Why was it racist to think Obama was born in Kenya? Serous question

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I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!

Okay we’re getting somewhere. Claiming Obama is Kenyan is claiming he’s not American. Agreed. Now how is claiming someone is not American racist?
Notice how the Nazis never want to give up the dumb act!
Claiming BLACKS are not true Americans is racist.
Get it?

Whose claiming that? Are all blacks Americans? Can there be a black that is not American?
Keep that dumb act coming!

I must be dumb, because I can’t figure out why claiming someone is not from America is racist.

Are the same standards applied equally? Has any other president's legitimacy of birth been questioned like this and gone on and on and on in frivolous court cases? If not...why not?

Well it’s a pretty unique circumstance, wouldn’t you say? There was some smoke. It’s also well established that the smoke first came from Clinton staffers.

Ahhhh....now you are trying to justify it. There wasn't smoke, and, it didn't start with Clinton. The smoke was fictional but useful for justifying initially believing the conspiracy theory. The only unique thing was that Obama was black.


In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004. That spiraled into a concerted effort by conspiracy theorists to raise doubts about Obama’s birthplace and religion — and essentially paint him as un-American.
Yes, there was smoke, and where's the smoke, there's fire...

American, so called conservatives and republicans are too dumb to even understand their bias and racism. Marginalizing Pres Obama was the goal fools. Wake up, they play you like puppets. But one wonders are you really this dumb or is this a troll of some sect? Info below for the thoughtful reader.

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

'To be black and conscious of anti-black racism is to stare into the mirror of your own extinction.'

'White Supremacist Ideas Have Historical Roots In U.S. Christianity'

"Why didn't white Christians show up?" he recalled wondering. To his dismay, Cross learned that many of the people in the white mob were regular churchgoers. In the years that followed, he made it part of his ministry to educate his fellow Christians about the attack and prompt them to reflect on its meaning."

I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!

Okay we’re getting somewhere. Claiming Obama is Kenyan is claiming he’s not American. Agreed. Now how is claiming someone is not American racist?
Notice how the Nazis never want to give up the dumb act!
Claiming BLACKS are not true Americans is racist.
Get it?

Whose claiming that? Are all blacks Americans? Can there be a black that is not American?
Keep that dumb act coming!

I must be dumb, because I can’t figure out why claiming someone is not from America is racist.

Are the same standards applied equally? Has any other president's legitimacy of birth been questioned like this and gone on and on and on in frivolous court cases? If not...why not?

Well it’s a pretty unique circumstance, wouldn’t you say? There was some smoke. It’s also well established that the smoke first came from Clinton staffers.

Ahhhh....now you are trying to justify it. There wasn't smoke, and, it didn't start with Clinton. The smoke was fictional but useful for justifying initially believing the conspiracy theory. The only unique thing was that Obama was black.


In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004. That spiraled into a concerted effort by conspiracy theorists to raise doubts about Obama’s birthplace and religion — and essentially paint him as un-American.

Trying to justify what? I already said I never subscribed to the theory, but it’s a fact that birthplace was in question. It’s not often where that’s the case for a president or presidential candidate. I dismiss it as a conspiracy theory because I don’t believe there’s enough evidence. But there are well documented reasons why people believe Obama wasn’t born here.
Hey...shit stain....the democrat party questioned John McCain's birth certificate because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone...you moron..

The Dems defended McCain it was bloggers who questioned McCain's birth.

Questions in 2008 about the presidential eligibility of McCain, who was born in the Panama Canal Zone to two American parents, never reached the level of Obama or even Cruz, and McCain was helped out by his fellow senators and even Democratic presidential candidates agreeing that he was eligible.

And people still believe Obama was an eligitmate president who was born overseas.
Because he was. Even his brother says so.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

Yes...I think it is when there is zero evidence to support it and he is uniquely singled out as having a fake birth certificate.
What obama displayed online was a digital forgery of a "certificate of birth." It was not a "birth certificate." Two very different things.

