Why was Biden paid $900,000 a year by U of P when he didn’t teach a single class?

Maybe they paid him to stay away. I vote America does that.
We think alike. I said the same shit.

Of course it's plausible because stupid that intense may be contagious.

Look at the audience of the view.
Spin! Deflect!



Doesn't change the fact that Kushner got 25 MILLION from just one deal with the Saudis (and it was forced through by bin Salman, the guy who had Kashoggi killed that Kushner defended quite a bit while he was working in the WH), whereas Biden only got 900,000 (less than 1 million) for 3 years of being on the board at a US university. Hmm.............25 million from a foreign country for Kushner on just one deal vs. less than 1 million for Biden from a university in the US for 3 years of his time.

Go ahead..............defend that one..............
You're right, ,they invested their money (2 BILLION) with Kushner's firm, even though many have said that it was a bad investment. And, even if the deal goes south, Kushner himself is still going to make 25 million off the deal for himself.

So, it wasn’t that difficult for people to put two and two together and infer that Kushner’s firm seemingly got $2 billion to invest—and at least $25 million to pocket regardless of performance!—as a thank-you for being so good to a human rights-abusing autocrat. And a new story from the Times suggests, somehow, even further shadiness than that.

Interestingly enough, Kushner formed that firm shortly after he left the WH.

WASHINGTON — The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into a $2 billion investment by the Saudi government into a firm formed by Jared Kushner after he left the White House last year.

And, the person who forced the deal through was the Saudi prince (who had Kashoggi killed), which Kushner had spent most of his time in the WH defending. Kushner's firm was also widely regarded as a shaky investment because of their inexperience................

Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund’s advisers about the merits of the deal.

A panel that screens investments for the main Saudi sovereign wealth fund cited concerns about the proposed deal with Mr. Kushner’s newly formed private equity firm, Affinity Partners, previously undisclosed documents show.

Those objections included: “the inexperience of the Affinity Fund management”; the possibility that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk”; due diligence on the fledgling firm’s operations that found them “unsatisfactory in all aspects”; a proposed asset management fee that “seems excessive”; and “public relations risks” from Mr. Kushner’s prior role as a senior adviser to his father-in-law, former President Donald J. Trump, according to minutes of the panel’s meeting last June 30.

But days later the full board of the $620 billion Public Investment Fund — led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler and a beneficiary of Mr. Kushner’s support when he worked as a White House adviser — overruled the panel.

Saudis said it was a bad deal, but they were overruled by bin Salman, who was the leader and the beneficiary of Kushner's support. Yeah...............nothing to see here, right?
So you agree francoHFW is a lying sack.
So you agree francoHFW is a lying sack.

Nope, never said that and not gonna, because some could point to the friendship between Kuchner and bin Salaman being the reason that Kuchner's fledgling firm (that was seen as a bad investment by most of the Saudis who had a vote on it) as being the reason the firm got a 2 billion investment. Many Saudis were strongly against investing that much in Kuchner's firm, but were overruled by bin Salaman (Kuchner's friend). If it had been anyone else other than Kuchner, chances are extremely good that the Saudis would never have invested in that firm.

Oh yeah.............let's talk about how much Kuchner is going to make from that deal, win lose or draw................25 MILLION for ONE deal, which is over 25 times MORE than what Biden got for 3 years of his time. Biden at least had to appear to be working for it at the minimum. Kuchner is gonna get the 25 million regardless of whether or not the deal succeeds or fails.
Nope, never said that and not gonna, because some could point to the friendship between Kuchner and bin Salaman being the reason that Kuchner's fledgling firm (that was seen as a bad investment by most of the Saudis who had a vote on it) as being the reason the firm got a 2 billion investment. Many Saudis were strongly against investing that much in Kuchner's firm, but were overruled by bin Salaman (Kuchner's friend). If it had been anyone else other than Kuchner, chances are extremely good that the Saudis would never have invested in that firm.

Oh yeah.............let's talk about how much Kuchner is going to make from that deal, win lose or draw................25 MILLION for ONE deal, which is over 25 times MORE than what Biden got for 3 years of his time. Biden at least had to appear to be working for it at the minimum. Kuchner is gonna get the 25 million regardless of whether or not the deal succeeds or fails.
So now you are claiming the Saudis GAVE Kushner $2 billion?

Has to be that, or francoHFW is a lying sack. Which is it?
So now you are claiming the Saudis GAVE Kushner $2 billion?

