT per year but for the full 5 year period he was listed as a professor there. Just saying …

Ex-Presidents generally get paid much more for this sort of thing than ex- VPs. But at his age … he may be running out of time to ever be really rich. 🥸
That error with the $900,000 was pointed out to me after the editing window had closed.

But as far as YOUR error - the $900,000 was paid for only TWO years, not five. His five-year contract was shortened when he announced he’d run for president.

And the problem isn’t just that Biden was paid a fortune by U of P while doing nothing (and simultaneously wailing about how students can’t afford tuition), it is that U of P got $50 million from the Communist Chinese while classified info was placed in the Penn-Biden Center, and as Biden’s son was getting paid millions by the CCP himself, and then turning around and forking over $50k of that every month to Joe Biden via “rent.”
Plenty of talks plenty of speeches and he led the foundation of the penn Biden center and you are an idiot whoops brainwashed functional idiot.
here we have a commie loving, SCUM demonRAT, that believes everything the SCUM demonRATS spew, even though whatever they spew is LIES, and then you continue to spew their LIES
i guess that makes you a brainwashed idiot

The OP and several commenters wrote that Biden was paid $900,000 PER YEAR. The $900,000 was NOT per year but for the full 5 year period he was listed as a professor there. Just saying …

Ex-Presidents generally get paid much more for this sort of thing than ex- VPs. But at his age … he may be running out of time to ever be really rich. 🥸
xiden, a professor? LOL
just like ITS wife is a doctor---LOL
how pathetic, that anybody in their right minds would use either of these terms to describe the pedophile, or the geriatric abuser
Well, one thing for sure......the old fat Florida Man would never be a professor (honorary or not) at anything higher than an elementary school. :heehee:
really? TRUMP has gotten farther in life, than your pathetic life will ever reach
you support the ruining of AMERICA, and the PEDOPHILE XIDEN
thats what is sad

They don’t give me anything. They pay me what my contract spells out for the services I provide.

You can’t spin your way out of your lies, Simp. You aren’t smart enough.
742 on the verbal. Sorry to hear your company doesn't give you any money lol. And you miss the boat for another page lol...
They don’t give me anything. They pay me what my contract spells out for the services I provide.

You can’t spin your way out of your lies, Simp. You aren’t smart enough.

Talk about someone who isn’t smart enough. You come here and post bullshit and call other people liars.

How could you possibly be working when you’re here night and day calling people morons and liars?
If only YOU had a brain. "The Bidens are sick demented liars" is merely your projection of all of the sick lies you're posting.

You cover all the sick demented lies about the Bidens - corruption, pedophilia, and then say WE"RE ignoring facts and truth. It's truly disgusting all of exteme hate and vitriol you project in your post.

I suggest some serious mental health counselling. You're completely divorced from reality.

Do you shower with little boys? Biden showered with his daughter, words from his daughter's mouth.
really? TRUMP has gotten farther in life, than your pathetic life will ever reach
you support the ruining of AMERICA, and the PEDOPHILE XIDEN
thats what is sad

Conning a bunch of brainwashed ignoramuses is not a great achievement. Everything you know is a bunch of crap GOP propaganda, dunce....
Do you shower with little boys? Biden showered with his daughter, words from his daughter's mouth.
Total BS, dupe. Totally discredited in every possible way, the only people who said it happened are GOP scumbag pundits who will say anything for a buck....
So you approve of having people on the board to attract money.

So you're just here piling on to the lies and bullshit about Joe Biden. I can't help but note you did no research as to what Biden did at the university, you just came here with your talking points, and posted the same shit as every other MAGA poster.

I approve of the board hiring prominent politicians to help insure their foreign relations and diplomacy programs have some relevance in the real world. Brian Mulroney, the former Prime Minister of Canada and one of the architects of the first NAFTA Deal, was a lecturer at Harvard after he retired from politics.

Just because you're too stupid and to see any benefit to the school hiring Biden, doesn't mean there isn't one.

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