His only known true hard copy "birth certificate" is the one his brother finally produced, from KENYA...


Fact Check: No (again), that is not Obama’s birth certificate from Kenya
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!

Okay we’re getting somewhere. Claiming Obama is Kenyan is claiming he’s not American. Agreed. Now how is claiming someone is not American racist?
Notice how the Nazis never want to give up the dumb act!
Claiming BLACKS are not true Americans is racist.
Get it?

Whose claiming that? Are all blacks Americans? Can there be a black that is not American?
Keep that dumb act coming!

I must be dumb, because I can’t figure out why claiming someone is not from America is racist.

Are the same standards applied equally? Has any other president's legitimacy of birth been questioned like this and gone on and on and on in frivolous court cases? If not...why not?

Well it’s a pretty unique circumstance, wouldn’t you say? There was some smoke. It’s also well established that the smoke first came from Clinton staffers.

Ahhhh....now you are trying to justify it. There wasn't smoke, and, it didn't start with Clinton. The smoke was fictional but useful for justifying initially believing the conspiracy theory. The only unique thing was that Obama was black.


In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004. That spiraled into a concerted effort by conspiracy theorists to raise doubts about Obama’s birthplace and religion — and essentially paint him as un-American.
Yes, there was smoke, and where's the smoke, there's fire...

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I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
The lazy answer would be one of association with racism. Did you ever meet and actually talk to someone you knew or believed to be a racist that wasn't caught up in that crap. Some are convinced to this very day. Of course some of proponents of the Kenyan birth theory (Birthers) people are probably against the constitution or many parts of it, like reciprocity among the states, so may be prone to other unpatriotic concepts, including racism. Guilt by association is not always true, only an indicator.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

Yes...I think it is when there is zero evidence to support it and he is uniquely singled out as having a fake birth certificate.
What obama displayed online was a digital forgery of a "certificate of birth." It was not a "birth certificate." Two very different things.

His only known true hard copy "birth certificate" is the one his brother finally produced, from KENYA...


Fact Check: No (again), that is not Obama’s birth certificate from Kenya
Sorry, DUMBASS, but that is a DIFFERENT birth certificate, so, jokes on YOU, shit for brains.
Obama's Connecticut social security excuses...take your pick:

September 14, 2012
A Possible Explanation for Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number
By Jack Cashill

As I reported on Tuesday, Barack Obama has yet to provide an explanation for how he came to have a Social Security number that begins with the Connecticut prefix "042."
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert read the piece. He has been in Hawaii doing follow-up research on his insightful new documentary, Dreams from My Real Father, and he sent me the single best explanation I have yet to see.

What intrigued me about this story from the moment Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels first came across Obama's Connecticut SSN was the ineptness of the left-wing explanations.
"Numbers are assigned based on the return address on the request envelope, not residency," crowed Jason Linkins in the Huffington Post, as though he had said something meaningful. Linkins suggested two possible explanations, both preposterous.

One is that Obama applied for his SSN as a little boy in Indonesia for no known reason, and the application just happened to be processed in Connecticut for no known reason, too.
For the second, Linkins cited the argument of Carole Gilbert (no relation to Joel Gilbert) in the Yahoo-related "Associated Content." Said Carole Gilbert, presumably with a straight face, "In fact, Barack Obama's dad attended college in Connecticut and in 1977, Obama was college aged; is it beyond reason to consider that he might have checked out his father's alma mater?"
Last time I checked, Harvard was in Massachusetts. The closest town to Harvard in Connecticut is about 90 minutes away, and there is no record at all that Obama Sr. lived there, let alone that Obama visited his imaginary alma mater and just happened to apply for a Social Security card while visiting.