Has to be that, or francoHFW is a lying sack. Which is it?
I'm sure you've earned it and your company gives you money so shut the hell up it's another GOP bunch of crap. I wouldn't be surprised if he earned it by screwing over the United states for money... The Trumps stink to high heaven for God's sake. So does Saudi Arabia and so does the GOP and so do you functionally. Change the damn channel.
Nice work if you can get it. Don’t have to teach a class, barely have to make an appearance at the office, and yet get paid $900,000 a year for…..what? Any connection to the fact the the Communists donated $50 million to the university, and that some of Biden’s hidden top-secret documents were found in his office there?

My friend wants to know.

Sorry bout that,

1. FBI/CIA in on it too?
2. DOJ making sure nothing happens?
3. They are *ALL* on the take.
4. *Year of the Taking Monkey in China*.

I'm sure you've earned it and your company gives you money so shut the hell up it's another GOP bunch of crap. I wouldn't be surprised if he earned it by screwing over the United states for money... The Trumps stink to high heaven for God's sake. So does Saudi Arabia and so does the GOP and so do you functionally. Change the damn channel.
Maybe one day you will manage a coherent post.
You claimed the Saudis GAVE Kushner $2 billion.

Thats is a proven lie, Simp.

All right...............the Saudis invested 2 billion in a brand new firm that Kuchner founded after he left the WH, and used his connections with bin Salaman to get the investment from Saudi Arabia (even though most of the other Saudis thought it was a piss poor deal).

And, because of their investment, they GAVE Kuchner 25 million (because Kuchner gets the money, regardless of the success or failure of the investment). Still over 25 times the amount that Biden was given by the university. And yeah, I said the Saudis GAVE Kuchner 25 million, because he gets the money no matter what happens.

At least Biden's 900,000 was for 3 years worth of his time and name. Kuchner got the 25 million just because of his friendship with bin Salaman, because the Saudis wouldn't have invested if it weren't for bin Salaman forcing them to invest with Kuchner.

Okay...............maybe Franco exaggerated a bit, the Saudis didn't give him 2 billion, they gave him 25 million. Still a hell of a lot more than what Biden got from the university, and Biden at least had to give the appearance of working, unlike Kuchner who didn't do squat other than sell the Saudis a promise he doesn't have to make good on (which is what investing is).
Nice work if you can get it. Don’t have to teach a class, barely have to make an appearance at the office, and yet get paid $900,000 a year for…..what? Any connection to the fact the the Communists donated $50 million to the university, and that some of Biden’s hidden top-secret documents were found in his office there?

My friend wants to know.

Elitist welfare!
Elitist welfare!

So what do we call it when you form a new investment company and get the Saudi prince (who is your friend) to force his country to invest 2 billion in your brand new company (even though his country is against it) so you can make 25 MILLION off the deal, regardless of whether or not it's successful?
All right...............the Saudis invested 2 billion in a brand new firm that Kuchner founded after he left the WH, and used his connections with bin Salaman to get the investment from Saudi Arabia (even though most of the other Saudis thought it was a piss poor deal).

And, because of their investment, they GAVE Kuchner 25 million (because Kuchner gets the money, regardless of the success or failure of the investment). Still over 25 times the amount that Biden was given by the university. And yeah, I said the Saudis GAVE Kuchner 25 million, because he gets the money no matter what happens.

At least Biden's 900,000 was for 3 years worth of his time and name. Kuchner got the 25 million just because of his friendship with bin Salaman, because the Saudis wouldn't have invested if it weren't for bin Salaman forcing them to invest with Kuchner.

Okay...............maybe Franco exaggerated a bit, the Saudis didn't give him 2 billion, they gave him 25 million. Still a hell of a lot more than what Biden got from the university, and Biden at least had to give the appearance of working, unlike Kuchner who didn't do squat other than sell the Saudis a promise he doesn't have to make good on (which is what investing is).
So you admit francoHFW is a lying sack of shit.

Got it.
So what do we call it when you form a new investment company and get the Saudi prince (who is your friend) to force his country to invest 2 billion in your brand new company (even though his country is against it) so you can make 25 MILLION off the deal, regardless of whether or not it's successful?

What are you babbling about??
But do they get rewarded via a third party that collected $50 million from American’s worst enemy? Together with hiding classified documents in the office? I don’t think THAT is common.

i would hope that if this does indeed turn out to be as corrupt as it appears, you would agree we can’t have a president in office that is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party. It’s dangerous for America.
$900k for a personal.unsecured iffice whete classified documents were dropped off snd left...
Maybe one day you will manage a coherent post.
Your definition of give is ridiculous and just the kind of crap the GOP uses in their propaganda to avoid the point forever. your company also gives you money, whether you earn it or not lol. Trump's son-in-law I'm sure he earned it one way or another but he's part of the government, he's not supposed to be swinging deals for himself and the crime family as it were if you want to talk about an actual crime family...

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