Why was it racist to think Obama was born in Kenya? Serous question

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I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!
Forget about this Nazi shit. To say that Obama is from Kenya is just relying on bits of information we have learned over the years.

1. His own booklet describes him as being from Kenya and that is a whopper of a mistake that would be hard to overlook when it states that on the cover....

2. A family remember his birth in Kenya....

3. his social security number matched some dead soul from Connecticut where Obama never stepped foot in the state....

4..The governor of Hawaii determined to show Obama's birth certificate at first declared, there was no birth certificate, but instead a note in its place, but later said he found the certificate that was not authentic...no doctor's signature and the title of the document was inaccurate.

5. his wife once inadvertently said the Obama was in his "homeland" while visiting the state...

BUt really, who would question Honest Hussein?
Lies, all lies.

What a load of horse shit!!!!!

Why do you say it is horse shit? Because you want it to be?

Because it is!
Even you know that!

You can google every claim and find it is the truth. BTW, it is ignorant of you to claim that the fact that Obama has a homeland in Kenya is not racist, it just merely a fact and doesn't make him any less of a person than if he was born in Hoboken. So this fantasy that anyone who wants to know exactly where he was born, is a truth finder but not hardly a racist!!

I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!
Forget about this Nazi shit. To say that Obama is from Kenya is just relying on bits of information we have learned over the years.

1. His own booklet describes him as being from Kenya and that is a whopper of a mistake that would be hard to overlook when it states that on the cover....

2. A family remember his birth in Kenya....

3. his social security number matched some dead soul from Connecticut where Obama never stepped foot in the state....

4..The governor of Hawaii determined to show Obama's birth certificate at first declared, there was no birth certificate, but instead a note in its place, but later said he found the certificate that was not authentic...no doctor's signature and the title of the document was inaccurate.

5. his wife once inadvertently said the Obama was in his "homeland" while visiting the state...

BUt really, who would question Honest Hussein?
Lies, all lies.

What a load of horse shit!!!!!

Why do you say it is horse shit? Because you want it to be?

Because it is!
Even you know that!

You can google every claim and find it is the truth. BTW, it is ignorant of you to claim that the fact that Obama has a homeland in Kenya is not racist, it just merely a fact and doesn't make him any less of a person than if he was born in Hoboken. So this fantasy that anyone who wants to know exactly where he was born, is a truth finder but not hardly a racist!!
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!

but, that no one thought that herman cain was not an american. and he was black. why was that?
Cain was a Republican, if he was a Dem the GOP would have treated him like Obama, but you knew that already!

so, it's not race then. lt is partisan. to us republicans you democrats have drifted so far to the left, that we cannot believe that you are really Americans.

But, just because your reasoning is wrong, does not mean that it is not what you truly believe.

so, thank you for answering the op. and on topic.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

It's not racist to believe President Obama was born in Kenya. It's an indication that one who does believe this is a biddable fool, and most likely believes every lie trump has uttered at rallies, on tweets and every time he opens his mouth when not eating.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

It's not..... considering his mother lived over seas a lot of her life, and married a guy who was actually from Kenya, it wasn't and still isn't a dumb question...especially since he sold himself as being born in Kenya to get his first book deal...

No he did not. A publicist from the book company assumed he was born in Kenya, and never bothered to ask him, and said it in a publicity handout.
Some blacks say Charlize Theron isn't African because she is white. She was born in Africa.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

It's not..... considering his mother lived over seas a lot of her life, and married a guy who was actually from Kenya, it wasn't and still isn't a dumb question...especially since he sold himself as being born in Kenya to get his first book deal...

I agree it’s not. I’ve yet to hear any liberal articulate why it’s racist.
Because screaming racist is what they did expecting to get whoever said he was born in Kenya to SHUT UP.

Screaming racist is always democrats go to phrase to get people to SHUT UP.

That’s part of it, I agree. The other part is to demonize the opposition

I think "you're racist" gets used way too much. But sometimes it fits. And the different ways McCain and Obama were treated speaks volumes imo.

McCain was slandered way more than obama

Only by Donald Trump. Captain Bone Spurs hates all real American heros. Even liberals acknowledge that McCain was an American hero. I have never heard anyone except Donald Trump and his cultists say otherwise.
It's not racist to believe President Obama was born in Kenya. It's an indication that one who does believe this is a biddable fool, and most likely believes every lie trump has uttered at rallies, on tweets and every time he opens his mouth when not eating.
LMAO @ the TDS ......

You guys appear soooo desperate.
Only by Donald Trump. Captain Bone Spurs hates all real American heros. Even liberals acknowledge that McCain was an American hero. I have never heard anyone except Donald Trump and his cultists say otherwise.
Even McCain's fellow soldiers acknowledge McCain was a traitor to his own Country.

LMAO @ all the Stupid Shit Leftist believe !!!!
Some blacks say Charlize Theron isn't African because she is white. She was born in Africa.

And some conservatives say liberals aren't American because they don't adhere to a strict ideology.
It's not racist to believe President Obama was born in Kenya. It's an indication that one who does believe this is a biddable fool, and most likely believes every lie trump has uttered at rallies, on tweets and every time he opens his mouth when not eating.
LMAO @ the TDS ......

You guys appear soooo desperate.

Trump detractors appear desperate to you? What evidence do you have, certainly using the long hackneyed TDS echo is far from proof.

Look and see how many threads have been posted attacking VP Biden mental acuity? That my friend is desperation, there must be three a day and all are occupied by circle jerkers.

I admit to beating the drum about Trump's mental acuity, however I have posted documented evidence of his unfitness to be president multiple times with links to the DSM 5, and other sources from professional medical sites.

The Personal Disorders I've perceived in his behavior clearly meet the diagnosis in Cluster A [Paranoid and Schizotypal]; Cluster B [Antisocial, Histrionic & Narcissistic] and Cluster C [Avoidant & Obsessive Compulsive].
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!
Are you playing dumb?
"American" is not a race.
Think better.
Another dumbass uninformed Leftist ....

Perhaps you should look up John Dramesi.

Or you could just keep post dumbass Leftist uniformed BS.

Since when did being not retarded become "leftist?"

Oh, that's right, when gullible uneducated rubes like yourself started posting.

Wait, you have ODS. That explains everything.
Since when did being not retarded become "leftist?"

Oh, that's right, when gullible uneducated rubes like yourself started posting.

Wait, you have ODS. That explains everything.
You guys are so uninformed it's hilarious ..... all the crazy shit you post !!
Trump detractors appear desperate to you? What evidence do you have, certainly using the long hackneyed TDS echo is far from proof.

Look and see how many threads have been posted attacking VP Biden mental acuity? That my friend is desperation, there must be three a day and all are occupied by circle jerkers.

I admit to beating the drum about Trump's mental acuity, however I have posted documented evidence of his unfitness to be president multiple times with links to the DSM 5, and other sources from professional medical sites.

The Personal Disorders I've perceived in his behavior clearly meet the diagnosis in Cluster A [Paranoid and Schizotypal]; Cluster B [Antisocial, Histrionic & Narcissistic] and Cluster C [Avoidant & Obsessive Compulsive].
Every American has seen Biden's mental capacities diminish.

You are either LYING about what everyone has seen or you are truly too uninformed to be discussing this topic.
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