On the respectable right, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly finessed this claim. "[Obama's] father lived in Connecticut for several years," O'Reilly said inaccurately on air last April. He added that "babies sometimes get numbers based on addresses provided by their parents." Wrong again.
The left-leaning fact-checking service Snopes.com addresses the SSN issue, but evasively. It leads with a red herring about a man named Jean Paul Ludwig, whose SSN Obama is allegedly using. "False," says Snopes. But Daniels has never mentioned a Ludwig or anyone else.
Snopes then repeats the irrelevant detail that Obama would only need to have sent his application in from Connecticut, but how or why the 16-year-old Obama could or would have done so is overlooked.

Snopes concludes that "the most likely explanation" is a "simple clerical or typographical error." Obama, they contend, lived in the Hawaii zip code of 96814, while the zip code for Danbury, CT is 06814. As it happens, "clerical error" is the same excuse used to explain away Obama's claim to a Kenyan birth in his literary agent's 1991 promotional piece.

Joel Gilbert suggests a more likely explanation. In doing his research in Hawaii, Gilbert heard from several sources that pre-statehood, every institution or branch of government in Hawaii was dominated by the Japanese syndicate known as the "Yakuza, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and a complicit bureaucracy. "After statehood in 1959 the Federal Government came in, and the syndicate went underground, but maintained the same control, and does so to this day," says Gilbert.

"Hawaii was and is a corrupt state," Gilbert continues. He was told by retired Honolulu police detectives that in the state bureaucracy, "anything could be purchased, including Social Security numbers." These were real numbers, likely available because the original card holder was dead. The sellers trafficked in SSNs that did not originate in Hawaii. That way, if the person using the phony SSN were ever caught, the crime would be traced back to the issuing state, not the Hawaii office.

Gilbert's theory is that the SSN problem is related to the question of Obama's birth certificate, which is required to get a SSN. Lacking a valid birth certificate, Obama was forced to buy an SSN so he could get his first job at the Baskin Robbins in 1977. In this theory, Obama was sold an SSN that was Connecticut-based so it couldn't be traced back to the Hawaii office.
The easiest way to test this theory and establish the truth is to ask the people who know. WND's veteran White House correspondent Les Kinsolving tried to do just this at a press briefing a few years back. Predictably, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs laughed Kinsolving off and switched the subject to the birth certificate.

In a televised address two years ago, Obama famously said, "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide." So could someone in the media please ask him about that "042"? We can be sure they would be asking questions if Mitt Romney had a Hawaii-based SSN, and they would not be satisfying themselves with "clerical error."
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
The lazy answer would be one of association with racism. Did you ever meet and actually talk to someone you knew or believed to be a racist that wasn't caught up in that crap. Some are convinced to this very day. Of course some of proponents of the Kenyan birth theory (Birthers) people are probably against the constitution or many parts of it, like reciprocity among the states, so may be prone to other unpatriotic concepts, including racism. Guilt by association is not always true, only an indicator.

Well it’s true that many racists believed it. That still doesn’t make believing it racist.

I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!
Forget about this Nazi shit. To say that Obama is from Kenya is just relying on bits of information we have learned over the years.

1. His own booklet describes him as being from Kenya and that is a whopper of a mistake that would be hard to overlook when it states that on the cover....

2. A family remember his birth in Kenya....

3. his social security number matched some dead soul from Connecticut where Obama never stepped foot in the state....

4..The governor of Hawaii determined to show Obama's birth certificate at first declared, there was no birth certificate, but instead a note in its place, but later said he found the certificate that was not authentic...no doctor's signature and the title of the document was inaccurate.

5. his wife once inadvertently said the Obama was in his "homeland" while visiting the state...

BUt really, who would question Honest Hussein?
Lies, all lies.

What a load of horse shit!!!!!
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

It's not..... considering his mother lived over seas a lot of her life, and married a guy who was actually from Kenya, it wasn't and still isn't a dumb question...especially since he sold himself as being born in Kenya to get his first book deal...
Not to mention it is a condition of ELIGIBILITY to be president!

Yep...that too...but his mother was an American citizen so he is automatically an American citizen even if born over seas........that was the problem with the birth certificate issue.
If he was born to American Citizens (his father is in question), that merely makes him an American citizen as well, but does not make him a Natural Born citizen, so sorry, Obumma should never have held office. When in doubt, you always default to the safest, strongest position. One of the first great unlawful violations foisted by the Democrats.

