Why was it racist to think Obama was born in Kenya? Serous question

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Some blacks say Charlize Theron isn't African because she is white. She was born in Africa.

And some conservatives say liberals aren't American because they don't adhere to a strict ideology.
It's not that all liberals aren't American; it's that all liberals are anti-American.
Is that like saying all conservatives are racist?
That will always be an accusation. Its just that saying most liberals are racist would be the same. A lot of people have backed what we have today. And they were screwed over for it.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
Birth certificate issued by the state of Hawaii ? Not good enough for you nut jobs?? Must suck to have your brain filled with such drivel nonsense.

There's no Hawaiian birth certificate. That's a lie. All there is is a "copy" certificate - generated on demand. Like if my wife sends money to California and gets a "copy" of her birth certificate or I send money to the State Department and they send me a copy. It's not an actual copy, printed from a 65 year-old PDF file; it's a new form filled out by a modern-day human. Obama's birth certificate was not created from an original record because no such original record exists. If it did exist, it would have been shown.
Obama produced a birth certificate. It was legit. If you aren't a racist, don't push racist beliefs.
The question is not whether B. Hussein was born in Kenya.

The Leftist just use that question to distract from the real issues.

The real question is if the Birth Certificate is authentic.

That question has not been answered.
YES! The issue is the lie, not where he first saw daylight. He would have been better off to just admit he was born in Kenya.
He wasn't born in Kenya.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!

Okay we’re getting somewhere. Claiming Obama is Kenyan is claiming he’s not American. Agreed. Now how is claiming someone is not American racist?
Notice how the Nazis never want to give up the dumb act!
Claiming BLACKS are not true Americans is racist.
Get it?

Whose claiming that? Are all blacks Americans? Can there be a black that is not American?
Keep that dumb act coming!

I must be dumb, because I can’t figure out why claiming someone is not from America is racist.

Are the same standards applied equally? Has any other president's legitimacy of birth been questioned like this and gone on and on and on in frivolous court cases? If not...why not?

Because no other presidential candidate has said they were born outside of the US and then said they were born in the US. Both can't be true so people want to get to the truth.
No presidential candidate has done that.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
It is pretty obvious why it is racist, but Nazis like to play dumb.
To a Nazi racist, blacks are OTHER than American, And saying Obama was born in Kenya makes him OTHER than American.
Now you can't play dumb any more!

Hey...shit stain....the democrat party questioned John McCain's birth certificate because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone...you moron..

Again....since you are obviously really, really, fucking stupid....

His mother lived in foreign countries for most of her adult life.....she married a guy and lived with him over seas......you dumb ass......

And Ted Cruz' because he was born in Canada. The problem for Obama was the lie. Once told, it led to many more lies to protect the first lie.
Obama did not lie.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

You wouldn't understand.

I believe you're right. Rocko wouldn't understand about being a racist. But since you're an admitted racist, it's clear that you would understand about racism.
She's not a racist but Rocko is. And really, so are you. You practice aversive or color blind racism.



The question is not whether B. Hussein was born in Kenya.

The Leftist just use that question to distract from the real issues.

The real question is if the Birth Certificate is authentic.

That question has not been answered.
YES! The issue is the lie, not where he first saw daylight. He would have been better off to just admit he was born in Kenya.
He wasn't born in Kenya.
Barry in his book said he was born n Kenya
Michelle in a speech said he was born in Kenya
So are you calling them liars?
Some blacks say Charlize Theron isn't African because she is white. She was born in Africa.

And some conservatives say liberals aren't American because they don't adhere to a strict ideology.
It's not that all liberals aren't American; it's that all liberals are anti-American.
Is that like saying all conservatives are racist?

Zero conservatives are racists. It is not possible to be conservative and racist.
She's not a racist but Rocko is. And really, so are you. You practice aversive or color blind racism.
Color blind racism... How is that possible?

And Penelope has admitted she's an anti-Semite. She' a racist.
This post has been warned for off topic flaming. Please do not respond to it.
Prove you wrong? Haha...no. If i had my way, i would put your dumb ass on every morning talk show. The best way to embarrass dumbfucks like you is to let you talk.
That's because you can't.

You Leftist will ALWAYS choose the Fake News and the Communist propaganda (aka every morning talk show) over FACTS every time !!!

And, that was my original point.

Thanks for proving just that ......
You're a special little guy.
No one ever claimed Jessie Jackson wasn’t born in America. No one ever claimed Al Sharpton wasn’t born in America.
They don't have african sounding names. Remember, the people in charge of birtherism never thought it was valid. They were just riling up the morons.
Why didn't you question their birth certificates? I do not think being a birther is necessarily in and of itself racist. But there is a large component of racism in it. It's base claim is the president is illegitimate and not American.

Why would I question their birth certificates? The both admitted to being foreign-born.

I question Obama's because he, also, effectively admits to being foreign-born but then changed his story. He didn't question or challenge the publisher bio until just before running for President.

You see every challenge to Obama as racist. It's never about him as a person but only about him as a black man. You see him only as a black man. I voted for him because I saw him as an outsider who promised the most transparent administration in history. I didn't agree with him on everything. I emailed and got a reply from his team about my greatest fear before voting for a Democrat and was assured that he had no designs on gun confiscation but, and I disagreed, he supported common-sense gun control (whatever that is). I weight the risks overall versus what I hoped would be the benefits and I voted for him - as a man. I didn't vote for him because he was black, though I was thrilled that the best of the two candidates also was black; it was a great moment in history. I didn't vote against McCain because he was white. I voted for Obama and against McCain based on their history and, to the extent I believed them, their promises. Those of you who only see Obama as the first clean, articulate, black man are the racists.

I still think I made the right choice in voting for Obama over McCain even though Obama became perhaps the least transparent president in history. At least he didn't enact any new gun control or confiscate guns - unlike Biden's promise.
That’s what’s going wrong with this forum. All these accusations of racism. And mostly. One person who insists he can decide who is racist and who is not. It’s terrible. And we have a member who opens screams about “white motherfuckers” I have yet to get an answer as to what would happen if some conservatives said that about a black person.
Obama produced a birth certificate. It was legit. If you aren't a racist, don't push racist beliefs.

Obama produced a copy of a birth certificate, not a photocopy but a copy prepared, supposedly, from the original birth records but the original birth records have never been provided for proof. In fact, the copy didn't even have a printed or stamped seal. Apparently it is required to but his copy isn't the only one ever produced without the required stamp. If it had the stamp it might have had more credibility.

There may be racists who question Obama's birth but questioning his birth is not, by default, racist. If a person who is racist likes the color green, does that make everyone who likes green a racist?
Some blacks say Charlize Theron isn't African because she is white. She was born in Africa.

And some conservatives say liberals aren't American because they don't adhere to a strict ideology.
It's not that all liberals aren't American; it's that all liberals are anti-American.
Bullshit. Conservatives don't define what's American.

No, they don't; you're correct. That doesn't mean that liberals aren't anti-American. Liberals want to undo the Constitution that does define what's American.
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