Why was it racist to think Obama was born in Kenya? Serous question

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I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?
Birth certificate issued by the state of Hawaii ? Not good enough for you nut jobs?? Must suck to have your brain filled with such drivel nonsense.

There's no Hawaiian birth certificate. That's a lie. All there is is a "copy" certificate - generated on demand. Like if my wife sends money to California and gets a "copy" of her birth certificate or I send money to the State Department and they send me a copy. It's not an actual copy, printed from a 65 year-old PDF file; it's a new form filled out by a modern-day human. Obama's birth certificate was not created from an original record because no such original record exists. If it did exist, it would have been shown.
Obama produced a birth certificate. It was legit. If you aren't a racist, don't push racist beliefs.
Bullshit. After one was doctored up, and then later they killed the clerk.
This post has been warned for being a completely off topic flame.
I have heard about you. You enjoy tucking your junk and standing in front of a mirror, pretending you are Melania.

As soon as you prove me wrong, i will prove you wrong.
All you psycho bed wetting Leftist have are personal insults.

It's because you mentally sick fvcks can never back up the psycho shit you regurgitate from the Fake News MSM.

Go find your Safe Space and order yourself a pink unicorn pony ride.
All you psycho bed wetting Leftist have are personal insults.

It's because you mentally sick fvcks can never back up the psycho shit you regurgitate from the Fake News MSM.

Go find your Safe Space and order yourself a pink unicorn pony ride.
Oops, sorry, not proof. Please don't post again until you have the proof.
Oops, sorry, not proof. Please don't post again until you have the proof.
I am not the one who needs the proof.

There is no proof that B. Husein's birth certificate was proven to be authentic in a court of law.

It was challenged more than once.

The proof your dumbass is asking for does not exist.

That's my point.

You really aren't very good at this are you.

You're just another Low IQ Leftist troll here aren't you.

Perhaps I should put your trolling dumbass on ignore.
Oops, sorry, not proof. Please don't post again until you have the proof.
I am not the one who needs the proof.

There is no proof that B. Husein's birth certificate was proven to be authentic in a court of law.

It was challenged more than once.

The proof your dumbass is asking for does not exist.

That's my point.

You really aren't very good at this are you.

You're just another Low IQ Leftist troll here aren't you.

Perhaps I should put your trolling dumbass on ignore.
I believe I told you not to post again, until you had the proof.
Obama did not lie.
Lying by omission is still a lie. If he allowed his publisher to continue, for years, to misrepresent his birth place as Kenya because it was profitable for them both and if he was actually born in Hawaii, then he lied by not correcting the lie. One way or another, one story or the other, he lied.
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

It's not..... considering his mother lived over seas a lot of her life, and married a guy who was actually from Kenya, it wasn't and still isn't a dumb question...especially since he sold himself as being born in Kenya to get his first book deal...

I agree it’s not. I’ve yet to hear any liberal articulate why it’s racist.

Its not what?
I don’t subscribe to the theory, how is it racist? I mean is there something bad about being born in Kenya?

It's not..... considering his mother lived over seas a lot of her life, and married a guy who was actually from Kenya, it wasn't and still isn't a dumb question...especially since he sold himself as being born in Kenya to get his first book deal...

I agree it’s not. I’ve yet to hear any liberal articulate why it’s racist.
Total disrespect for the man. Absolutely ridiculous.
The question is not whether B. Hussein was born in Kenya.

The Leftist just use that question to distract from the real issues.

The real question is if the Birth Certificate is authentic.

That question has not been answered.
YES! The issue is the lie, not where he first saw daylight. He would have been better off to just admit he was born in Kenya.
He wasn't born in Kenya.
It doesnt matter if he was. His mother was American, so he was too.
Why does it matter where Obama was born? His mother was American, so he was too.
Why does it matter where Obama was born? His mother was American, so he was too.
The part about being a natural-born citizen as being a requirement to be president of The United States.
How do you NOT know this?
Got fucked out of a proper Civics class, or what?
Why does it matter where Obama was born? His mother was American, so he was too.
The part about being a natural-born citizen as being a requirement to be president of The United States.
How do you NOT know this?
Got fucked out of a proper Civics class, or what?
No need to be an asshole
Sorry if reality hurts. It is what it is. Apparently you DID get fucked out of a proper Civics class.
It's not your fault. The school board failed you.
I think remedial classes should be made available for free at the high schools at night.
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