I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

Yes...I think it is when there is zero evidence to support it and he is uniquely singled out as having a fake birth certificate.
What obama displayed online was a digital forgery of a "certificate of birth." It was not a "birth certificate." Two very different things.

His only known true hard copy "birth certificate" is the one his brother finally produced, from KENYA...


Fact Check: No (again), that is not Obama’s birth certificate from Kenya
Sorry, DUMBASS, but that is a DIFFERENT birth certificate, so, jokes on YOU, shit for brains.
Your BC is the same BC with a gold seal photoshopped in at the bottom. It has all the same errors as the fake BC in the article.
Last edited:
An answer to post # 35:
Hawaii Gov. Says Proof of Obama's Birth Certificate Exists but Hasn't Produced the Document

Gov. Neil Abercrombie has yet to produce document and quiet the doubters.



January 20, 2011, 11:30 AM

5 min read

Hawaii Gov. Says Proof of Obama's Birth Certificate Exists but Hasn't Produced the Document

Gov. Neil Abercrombie Has Utterly Failed To Prove Obama Was Born In Hawaii


Guest Contributor


January 20, 2011



Officials in Hawaii need to track down only one document: The original Obama birth certificate with the name of the hospital and the doctor, his or her signature. How difficult can it be for the governor of Hawaii to track down one document? He can dispatch hundreds of state employees to search for Obama`s birth certificate.

Governor Abercrombie stated `our investigation` indicates there is a recording of his birth.” This is nothing but doublespeak, there either is or isn`t a birth certificate. What the hell does Abercrombie mean by using the phrase “our investigation indicates”?

President Obama is entitled to the respect of his office, but he hasn`t earned that respect. The only way Obama can earn that respect is by proving he`s actually qualified to be the President of the United States.

Abercrombie has utterly failed in his mission to prove that Obama was born in the United States. To sate that “officials have tracked down papers indicating that President Obama was indeed born in Hawaii” falls woefully short of proving that Obama is a citizen of the United States. To claim that “our investigation `indicates there is a recording of his birth” doesn`t mean Jack.

Show us the money! Show us the birth certificate!

I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!
Forget about this Nazi shit. To say that Obama is from Kenya is just relying on bits of information we have learned over the years.

1. His own booklet describes him as being from Kenya and that is a whopper of a mistake that would be hard to overlook when it states that on the cover....

2. A family remember his birth in Kenya....

3. his social security number matched some dead soul from Connecticut where Obama never stepped foot in the state....

4..The governor of Hawaii determined to show Obama's birth certificate at first declared, there was no birth certificate, but instead a note in its place, but later said he found the certificate that was not authentic...no doctor's signature and the title of the document was inaccurate.

5. his wife once inadvertently said the Obama was in his "homeland" while visiting the state...

BUt really, who would question Honest Hussein?
Lies, all lies.

What a load of horse shit!!!!!

Why do you say it is horse shit? Because you want it to be?

I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!
Forget about this Nazi shit. To say that Obama is from Kenya is just relying on bits of information we have learned over the years.

1. His own booklet describes him as being from Kenya and that is a whopper of a mistake that would be hard to overlook when it states that on the cover....

2. A family remember his birth in Kenya....

3. his social security number matched some dead soul from Connecticut where Obama never stepped foot in the state....

4..The governor of Hawaii determined to show Obama's birth certificate at first declared, there was no birth certificate, but instead a note in its place, but later said he found the certificate that was not authentic...no doctor's signature and the title of the document was inaccurate.

5. his wife once inadvertently said the Obama was in his "homeland" while visiting the state...

BUt really, who would question Honest Hussein?
Lies, all lies.

What a load of horse shit!!!!!

Why do you say it is horse shit? Because you want it to be?

Because it is!
Even you know that!
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